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Remarks of President Barack Obama

Weekly Address on Latin America

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Washington, DC

In recent days, we’ve seen turmoil and tragedy around the world, from change in the Middle East
and North Africa to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.  As I said on Friday, we will work with
our partners in the region to protect innocent civilians in Libya and hold the Gaddafi regime
accountable.  And we will continue to stand with the people of Japan in their greatest hour of
As we respond to these immediate crises abroad, we also will not let up in our efforts to tackle
the pressing, ongoing challenges facing our country, including accelerating economic growth. 
That’s why, over the weekend, I’ll be in Latin America.  One of the main reasons for my trip is
to strengthen economic partnerships abroad so that we create good jobs at home.
Latin America is a part of the world where the economy is growing very quickly.  And as these
markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services.  The question is, Where are those
goods and services going to come from?  As President, I want to make sure these products are
made in America.  I want to open more markets around the world so that American companies
can do more business and hire more of our people.
Here’s a statistic to explain why this is important.  Every $1 billion of goods and services we
export supports more than 5,000 jobs in the United States.  So, the more we sell overseas, the
more jobs we create on our shores.  That’s why, last year, I set a goal for this country: to double
our exports by 2014.  And it’s a goal we’re on track to meet.
Part of the reason why is the rapid growth of Latin America, and their openness to American
business.  We now export more than three times as much to Latin America as we do to China,
and our exports to the region will soon support more than two million jobs here in the United
States.  Brazil, the first stop on our trip, is a great example.
In 2010, America’s exports to Brazil supported more than 250,000 American jobs.  These are
jobs at places like Capstone Turbine in California, which recently sold $2 million worth of high-
tech energy equipment to Brazil.  Another company is Rhino Assembly, a small business in
Charlotte, North Carolina that sells and repairs tools for building cars and planes.  A deal with a
distributor in Brazil has resulted in new sales and new employees at that firm.  And we can point
to large companies like Sikorsky, whose helicopter sales to Brazil help sustain a large, skilled
workforce in Connecticut, Alabama, and Pennsylvania.
Today, Brazil imports more goods from the United States than from any other nation.  And I’ll
be meeting with business leaders from both countries to talk about how we can create even more
jobs by deepening these economic ties.  After Brazil, I’ll also visit Chile, a country with a
growing economy, and increasing demand for American goods.  In fact, since 2004, our exports
there are up 300 percent, and now support about 70,000 jobs in the United States.  Finally, we’ll
head to El Salvador, a nation with so much promise for growth with the potential to benefit both
of our nations.
We’ve always had a special bond with our neighbors to the south.  It’s a bond born of shared
history and values, and strengthened by the millions of Americans who proudly trace their roots
to Latin America.  But what is clear is that in an increasingly global economy, our partnership
with these nations is only going to become more vital.  For it’s a source of growth and prosperity
– and not just for the people of Latin America, but for the American people as well.
Thank you.


- My Name is Tobby.
- That is a Good Nigger.


[ Old English sēon < Germanic]

[14th century. Via French tragédie < Greek

tragōidia "goat's song" < tragos "goat" +
aeidein "sing"]

In recent days, we’ve seen turmoil and tragedy around the world, from change in the Middle
East and North Africa to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 

[ Old English norþ < Germanic]

[ Old English middel]

[ Old English ic < Indo-European]

As I said on Friday, we will work with our partners in the region to protect innocent civilians in
Libya and hold the Gaddafi regime accountable.  And we will continue to stand with the people
of Japan in their greatest hour of need.
[ Old English wyllan < Indo-European]
[Mid-16th century. Via French < Latin
respondere "promise in return" < spondere "to
[14th century. Contraction of nought] pledge"]

[15th century. Via Latin < Greek krisis
"decisive moment" < krinein "decide"]

As we respond to these immediate crises abroad, we also will not let up in our efforts to tackle
the pressing, ongoing challenges facing our country, including accelerating economic growth. 
That’s why, over the weekend, I’ll be in Latin America. 

[15th century. < Latin includere "enclose"

ancient Roman language: the extinct Indo-European
< claudere "to shut"]
language of ancient Rome and its empire, adopted in medieval
Europe as the language of education, culture, religion, and

The Romance languages developed from Vulgar Latin, and its

prominence during medieval times led to Latin-derived words
entering the vocabularies of other European languages.

[ Old English strengþu < Germanic, "strong"] [ Old English mægen, influenced by Old
Norse magn < Germanic, "have power"]

One of the main reasons for my trip is to strengthen economic partnerships abroad so that we
create good jobs at home.
  [12th century. Shortening of mine2, originally only
before consonants other than "h"]
[ Old English grōwan < Indo-European]

[Early 16th century. < Americus, Latinized form of

Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512), Italian navigator]

Latin America is a part of the world where the economy is growing very quickly.  And as these
markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services.  The question is, Where are those

[13th century. Via French < Latin quaestion-

"inquiry" < past participle of quaerere "seek"]
 occur in mind: to occur as a thought in the [Pre-12th century. Via French < Latin servitium
mind "servitude" < servus "slave"]

 An afterthought came to me while I was [ Old English macian < Indo-European,

shaving. "kneading"]

goods and services going to come from?  As President, I want to make sure these products are
made in America.  I want to open more markets around the world so that American companies
can do more business and hire more of our people.

[13th century. < Anglo-Norman

[ Old English bisignis "anxiety, distress" < compainie < late Latin companion-
bisig "anxious, busy"] (see companion1)]

[15th century. < medieval Latin important-, [Late 19th century. Back-formation < statistics]
present participle of importare (see import)]

Here’s a statistic to explain why this is important.  Every $1 billion of goods and services we
export supports more than 5,000 jobs in the United States.  So, the more we sell overseas, the
more jobs we create on our shores. 
[ Old English sellan "hand over" < Germanic]
[13th century. < Old French cuntrée <
assumed Vulgar Latin (terra) contrata
"(land) lying opposite" < Latin contra
 [ Old English hwȳ, instrumental case form of hwæt

[12th century. Via Old French do(u)bler < Latin

duplare < duplus "twofold" < duo "two"]

That’s why, last year, I set a goal for this country: to double our exports by 2014.  And it’s a
goal we’re on track to meet.
[ Old English mētan "come upon" < Germanic,
"meeting"] [15th century. < French trac "footprint, mark"]
[Mid-17th century. < Latin rapidus
"seizing" < rapere "seize"] [13th century. Via Old French reisun < Latin ratio
"calculation, thought" < past participle of reri
"calculate, think"]
[12th century. < Old Norse þeirra "theirs"]

Part of the reason why is the rapid growth of Latin America, and their openness to American
[15th century. < Latin exportare "carry away" < portare "carry"]

[ Old English tīma "period of time" <

Germanic, "extend"]

We now export more than three times as much to Latin America as we do to China, and our
exports to the region will soon support more than two million jobs here in the United States. 
Brazil, the first stop on our trip, is a great example.
[ Old English grēat "thick, coarse" < Germanic]
[14th century. Via French < Latin supportare
"bear up" < portare "carry"]

indicates position: indicates the position of somebody or


 To the right of the door is a bulletin board.

