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1. Artificial intelligence pros and cons?

Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are utilized to simulate human intelligence for either
solving a problem or making a decision.

Artificial Intelligence is the field of computer science that makes intelligent machines

In Favour:

 AI technologies could be used in hostile environment to complete dangerous tasks

which may injure human.
 They can replace humans in repetitive tedious task and in many laborious of
 There are many studies stating that humans are productive for 3-4 hrs in a day.
Human needs breaks and time offs to balance their work life and personal life. But AI
can work endlessly without breaks. They think much faster than human and perform
multiple task at a time with accurate results.
 Faster and mostly error free decision. While using AI decisions can be taken very
fast they reduce probable errors made by humans and increase accuracy and
precision. Because the decision made by AI in every step is decided by the
information previously gathered and certain set of algorithms so the probability of
getting error is almost null.
 They can predict what a user will type, ask, search. They can easily act as an
assistant. E.g. When you try to search on google u will find that. That is a result of
artificial intelligence
 The other important thing is that AI machines lack emotions. This makes machines
to think logically and take the right decision where human emotions are associated
with moods that can affect human efficiency.
 AI wouldn’t destroy jobs, – but would substantially alter the employment landscape
by stimulating the creation of highly qualified positions requiring advanced technical
skills. Every time machines were created, they also generated new types of work.

 The ability to create a machine that can stimulate human intelligence is no small feat.
It requires plenty of time and resources and can cost a huge deal of money.
 A big disadvantage of AI is that it cannot learn to think outside the box.AI is capable
of learning over a time with pre-fed data and past experience but it cannot be creative
in its approach.
 Increase unemployment. AI would result in reduction in the need of human
interference that results in in the death of many job opportunities.
 It makes humans lazy. AI applications automate the majority of tedious and
repetitive tasks. Since we don’t have memorize things to get job done we tend to use
our brains less and less.


We must not fight against an AI that could replace humans…– We must try to find alternative
ways of working, with humans that are able to “collaborate” with facilitating machines.

2. Cashless economy good or bad.

In Favour:

 Reduces risk of violent crime. Cash have been the sources of violent crime. It puts
employers of banks and shops at risk from holdups. We don’t have to employ security
guards to protect our money.
 Reduce the cost of printing money and storing money and transporting money.
That is a massive saving.
 Provide great efficiency: Purely electronic transactions bring great efficiency.
 Reduces tax Evasion: A significant problem for a government is the issue of tax
evasion. Self-employed workers who pay their tax in cash usually declare less income
than they actually earnt. This lead to a loss of income tax revenue by the government.
 We can make quicker transaction:
 Reduces worthless spare change: Mostly the consumer rarely has exact change and
so you end up with small coins which are difficult to spend.
 We can have better hygiene: Because of COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses in
the world either banned cash payments or strongly encouraged E-cash payments to
reduce spread of the virus.

 Many adults lack access to the bank accounts and credit cards: There are a lot of
people out there who don’t have bank accounts. So this makes it difficult to execute
cashless economy.
 Every one can’t afford smartphone so that can also be potential problem of cashless
 Privacy issues government gain more control over citizens.
 If there is an event that disrupts electronic transaction e.g. power outage, cyber-attack
or any other bank failure people in that economy will not able to transact and
everything will grind to halt.
3. Women make a better manager?


This topic is very much appealing to me. In my opinion women are actually better managers
than men. I always believed that women born managers and men are fixers.

 Men usually do not get their butt off their seats until they hear something like we got
a problem.

I have tried read researches on that. It tells that women can be superior managers and leaders.
Because they generally have better relationship skills than men which leads to better
connection with their team differently than men.

This is because women are the most manageable ones. As we can


 As per my point of view, management is skill. Skills are developed and are not gifted
by God. Good managers don’t depend on their gender it depends on the attitude,
creativity, knowledge, patience and having capacity to do so. When a person faces
problem they try to tackle it through those skills that is what increases their decision
making ability. When his or her decision adds value to the progress we can say that he
or she has a good management skill. This has nothing to do with person’s gender.

I in conclusion can we sum up by saying that we can’t pass any judgement on whether
women are good managers or men are.
4. Is privatization good or bad?

As we all privatization is the process of transferring ownership of a business enterprise

agency or public service from public sector to private sector.

In Favour

 Privatization at micro level, improve efficiency, increase productivity and enhance

service or product quality, expands range of choices to customers, spurs
innovations, cut cost, reduce prices and raises firm profit through the
combination of incentives competition reinvestment and control mechanism.
 Privatization is an important one since bad government policies and government
corruption can play a large, negative role in economic growth. By privatizing, the role
of the government in the economy is reduced, thus there is less chance for the
government to negatively impact the economy.
 Individuals become more motivated and driven to work on and invest in their property
since they are directly compensated for their efforts.
 Privatization leads to an increase in foreign direct investment which can potentially
play a significant factor in the quest for growth.


 Politicians may interfere based on political motives.

 If there are no competitor’s privatisation would just create private monopoly.
 Concentration of wealth in few hands.
 Results in unfair pricing of public service. Because as a private firm its main concern
is to earn a profit.
 privatization would result in high employee turnover. While this would help the
particular organization perform well, the employees would be adversely affected.
5. Balance between professionalism and family?

Professionalism and family can be described as the two sides of the same coin as both are
equally important in one’s life.

Profession gives us an individual identity and financial security and family gives us
emotional security. In today’s busy life style it is becoming difficult to find the time to
spend with family. This is causing lack of peace of mind.
Without profession there will be no meaning of life. Profession is not just earning money
but it is for our identity and self-satisfaction.

