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19/6/2021 BHT Technical Publications VIBRATION ANALYSIS Measuring and Reducing Main Rotor 1/Rev Vioration (2MC-429-A-18-10-00-00A-3724-A, Issue 001 - 2019/07/10, ECCN EARS) List of figures Figure number Figure title Figue 1 (CADU Main Menu Displays INITIAL and FLIGHT Preliminary requirements Required Conditions ‘Retion/Condition Data module/Technical Publication Applicability None. Support equipment Name [dentification/References Quantity Remark ‘Applicability None. Consumables, materials and expendables Name |dentification/References Quantity Remark Applicability None. Spares Name dentification/References Quantity Remark Applicability None. Safety conditions None. Procedure hitps:sipsthelcopternettpietm/429/PMC-429-97499-02000-00/DMC-428-A-18-10-00-00A-372A-A\latm-print-oulet printng/426-maintenance-m.... 1 ya1si2021 BHT Technical Publications 11 The following paragraphs will provide information to track and balance the main rotor. 1.1. Flight Plans for Tracking and Balancing Main Rotor As previously stated, two types of tests are used to track and balance the main rotor. These are the INITIAL mode and the FLIGHT mode. The test conditions used in each mode are listed in Table 1 The INITIAL modes used when one or more major rotor components are changed, and the rotor requires a coarse track and balance prior to forward flight. The FLIGHT mode Is used to conduct a fine track and balance adjustment of the main rotor at periodic intervals, and to conduct the final rotor track and balance in fight after the INITIAL mode has been completed Ride quality guidelines based on operating conditions and recommended actions are provided in. Table 2, hitps:fsthelicopterettplietm/429/PMC-429-97499-02000-00/DMC-429-A-18-10-00-00A-372A-A\istm-print-utetprintingl429-maintenance-m.... 2/10 ya1si2021 12 BHT Technical Publications ‘Track and Balance Main Rotor on Ground - INITIAL Mode The INITIAL mode is used when one or more major components have been changed andlor a coarse track and balance is required prior to fight. The purpose of this mode is to do the following: ‘Track and balance main rotor on the ground at flat pitch with 65% main rotor RPM ‘Track and balance main rotor on the ground at 35% torque with 100% main rotor RPM This is done to correctly set the pitch links and the trim tabs, and to balance the main rotor for flight, When flying after maintenance, excessive 1/rev vibration in forward flight can be avoided by Using the INITIAL mode. Once the helicopter has been flown, the initial test does not need to be conducted again until the next major main rotor maintenance. Do the INITIAL mode as follows: 1.2.1 Install RADS-AT equipment as described in DMC-429-A-18-00-00-00A-720A-A. 1.2.2 Select 429 as the Aircraft Type on the CADU main menu (Figure 1). 1.23 Enter or select Tall Number for the helicopter. 1.24 Select INITIAL as the Flight Plan 1.25 After verifying that the CADU displays are correct, press F1 to initiate measuring sequence. ‘ast conditions at which data is to be acquired willbe displayed on the CADU screen (65%Np, 35%Tg, and Hover), These conditions are described in Table 1 A QUALIFIED PERSON MUST BE AT THE HELICOPTER CONTROLS DURING ‘THE FOLLOWING STEPS. 1.26 Start and operate helicopter (BHT-429-FM-1, Section 2). 4.2.7 Stabilize main rotor RPM at 65% Np, 1.28 Center cyclic and make sure that collective is all the way down, 1.28 With 659%N, test state highlighted on GADU, press the DO key to arm the RADS-AT. 1.2:10Press DO again to acquire cata, NOTE1 I any warning spears on CADU screen, attempt to retake the data at the test conaition. ifthe warning repeats, record the error code, shut down the helicopter, and take required corrective action prior to continuing. Corrective action will be listed on the screen and can be found in the RADS-AT operators manual, Also refer to DMC-429-A-18-10-00-07A-372A-A, for information on RADS-AT troubleshooting, NOTE2 If the 1Urev ground bounce becomes too great when the main rotor RPM is being increased from 65% Nj to 100% Np, shut down the helicopter, Adjust the track and balance of the main rotor by using only the data from the 65% Ng test condition. 