Fraud Detection Based-On Data Mining On Indonesian E-Procurement System (SPSE)

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Fraud Detection Based-on Data Mining

on Indonesian e-Procurement System (SPSE)

Hasan Asy'ari Arief, G.A. Putri Saptawati, Yudistira Dwi Wardhana Asnar
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Bandung Institute of Technology
Bandung, Indonesia,,

Abstract - This paper focuses on detection of potential fraud phase, this unit creates procurement package, announces and
that occurs in the procurement process via the Indonesian E­ opens the procurement process, processes the selections
Procurement System (SPSE). Potential frauds in procurement procedure and announces the winner. After the announcement,
take very diverse forms such as corruption, collusion and tender it deals with the complaints and then finally closes the
fixation and more importantly, they are found in various stages procurement process with contract signing [2].
ranging from the budgeting to the utilization stages.
According to Journal Senarai LKPP, the potential for fraud
By analyzing the data, we show that there are several techniques in the procurement process may occur during the planning
that may work effectively to serve the goal of detecting these stages (such as budget markup and packaging work) to the
frauds. Furthermore, we also obtain that SPSE data contain a utilization stage (quantity and quality of procured goods or
huge number of data-related issues such as inconsistencies in services that do not correspond with the requirements or not
hierarchical structure among official agencies and company used at all) [3]. Potential frauds in the procurement system take
names among institutions as well as missing data points. In a very diverse forms starting from collusion, corruption and
addition to that, the size of data to deal with is gigantic (about tender fixation [4]. Various studies have been conducted to
515,069 projects), which renders the fraud detection mechanism detect potential frauds in the procurement system, such as:
has been a non-trivial problem.
fraud detection techniques based on statistical analysis using
bidding price [5] [6] and reserve price ratio [4] [7], fraud
In this paper, we implement a fraud detection mechanism using
detection techniques based on proximity and similarity using
data mining techniques based on supervised learning. The use of
spatial data and document of the payment transactions [8] [5]
supervised learning depends on the availability of data labeling
and fraud detection technique using data mining approach [9]
(fraud and non-fraud) which are extracted using string matching
and manual extraction procedure from several data sources
[J 0] [11]. Based on our research, there are two fraud detection
including court rulings, Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)
techniques that have been used to detect fraudulent in SPSE,
publication and public comment. Test results show that Naive i.e: fraud detection techniques using the history of user activity
Bayes algorithm with 14 attributes obtained from dimension [J 2] and potential risk analysis method from
reduction produces the best performance with promising result [13].
compared to the other fraud detection techniques available to
One of the issues in conducting fraud detection in SPSE is
date. Besides, the sensitivity analysis deployed in the dimension
the limited data types provided by the SPSE itself This has
reduction process has not only significantly reduced the
dimension of the problem but also has improved the performance
substantially makes many existing fraud detection techniques
of the fraud detection technique.
cannot be deployed to its full potential. The other problems that
have been encountered from SPSE data are such as: (1)
Keywords - fraud detection, e-procurement, data labeling, existing missing value in SPSE data, (2) inconsistent
data mining, dimensionality reduction subdivision names among government institutions, (3)
inconsistent names among the same companies across SPSE
I.INTRODUCTION provider, (4) unavailability of labeled data and (5) occurrence
of skewed distribution of labeled data. Therefore, to detect
Electronic Procurement System (SPSE) is a system that
potential fraud on SPSE based on data mining, an extensive
manages almost all procurement projects undertaken by the
number of data processes preparation have to be performed.
Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Until the beginning
of 2016, the total budget that has been processed using SPSE We summarize our implementation for fraud detection
reached IDR 870 trillion from 731 agencies and 34 process in six steps as follows: (1) selecting of the appropriate
provinces [1]. The procurement processes that occur in the supervised algorithm based on data mining, (2) determining a
SPSE are divided into two major selection phases i.e. suitable performance measurement techniques, (3) defining and
preparation stage and implementation stage. At the stage of the searching the baseline of fraud detection performance, (4)
selection preparations, committing officer called PPK submits a enriching attributes and building the model, (5) selecting the
procurement plan to Pokja ULP - a unit assigned to handle most influential attribute (using dimensional reduction
technical procurement processes. Pokja ULP then creates and techniques) and (6) analyzing the results.
determines procurement document. During the implementation