Professionalism is not all about being workaholic. It is all about knowing your priorities
and acting professionally both at workplace and home. Even though being too much
workaholic causes frustration and psychological problems.

Some people are not spending with their family even on holidays to earn money. They are
not concentrating on their children because they are giving much more priority to their
job. So the children may feel insecure and it may lead them in a wrong way. They should
remember that money is just tool for happiness. Money can’t give loved one. We have to
have a habit of saying ‘no’ to unimportant matters and spend with family.

Inner peace plays important role in balancing professionalism and family.

In addition, planning about everything in the future is very important to have

professionalism and family balanced. Since the ultimate goal of every one is happiness
and peace.

6. Is globalization necessary?

Globalization is “a process of interaction and integration among people of all different

background. It is driven by international trade and investment and aided by information

In Favour

 Through globalizations developing countries can be developed countries.

 We can share technology and inventions.
 We can sell our products all over the world. By exporting our products, we can
improve our economy.
 We can exchange resources such as petrol, coal and etc. Which can export things we
have to the world and import things we don’t have here or have with scarcity.
 We can share important achievements of the world.

 Country’s sovereignty will be a threat. For example, to take a decision on trade and
food security nations has to face the limitation by world trade organization (WTO)
 On the opposite side, some passionately believe that it already has driven millions
deeper into poverty and has to be stopped.
 Social aspect of globalization cultural transition is common effect of globalization;
Ethiopia is no different. Dress codes are western, the traditional way of dressing you
can see only on holidays. The youth prefer pizza and burger than injera, we prefer
coca than traditional coffee. Foreign movies and music than our own. This is the
effect of globalization on us.
 Through globalization poor becomes poorer because poor people can’t get the fruits
of globalization much. It is the rich who will be benefited a lot by globalization.
 There is high probability of culture and language being affected.
 Non globalized human societies will become extinct species.
 Due to globalization unemployment may increase. For example, the people of USA
are facing unemployment because so many people of different countries from all over
the world are migrating to USA and doing jobs there.

We are heavily depending on other countries and if there are any changes in the other
countries will also get affected. For example, if the oil prices rise we have to pay more for the
imports and thereby our economy will be affected.

In conclusion no country can stay isolated in the modern world. For one thing or another we
all depend on each other for survival and to improve the standard of living.

7. Is giving students homework good?

In favour:

 Doing homework’s teaches students to learn on their own and work independently.
Students will learn how to use resources such as texts, libraries, internet. Sometimes
no matter how well you thought you understand the material in class there will be
times when you get stuck doing homework. So in that case you learn how to get help,
how to deal frustration and how to preserve.
 It is also significant part of grade of student school specially in primary and middle
school. So if you don’t do it well it could cost you no matter how well you do in
 And I believe homework helps you learn beyond scope of the class. When you go for
other resources u can also find some other additional information’s which will
attribute to your knowledge.
 Homework also reinforces the concepts taught in class. The more likely you work
with them the more likely you will learn.
 It is also good opportunity to connect parents, classmate, and siblings. Most of all it
teaches how manage time, how you prioritize your work.


 Sometimes too much homework’s may lead to copying and cheating. That may lead
to low grade failed class or course. In the long-term it results in dependence on some
other students or other thing.
 Homework’s can hurt your grades. It forces you to make time management decisions
sometimes putting you in a no win situation.
 Sometimes homework that is pointless busywork can lead to a negative impression of
the subject. You need a break from as subject so you don’t burn out or lose interest.
So that is a problem.
8. Is using computer good or bad?

Nowadays computer has become the most important part of our life. As it is being used in
every field of life. If you are student, you will use for educational purpose. If you are business
man you will use computer for business purpose. It means that is being used everywhere.
There are many advantages of computer but as you know “a coin has two faces” there are
also disadvantages of computer.

In favour:

 It facilitates business process and other activities. It makes the work simple and less
time consuming. For example, we can take online trading and online education.
Online trading is very simple and timesaving, you have a variety of products to
choose from with the best price many websites offer their users a heavy discount.
 We can store so huge amount of information on computer which makes it easy to
handle information for business applications.
 We can perform multitasking and multiprocessing capabilities of data.
 Computers can process information much faster than a human brain. One advantage
to computers making decisions is that you will have decisions made faster and more
accurately than a human brain. Sometimes people can become tired or suffer from
lack of concentration and deliver inaccurate decisions but a well-tuned computer is
always alert and can process information without growing bored.


 As computer is in every field of life that is why there are many chances of
cybercrime. Cybercrime is a crime in which a computer and network are involved.
This is a big disadvantage of computers. Some computer users hack your data and
encrypt all your photos, videos, and other very important documents and save a file
on your desktop as a message. When you open the file, there will be a message for
you in which he demands money from you to unlock all of your data.
 Inactive social life is another disadvantage of the computer. Some computers users
become addicted to computers. They don’t have interest in their social life. They just
need a computer to play games or watching movies. All the time spending on
computer can cause inactive social life. They don’t attend any social events.
 Computers affects your education. It is true that most students buy computers for
their studies. Because they can easily find the information they require by accessing
google, Wikipedia, YouTube or some other websites. But many students like to play
games on the computer or watch movies. Sometimes it is hard for them to turn off the
computer and focus on their studies. They waste their time playing video games or
watching videos. It can your concentration power.
 Body pains. If you are using a computer without any plan. It can cause back pain in
your muscles which is also the disadvantages.
 Job losses
9. Social Media good or bad?

