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DLFA REQUEST FOR TATA INFORMATION Project: Capital Greens IV, New Delhi Reference No: CGIVI2325/RFUI0297 Contract No. Na Contract Tite: DLF CG IV corsa rae RFI Issue Date: 19-12-2020 Discipline: Structural |_ Originator Name: NEHA SUBJECT: Reinforcement Details required for beam no. B8, B103, B78 & B4 for Tower -3 at Upper ground floor level To: DLF RESPONSE REQUIRED BY: 21-12-2020 FROM: _ TATA PROJECTS L’ PRIORITY: MicH 4— MEDIUM Low REASON FOR REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Consultant Design Docs [_] Site Change Z1 Contractors Proposal ‘Shop Drawing [1 Test Report Drawing for Construction Installation Inspection ( Giient change (D1 Tenant change Site Vist [E1 cesign change [E otter. please specity GEeniaien oa eo ee) Reference drawing no.- S1-105-R0O (UPPER GROUND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN) In reference to above mentioned drawings for Tower -3 at Upper ground floor framing level, there is difference in the depths of Beam no. B8 is 300x700 & B103 300x1200/650 and same B78 350x700 & B4 350x750 (as shown in the attached drawings) meeting perpendicular to each other kindly provide the reinforcement detail at the junction of these beams. Need your cooperation, please provide required detail, pate: (V- 12—2ega For and on behalf of Engineer For and on behalf of Design Consultant Dat: Distribution Origin: ‘Consultant (asa ial reesiver) Copies EJ PMC EJ) MEP = DJArchitect [ Structural Consultant Oorg oa a a a

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