978-1-5090-5671-2/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

Our analysis concludes that data mmmg technique including committing institutions, bidding projects, bidding
conducted in this research is very promising on detecting winners, bidding participants and bidding schedules. These
fraudulent data in SPSE. The implemented model can detect 52 data are then pre-processed, resulted in 515,609 projects until
out of 54 projects with salvage value reaches IDR 273 billion. April 2016 with 640 engaging institutions from a list of
Moreover, from a variety of supervised algorithms which were 155,328 institutions in the database.
tested, it was found that Naive Bayes followed by sensitivity
analysis to reduce the dimension shows the highest 2) Data Extraction (based on existing fraud detection
performance result. technique)
The next step is to add additional attributes obtained from
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 all other existing fraud detection techniques that are already
discusses about related works for fraud detection that has been available from SPSE data. These attributes are summarized in
done for SPSE data. Section 3 discusses the steps we take to Table I.
prepare the data, and followed by Section 4 with extensive data
analysis discussion. Section 5 elaborates the six steps of data 3) Data Extraction Based on Bidding Schedules
mining implementation for discovering potential fraud on This step is performed by rotating or pivoting the schedules
SPSE that we have briefly mentioned earlier. Section 6 will of bidding stages, followed by analyzing the impact of each
highlight concluding remarks on our study and finally section 7 stage.
provides insights regarding some possible future works.
Code Corresponding Techniqnes Attribntes
There are two known approaches for fraud detection on
Indonesian e-Procurement Data: potential risk analysis from Reserve price ratio analysis [4]
al [13], and user behaviour analysis from BPKP [7]

[12]. Potential risk analysis's technique uses a matrix of criteria skewness_population

a2 Bid price analysis [5] [6] std�riceJasio
that determines the value of the risk of a project. This technique
is used in based on five criteria analysis: the
value of the contract, the number of bidders, the reserve price a3 Project Cost Analysis [14] p_distance
ratio, the schedule of project and the number of repeated
winners [14]. The five criteria are then grouped according to nominal_QUARTER
the project risk value for each criterion. Following that, the risk nominaljumlah_peserta_
values of all criteria are then accumulated. The project with the menawar
highest accumulated value is the one that has the greatest nominal_nilai_proyek
Potential Risk Analysis from
a4 nominalJatio_hps_dan_ha
potential of containing fraud. [13]
The other known approach is fraud detection based on user nominal win count
behaviour. Arumsari from BPKP wrote [I2] there are six opentender
additional steps to examine the existence of fraud on
procurement project, those steps are (1) examination of
approval procedure on an auction, (2) validation of the time­ 4) Additional Statistical Data Extractionfrom SPSE
frame validity for the use of user id, (3) verification of ULP This step is performed to obtain new attributes based on
access control, (4) investigation for possible collusion between statistical analysis on SPSE data as well as the changes they
owner/ULP with service provider, (5) investigation for possible undergo. From this step, we obtain 18 new attributes.
collusion between service providers, and (6) inquisition of the
possibility of fraud existence for the availability of SPSE From all these processes, we finally obtain 52 attributes that
application. enable us to conduct our analysis. Furthermore, we also
highlight several issues regarding the data and summarize them
Data preparation is used to prepare SPSE data in order to be • Bidding participant data include many inconsistent
ready for mining purposes. This process is divided into three values mostly because they are extracted from various
stages: (1) data extraction, (2) data cleansing and (3) data sources (not one central data source), even if they refer
labeling. to the same information.
A. Data Extraction • Nomenclatures used in each institution differ from one
SPSE data extraction is carried out through four stages i.e. another.
original SPSE data extraction, data extraction based on existing
fraud detection techniques, data extraction based on bidding • Bidding projects include a huge number of missing
schedules and additional statistical data extraction from SPSE. values.