In 2010, America’s exports to Brazil supported more than 250,000 American jobs. 

[Mid-19th century. Via French < Latin turbin- [ Old English līcian "to please" < Germanic,
"spiral, spinning top"] "body"]

These are jobs at places like Capstone Turbine in California, which recently sold $2 million
worth of high-tech energy equipment to Brazil. 

[Mid-16th century. Via French < Greek energeia <

ergon "work." < Indo-European]
an·oth·er [ə núər]

adjective, pronoun
one more: an additional
 need another person to help

 May I have another?

2. one that is different: somebody or something that is

separate or different

 We need another accountant because ours is


Another company is Rhino Assembly, a small business in Charlotte, North Carolina that sells
and repairs tools for building cars and planes. 

[Early 17th century. < Latin planus [ Old English dǣl "part, share, amount," dǣlan "divide" <
"flat"] Germanic]

A deal with a distributor in Brazil has resulted in new sales and new employees at that firm. 
And we can point to large companies like Sikorsky, whose helicopter sales to Brazil help sustain
a large, skilled workforce in Connecticut, Alabama, and Pennsylvania.
[13th century. < Old French [ Old English helpan < Germanic]
< Latin fortis "strong"]

[ Old English tō dæge "(this) day"]

Today, Brazil imports more goods from the United States than from any other nation.  And I’ll
be meeting with business leaders from both countries to talk about how we can create even more
jobs by deepening these economic ties. 
[13th century. Ultimately <
[14th century. Via French < Latin [12th century. Directly or via French < Latin
increscere < crescere "grow"] visitare "go to see," < visare "to view" < vis-
(see visible)]

After Brazil, I’ll also visit Chile, a country with a growing economy, and increasing demand for
American goods. 

The Latin word facere "to do, make," from which fact is
derived, is also the source of English difficult, effect, facile,
faction1, factor, fashion, feasible, feat, feature, and fetish.

In fact, since 2004, our exports there are up 300 percent, and now support about 70,000 jobs in
the United States.  Finally, we’ll head to El Salvador, a nation with so much promise for growth
with the potential to benefit both of our nations.
[13th century. Via French < Latin
[14th century. Via Anglo-Norman benfet, Old nation- "birth, race" < nat-, past
French bienfait < Latin benefactum "good participle of nasci "be born"]
deed" < bene "well" + facere "do"]

[ Old English sūþ < Germanic] [13th century. Variant of band2]


[ Old English scearu "division,

portion" < Indo-European, "to cut"]

We’ve always had a special bond with our neighbors to the south.  It’s a bond born of shared
history and values, and strengthened by the millions of Americans who proudly trace their roots
to Latin America. 

[Pre-12th century. < Old Norse rót < [Pre-12th century. < Old French prud <
Indo-European, "branch, root"] Latin prodesse "be beneficial," literally
"be for" < esse "be"]
[13th century. Via Old French cler < Latin clarus
glob·al [glṓb'l]
"clear, bright"]
1. worldwide: relating to or happening throughout the
whole world

2. overall: taking all the different aspects of a situation

into account

3. spherical: shaped like a globe or sphere

4. COMPUT relating to whole of system: covering or

affecting the whole of a computer system, program,
or file
But what is clear is that in an increasingly global economy, our partnership with these nations is
only going to become more vital. 

[14th century. Via French < Latin [14th century. < Old French sourse < past participle of
justus < jus "law, right"] sourdre "rise, spring" < Latin surgere]

For it’s a source of growth and prosperity – and not just for the people of Latin America, but for
the American people as well.
Thank you.
[13th century. Via Anglo-Norman and Old
French < Latin populus < Etruscan]

17 Protos.3gp



Why write and publish a book like this? Why, in an age of increasingly-sophisticated
electronic search agents, search agents able not merely to compile lists, but categorize
and cross-reference their contents, did Tony Jaques and Greenwood Press collaborate
on this Dictionary of Battles and Sieges?

Amid the turmoil and tumult of battle, there may be

seeming disorder and yet no real disorder at

all; amid confusion and chaos, your array may be without

head or tail, yet it will be proof against defeat.

In recent days, we’ve seen turmoil and tragedy around the world, from change in the Middle
East and North Africa to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 

The Etruscan language is still a riddle to philologists, and until it is

satisfactorily investigated the ethnological position of the people that spoke it
must be a matter of dispute. The few words and forms which have been

deciphered lend support to the otherwise more probable theory that they were
an Indo−Germanic race only remotely allied to the Italians, in respect of whom
they maintained to quite a late period many distinctive traits.

[3] But though the Romans were long familiar with the literature and customs
of Etruria, and adopted many Etruscan words into their language, neither of
these causes influenced the literary development of the Romans in

As I said on Friday, we will work with our partners in the region to protect innocent civilians in
Libya and hold the Gaddafi regime accountable. 

By the middle of the republican period, the terms But, to begin with, it is surely unsound
“patrician” and “patrician class” had disappeared. to deny that good of life
Wealthy citizens, who called themselves “the good men”
or “the best men,” divided themselves into two groups,
to animals only because they do not
politicians and businessmen. Th ose who chose politics as appear to man to be of great
their career and held a public
account. And as for plants, we need not
offi ce became senators, and their families became necessarily allow to them what
members of the senatorial class of citizens. On the other
hand, those families whose members engaged primarily
in business made up the equestrian class.Equestrians, we accord to the other forms of life,
however, were not barred from seeking public offi ce. since they have no feeling. It
Indeed, individual members of the equestrian class often
did hold elected governmental positions. Once a family is true people might be found to declare
member from either class attained the highest public offi
ce, that of consul, then his family, whether senatorial or prosperity possible to the
equestrian, became noble. It is important to remember This god is the principle of movement which causes the sun to shine, the waters and the
that members of both the senatorial and the equestrian winds to circulate. Whoever acts has a share in him - Indra, Varuna, Mitra, and
especially Surya, the Sun. As the universal motive power he is the equal of Prajapati,
class were generally wealthy. Puchan and Tvashtar. It is obvious how useful such an intermediary would be in the
magical work of sacrifice. Savitar has golden eyes, golden hands, and tongues of gold.