1.2.11f data has been successfully taken at 65% N,, increase rotor RPM to 100% Nj and set torque at 35%. 1.2.12When 35%T, is highlighted, press the DO key to arm the CADU. Press the DO key again to record data when the helicopter has been stabilized at the desired condition, 1.2.13Make sure that the vibration and track targets are met for the previous test conditions prior to proceeding to hover. By bypassing the hover concition, the diagnostics will provide the required moves without the hover data, 1.2.14If the vibration and track targets are met, then proceed to hover and record data, hitps:fsthelcopterettplietm/429/PMC-429-97499-02000-00/DMC-429-A-18-10-00-00A-372A-A\istm-print-ouletprintingl429-maintenance-m.... 3/10 ya1si2021 BHT Technical Publications 41.2.18If data for some test conditions have not been obtained, press QUIT to exit the measurement mode, and then use the up/down arrow keys to select SAVE AND EXIT, and press DO to keop the data. 4,2.16Upon completion of data collection, select DIAGNOSTICS on the CADU menu to verify track and vibration targets are exceeded, I track and vibration targets are exceeded, shut down the helicopter to make main rotor adjustments, If track and vibration targets are not exceeded, the helicopter is ready to be tracked and balanced in forward flight and there is ‘no need to shut down the helicopter, NOTE1 The product balance move has been set to N (disallowed) for both INITIAL and FLIGHT modes. Using the “edit adjustables" feature in diagnostics, this may be turned on to Y (allowed) if needed, Contact Product Support Engineering prior to Initiating product balance adjustments, NoTE2 ‘The word LIMITS displayed on the CADU does not refer to an actual safety or engineering limit. The word LIMIT Is a term used by the RADS-AT system to guide the track and balance of the main rotor, The track and vibration targets of Table 1 shall be considered track and vibration guidelines, 1.2.17 Press the DO key from the LIMITS screen to display the CORRECTION screen. The CORRECTION screen will display recommended adjustments to main rotor. Use the up/down ‘arrow key on the CADU to scroll through the adjustments recommended. Record these recommended adjustments on the main rotor track and balance adjustment log (OMC~429- ‘A-18-10-00-00A-023A-A\, Pross the DO key to display DIAGNOSTICS MENU. Highlight View Predictions. 1.2.18Press the DO key to display the PREDICTED RESULTS screen. This screen will display measured track and ‘Vrev vibration levels, as well as predicted ‘/rev vibration levels, Use the upidown arrow keys on CADU to scroll through PREDICTED RESULTS. 1.2:19When in the PREDICTED RESULTS screen, press the DO key or the QUIT key to access DIAGNOSTICS MENU. If ll recommended adjustments have been recorded, then select Main Menu and press the DO key to return to the CADU main menu, 1.2.20To make adjustments indicated by RADS-AT, follow the procedures described in DMC-429- ‘A-18+10-00-00A-028A-A, NoTE Do not proceed to flight mode until INITIAL mode limits (}PS and track) have been mat. 1.2.21 Repeat Step 1.2.5 through Step 1.2.18 until the INITIAL mode IPS and track limits isted in ‘Table 1 have been met. Once the IPS and track limits have been met, proceed to FLIGHT mode to conduct final rotor smoothing in fight (Step 1.3) 1.2.22If itis not possible to achieve satisfactory INITIAL mode levels, contact Product Support Engineering (DMC~429-A-00-00-00-00A-0114-A) hitps:fthelicopterettplietm/429/PMC-429-97499-02000-00/DMC-429-A-18-10-00-00A-372A-A\istm-print-outetprintingl429-maintenance-m.... 4/10 ya1si2021 13 BHT Technical Publications ‘Track and Balance Main Rotor - FLIGHT Mode The FLIGHT mode is used to complete work that began with the INITIAL mode, and to retrim the main rotor at periodic intervals. The objective is to reduce the 1/rev vibration levels so that the ride is comfortable. Proceed as follows to conduct the FLIGHT mode: 1.3.1. Select 429 as the Aircraft Type on the CADU main menu (Figure 1), 4.3.2 Enter or select Tall Number for the helicopter. ‘Select FLIGHT as the Flight Plan, After verifying that CADU displays are correct, press the F1 key to initiate measuring ‘sequence. Test conditions at which data is to be acquired will be displayed on CADU screen. ‘The test conditions are described in Table 1 A QUALIFIED PERSON MUST BE AT THE HELICOPTER CONTROLS DURING ‘THE FOLLOWING STEPS. 