Lesson-Plan-Diayon-Mery Rose-A.

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Maragondon Branch
Maragondon, Cavite

A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in English 9

Diayon, Mery Rose A.


May 31, 2021

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. identify direct and indirect speech
b. change statements from direct to indirect speech; and
c. create examples of direct and indirect speech

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic
Direct and Indirect Speech

B. References
 EF. Direct and Indirect Speech from https://www.ef.com/wwen/english-
 English tutor hub. Examples of direct and Indirect speech from

C. Materials
 laptop for screen sharing
 projector
 video song clip for the activity
 cards with the same sentence both sides using direct or indirect speech

III. Learning Strategies:

Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance

A. Activity
The teacher asks the students to carefully listen to the song “Lucky” by Jason Mraz
and Colbie Caillat to be presented to them. After playing the song, the teacher asks the
students to report what the song said.

B. Analysis
After the activity, the teacher asks the following process questions:
1. What have you noticed about the song?
2. How did the singers deliver their lines?
3. What is the difference between how the singers delivered their lines and how
your classmates reported what they said?
C. Abstraction
After processing the song clip, the teacher proceeds to the discussion of the lesson.
Speech - a spoken expression of ideas, etc., that is made by someone who is speaking in
front of a group of people

Direct Speech
- repeats or quotes the exact words spoken
- words spoken are placed between quotation marks (" ") and there is no change
in these words
- actual words of the speaker are quoted

Jason said, “Do you hear me, I’m talking to you.”

Indirect Speech
- usually used to talk about the past, so we normally change the tense of the
words spoken
- use reporting verbs like 'say', 'tell', 'ask'
- the word 'that' may be used to introduce the reported words
- speaker’s dialogue is reported without quoting his exact words

Jason asked if she can hear him and that he is talking to her.

Reporting verb and Reported words

Reporting verb

He says, “I play basketball.”

Reported words/ Reported speech


1. Use of punctuation marks. Words of the speaker are not enclosed in inverted
commas or quotation marks in indirect speech.
He said,” I eat two apples.”
He said that he ate two apples.

2. Use of the word “that”. The conjunction “that” is always used between reporting
verb and reported speech in indirect speech.
He said,” I eat two apples.”
He said that he ate two apples.

3. Change in tense of the reported speech. There is a change in tense of the verb
when changing a direct speech into indirect speech. If the reporting verb of the
direct speech is either present or future tense, no change will be made in the
reported speech. If the reporting verb of the direct speech is in the past tense,
changes will be made in the tense used in the indirect speech.

He says,” I eat two apples.”

He says that he eats two apples. (no change in tense)

He said,” I eat two apples.”

He said that he ate two apples. (tense changed)

4. Change in pronoun. The pronoun of reported speech is sometimes changed

according to the pronoun or object of the reported verb. The possessive pronouns
( his, her, my, their, your, etc.) may also change according to subject or object of
the first sentence.

He said,” I eat two apples.”

He said that he ate two apples.

D. Application

Activity 1
The teacher divides the students into two teams and prepares cards with
reported/indirect speech on one side and direct speech of the same sentence on the other.
The teacher asks the students that they have to work with their team by correctly saying
what is on the other side of the card to turn it over and score one point. (Students will
have to change the sentence either into direct or indirect speech depending on the
sentence that was presented to them by the member of their team holding the cards.) The
students need to speak the sentence out loud in front of the class. The team of the highest
score wins.

Each group will be graded based on their scores.

Activity 2: Evaluation

The teacher gives a 10-item quiz that will evaluate students’ learning regarding the topic.

Directions: Change the following sentences into Direct Speech.

1. The professor said that he would correct the tests on Saturday.

2. Natalia asked where the cafeteria was.
3. The doctor explained that he would operate tomorrow.
4. My mother said that she was tired.
5. Greta told me not to leave so early.

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

6. “I will call you later.”

Rhea ____________________________________________________________________.
7. “My friends are coming home tomorrow.”
Jack ____________________________________________________________________.
8. “Have you been to China?”
Andrea __________________________________________________________________.
9. “I have been trying to call her for two days.”
David ___________________________________________________________________.
10. “I did not do it!”
Suzy ____________________________________________________________________.

IV. Assignment
Directions: Create a flash fiction with the genre of your choice consisting sentences
using direct and indirect speech. Underline the sentences. The story should be in maximum
of 500 words or less.

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