And we will continue to stand with the people of Japan in their greatest hour of need.
As we respond to these immediate crises abroad, we also will not let up in our efforts to tackle

A HEBREW papyrus is a rarity in any case, but the document that forms the
subject of this paper is unique. It is a papyrus containing the Decalogue in
Hebrew followed by the Shema’, the text differing in many notable
particulars from the Massoretic standard, and agreeing with that which

underlies the Septuagint version. When we add that there is every reason to
suppose that the Papyrus is at least five or six hundred years older than any
piece of Hebrew writing known to scholars, it is evident that the tattered
fragments of which a facsimile is here inserted are interesting and

It therefore joins the invasions of the Japanese islands of Shikoku and Kyushu as just
one more campaign by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536—98), who unified all Japan under
his sword and then carried his aggression just that little bit further, in an expression
that makes the long and bloody conflict sound little more than a larger version of the
pirate raids that Japan had inflicted upon Korea for centuries.

the pressing, ongoing challenges facing our country, including accelerating economic growth. 
That’s why, over the weekend, I’ll be in Latin America. 

There are many ships in Ithaca both old

Sun-worship and Nature-worship. We can easily perceive that a belief in counseling and
controlling gods presupposes a far higher civilization than savage people in their earlier history
and new; I will run my eye over them for
you and will choose the best; we will get
possess. Religious ideas proceed partly from soul belief, belief in the continued life of the soul, and partly her ready and will put out to sea without
from the belief that nature
is something living, peopled by mysterious beings which control regular and irregular changes in
nature upon which man Such beings are often designated by the Greek
feels himself dependent.
word Demons.

One of the main reasons for my trip is to strengthen economic partnerships abroad so that we
create good jobs at home.

Latin America is a part of the world where the economy is growing very quickly.  And as these
markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services. 

A good number of books have been published about

On occasion, as with the so-called enlightened despots the myths and legends of the ancient Russians
of the 18th century in Europe, absolutist leadership was
animated by humane purposes. More often, absolutism and Slavs. However, as a quick look at the
nourished the passion for domination, land, gold, and
conquest and resulted in tyranny. Bibliography will show, many of these are

The question is, Where are those goods and services going to come from?  As President, I want
to make sure these products are made in America. 
Ionia, ancient district in what is now Turkey, The writers of these accounts, the late R. G. Collingwood pointed out, were
comprising the central portion of the west coast of "not writing history,'*
Asia Minor, together with the adjacent islands. The
region received its name from the Ionians, Greeks
who emigrated from the mainland of Greece probably they were "writing religion"; they were not inquiring, they were recording
before 1000 BC. The area is mountainous and includes "known facts for the information of persons to whom they are not known,
three fertile valleys, watered by the rivers Gediz,
Ergene, and Büyükmenderes (Menderes). Ionia was but who, as worshippers of the god in question, ought to know the deeds
extremely prosperous in ancient times because of a whereby he has
flourishing agriculture and commerce. In the 7th and
6th centuries BC Ionia made important contributions to made himself manifest." l It was the lonians, again, who first thought to ask
Greek art and literature, and particularly to
philosophy. Great cities grew up, of which Ephesus, questions in a systematic way about the supposedly known facts, in particular
Clazomenae, Erythrae, Colophon, and Miletus were about their meaning in rational, human terms,
the most celebrated. Several cities, such as Miletus
and Phocaea, became important commercial centers
and sent out colonies westward as far as present-day The Art of War was virtually unknown in Europe until 1782, when a French
Jesuit priest living in China, Joseph Amiot, acquired a copy and translated
Spain and northward to the Black Sea. it into French. It was not a good translation because, Dr. Giles wrote, "[I]t

contains a great deal that Sun Tzu did not write, and very little indeed of

I want to open more markets around the world so that American companies can do more
business and hire more of our people.

02 - Clouds.3gp
The old Latin alphabet was taken from the Dorian
alphabet of Cumae, a colony from Chaleis, and
consisted of

twenty−one letters, A B C D E F Z H I K L M N O P Q
  R S T V X, to which the original added three more, O or

[Symbol] (th), [Symbol] (ph), and [Symbol] (ch ).

These were retained in Latin as numerals though not as
letters, [Symbol] in the form of C=100, [Symbol] or M
as 1000, and [Symbol] or L as 50.

Here’s a statistic to explain why this is important.  Every $1 billion of goods and services we
export supports more than 5,000 jobs in the United States.  So, the more we sell overseas, the
more jobs we create on our shores. 

With these words he sat down, and Calchas son of

Thestor, wisest of augurs, who knew things past
present and to come, rose to speak. He it was who had
guided the Achaeans with their fleet to Ilius, through
the prophesyings with which Phoebus Apollo had
inspired him. With all sincerity and goodwill he
addressed them thus:-

"Achilles, loved of heaven, you bid me tell you about

the anger of King Apollo, I will therefore do so; but
consider first and swear that you will stand by me
heartily in word and deed, for I know that I shall offend
one who rules the Argives with might, to whom all the
Achaeans are in subjection. A plain man cannot stand
against the anger of a king, who if he swallow his

That’s why, last year, I set a goal for this country: to double our exports by 2014.  And it’s a goal
we’re on track to meet.
The sooner therefore to instruct them in these matters, he
took care not to confine his legions to one place, but under
pretense of foraging, engaged them in frequent marches,
and counter-marches; because he thought that the enemy's
troops would not lose his track. Three days after, he drew
up his forces with great skill, and marching past Scipio's
camp, waited for him in an open plain; but seeing that he
still declined a battle, he retreated to his camp a little
before evening.
SOME Confiderations of the Confequences of lowering the Intereft,

and raifmg the Value of Money. In a Letter fent to a

Member of Parliament, in the Year 1691.

  Short Obfervations on a printed Paper, entitled, * for encouraging

the coining Silver Money in England, and after, for keeping

it here.'