1) Original SPSE Data Extraction • Bidding schedules and stages may differ for each
This step is carried out by downloading all data and project.
attributes that are freely accessible through SPSE official
website. From this step, we have obtained five types of data
Data cleansing is conducted to complete the missing values SPSE DATA
in our data.
Fraud Detection Data Data
1) Completing Missing Value Techni9ne Re9nirement Availabili�
To deal with the missing values, we synchronize the data Bid price analysis • The bid price of all • The bid price of
participants of the all participants
with other equivalent attributes. For example for missing [5) [6} auction of the auction
values in budgeting year, we use the year when the project
started while for missing values in institutions and funding Reserve price ratio • Win bid price • Win bid price
2 • Reserve price • Reserve price
source, we use the name of institutions carrying out the analysis [4] [7]
projects. With this process, we are able to complete the missing
• Company's address • Company's
values, which in tum enable us to implement fraud detection address
• Project location
techniques. • The entire value • Project location
Project Cost companies in the • The entire value
2) Hierarchy Extraction 3 procurement system companies in the
Hierarchy extraction is conducted by matching the agency Analysis [l4]
• Company workers procurement
and units names with all ministries and government agencies data system
based on lexical similarity. Assuming that all corresponding • The workload of the
agencies and units are operating under one or more appropriate project company
government units, all values sharing lexical similarity are then • All bidders data with • All bidders data
Pattern Rotation
4 consistent naming but inconsistent
mapped under the same institution. As a result, all agencies and
Analysis [18] naming
units found in the data are placed in a government-based­
hierarchy which suits our technique.
• The address of • The address of
C. Data Labeling company participants company
This step is implemented to label the e-Procurement data as auctions organizers
fraud or non-fraud using information extraction from court Fraud Detection by • Home address of
5 participants and
decision data, [(PK publication data and public comment data. Similarity [8]
auctions organizers
We scan all those data sources to find any information whether
• payments Document
a particular project contains fraud or not. In order to make sure for participants
the fraud projects are correctly labeled, the labeling process • Document validation
required the following data: project name, agencies to which for auctions organizers
the project is offered, companies winning the project and the • The value of the • The value of the
fiscal year of the project or otherwise will not be processed. contract contract
Information extraction for the data sources above is performed • The number of bidders • The number of
Potential Risk • The reserve price ratio bidders
using string matching based on several criteria and manual
6 Analysis/rom • Scheduling of project • The reserve price
extraction technique.
• The number of ratio [13] Scheduling of
The results of this information extraction process repeated winners •

discovered 202 fraud projects and 19,653 non-fraud projects.
• The number of
Non-fraud labeling is performed by eliminating all projects repeated winners
having any indication as fraudulent. This guarantees that all Data mining techniques
successfully labeled data not mislabeled and clear from any
information noise. • All bidders data with • All bidders data
Association Rule
consistent naming but inconsistent
[9] naming

Data analysis is implemented to understand data • Data labeling • Win price and
requirement for the existing fraud detection techniques and its • Win price and reserve reserve price
compatibility with our available data. Table II consists the price ratio ratio
Cluster Analysis"
summary of data compatibility from each existing fraud 2 • Skewness distribution • Skewness
detection technique and this has enabled us to conclude that the [4] [9] from bid prices distribution from
• Median value from bid bid prices
existing techniques suit the characteristic of the SPSE data are
prices • Median value
bid price analysis [5J [6J, reserve price ratio analysis [4] [7] from bid Erices
and potential risk analysis from [13]. Supervised • Data labeling
Furthermore, the data mining techniques that could potentially
3 Learning [/0] [/6]
be used is supervised learning [IO] [I6] [17].