Social media is a platform for people to discuss their issues and opinions. Social media are
computer tools that allows people to share or exchange information’s, ideas, images, videos
and even more with each other through a particular network.
In Favour:


 Social Media helps to better understand their audience by their likes and dislikes.
 It helps the business for promotional activities.
 Social networking sites helps to make new customers by providing useful facilities.
 Helps to enhance market insight and stretch out beyond your rivals with online


 Social media gives a way to the students to effectively reach each other in regards to
class ventures, bunch assignments or for help on homework assignments.
 Teachers may post on social media about class activities, school events, homework
assignments which will be very useful to them.
 The access of social media provides the opportunity for educators to teach good
digital citizenship and the use of Internet for productivity.


 Social Media helps to meet people they may not have met outside the social media
 It also helps to share ideas beyond the geographical boundaries.
 It provides open opportunity for all writers and bloggers to connect with their clients.
 Social media provides awareness among society like campaigns, advertisement
articles, promotions which helps the society to be up to date with the current



 In business filed social media is not entirely risk free because many of the fans and
followers are free to post their opinion on a particular organization, the negative
comment can lead the organization to failure.
 Getting involved with Social Media is very time consuming. As an organization you
should assign a person to always bolster your pages and profile with significant
 Most companies have difficulty measuring the results of social media advertising.


 The first concern about the negative effect comes to mind is the kind of distraction to
the students present in the class. As teachers were not able to recognize who is paying
attention in the classroom.
 Because of social media students lose their ability to engage themselves for face to
face communication.
 Many of the bloggers and writers posts wrong information on social sites which leads
the education system to failure.


 One of the negative effect of social media is that it makes people addicted. People
spend lots of time in social networking sites which can divert the concentration and
focus from the particular task.
 Social media can easily effect the kids, the reason is sometimes people shares photos,
videos on media that contain violence and negative things which can affect the
behaviour of kids or teenagers.
 It also abuses the society by invading on people’s privacy.
 Social lies like family ones also weaken as people spend more time connecting to new

In a nut shell we conclude by saying, there are always to side of everything. It depends on
your perspective on how you perceive it. The same goes for same goes for social media most
people admire it is a revolutionary invention but some seem to take it in the negative impact
in the society.

10. Love marriage Good or bad?

Love marriages (Is marriages initiated by couples themselves) or arranged marriages (used
when the bride and groom are chosen by individuals other than the couple).

In my point of view those in love marriages will be more satisfied as they have married a
person of their own choosing with attention to mutual compatibility and attraction.

 Marriage is long term commitment so the decision to choose life partner should be in
one’s own hand.
 Since the couples know each other very well before the marriage they understand
each other fully so the probability of them having conflict is less.
 Love is basic of any marriage. In love marriage love can’t be a problem.
 Those who want to go for love marriage have more choices to get their significant
another from other class or tribes or religions because in the case of arranged
marriages mostly happen with people same class or religion.
 In love marriages equality prevails in between the couple. But this is a problem in
arranged marriage.
 Love marriages are mostly planned marriage so it is successful most of the time.


 Love is not the only thing we need in life to have successful marriage. But other
factors have to be checked for example family background, economic condition and
environment they grew up in because this contributes a lot more to have better
knowledge of each other it tells a lot more about the personality of couples.
 Parents are in a better position to choose a suitable marital partner for their children,
given their greater experience, their thorough understanding of their child’s nature,
and their ability to evaluate potential partners without the influence of emotions or
 Youngsters mostly confused attraction with love, they are emotional driven, so that
may result in bad marriage.
11. Arranged marriage good or bad?


 I am in the side of arranged marriage because, parents are in a better position to

choose a suitable marital partner for their children, given their greater experience,
their thorough understanding of their child’s nature, and their ability to evaluate
potential partners without the influence of emotions or hormones.
 Parents mostly care about their children very well and they think very deeply about
our future and economic conditions while deciding this decision so it better than love
 Love in love marriage fades away with time but love in arranged marriages grows
through a time.
 In arranged marriages family set up their children to other family’s children whom
they know very well so there is high probability of getting into relationship with
similar family as theirs. This prevents trusting people blindly which is the case in love


 Arranged marriages are like a lottery. Love may or may not be blossom between the
couple because some couples face compatibility issues.
 If couples don’t know each other before the marriage or if they spend less time
together before marriage, they may have differences to the extent to which the cannot
live together marriage will break.
 Too much willingness to yield to the wishes of elders may restrict couples from
divorcing even if they don’t have love between them.

In conclusion or in a nutshell can we close by saying that whether it is love marriage or

arranged marriage the relationship will work only if both partners are serious and honest in

12. Can money buy happiness?


 In my point view money can buy happiness. Not just temporary happiness but it can
buy you eternal happiness.
Imagine a starved person who has just got food because of you.
Imagine a disaster victim who has just got aid because of you.
Imagine an underprivileged following his dream because of you.
Imagine old person getting a support because of you.
 Money can buy you happiness if you share it with people who know its value very
well and are true need of it.
 Money can buy happiness. If it doesn’t make you happy may be it is because you are
spending it right.
 I hope you ever felt any difference when your wallet has few bucks and the day you
don’t have any cents left in your pocket. When you have certain amount of money
you feel confident and smiling but you don’t have any single cent you feel less
confident and you keep calculating in your mind, see how much stress you go
 You lost your mother or any other family, you could have saved because you don’t
have many for operation or medical expenses, you slowly watch them dying due to
being incapable of arranging that much amount of money in short time.

There are a lot to mention where you will find that money can buy happiness and give you
hope. Life is all about being practical you can’t just deny a fact just because you don’t agree
with the reality.