Further Confiderations concerning raifmg the Value of Money.

Part of the reason why is the rapid growth of Latin America, and their openness to American
Many Athenians, though, grew suspicious of Socrates’ open-
ended questioning, which looked to them like moral skepticism.
And if fear of moral skepticism comes out of a hunch that
someone who questions traditional values

is capable of anything, Socrates’ associates would have

confirmed that hunch and therefore the suspicions. Alcibiades, for
one, seemed for years the political

Besides the limitation of sense experience, there are promise for Athens’ future, until he talked the city into the
many other factors that would hinder us from Sicilian Expedition;
acquiring full knowledge of such an object, and in
addition to intellectual inability, there are many in subsequent years he betrayed Athens more than once, even
other elements that would distort our image. engineering a coup against its democracy. Plato’s relatives,
Critias and Charmides, led a group of

conservatives who overthrew their city’s democracy at the end of


Peloponnesian War (404), and ruled, as the Thirty Tyrants, for

nine corrupt months.

Corruption and extortion

were common, but the empire generated enough

revenue—from import and export taxes, ines,
tollgates, market dues, and other sources—to
maintain a standing army.
We now export more than three times as much to Latin America as we do to China, and our
exports to the region will soon support more than two million jobs here in the United States. 
Brazil, the first stop on our trip, is a great example.
Should that relationship be philosophy and medicine or philosophy
in medicine or philosophy of medicine? If the last relationship is
Frankish forces held out in the cities of Tyre, Tripoli, and chosen, as evident from the title, then the question is raised whether
Antioch. King William II of Sicily sent a fleet to the aid of such a relationship—as a discipline—exists. I first discuss these two
Tripoli, thus helping prevent its fall. The new pope, problems in order to situate the philosophy of medicine developed
herein, in terms of examining the biomedical and humanistic or
Gregory VIII, summoned the Western leaders to come to the humane models for medical knowledge and practice and addressing
the quality-of-care crisis.
aid of the Holy Land in a moving letter (Audita tremendi) that
reflected his strong commitment to the crusade.
Eis autem qui corde contrito et humiliato spiritu, itineris hujus laborem
assumpserint, et in poenitentia peccatorum et fide recta decesserint,
plenam suorum criminum indulgentiam, et vitam pollicemur aeternam.
Sive autem supervixerint, sive mortui fuerint, de omnibus peccatis suis,
de quibus rectam confessionem fecerint, impositae satisfactionis
relaxationem de omnipotentis Dei misericordia, et apostolorum Petri et
Pauli auctoritate et nostra, se noverint habituros. Bona quoque ipsorum,
ex quo crucem acceperint, cum suis familiis, sub sanctae Romanae
Ecclesiae, nec non et archiepiscoporum, et episcoporum, et aliorum
praelatorum Ecclesiae Dei protectione consistant; et nullam de
[p. 1542D]
his quae in susceptione crucis quiete possederunt, donec de ipsorum
reditu vel obitu certissime cognoscatur, sustineant quaestionem, sed bona
eorum integra interim maneant et quieta. Ad dandas quoque usuras, si
tenentur alicui, non cogantur. Nec eant in vestibus pretiosis, et cum
canibus, sive avibus, aut aliis quae ostentationi potius et lasciviae, quam
necessariis videantur usibus deservire; sed in modesto apparatu, et habitu,
in quo poenitentiam potius agere quam inanem affectare gloriam

Datum Ferrariae quarto Kalendas Novembris, indictione sexta.

In 2010, America’s exports to Brazil supported more than 250,000 American jobs. 

The Christian apologist Orosius, for instance, wrote a History against the Pagans in –
, in which he set himself the unenviable task of proving that, despite the disasters of the
early fifth century, the pagan past had actually been worse than the troubled Christian present.
In describing the Gothic sack of Rome in , Orosius did not wholly deny its
unpleasantness (which he attributed to the wrath of God on Rome’s sinful inhabitants). But he
also dwelt at length on the respect shown by the Goths for the Christian shrines and saints of
the city;

and he claimed that the events of  were not as bad as two disasters

that had occurred during pagan times—the sack of Rome by the Gauls in

 , and the burning and despoiling of the city under the Nero. 19

While Roman readers would have been embarrassed by any impression of weakness or
vulnerability in their ancestral hero, Virgil could stress that the gods favoured Aeneas
and destined him to become the founder of a mighty

dynasty: he could replace mere prowess in battle with the long-term

endurance and commitment of a national leader, and honour qualities

that would implicitly honour Aeneas’ descendant Octavian, Rome’s

These are jobs at places like Capstone Turbine in California, which recently sold $2 million
worth of high-tech energy equipment to Brazil. 
He stayed his hand on the silver hilt of his sword,
VI. Branded clerics and paladins are the
chosen of the gods, and their prayers may be and thrust it back into the scabbard as Minerva bade
tolerated on themselves and groupmates, but
not on the Crusader. This may ONLY BE DONE if
him. Then she went back to Olympus among the
the priest is of the same FOLLOWING (see other gods, and to the house of aegis-bearing
number 7) as the Crusader, otherwise no
prayers should be called upon. This will
probably mean that in a group with two
Crusaders, that no prayers may be tolerated. Jove.
Clerics and paladins must still not invoke
magical devices in the presence of the
Crusader, nor may they use magics during

Another company is Rhino Assembly, a small business in Charlotte, North Carolina that sells
and repairs tools for building cars and planes. 
Over seventy years after Petrie had worked on the Umm el-Qaab, a third re-excavation
of the Early Dynastic royal tombs was launched in 1977, under Kaiser’s direction. The
stated aim of the mission was to investigate the construction of the tombs, illuminating

changes in royal mortuary architecture over the course of the Early Dynastic period, a
subject which had been dealt with only summarily in Petrie’s publications. The early
seasons of excavation concentrated on Petrie’s Cemetery B, comprising the tombs of
Aha, Narmer and their immediate predecessors of ‘Dynasty 0’. The clearance of these

tombs resulted in a much better understanding of the royal tomb’s early development,
and inscribed pottery from tomb complex B1/2 has suggested to some the possible
existence of a late Predynastic king called *Iry-Hor. Kaiser made an important
contribution to the

history of early Egypt by suggesting an order of succession for Aha’s predecessors

based upon the early royal names incised on vessels

A deal with a distributor in Brazil has resulted in new sales and new employees at that firm. 
And we can point to large companies like Sikorsky, whose helicopter sales to Brazil help sustain
a large, skilled workforce in Connecticut, Alabama, and Pennsylvania.

