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Acquisitions Editor Cliff Robichaud sugge
Prodtrction Editor Ken Santor Ms. N.
Designer Laura Nicholls to ackn
Manttfacturing M armger Mark Cirillo
Illustratiorr JaimePerea

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Droste. Ronald L.
a n d p r a cticc o f wa te r a n d wa ste wa te r tr eatment/by R onal d
L. Droste.
p cm.
I n c l u d e s i n c l e x.
I S B N 0 - 4 7 1 - 1 2 4 4 4 - 3( clo th : a tk. p a p e r )
1. Water-Purification. 2. Sewage-Purification. I. Title.
TD430.D76 1997 e6-15477
628.1'62-dc20 CIP
P r i n t c d i n t h c U nite d Sta te s o f An r e r ica

L!.8 rL:/v

::.e of AtomicWeights
:::ts by Name, Symbol, Atomic Number, and Atoniic Weight
:- ir rveightsare given to four significantfigures for elementsbelow atomic numtrer 104.SeeAppenclix D.)

Aton.ti( Atomic

\ 3me Symbol Number Weight N am e Symbol Number Weight

-:.:n AC 89 277.0 Mercury Hs 80 200.6
_- -1Um AI 13 26.98 Molybdenum Mo 95.9,1
-::J1Um Am 95 243.1 Neodymium - Nd 60 144.7
- _ :- -in\- Sb 51 121.8 Neon Ne 10 20..18
.::: 18 39.95 Neptunium Np 93 237.0
33 74.92 Nickel Ni 28 58.69
''::.:e At 85 210.0 Nielsbohrium Ns 107
, - _:', Ba 56 137.3 Niobium Nb 4l 92.91
BK 97 247.1 Nitrogen N 7 14.0.1
Be I 9.012 Nobelium No 102 25e.1
- :::h Bi 83 209.0 Osmium LJS 76 i 90.2
-: B 5 10.81 Oxygen o 8 16.00
l,ae Br .tf 79.90 Palladium Pd 71r6.4
::- :tr m Cd 48 112.4 Phosphorus P 15 30.97
::..:n Ca ?0 40.08 Platinum Pt 78 195.1
: Llllm CI 98 252.1 Plutonium t-u 94 239.7
::::: C 6 12.01 . Polonium Po ti4 2t 0.0
.a:-: Ce 58 140.1 Potassium K 19 39.10
Cs 55 132.9 Praseodymium Pr 59 1,10.9
'_-- l7 35..15 Promethium Pm ol 141.9
::!m a1 52.00 Protactinium Per 9l 231.0
:i-: Co z7 58.93 Radium Ra 88 226.0
Cu 29 63.55 Radon Rn 86 222.0
-: --L Cm 96 247.1 Rhenium Rc 75 186.2
Dy 66 162.5 Rhodium Rh 102.9
:lalunl Es 99 252.1 Rubidium Rb 37 E 5.47
_: Er 68 167.3 Ruthenium Rn .+,1 t0l .t
-- ::.lrr Eu 63 152.0 Rutherfordirrrn Rf 10.1
:_- -I Fm 100 257.1 Samarium Sm 62 150.,1
F 9 19.00 Scandiun Sc 21 11.96
_:::- :m Fr 87 223.0 Seaborgiuml 106
: : : .::tum Gd 64 l a /.z Selenium Se 78.96
: .-.:-. Ga 3l 69.72 Silicon Si 14 28.09
-- :1:llUm Ge 32 72.59 Silver 107.9
:-: 79 )97.0 Soriium Na 11 22.99
: :::ttrt I{f 72 178.5 Strontium Sr 38 E 7.62
: ::::)f,] Ha 105 Sulfur S 16 32.07
Ha 108 TJntalun 73 I80.9
:.-1, Ile 2 *n, Technetium Tc ,13 98.91
. : ': l m Ho 67 761.9 Tellurium Te 52 127.6
H I 1.008 I erDtuln Tt) 65 156.9
i::a In to 114.8 Thallium tl 81 201.+
I 53 126.9 Thorium Th 90 732.0
: ::l lr 77 192.2 Thulium Tm 69 168.9
a Fe 26 55.85 Tin Sn 50 118.7
-. ::.r a Kr 36 83.80 Titanium Ti 22 .r7.88
: a:: liunl La a/ I18.9 Tungsten 183.8
: .:alilum Lr 103 260.1 U r ani um U 92 236.i)
::: Pb 82 207.2 Vanadium 50.q{
':::t'. Li 3 6.941 Xenon Xe 11t.3
-:::: lm Lu 71 175.0 Ytterbi!rm Ytr 7Q 173.{ )
: a:a:lUnl Mg 12 2+.-10 Yttrium Y 39 83.e1
N{n /1 5,1.9,1 Z i nc Zn 30 65.39
: il€liUn1 tvlt 109 Z i r c oni um Lf 40 91.22
.: -leler ium Md 101 256.I

:: of elements 104, 105,and 107 to 109 have been enclorsedb! a committee of the Amcrican Chemical Socieryr
'- l\C (Sec.7.9) recommends clifferentrramesfor elcments 101 kr 108.
: sed ilmbol arrd name

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