3. In this paper cluster analysis was not implemented because the attributes that must be analyzed
are very diverse, hence it needs equalization for each attribute before the process can be carried out In
addition to this diversity, there are a large enough number of attributes that complicate the
implementation of this particular analysis. Please note that cluster analysis is only deployed on similar
attributes. Moreover, the enormous efforts needed to define cluster results as the occurrence of
fraudulent activities makes cluster analysis not practical to implement
V.FRAUD DETECTION ON SPSE modeling. All attributes are then used to build the model which
then followed by performance testing. The result of
We then implement fraud detection techniques using data
performance testing is exhibited in Table IV. Table IV shows
mining supervised learning. This discussion is arranged into
that the average performance of all these attributes is 82.88%
several steps.
with saving value of 75.73% or IDR 263 billion. The
Step 1: The selection of supervised algorithms that suit the performance increases significantly compared to the
procurement data is analyzed in this section. From the results performance of the test results using a combination of groups
of analysis, we notice that several effective algorithms to detect attributes in Step 3.
fraud using supervised learning [10] can be deployed to
analyze SPSE data, i.e. Naive Bayes, Bayesian networks, TABLE IY. TESTS RESULTS USING ALL AV ALAIBLE ATTRlBUTES
decision tree and neural network.
Attributes Algorithm SAR(%) COST (%) Avg. (%)
Step 2: In this step we analyze the proper performance all" Naive Bayes 90.0 75.73 82.88
measurement techniques for supervised learning in fraud
2 all" Bayes Network 90.3 74.68 82.53
detection. Our research has concluded that there are two proper
parameters to determine the performance of fraud 3 all" Decision Tree 70.1 -23.66 23.25
detection techniques: SAR (Squared Error, Accuracy ROC nTests are performed using all available attributes
Curve) and misclassification cost called Cost Model. SAR is
suitable for justifying the overall condition of supplied data
mining model [19] while cost model is suitable because it is Step 5: Dimensional reduction is implemented to select and
capable of measuring the saving value and misclassification reduce the attributes that can provide the best performance.
cost from implementation of fraud detection technique on From the available literature, we note that there are several
supervised model [17]. analytical techniques for dimensional reduction that can be
carried out such as Correlation Analysis (CA), Principal
SYSTEM Component Analysis (WPCA) [20]. We combine these three
NonFrand (Trne) Frand (Trne) techniques with sensitivity analysis (SA) to analyze how much
an attribute changing affects the misclassification cost. The
Prediction(NonFrand) 0 - (Saving Values)
baseline used for SA is the best performance that is generated
Saving Values - from the previous step, which is 82.88%. The SA steps are
Prediction(Fraud) - (Investigation Cost)
( Investigation Cost )
implemented by comparing the performance of the model
generated with and without each attribute to the baseline value.
Cost models are formed from cost matrix by measuring If the result is smaller than one percent from the baseline, then
misclassification of a detection process [17]. Cost matrix used the attribute is removed because it is considered insignificant.
in this paper is shown in Table III. Misclassification costs are These steps are repeated for all 52 attributes and yields to 14
calculated based on total investigation cost and the salvage significant attributes for our fraud detection model. The test
value of the bidding price that occurs in a project. Cost matrix result of dimensional reduction is depicted in Table V.
in Table III consists of four conditions established based on the
predicted results and the saving from each quadrant. Cost TABLE Y. TEST RESULTS FROM DIMENSIONAL REDUCTION PROCESS

matrix is formulated under the assumption that the procurement No RD" l;h Algorithm SAR(%) COST(%) Avg
is only investigated if there are fraud indications from the
WPCA 11 Naive Bayes 85.99 67.67 76.83
procurement data, not to all projects. This assumption
eliminates the cost of unnecessary investigations otherwise the 2 WPCA 11 Bayes Network 83.77 61.19 72A8
investigation costs would be enormous. WPCA 11 Decision Tree 54.63 -114A7 -29.92
Step 3: In this step we group attributes based on the fraud 4 PCA 11 Naive Bayes 55.20 -46.29 4A5
detection techniques. From these data it is known that there are
5 PCA 11 Bayes Network 53.17 -54.97 -0.90
four groups of attributes that can be used. All of these groups
are then merged to build the data mining model using 6 PCA 11 Decision Tree 30AO -117.64 -43.62
supervised algorithms from step 1. The goal is to find a group 7 CA 29 Naive Bayes 65.88 -109.30 -21.71
of attributes or combination of groups that have the best
performance in fraud detection using supervised algorithms. 8 CA 29 Bayes Network 58.18 -26.85 15.67