Today, Brazil imports more goods from the United States than from any other nation.  And I’ll
be meeting with business leaders from both countries to talk about how we can create even more
jobs by deepening these economic ties.  Patricians vs. Plebeians

Th ere were, naturally, far fewer patricians than other members of Roman society. By banding
together, however, and supporting their own causes, patricians became so powerful that they soon
controlled the rest of the Roman citizens, the plebeians. Although most of the patricians were
wealthy, others lost their fortunes as time passed. A few of the plebeians, in the meantime,
managed to accumulate great wealth during the growth and development of the Republic. Since
money had helped to make the patricians powerful, the newly wealthy plebeians believed that
they now deserved a more important and infl uential role in the emerging Republic.

After a long and bitter struggle against the patricians, plebeians eventually gained the legal right
to seek political offi ce. Descent from an ancient and illustrious family, though still important,
gradually became less important than wealth in determining a person’s social class. Rome was
now divided by class and by wealth. Th ere were two social classes, patricians and plebeians,
Two main problems engage Confucian Studies in the West. The first

problem is that after about 400 years of study and research, Confucianism in the
West is still a subject which only involves a small group of scholars.

After Brazil, I’ll also visit Chile, a country with a growing economy, and increasing demand for
American goods.  In fact, since 2004, our exports there are up 300 percent, and now support
about 70,000 jobs in the United States.  Finally, we’ll head to El Salvador, a nation with so much
promise for growth with the potential to benefit both of our nations.

Shahnameh - 1250.3gp

We’ve always had a special bond with our neighbors to the south.  It’s a bond born of shared
history and values, and strengthened by the millions of Americans who proudly trace their roots
to Latin America. 
ALL other things partake in a portion of everything,
while Nous is infinite and self-ruled, and is mixed
with nothing, but is alone, itself by itself. For if
it were not by itself, but were mixed with anything
else, it would partake in all things if it were mixed
with any; for in everything there is a portion of
everything, as has been said by me in what goes
before, and the things mixed with it would hinder it,
so that it would have power over nothing in the same
way that it has now being alone by itself. For it is
the thinnest of all things and the purest, and it has
all knowledge about everything and the greatest
strength; and Nous has power over all things, both
greater and smaller, that have <soul>.

But what is clear is that in an increasingly global economy, our partnership with these nations is
only going to become more vital. 
Good sense is, of all things among men,
the most equally distributed; for

every one thinks himself so abundantly

provided with it, that those even

who are the most difficult to satisfy

in everything else, do not usually

desire a larger measure of this quality

12. The pleasure demanded for than they already possess. And in this
the life cannot be in the it is not likely that all are mistaken
enjoyments the conviction is rather to be held as
testifying that the power of judging
of the licentious or in any aright and of distinguishing truth from
gratifications of the body- error, which is properly what is called
there is no place for these, good sense or reason, is by nature
and they stifle happiness- nor equal in all men; and that the
diversity of our opinions,
in any violent emotions- what
consequently, does not arise from some
could so move the Sage?- it can being endowed with a larger share of
be only such pleasure reason than others, but solely from

as there must be where Good is,

pleasure that does not rise
from movement and is not a
thing of process, for all that
is good is immediately present
to the Sage and the Sage is
present to himself:

For it’s a source of growth and prosperity – and not just for the people of Latin America, but for
the American people as well.
My personal philosophy of teaching and learning is a product of many influences
including experience, instruction, a melding of the philosophies of past educators
and an intrinsic sense of what is right. I have attempted to capsulate this
philosophy in the seven belief statements that follow. I believe learners are
individuals who bring a unique set of needs and abilities to the classroom and that
  they should be encouraged to become responsible for their own learning,
Thank you. especially as they mature. I believe that a teacher’s primary role is that of a
facilitator of learning, creating opportunities for learning which improve the
chances of student success. I believe that the learning process is multifaceted,
unique to each student, yet containing unifying threads of purpose in addressing
the student as a whole person. I believe the curriculum is a set of criteria
designed, as much as possible, to meet the needs of students and should be
offered to them in as compelling a manner as possible. I believe that the learning
environment is a shared, public place that must be welcoming, safe, and the
responsibility of those who share it.

09. Sequentia - Ragnarǫk The End of the Gods (Edda - Myths from Medieval Iceland).3gp

7ZE-1017 - Byzantine Hymns of the Holy Virgin Theotokos .3gp




[Dvd5 Eng Ita Sp.mp4

In recent days, we’ve seen turmoil and tragedy around the world, from change in the Middle
East and North Africa to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 

Praise be to God, who revealed the Book, controls the clouds, defeats
factionalism, and says in His Book: "But when the forbidden months
are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, seize
them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of
war)"; and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad Bin-'Abdallah, who
said: I have been sent with the sword between my hands to ensure that
no one but God is worshipped, God who put my livelihood under the
shadow of my spear and who inflicts humiliation and scorn on those
who disobey my orders.

The Arabian Peninsula has never -- since God made it flat, created
its desert, and encircled it with seas -- been stormed by any forces
like the crusader armies spreading in it like locusts, eating its
riches and wiping out its plantations. All this is happening at a
time in which nations are attacking Muslims like people fighting over
a plate of food. In the light of the grave situation and the lack of
support, we and you are obliged to discuss current events, and we
should all agree on how to settle the matter.
С учением Маркса происходит теперь то, что не раз бывало в истории с учениями
революционных мыслителей и вождей угнетенных классов в их борьбе за
освобождение. Угнетающие классы при жизни великих революционеров платили
им постоянными преследованиями, встречали их учение самой дикой злобой,
самой бешеной ненавистью, самым бесшабашным походом лжи и клеветы. После
их смерти делаются попытки превратить их в безвредные иконы, так сказать,
канонизировать их, предоставить известную славу их имени для "утешения"
угнетенных классов и для одурачения их, выхолащивая содержание
революционного учения, притупляя его революционное острие, опошляя его. На
такой "обработке" марксизма сходятся сейчас буржуазия и оппортунисты внутри
рабочего движения. Забывают, оттирают, искажают революционную сторону
учения, его революционную душу. Выдвигают на первый план, прославляют то, что
приемлемо или что кажется приемлемым для буржуазии. Все социал-шовинисты
нынче "марксисты", не шутите! И все чаще немецкие буржуазные ученые,
вчерашние специалисты по истреблению марксизма, говорят о "национально-
немецком" Марксе, который будто бы воспитал так великолепно организованные
для ведения грабительской войны союзы рабочих!