1.3.8 Start and operate the helicopter (BHT-429-FM-1, Section 2) 4.3.6 Obtain data at each test condition shown on the screen, NOTE1 any warning appears on CADU screen, attempt to retake the data at the test conaition. if the warning repeats, record the error code, shut down the helicopter and take required corrective action prior to continuing, Corrective action will be listed on the screen and can be found in the RADS-AT operators manual, Also refer to DMC-429-A-18-10-00-07A-372A-A, for information on RADS-AT troubleshooting, NoTE2 Always verify Autorotation RPM on the first flight and adjust as required before the next fight. As autorotation RPM adjustment may require significant pitch ink adjustment, itis recommended that autorotation RPM adjustment (OMC-429-A- 18-10-00-074-27114-A) be completed prior to fine tuning the main rotor track and balance. If autorotation RPM is adjusted after fine tuning of main rotor, track and balance rework may be required {Asa reference starting point for Autorotation RPM, the Torque reading should be approximately 25 to 27% at 100% flat pitch. 1.3.7 When taking data in flight, itis not necessary to obtain data at the high speed test conditions ifthe 1/ev becomes higher than is comfortable, 1.38 If datas collected out of sequence or when skipping test conditions, the up/down arrow keys can be used to select the desired condition. 1.3.9 Donot store data from one test condition under the label for another test condition or the RADS-AT diagnostics will nt function properly. 1.3.10For the diagnosties to work properly, data for hover and at least one forward speed must be obtained. ttis important, however, as the 1Urev levels are reduced, to obtain data at all displayed test conditions to make sure that the optimum main rotor 1/rev levels are achieved {or the ful fight envelope of the helicopter. 1.3.11 After a test condition is measured, press the F1 key under DISPLAY to see measurements, for that test concition, 1.3.12After data collection is complete, land and shut down the helicopter. fall data has been obtained, the CADU program will automatically display the menu options, hitps:fsthelicopter.ettplietm/429/PMC-429-97499-02000-00/DMC-429-A-18-10-00-00A-372A-A\ietm-print-ouletprintingl429-maintenance-m.... 5/10 ya1si2021 BHT Technical Publications 1.3:13If data for some test conditions have not been obtained, press QUIT to exit the measurement mode, and then use the up/down arrow keys to select SAVE AND EXIT, and press DO to keop the data. 1,3,14With the menu options displayed, use the up/down arrow keys to highlight Diagnostics and press the DO key to select. If the main menu screen is displayed, press F3 to access the Diagnostics. 1.8.180nce Diagnostics is accessed and if track and vibration targets are not exceeded, press the QUIT key to exit the program, 1.3.16 f track and vibration targets in Table 1 are exceeded, these will be noted on CADU screen Pressing the up/down arrow keys wil display alltargetlimits, even if nat exceeded. If any ‘rev levels are above target limits, itis up to the operator to determine iflevels require further improvement, hitps:fsthelicopterettplietm/429/PMC-429-97499-02000-00/DMC-429-A-18-10-00-00A-372A-A\istm-print-ouletprintingl429-maintenance-m.... 6/10 ya1si2021 BHT Technical Publications NoTE ‘The word LIMITS displayed on the CADU does not refer to an actual safety or engineering limit. The word LIMIT is a term used by the RADS-AT system to guide the track and balance of the main rotor. The track and vibration targets are shown in Table 1, For guidelines to the vibration levels that require corrective maintenance, refer to Table 2 1.3.17 Proceed as follows to determine the