 Money can’t buy happiness but money provides us with options it is a tool, resource,
a vehicle which can be used to create positive or negative outcomes and experience in
our lives.
 If money buy happiness, then all the millionaires and billionaires so prominent on
magazine would be happy. In fact, when our country for example there are many
people are happier than billionaires because their standard for measuring happiness is
much different from those of billionaires. It means their happiness standards id=s
defined more by love and connection not by material objects and amount of money
they have or deposited.
 The key to happiness it is not to focus on money not to focus on the importance of
accumulating it not to focus on how much money we have or we don’t have but rather
to recognize money as a tool or resource.
13. Work from home pros and cons?

 Increased Staff motivation: - By working from home staff will feel more trusted by
their employer as the working relationship isn’t as closely monitored and employees
are allowed a degree of autonomy to get on with their work. This can contribute
toward them feeling more motivated to give their best.
 Financial Benefits: - By working from we can save office space, office supplies,
utility bills even we take advantage of tax relief available.

For eg: google is saving over 1 billion dollar year by working from home.

 We can save significant amount of time: As well know working from home
eliminates the need for commute or travel to work that can be stressful to employees.
We can save a significant amount of time specially in our country there are a lot
problems related to transportation so by working from home we can the time we spent
in transportation and get extra health benefits may be getting additional sleep or
spending more time with family or exercising.
 Technology makes it easier: The staff can easily stay connected without any
problem. They can either use skype or zoom to make a communication so that is not


 Working from home doesn’t suit everyone:

 Some employees may prefer the routine or the structure that working in office
offers them.
 Some staff may prefer the personal interaction with colleagues and also find
face to face guidance with their manager extremely beneficial in helping them
complete tasks and achieve their goals.
 Working from home may also not fit in with everyone’s home life. E.g. their
might be children that may cause interruptions or distractions while doing
your work or their might not be enough physical space required to create a
suitable dedicated working area.
 Working from home results in decreased staff morale. It is very hard to
maintain team sprit when employees are working at home on their own.
 The other and most important problem of working from home is difficulty in
managing home workers and monitoring their performance.
14. Online learning good or bad?


 Online education is much more preferable than learning in physical. Because online
education allows students to attend class from any location of their choice.
 Additionally, online lectures can be recorded, archived and shared for future
reference this allows students access the learning materials whenever they want to.
For example, if the student finds something unclear while attending online class they
can go for the recorded class and try to understand the subject.
 Online classes are more affordable than physical classes. Because it reduces student
transportation, student meal and boarding rents and other related costs.
 Online classes create paperless learning environment.
 Since online classes can be taken from home or location of choice there are fewer
chances of students missing out of lessons.
 Online learning offers teachers an efficient way to deliver lessons to students.
Online learning has number of tools such as pdf, videos and teachers can easily use all
these tools as part of their lesson.
 Online learning allows people to learn in their own style and at their own speed which
helps them to absorb more information. If someone needs more time with particular
topic they can go through it slowly and as many times they need.


 Key challenge of online classes is internet connectivity. Without consistent 24x7

internet connectivity online classes can’t be possible.
 In online classes most assessments are computer marked and generally have tendency
of being knowledge based and not necessarily practical based. Also the questions
are objective in nature.
 Online education reduces social interaction between students.
 In online learning you are basically on your own. You have motivated yourself to
study hard, take down notes and gather more information.
15. Should driverless cars be allowed in Ethiopia?

 Estimates suggest that nearly 80% of car crashes are due to human error. Self-driving
cars reduce can eliminate the possibility of human error and hence reduces the
number of the accidents.
 Driverless cars can help in reducing traffic by taking the route that has less traffic
using vehicle to vehicle communication.
 Self-driving cars can be used by people with special needs to drive safely on the
roads. They can travel anywhere without depending on any one.
 The majority of driverless cars are going to be electric vehicles which help in
decreasing the pollution level in the country.
 If driverless cars are allowed in Ethiopia they can be used to save time and resources.


 Traffic on Ethiopian roads is diverse due to the presence of different types of vehicles,
cycles and animals. Therefore, technology can’t be operated smoothly in this
 Self-driving cars are costly and out of reach of average Ethiopians. And it enlarges the
gap between the rich and the poor.
 In case of traffic jams or traffic light failure traffic police officers direct the traffic but
in the case these cars won’t be understanding human signals which will make it
difficult to control the traffic.
 Furthermore, self-driving cars have negative impact on the employment problem of
the country. For eg. Taxi drivers
 New service stations need to set up for the maintainace of these cars which can be

In conclusion in labour intensive economy like Ethiopia where the percentage of the working
population especially unskilled labour is high it is a bit risky to introduce driverless cars. But
that shouldn’t stop us from utilizing the latest technologies four our benefit. Moreover,
driverless cars are now working well only on highways and are facing challenges on normal
roads. So when the technology is fully developed it is a better to allow autonomous vehicles
in Ethiopia.

16. Is being famous worth it?

Positive Impact of fame:

 As we all know Fame brings a lots fortune. Beautiful mansion or house, maintained
gardens, best clothes, best and newest car models, buying fancy gifts, spending
vacation in luxuries resorts and others.
 Famous peoples are recognized wherever they go. This boost their confidence. They
also get special treatment everywhere they go.
 Many different opportunities arise when person becomes a famous.
 Fame is very important to become influencers and there by promote what they believe
in for example they can promote body positivity, gender equality and others because
many people follow celebrities.