As I said on Friday, we will work with our partners in the region to protect innocent civilians in
Libya and hold the Gaddafi regime accountable.  And we will continue to stand with the people
of Japan in their greatest hour of need.
"They have done a foolish thing," said
I, fingering my wineglass. "They are

dangerous because, no doubt, they are

mad with terror. Perhaps they

expected to find no living things--

certainly no intelligent living things."

As we respond to these immediate crises abroad, we also will not let up in our efforts to tackle
the pressing, ongoing challenges facing our country, including accelerating economic growth. 
That’s why, over the weekend, I’ll be in Latin America. 

First, we did not “poll” the military or conduct a referendum on

the overall question of whether to repeal the current Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell law and policy. That was not our mission,

nor are military policy decisions made by referendum of

Service members. Our primary mission was to assess the
impact of a repeal, should it occur to military readiness,
military effectiveness, unit cohesion, recruiting, retention, and
family readiness. To accomplish that task we focused the
survey on those topics.
Soviet critics of that course could hardly believe the
Isaac Babel, a Red Army military correspondent who accompanied the Kremlin’s refusal to remember the reasons for the
1st Cavalry Army (Konarmiia) during the Soviet–Polish War of 1920,
had a generally low opinion of the rank and file as human beings but American failure in Vietnam, a conflict Moscow itself
often admired their fighting qualities. He loathed the pervasive anti- had helped protract.
semitism, boorishness, and sexual depravity of the men – and some
officers – but, like Lenin, seems to have understood that the use of the
unenlightened and politically ignorant masses was an unfortunate but
necessary evil to preserve the revolution. It comes through clearly in his
diary that Babel remained unconvinced, even skeptical, that the
participation of the dregs would advance socialist revolution. He
described the Russian infantryman as, “not just unmodernized, but the
personification of ‘pauper Russia,’ wayfaring tramps, unhealthily
swollen, bug-ridden, scrubby, half-starved peasants.” He even
describes soldiers as “cavemen.”14

One of the main reasons for my trip is to strengthen economic partnerships abroad so that we
create good jobs at home.
The emperor agreed, and initiated what still ranks as the most dramatically rapid transformation of

a society in all history. He sent thousands of promising students to study abroad (75 percent of

them enrolled in science courses), and enlisted hundreds of translators in a crash program to

translate every Western science text that could be obtained into Japanese. Japan's representatives

abroad were ordered to collect and send back home every scrap of scientific information they
encountered. The best talent from the Prussian Kriegsakademie was hired to overhaul and

modernize the Japanese military structure. He also hired battalions of foreign science teachers and

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish
Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to

ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United
States of America.

Latin America is a part of the world where the economy is growing very quickly.  And as these
markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services.  The question is, Where are those
goods and services going to come from?  As President, I want to make sure these products are
made in America.  I want to open more markets around the world so that American companies
can do more business and hire more of our people.
Oral history interviews represent another important source for the book.

T HE WAR OF ATTRITION , the Yom Kippur War, the Munich massacre

The majority of these were conducted by the author, though in several
highly sensitive cases, the author provided written questions to a
research assistant who, for reasons of personal security, wished to
remain anonymous. I have attempted to interview as many of the war’s
and Black September, the Lebanon War, the controversy over Jewish principal figures as possible. Several, such as Gideon Rafael and Kings
Hussein and Hassan, passed away during the course of my research;
settlements and the future of Jerusalem, the Camp David Accords,
others—Ariel Sharon and Yasser Arafat, for example— declined to be
the Oslo Accords, the Intifada—all were the result of six intense days in the
Middle East in June 1967. Rarely in modern times has so short and localized a
conflict had such prolonged, global consequences. Seldom has the world’s
attention been gripped, and remained seized, by a single event and its

Here’s a statistic to explain why this is important.  Every $1 billion of goods and services we
export supports more than 5,000 jobs in the United States. 

Also during these decades, the philosophical scene on the

European continent and in the Anglo-Saxon world began to part
ways more sharply than before with existentialism and

becoming dominant on the Continent and analytical philosophy

in Britain, Canada, and the United States, with deconstructionism

also on the scene late in the twentieth century but with different
interpretations of it as far as philosophy is concerned in the two


So, the more we sell overseas, the more jobs we create on our shores.  That’s why, last year, I set
a goal for this country: to double our exports by 2014.  And it’s a goal we’re on track to meet.

Babel came into contact with the

nurses of his headquarters
commandant frequently and had little
good to say about them. His
impression was that they slept around
entirely too much

which impaired morale because of the

rivalries it created.16
Cannoneers had long complained about the difficulty of
finding targets on a battlefield obscured by
The Armenians adopted some of the vocabulary of
the clouds of heavy white smoke generated by gunpowder
these Indo-European arrivals. This theory explains weapons, the chief reason why armies

why Armenian is a unique branch of the Indo- were clad in bright uniforms—so opposing sides could be

European language tree and may well explain the

origin of the word Hayastan (“Armenia” in the Armenian

language). As evidence, these scholars point

Part of the reason why is the rapid growth of Latin America, and their openness to American

We now export more than three times as much to Latin America as we do to China, and our
exports to the region will soon support more than two million jobs here in the United States. 
Brazil, the first stop on our trip, is a great example.
Even within the five-mile circle the great majority
of people were inert. I have already described the
behaviour of the men and women to whom I
The actual result was virtually opposite. The Red Army
found itself pushed by circumstances and events it had spoke. All over the district people were dining
failed to foresee into a brutal struggle against a and supping; working men were gardening after
population that refused to tolerate
the labours of the day, children were being put to
invaders no matter how friendly they declared themselves bed, young people were wandering through the
to be. The Brezhnev regime’s great gamble brought lanes love-making, students sat
devastating consequences on an epic scale. While the
  figure of Soviet war deaths is around 15,000, the
real number is believed to be far higher, perhaps even as over their books.
high as the 75,000 cited by many veterans. Conservative
estimates put Afghan deaths at 1.25 million, or 9 percent
of the population, with another three-quarters of a million

Needless to say of the Soviets, it was the soldiers on the

ground who suffered the worst consequences of
intervening in a complex
In 2010, America’s exports to Brazil supported more than 250,000 American jobs.  These are
jobs at places like Capstone Turbine in California, which recently sold $2 million worth of high-
tech energy equipment to Brazil. 