rotor adjustments required to further track and balance the main rotor: NoTE1 Pitch link move has been set to N (disallowed) in the FLIGHT mode. Using ‘edit adjustables” feature in diagnostics, this may be turned on to Y (allowed) f needed. Pitch links are adjusted in the INITIAL mode to achieve atarget track of +14 £2 mm for RED & BLU blades and -14 2 mm for GRN & ORG blades at 654%. In the FLIGHT mode, after having done autorotation RPM adjustment, check the track at 65% Nj, to ensure thatthe track targets are met. Do not adjust the pitch link these targets have been met ‘at 65% Ny. Small tab and hub weight moves willbe sufficient to track and balance the rotor, NoTE2 ‘The product balance move has been set to N (disallowed) for both INITIAL ‘and FLIGHT modes. Using “edit adjustables" feature in diagnostics, this may be turned on to Y (allowed) f needed. Contact Product Support Engineering (DMC-429-A-00-00-00-00A-011A-A) prior to initiating product balance adjustment, 1.3.17Rress the DO key when viewing the limits screen to calculate and display the recommended adjustments, Record these recommended adjustments on the main rotor track and balance adjustment log (DMC-429-A~"8-10-00-00A-0234-A\) 1.3.17Mess DO to view the predicted results, Make a note of the measured ‘/rev levels and of the predictions 1.3.178nce the predictions have been noted, press DO to return to the Diagnostics Menu. 1,3,17}8three or more adjustments are recommended, an acceptable ride may be ‘obtainable with fewer adjustments, Evaluate potential by the following procedure: 1.3.17ldsb the arrow kays to select Edit Adjustables and press DO. 41.3.171822 the up/down arrow keys to select the adjustment that is to be edited, Use F1 to toggle between Y or N. After eciting adjustments, press DO, 1.3.17Mcte the adjustment recommended and view the predicted results. the predicted results are satisfactory, record the adjustment on the main rotor track and balance adjustment log (DMC~429-A~18-10-00-00A-0234-A). Make the adjustments as described in OMC-429-A-18-10-00-00A-028A-A, Ifthe predicted results are not acceptable, repeat the Edit Adjustables process until the predicted results are acceptable or indicate a substantial improvement. (Once the minimum number of meaningful adjustments have been determined, record the adjustments on the main rotor track and balance adjustment log (OMC~429-A-18-10-00-00A-023A-A) and make the adjustments. NOTE For the diagnostics to work properly the HOVER, and at least one forward speed must be obtained, 41.3.180nce all adjustments have been made as per DVC-429-A-18-10-00-00A-028A-A, repeat ‘Step 1.4 through Step 1.3.17 until the optimum ride has been obtained, hitps:fsthelcopterettplietm/429/PMC-429-97499-02000-00/DMC-429-A-18-10-00-00A-372A-A\ietm-print-utetprinting/429-maintenance-m.... 7/10 19/6/2021 BHT Technical Publications Note ‘As experience is gained with the RADS, the operator may want to use other iagnostic options available. These options are described in DMC-429-A-18-10- (00-01-372A-A, 1.2.1 9Record all final settings on the main rotor track and balance adjustment log (OMC-429-A-18+ 10-00-00A-023AcA\ 1.3.20If itis not possible to achieve satisfactory FLIGHT mode 1/rev levels, contact Product ‘Support Engineering (DMC-429-A-00-00-00-00A-01 1A) Table 1. Test Conditions and 1/Rev Vibration Targets TEST CONDITIONS INITIAL FLIGHT FLIGHT "TARGET TRACK (MM) FAxmsn Vibration FAxmsn Vibration Vertical Fwd Vibration initial Target (IPS) Target (IPS) Target IPS) hat 65%N_ 05 os - RED & BLU +142 mm GRN& ORG-14 22mm 10% Ngat 35% Tg 0.2 02 - Hover 0.25 0.28 ons. 60 knots level fight — 0.25 ons - 100 knots level fight = 0.28 18: - 120 knots level fight 0.25 ons. - 140 knots level fight — 0.25 ons: - Vilevel fight - 0.25 ons - Ve flight - 0.25 ons. - 6Oknots descent at — 025 ons. - 1000 FPM ‘Table 2. Vibration Operating Gonditions/Vibration Levels and Recommended Actions VIBRATION FREQUENCY OPERATING CONDITION VIBRATION LEVEL (IPS) RECOMMENDED ACTION Main rotor Trev HOVER Level <0.2 None 60K (0.2

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