Negative Impact of fame:

 It is difficult for celebrities to keep their personal secrets. Because celebrities have to
cope with paparazzi on a daily basis. Your reputation constantly being exposed and
vulnerable. They can’t go places where common people go and may have to spend
more to stay in luxury places to maintain privacy.
 If fame starts to fade it may lead to depression in some people.
 No matter what they do they will almost always criticised. There will be some
expectations on them that they should behave in certain way. Many have to cope with
social media trolls and criticism. Even their words can make a controversy out of it.
 When you are famous everyone wants to be your friend and have associations with
you but it is for selfish reasons you never knew if anyone actually likes you for you so
trust issues can be developed.
 Hidden enemies are more common as well as people why try to make advantage of
you. Fame can attract jealousy, competition and rivalry. Because of this celebrities
need to be on guard watch their backs all the time.
 Some famous people don’t have any real friends and they are isolated. Because
celebrity status can attract to many fake fiends but not the real ones.

In conclusion some people more money with fame they got and some others suffer the
consequences of fame. A few people handle fame well by utilizing it to their advantage
without falling in trap.

17. Does CCTV camera invade privacy?

In Favour:
 CCTV cameras can be regarded as some to be an invasion of one’s privacy. For
example, if they are installed thoughtlessly at someone’s bedroom or bathroom it will
indeed be an intrusive act.
 Some employers with intention of making sure that their staffs don’t waste time on
the job eg: surfing the internet and chatting they install CCTV cameras to monitor
them. The employees may feel offended if they hold the view of that their employees
are spying on them.
 Users must exercise responsibility and shouldn’t distribute footage to an authorized
personnel or make it public.


 Most legitimately placed surveillance or security cameras are aimed at public places
where there is no expectation of privacy so there is no privacy to invade so security
camera looking at you is no different from person looking at you.
 Home owners install CCTV in home to monitor the situation when they are not home.
Because CCTV are used to detect any unauthorized entry to house but not the purpose
of invading ones privacy.
 Taxi drivers install CCTV with in their taxis which have the abilities to record road
accidents and pinpoint the causes of accidents but not for the purpose of invading
one’s privacy.
 Video footages can also serve as important evidence for lawsuits and assist in making
legal claims. Recently we remember black GEORGE FLOYD killed by policeman
kneeling on his neck for this kind a crime CCTV cameras footages are used in making
legal claims.
18. 3rd level education private school public school 1. Facility 2. Teachers 3.
Private schools are currently growing and upping their standards to become equal to
public universities.

There are a lot of private collages nowadays. Even more than public universities. And
their standards differ as well. Just like public universities. If we talked about the top
collages like saint marry or unity, we can say that they are improving and upping
themselves from time to time. Their teachers are the ones whom are best at university
level. Since they pay good money the best teachers either teach on university and college
level at the same time or they work at the college level only. When we come to the
facilities available private universities have the upper hand. Usually tertiary level
education requires very expensive facilities. Whether it may be big library books or
computers or stadium for the school. Since private colleges are owned by private
individuals it’s hard for them to supply with these necessities.

3rd level education is higher education level.

19. Many campuses good or bad?

Wikipedia lists 33 universities in Ethiopia. Some of them are old ones while most of them are
new built.

In Favour:

On the other hand, giving an equal opportunity to the people around the country by building
universities in their community increases the culture of going to higher education and
availability to join universities more easily. As we all know we live in a very diverse
community, hence learning in a community you are familiar with will help to express your
ideas, ask questions and actively participate in the development of your community.


University is a place of higher education and research. Hence a certain kind of standards
needs to be fulfilled. Starting from facilities, to qualified teachers, fully equipped
laboratories, libraries, computers and such and such. They need to be an environment where
students are able to achieve their maximum potential. But it seems this criteria’s are not
fulfilled. Students from two different universities majoring in the same field of study have
unequal knowledge and training. This will be the cause to unskilled and not qualified
graduates leading to less productive and low quality works.

In conclusion I believe while building more universities around the country is a good thing,
the standards of the universities needs to be checked and balanced.

20. Android is better than IOS?

In Favour of Android:

 Android offers better battery life versus IOS versions, when users play with its apps
for longer time.
 There are wide range of android devices available in different size, functionality and
budget. But IOS are limited.
 The cost of androids is very much low to high. But IOS is very expensive.
 IOS is not flexible they only support IOS devices.

In Favour of IOS:

 When it comes to security IOS offers much enhanced security features compared to
Android. Because in the case of android fake apps can be installed to steal your info
from unknown source.
 Android allows several apps running in the background that lead to quick battery

21. Is confidence better than Knowledge?

In favour:

 Confidence is very much required than the knowledge sometimes because if you have
enough knowledge of a topic but won’t have enough confidence you can’t open up so
people around you thinks that you don’t have knowledge about it. And even
sometimes with confidence you can win the situation even you don’t have that much
knowledge in that issue.
 Knowledge without confidence is like healthy set of lungs without air.
 In the absence of confidence knowledge remain silent and un used. Simply we can say
knowledge is the product and confidence is method of delivery. If we manufacture a
product and we don’t have a delivery method, what we are going to do with the
product. We manufactured nothing. So that how important having confidence as
compared to knowledge.
 If you are going to be hired at somewhere there will obviously be an interview which
requires a confidence even though you have all the knowledge that the positions
require but you may still may end up not having that job, you don’t have the
confidence to express your ideas or knowledge

 I would say confidence is by product of knowledge. When there is a knowledge there
is a confidence. Because confidence builds with knowledge. But when there is a
confidence there is knowledge or ignorance.
 Tell me how can someone possibly confident in something they don’t understand?
The answer is confidence can also be driven by ignorance although in this form it will
lead to failure. Without backend support of knowledge confidence is nothing than
misguided energy.
 Sometimes being confident may become life hack for you but without knowledge you
can’t go far. It is like you may push car but at the end you need fuel to drive easily.