Another company is Rhino Assembly, a small business in Charlotte, North Carolina that sells
and repairs tools for building cars and planes.  A deal with a distributor in Brazil has resulted in
new sales and new employees at that firm. 

Ten years ago, the international community adopted the right goals.

Unfortunately, today we have to admit that we will not achieve all the Millennium
Development Goals by 2015. The goals remain valid, however, and must be
implemented rigorously. This should be the central commitment of this summit.

Noticeable progress has been made on certain individual Millennium Development

Goals. For example some progress has been made on basic education, gender
equality and also on combating hunger. However, hunger and malnutrition still prevail
at an unacceptably high level.

And we can point to large companies like Sikorsky, whose helicopter sales to Brazil help sustain
a large, skilled workforce in Connecticut, Alabama, and Pennsylvania.

Today, Brazil imports more goods from the United States than from any other nation.  And I’ll
be meeting with business leaders from both countries to talk about how we can create even more
jobs by deepening these economic ties. 

The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty
Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one

Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made,

the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse

three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence

Plantations one, Connecticut fi ve, New-York six, New

Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland

six, Virginia ten, North Carolina fi ve, South Carolina fi ve,

After Brazil, I’ll also visit Chile, a country with a growing economy, and increasing demand for
American goods.  In fact, since 2004, our exports there are up 300 percent, and now support
about 70,000 jobs in the United States. 
The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall
not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one
Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may
be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten
Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another dollars for each

Finally, we’ll head to El Salvador, a nation with so much promise for growth with the potential
to benefit both of our nations.
The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the

President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole

Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than

one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of

Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately

We’ve always had a special bond with our neighbors to the south.  It’s a bond born of shared
history and values, and strengthened by the millions of Americans who proudly trace their roots
to Latin America. 
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature
No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of
Commerce thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the

or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which

another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or
State, be
Representative, or Person holding an Offi ce of Trust or Profit
obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.
under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States:

And no Person holding any Offi ce of Profi t or Trust under

them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept

But what is clear is that in an increasingly global economy, our partnership with these nations is
only going to become more vital.  For it’s a source of growth and prosperity – and not just for
the people of Latin America, but for the American people as well.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges

and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.


A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or

That the preceeding Constitution be laid before the United States in
Congress assembled, and that it is the Opinion of this Convention, that it
should afterwards be submitted to a Convention of Delegates, chosen in other Crime, who shall fl ee from Justice, and be found in
each State by the People thereof, under the Recommendation of its
Legislature, for  their Assent and Ratifi cation; and that each Convention
assenting to, and ratifying the Same, should give Notice thereof to the another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority
United States in Congress assembled. Resolved, That it is the Opinion of
this Convention, that as soon as the Conventions of nine States shall have
ratifi ed this Constitution, the United States in Congress assembled should
fi x a Day on which Electors should be appointed by the States which shall
have ratifi ed the same, and a Day on which the Electors should assemble
to vote for the President, and the Time and Place for commencing
Proceedings under this Constitution.
Thank you.
RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses

concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several
States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which
Articles, when ratifi ed by three fourths of the said




In recent days, we’ve seen turmoil and tragedy around the world, from change in the Middle
East and North Africa to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. 

Thank you for taking the time

to share your comments. If
you provided your e-mail
address, we will try to
respond to you within 24

A classic example is the case of the judge’s broken leg. Judge X has gone
to the theater every Friday night for the past 10 years. Based on a
Bayesian analysis, one would predict, with some certainty, that this
Friday night would be no different. An expert knows, however, that the
judge broke her leg Thursday afternoon and is expected to be in the
hospital until Saturday. Knowing this key variable allows the expert to
predict that the judge will not attend the theater this Friday.

As I said on Friday, we will work with our partners in the region to protect innocent civilians in
Libya and hold the Gaddafi regime accountable.  And we will continue to stand with the people
of Japan in their greatest hour of need.
Refusing to cooperate, the CIA raised FOIA exemptions Bl and B3 and in
May 1995 declined all data and responded that it 'can neither confirm nor
deny the existence of CIA documentation concerning your inquiry'. The
Italian press stressed how 'embarrassing' this was and headlined: 'The
CIA has rejected the request to collaborate with the Parliamentary
Commission on the mysteries of the kidnapping. Moro, a state
secret for the USA.'49

As we respond to these immediate crises abroad, we also will not let up in our efforts to tackle
the pressing, ongoing challenges facing our country, including accelerating economic growth. 
That’s why, over the weekend, I’ll be in Latin America. 
The United States has been party to multilateral and bilateral
agreements addressing the status of U.S. armed forces while
present in a foreign country. These agreements, commonly
referred to as Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs), generally
establish the framework under which U.S. military personnel
operate in a foreign country, addressing how the domestic laws
of the foreign jurisdiction shall be applied toward U.S.
personnel while in that country [Since that kind of Agreement
serves both the host country and the United States as
represented by the United States Army and related personnel
civilian or other].

One of the main reasons for my trip is to strengthen economic partnerships abroad so that we
create good jobs at home.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has

endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the
merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is
undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

  It is surprising to me that only one book exists

that is devoted solely to anal eroticism: Anal
Pleasure and Health by Jack Morin. While it is
an incredibly groundbreaking, informative,

and insightful work, it seems odd that it is the

only one in a field populated by so much
selection and variety. 1 recently

decided to investigate just what sex books are

Latin America is a part of the world where the economy is growing very quickly.  And as these
markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services. 
The question is, Where are those goods and services going to come from?  As President, I want
to make sure these products are made in America.  I want to open more markets around the
world so that American companies can do more business and hire more of our people.

Here’s a statistic to explain why this is important.  Every $1 billion of goods and services we
export supports more than 5,000 jobs in the United States.  So, the more we sell overseas, the
more jobs we create on our shores.  That’s why, last year, I set a goal for this country: to double
our exports by 2014.  And it’s a goal we’re on track to meet.

During the later 1970s, with the opening of United States

archives to academic scrutiny, under the Freedom of
Information Act, a new school of so-called post-Vietnam
revisionists emerged.

John Lewis Gaddis is a leading exponent of this school.

