What Food - Forever

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What food would you live on forever?

In fact, none of us will live forever. Anyway, a healthy life is the biggest wealth that we can gain
during our lifespan. A healthy lifestyle includes physical, mental and social well-being. Healthy
food can add some extra years to live. So, let's increase our lifespan in an accurate way. Live
happily! Eat more nutritious food! Inspire yourself to live longer.
1.Healthy diet
All we need to get is a physically fit body. But, it can be hard to change old eating habits. But, it
depends on you. Step by step anyone can practice a healthy diet. It helps you to prevent from
chronic diseases/long-term illnesses.
You can lose bodyweight. You can say bye to diabetes, cancers, heart strokes. Other benefits
are improving memory, keeping a better mood, getting happiness, getting stronger teeth and
bones, saving money etc. Check out this food.
2.Fruits and vegetables
According to the experts, those who are consuming fruits and vegetables tend to live longer.
Such people everyday add fruits and vegetables to the meal. Fruits and vegetables stop
constipation and digestion problems. They avoid you and your family from cancers. In the
current world, cancers are growing day by day among people. Especially, dark green and yellow
varieties contain fibres, vitamins, minerals, folic acid( folate), Potassium etc. Potassium can
maintain your blood pressure well. Fibres can prevent you from constipation. The Okinawans in
Japan have the world's longest life expectancy. They usually add fruits and vegetables. Such
food is not so expensive. You can buy them at affordable prices. And, it's easy to grow some
kinds of fruits and vegetables in the home garden. From it you can eat very fresh food without
harmful chemicals.
3.Dark chocolate
Are you a chocoholic? Hey, lucky you! Here, good news for you. Chocolate helps you live longer.
Seems unbelievable? Really, eating enough amount of dark chocolate will make your life longer.
Cocoa is rich in antioxidants. They reduce heart diseases. Heart diseases are the biggest killer in
the world. In general, one square a day is sufficient. You must choose a chocolate that has less
sugar. Anyway, be careful with the regular chocolate consumption.
4.Oily fish
The Japanese people follow traditional dietary habits high in fish. They add oily fish varieties
such as Salmon, mackerel, sardines etc. Oily fish is a good source of Vitamin A and D. They help
to have a healthy immune system with omega-3s. If you eat oily fish, you can say bye to heart
diseases and brain damage.
5.Green tea
Nowadays, the people have an interest in green tea. Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis
leaves. They are rich in catechins, caffeine, amino acid, folic acid, Vitamin B2 and C, beta
carotene etc. The particular ingredients in green tea give many profits to the body. Proven
researches emphasise that green tea can reduce cholesterol level and risk of cancers. Drinking
green tea everyday can boost your immune system, cardiovascular health and the regulation of
blood pressure.
6.Olive oil
This can be considered as an essential food for a healthy lifetime. It reduces the risk of strokes.
Olive oil has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties.
Garlic is a good medicine to the cancers. They can destroy cancer cells. Garlic has immune-
enhancing compounds. Eating garlic is a good habit in a day.
This is a tiny fruit. The fruit can be mentioned as a life-saver. It can struggle against breast
cancer. So, cranberry is a powerful addition to your diet. They have anti-bacterial, immune
boosting, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
9.Coffee beans
University of Scranton has found that coffee can prevent you from heart diseases. The
antioxidants help you to prevent from life-threatening conditions. They are diabetes, cancers,
heart strokes etc. Keep in mind! Caffeine can increase your blood pressure.
First of all you should be aware on your physical and mental health. Give priority to your body's
needs. Consuming healthy food surely helps you to improve your life expectancy. Love yourself!
You are valuable! Stay focus on this. Healthy body+ healthy mind= happy life. You can live
longer with your loved ones.

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