In conclusion we can sump up by saying confidence and knowledge are undoubtedly the
two most important qualities one can have equally. But if one loses the track of the other
chaos takes the driver seat. Because knowledge without confidence is completely useless just
as confidence without knowledge is useless. Simply we can say knowledge is the product and
confidence is method of delivery.

22. Is technology rising unemployment rate?


 Redundancy and Automation is continuously replacing human labour.

 If any business depends heavily on human labour, it tends to fail as it cannot cope up
with the competition from the technologically advanced competitors.
 Several kinds of jobs are increasingly getting replaced by technology. As per the
reports, there is a significant drop in the typists, weavers, construction workers etc.
 Low-skilled workers are the worst hit.


 Technology is not causing unemployment. It is just shifting human labour towards

different kinds of jobs.
 Though it is taking away some jobs, it is creating more jobs day by day. The net
employment opportunities are positive.
 With the advancement in technology, people no longer need to do repetitive tasks, and
hence more creative companies have born, giving employment to many.
 Technology created more jobs than it took away.
 There was a misconception at the time of industrial revolution that machines replace
human labour and hence creates unemployment. Contrary to that, machines caused
opening of many industries and more employment opportunities.
 The technological advancements are not fully tapped yet. Once technology is utilized
to the full extent, more employment opportunities will be created. At the end of the
day we only need to learn new things/skills every day. So that, we never get fired
from our jobs.

In Conclusion Technology made our lives easier and is indeed creating newer kinds of
jobs. It is inevitable that we should adapt to change and upgrade our skills to mould
ourselves into newer types of jobs.

23. Should mobile phones be allowed in schools and colleges?


More and more children and teenagers are getting their own cell phones as they are a very
handy, cheap, and useful mode of communication.

 Mobile phones are extremely potent tools and can be utilized to a great extent in
teaching at colleges.
 If students need something from home, they can call and ask someone to bring it.
This is very useful in case of homework. If the school bus or any other transport is
not available, they can call home and ask to be picked up.
 In case of some emergency children can swiftly call their parents or helpline
numbers like the police.
 Sometimes there might be a scenario where students have to stay back for some
extra class or assignment then they can inform their parents.
 During a classroom session it is very much possible to miss out on certain crucial
points. Here cell phones can be used to record and playback the entire content and
they will not miss any point.
 Teachers can take advantage of cell phones by providing students with resources
to find more information about a topic. This can include videos, news stories,
online discussion groups, and more. Allowing students to access these resources
in class can help encourage participation and discussions.

 Distractions and interruptions: When students use their cell phones to check social
media and text their friends in class, it leads to distractions for those students as well
as for their peers. This can cause disruptions in class, particularly if the teacher is
constantly telling students to turn their devices off.
 Cyberbullying: Cell phones can also lead to increased problems with bullying on the
school ground. Cyberbullying can be harder to see than other forms of bullying,
making it difficult for teachers to identify and stop when it is happening.
 Cheating: Cell phones can be a helpful learning tool in class. But they can also be
used by students to access information while taking a test, leading to cheating. Even if
a student isn’t caught, this can lead to him or her having a poor understanding of the
material in the future, and is unfair to students who studied hard to do well.
 Reducing thinking ability: We are becoming slaves to mobile phones in today’s
time. Even for small calculations, students use mobiles and calculators which is
making their basics weak and also degrading their thinking ability.
 Allowing cell phones in schools will give rise to an unhealthy, unwanted
competition as students with expensive and latest model phones will overwhelm
those who have got low-cost or old model phones.


There’s no easy answer: there are both pros and cons to students having cell phones in
school. Although they can be used as a learning tool in the classroom, this only works as long
as students use them effectively. This means for teachers who decide to use cell phones (or
any other digital device) as part of their lessons, it’s important to set ground rules and keep a
close eye on how they are being used.

24. Should mother tongue be the medium of instruction in schools?


 Mother tongue must be the medium of instruction in all schools across the country.
Plays an important role in framing child’s thinking, emotions and spiritual world.
 Language represents the culture and lifestyle of society. Education is to prepare for
life in society. Learning about our culture and other subjects in a foreign language can
lead to confusion and lack of clarity.
 There are many English medium schools in Ethiopia. But most of their teachers have
no skills to teach in English, risking the children’s studies.
 It is blatant child’s who have their mother tongue as medium of instruction
outperform the children, who have a foreign language as the medium of instruction.
 Having good command over one language helps a lot in learning other languages. But
the children that are having another language as the medium of instruction aren’t
getting command either on their mother tongue or on their medium of instruction.


 Switching the medium of instruction in the middle of the school or later may put
stress on students.
 As the world is increasingly globalized, children should be taught in the international
language, i.e. English. So that they can grab more opportunities.
 Absence of good teaching material in the mother tongues. Lot of resources need to be
dedicated to improve the same & that effort needs to be duplicated for each language.


To learn English, it’s not required to learn all the subjects through English. To get a good grip
on the subjects and their mother tongue, children should be taught in their mother tongue at
least in the primary school level. But the option should be voluntary.

25. Computer dependency of the young?

26. Is technological advancement good or bad?


Technology today has made life better and quicker. In our modern society people can't see
themselves without computers, cell phones, voice mail etc. The technological progress makes
our society more convenient and safe.

 It is not technological advancement that is bad but it is how much we rely on it

that is bad.