It resulted in a more sophisticated analysis of the origins
of the Cold War, which sought to demonstrate that the
clash between the US and

the Soviet Union arose from misunderstandings of each

other’s policies and was often the result of over-reaction
by both sides to often defensive moves by the other [45].
On August 28, 1963, under a sizzling hot sun in Washington,
D.C., more than 200,000 people engulfed the area around the
Lincoln Memorial—blacks and whites, young and old, the
largest reform demonstration in American history.

On the steps a short distance from the great, brooding statue of

  the nation’s sixteenth president, the “Great Emancipator,” the
last speaker of the day stepped to the microphone to address
the mammoth crowd and a television and radio audience that
reached into the millions. Short, stocky, dressed in a black suit,
he was the son and grandson of preachers, descendants of
slaves freed in the time of Lincoln and the Civil War. He

was the man around whom much of the Civil Rights

Part of the reason why is the rapid growth of Latin America, and their openness to American
Yet now information has started to emerge of the alleged

misdeeds of NATO's most secret services. In Italy a parliamentary

commission is investigating the activities of a secret army set up
by the state to resist a possible Soviet invasion. The inquiry has
led to the disclosure of similar secret forces across Europe. But the
Italian group, known as Gladio, is under suspicion of being

All women have a functiona l

prostate gland, about the size of

their thumb, that surrounds their

urethra. Just like the male prostate, it

produces fluid, beginning at puberty.

Within the prostate gland there can

be an area of increased sensitivity,

We now export more than three times as much to Latin America as we do to China, and our
exports to the region will soon support more than two million jobs here in the United States. 
Brazil, the first stop on our trip, is a great example.
  The Cuban missile crisis had the effect of increasing the already
bounding confidence of the United States in its own destiny.

President Johnson’s decision to commit American air and ground

forces to South Vietnam in 1965 reflected this vision of an
allpowerful US actively combating the spread of communism
and defending American values in the free world. The reality, of
course, was more complicated. When the Vietnam intervention
failed to achieve its purpose, President Nixon reduced the
American commitment there and finally abandoned South
Vietnam altogether.
The Department of Defense continues to develop and acquire
joint complex systems that deliver needed capabilities
demanded by our warfighters. Systems engineering is the
technical and technical management process that focuses
explicitly on delivering and sustaining robust, high-quality,
affordable products. The Air Force leadership, from the
Secretary of the Air Force,

to our Service Acquisition Executive, through the Commander

of Air Force Materiel Command,

has collectively stated the need to mature a sound systems

In 2010, America’s exports to Brazil supported more than 250,000 American jobs.  These are
jobs at places like Capstone Turbine in California, which recently sold $2 million worth of high-
tech energy equipment to Brazil.  Another company is Rhino Assembly, a small business in
Charlotte, North Carolina that sells and repairs tools for building cars and planes. 

Following the death of V.I. Lenin in 1924, a struggle for power between his heirs led to the emergence of
Joseph V. Stalin as Soviet leader. Stalin was less interested than his rivals in exporting revolution and more
concerned to build up the Soviet Union’s industrial and military base in order that Russia might become the
bastion of communism and, as such, able to resist aggression by the capitalist West. The gigantic sacrifices the
industrialisation process imposed on the Soviet people and economy led to a preoccupation with internal
affairs, just as the onset of the depression in the United States in 1929 had a similar effect in increasing
isolationist sentiment there. However, Japanese aggression in Manchuria and China after 1931 prompted Stalin
and the newly elected

United States President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, each increasingly concerned about the threat of a militarist
Japan to their interests in Asia, to open diplomatic relations with each other in

1933. Stalin agreed to recognise the former Tsarist debts in return for a loan from the United States, but this
agreement soon foundered on mutual disagreements about its terms.

SOFAs are often included, along with other types of military agreements, as part of
a comprehensive security arrangement with a particular country. A SOFA itself
does not constitute a security arrangement; rather, it establishes the rights and
privileges of U.S. personnel present in a country in support of the larger security
arrangement. SOFAs may be entered based on authority found in previous treaties
and congressional actions or as sole executive agreements.

The United States is currently party to more than 100 agreements that may be
considered SOFAs.

A list of current agreements included at the end of this report is categorized in

tables according to the underlying source of authority, if any, for each of the
A deal with a distributor in Brazil has resulted in new sales and new employees at that firm. 
And we can point to large companies like Sikorsky, whose helicopter sales to Brazil help sustain
a large, skilled workforce in Connecticut, Alabama, and Pennsylvania.

During the past 30 years, researchers have categorized, experimented, and theorized about
the cognitive aspects of forecasting and have sought to explain why experts are less accurate
forecasters than statistical models. Despite such efforts, the literature shows little consensus
regarding the causes or manifestations of human bias. Some have argued that experts, like all
humans, are inconsistent when using mental models to make predictions. That is, the model
an expert uses for predicting X in one month is different from the model used for predicting X
in a later month, although precisely the same case and same data set are used in both
Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British

brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts

by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction

over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our

emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their

native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them

by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these

Today, Brazil imports more goods from the United States than from any other nation.  And I’ll
be meeting with business leaders from both countries to talk about how we can create even more
jobs by deepening these economic ties.  After Brazil, I’ll also visit Chile, a country with a
growing economy, and increasing demand for American goods. 

In fact, since 2004, our exports there are up 300 percent, and now support about 70,000 jobs in
the United States.  Finally, we’ll head to El Salvador, a nation with so much promise for growth
with the potential to benefit both of our nations.

Another strand in American thinking about the post-war period, and one which
appealed particularly to the American Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, was that
the post-war world economic order should be based on the principle of the open
door to trade and investment. In Hull’s view the rise of the aggressors in Asia and
Europe had been primarily the result of the dislocation of the world economy after
1929, when tariff barriers had so diminished world trade that the most
economically deprived, and yet vigorous, states like Germany and Japan had
turned to overseas expansion for their economic salvation. Thus a renewed post-
war slump could be avoided if all nations had equal access to world

markets, supplies of raw materials and investment opportunities.

As a result world trade would burgeon and all nations, rich and

We’ve always had a special bond with our neighbors to the south.  It’s a bond born of shared
history and values, and strengthened by the millions of Americans who proudly trace their roots
to Latin America.  But what is clear is that in an increasingly global economy, our partnership
with these nations is only going to become more vital.  For it’s a source of growth and prosperity
– and not just for the people of Latin America, but for the American people as well.
Thank you.

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