After building and validating the model based on all these 9 CA 29 Decision Tree 27.80 -96.74 -34A7
groups of attributes, as well as their combination, we found that
10 SA 14 Naive Bayes 89.79 78.68 84.24
group (a4) from Potential Risk Analysis from Opentender. net
[13] gives the best performance of 80.19% with saving 11 SA 14 Bayes Network 88.30 68.98 78.64
percentage of 78.70%. 12 SA 14 Decision Tree 82.94 70.07 76.51

Step Having this finding, we implement attribute

4: a Dimensional reduction technique
bThe total attributes from dimensional reduction implementation
enrichment for both statistical calculations and scheduled
auction to improve the performance. From this enrichment
process, we obtained 52 attributes that can be used for the
Through this experiment, we obtain the most influential between each attributes. Thus in this algorithm, the relationship
attributes generated through sensitivity analysis (SA) combined among attributes are ignored and the analysis focused on the
with Naive Bayes (NB) algorithm. The result of this technique relationship of each attribute to the label class. We obtain
reaches its best performance at 84.24% with saving value of several new insights from this and summarize them as follows.
78.68% or IDR 273 billion. In addition to improving
performance, the SA also reduces attributes from 52 attributes
• Procurements that use national budget have bigger
to 14 attributes. potential to be more fraudulent than the ones using state
TABLE VI. LISTS OF 14 ATTRIBUTES USING SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS • Procurements with higher price values have potential to
No Attribute Name Description be more fraudulent than the ones with lower price
admin and teknis Contains the number of bidders who
meet the technical and administrative • Procurements with category of "pengadaan barang" are
more likely to be fraud than other categories.
2 is_apbd Indicates a project sourced trom national • Procurements with a longer period of auctions have
budget or state budget
greater probabilities to be fraud. Furthermore,
procurements with more auction phases are potentially
3 jumlah_peserta_menawar Contains the number of participants that
bid in the auction more fraudulent than procurements with less auction
4 lama_prosesJelang Contains information on how long the
auction process is underway
• Procurements with more changes on scheduling phase
have the potential to be more fraudulent than the ones
5 Ipse_nama_kota Contains name of the city which hold the with fewer changes on scheduling phase.
• The use of statistical ratio of bid prices and win bid
6 nilai�royek Contains information on the won price price are still quite effective to be used in detecting
of the auction fraudulent data in SPSE.

7 nominal_nilai_proyek Contains ranking / grouping of the range • The analysis of bidders and lists of terms to bid may
of winning price also be used to analyze fraudulent in SPSE.

8 pivot_23_WEEKDAY Contains weekday information of the VI.CONCLUSION

"post-announcement " phase
This study has pointed out several important remarks in the
9 proyek_kategori Contains information category of project field of data mining, especially in the area of fraud detection
techniques. Our finding has shown that supervised learning is
10 proyek_metode_dokumen Contains information of documents used appropriate to be deployed for fraud detection purpose in SPSE
in the method of collecting the required data. It is also important to note that data labeling is
documents for the auction
compulsory for the success of this technique implementation.
II rasio tawar Contains information of the avarage Our findings also highlight that naive bayes yields the
ratio from bid prices highest performance compared with neural network algorithms,
decision tree and Bayesian network and the performance is
12 ratio_hps_dan_harga Contains ratio information between win
bid price and reserve price substantially enhanced by dimensional reduction using four
methods including Principal Component Analysis (PCA),
13 selisih_harga_terendah Contains information of difference Weighted Principal Component Analysis (WPCA), Correlation
between win price and lowest bid price Analysis (CA) and Sensitivity Analysis ( SA).

14 total�erubahanjadwal Contains the total change of each of the Last but not least, we realize that key attributes such as
stages that exist in an auction process project values, winning price statistics, bid price and reserve
price are still playing significant role on detecting fraudulent
data, especially in SPSE. It is also interesting to note discover
that procurements funded through national budget have bigger
Step 6: In this step, we analyze the probability distribution
potential to be more fraudulent than the ones using state
of the model producing the best performance. The purpose of
this analysis is to find out how the value of each attributes
affects the process of fraud detection. Furthermore, we are VII.FuTURE WORKS
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