 Addiction
 Making you less social to th real world

27. Fossil fuel or renewable energy?

Fossil fuels

Much of the world’s energy is produced by burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas.
These natural resources are formed from the remains of plants and animals that died millions
of years ago. They are used to power everything from planes to gas cookers.

Against Fossil Fuel

 Burning fossil fuels creates carbon dioxide gas, which is damaging to the environment
and is making the Earth warmer than it should be. causing often irreversible damage
to the environment, wildlife, and humans.
 Once fossil fuels are gone they cannot be replaced, so people are now using
renewable sources of energy.

Favour Fossil Fuel

 It is much cheaper both for the commercial and residential sectors than renewable
 easy to store and to ship

What is renewable energy?

Favour Renewable Energy

 Renewable energy is a natural source of energy that will never run out. Wind, the Sun
and water are renewable energy sources that can be used to create electricity.
 Renewable energy can be Hydropower, Solar energy, Wind energy and geothermal
 These sources of energy are much cleaner to use than fossil fuels because they do not
produce harmful gases that cause pollution and climate change. In some cases, like
solar and wind power, they are totally clean sources of energy.
 Although renewable resources are initially expensive to install, renewable energy is
generally cheap to use.

Against Renewable:

 although renewables will never run out, they are unfortunately not available
continuously. When the weather is cloudy, solar panels are not efficient enough. If the
wind is not blowing, the wind turbines will not rotate.
 renewable energy is in its infancy, it is expensive.
28. Technology creates income inequality?

•Technology is seeing exponential growth in recent times. It has taken over various aspects of
human day-to-day jobs as well as other factors. Now the question that persists is that is this
technology reaching out to every individual equally?

YES: -

 Existence of poverty is a clear indication of income equalities. The rich people keeps
getting rich keeping far behind the poor and middle class categories.
 Other countries like United States have the highest wage inequality than any other
country. California is the eighth largest economy in the world with a highest poverty
rate in its country. Hence, inequality is one of the outcomes of technology.
 As technological jobs have set in, manual jobs are becoming redundant. This results
in a loss of employment of manual workers. It hence, digs the gap between the rich
and the rest more concretely.
 Introduction of artificial intelligence has been another stepping stone in technology as
well as in income inequality.
 A lack of education in technological fields also contributes in income inequalities.
The mechanical or laboured jobs did not require much knowledge and learning about
technology. With technology coming into play, demand has increased for
technological knowledge, discarding the old syllabus.
 Inequality in education is creating a barrier for poor children to progress as well as for
labors to develop high skills in technologies. This hence, creates income inequalities
 As technical job wages are rising, wages for manual jobs like home servicing,
restaurant jobs, household jobs etc. are decreasing. This too gives in the inequality
 The Internet has also put enormous pressure on local and national labour markets. In
addition, technology is providing ways of reaching out internet services to people.

NO: -

 Technological innovation has actually created more number of technical based jobs
than it has killed.
 Human civilization has already adapted itself to the advancements. Now, it will be
difficult to eliminate technology from human lives even if it creates an inequality.
 Technological advancements are a boon in the medical field. The advancements are
saving and extending human lives.
 As technology creates human replacement, a solution to the inequality is also being
tried out. Finland is trailing universal basic income for all its citizens to bridge the gap
that was created.
 Entrepreneurs in the digital economy have generated numerous new jobs and higher
incomes for many. Digital economy brings in a new dimension and immense
opportunities in job sectors.

Conclusion: -

Many economists have stated this problem of inequality to be very harmful and inappropriate
for societies. Stephen Hawkins has warned that technology is partly to blame for the rise in
income inequality and great technological advances can leave most people “miserably poor.”
In spite of the shortcomings of technologies, humans have always welcomed inventions and
technical developments in their lives since ages. The solution lies in increasing technology
literacy rates.

29. Creativity or knowledge?

“Knowledge” is the theoretical and practical understanding of a subject. “Creativity” is the

use of imagination or original ideas to create something.

For Creativity
Knowledge, no doubt has a role to play. Without knowledge, creativity does not have
any substance to work with. Without knowledge, creativity does not have any substance to
work with.

Knowledge is the information that we have through the experiences of our predecessors and
our own at present. Information of all things discovered or experienced is knowledge. But,
creativity is needed to put that information together to come up with new results and

Albert Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is
limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and
all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Knowledge, no doubt has a role to play. Without knowledge, creativity does not have any
substance to work with. Creativity puts together already available information in a manner to
come up with new solutions to new problems. Without the 2 working in tandem, nothing new
could have been created.

Let’s discuss a simple example that all of us must have surely come across: In school, we all
knew that one guy/girl who would mug-up the whole book from top to bottom. No question
would be left in the book which was not known to him/her. And there would be another
guy/girl who would not toil so much. He/she would only understand how to solve the
questions, the methodology, and the reasoning behind all of it. Come maths exam. Let’s say a
few questions were asked which were not in the book. The first guy/girl would cry foul over
not being able to solve the questions since they were “out of syllabus”. While the other
guy/girl, though slower in speed, would solve all the questions(even the new ones) and get a
better score than the latter.

Also Read : Nuclear Energy in India - Boon or Bane?

Now the question arises, who among the above 2 is truly educated? Definitely not the rote
learner! This points to the fact that creativity trumps knowledge in solving new problems.
Knowledge can get you through old problems easily, but only creativity can help you tackle
new problems.

In light of the above discussion, it can be concluded that knowledge is definitely required but
only knowledge in isolation cannot help us. Knowledge has to be accompanied by creativity
in order to make true progress in life. These rules apply to every sphere of our life.

Albert Einstein famously said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For
knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the
entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

“Knowldge” is the theoritical and practical understanding of a subject. “Creativity” is the use
of imagination or original ideas to create something.

Knowledge is the information that we have through the experiences of our predecessors and
our own at present. Information of all things discovered or experienced is knowledge. But,
creativity is needed to put that information together to come up with new results and
solutions. Creativity finds a way to solve problems. It harnesses curiosity and acts like a
magnet to learning new things. Knowledge comes from learning .But, knowledge is useless,
if we cannot make connections between what we know .

Knowledge, no doubt has a role to play. Without knowledge, creativity does not have any
substance to work with. Creativity puts together already available information in a manner to
come up with new solutions to new problems. Without the 2 working in tandem, nothing new
could have been created.

I personally think that creativity and knowledge are in a sort of relationship. Being creative
can lead to more knowledge, and being knowledgeable can increase creativity.

30. Fresher’s are better than laterals?

For those unfamiliar with Freshers vs Laterels, the essential difference between the two
methods is that a Fresher-hiring company takes anyone with any set of qualifications of a
certain level and encourages everyone to begin as an all-rounder and work their way into a
role constantly switching them around until they settle finally into a specialization. Lateral-
hiring corporations tend to hand-pick people with previous experience in the exact roles they
are being hired for.


 The fresher system has only one advantage over the lateral one: getting replacement
shifts for absences is easier. This means that with less staff in reserve (meaning less
wages being spent) you can successfully run the company as long as everyone is
ready to jump in and do a shift when anyone else is absent. This may seem like a
clear-cut case for Con to win but it actually is not so black-and-white.


 Lateral hiring firstly involves minimal training. Fresher systems require each and
every employee to be trained in all departments to a slight degree, often by other
previous Fresher’s rather than each department's own experts. This not only means
that the Fresher-strategy corporation is having to waste a lot of its time and money
hiring people for training but also means the quality of training is never that great for
any department since fresher’s training fresher’s leaves everyone 'alright at
everything' but 'good' at nothing.
 Lateral hiring ensures the person being hired has basically got all expertise required
for that role and only needs to be trained on corporation-specific or location-specific
policies. Oftentimes,
 Lateral hiring is also easier to form contracts for as they merely use one similar to the
person’s previous role and alter the length of work-time to whichever suits their
31. Should we encourage divorce?


 We now live in the age of democracy which guarantees the freedom of divorce for
both men and women. In cases where either or both partners are compatible.
 Divorce gives you another chance to live your life in your own way after divorce you
will be able to restart your life with or without another partner you can be happy again
well if you make the right decision.
 There are situations in which it is basically impossible for couples to live under the
same roof. For example: If one of them or both suffer physical abuse, cheating or
adultery, emotional abuse divorce allows you to get freedom and move on.
 If you are in relationship like the one that can’t be fixed at all getting divorce is much
better than having bad relationship.
 Marriage comes with so many responsibilities where by you end up not getting time
for yourself so you get the chance to relax.
 It is not healthy for children to be in an environment where they see lack of
after divorce they are in no longer in the position of having to listen to endless
arguments and take sides.
 I believe that child who experiences divorce may mature faster and advance
responsibility at younger age. For example, the family get divorce and they have
children’s the older child usually take care of the younger siblings or his /her, they

usually take on co parental function with either of their family. Q


 Divorce have negative impact on psychological health. The partners may suffer a
negative psychological balance or un happiness and depression.
 Divorce doesn’t only affect the couple who is splitting, but children will feel the
impact too. A child of divorce may develop commitment issues so they may end up
not marrying at all.
 Divorce in our country also affects children negatively to change their life (school
dropout, engaging in addiction, develop anti-social behaviours) theft and immoral acts
of conduct on children.
 Divorce can be a stressful experience, which affects the economical, social and
psychological wellbeing of both divorcees; especially mothers and their children.
 Divorce isn’t worth it. It would be better to work on the marriage if it is still
32. Student centred or teacher centred education?
33. Money Vs Knowledge?
34. Can artificial intelligence replace human intelligence?
35. Can we rely on crypto currency like bitcoin?
36. Can money be motivation?
37. Financially support yourself or family first after graduation
38. Plastic ban: Economy vs environment
39. Economic growth is more important than ecological protection?
40. Men or women which is better work force?
41. Leader vs Follower?

Covid-19 has brought upon one of the worst economic crises we have experienced in modern
society, and it is extremely apparent that the global economy will feel the impact for years, if
not decades, into the future. Specifically, within the aviation industry, the impacts have been
expansive, and have affected all workers and companies within the sector in some way or the

Firstly, international air passenger traffic could experience a decrease by very large
percentage, which is hindering in a huge variety of ways. Not only can this be directly linked
to a potential reduction in airport revenue, but there is also a huge number of consequent
economic losses that can occur.

Another point of note is the global merchandise trade volume, of which could experience a
decline. The transportation of goods is vital in maintaining a productive economy, as it allows
countries and companies to trade resources, ensuring constant economic flux. Even though
this percentage decrease seems small against the other decreases, any reduction in the
transportation of goods can cause strains on supply in certain areas, and surpluses in other
areas, completely altering regional prices and decreasing the economic stability.

It is also important to consider impacts from a social perspective. Several airlines have been
branded as remorseless for laying off huge numbers of staff, with no financial support; this is
the harsh reality of working in aviation amid the Covid-19 virus.

1. Economic growth is more important than ecological protection?

2. 5.

7. Failure or success?

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