Hougan, Jim 1942

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CONTEMPORARY AUTHORS• New Revision Series, Volume 153 DOUGAN

Library Journal, February I , 2003. Paul Kaplan and A WARDS, HONORS: Fellowships from Alicia Patte r-
Robert C. Cottrell. review of The Boys of October. son Foundation. Maryland- Delaware Press Associa-
p. 88. tion, 1968-69. and Rockefeller Foundatio n. 1971-72:
New York Times Book Review. November 30, 1986. Hammett Prize nominee, North American Branch of
Newgate Callendar. review of The Dark Side, Lhe Imemational Association of Crime Writers. 2003,
p. 20: May 25. 2003. Abbott Combes. "A Season for The Eighth Day.
on the Brink ... review of The Boys of Octobe,:
p. 12.
Washington Posr Book World. December 15. 198).
review of Hardball, p. 6. *
Anticipating Ma chine (poems). Quixote Pre ss
(Madison. WI). 1969.
Decadence: Radical Nostalgia. Narcissism. a,id
* * *
Decline in the Sevenries (nontictio n). Morrow
HOUGAN, James Richard (New York. NY). 1975.
See HOUGAN, Jim Spooks: The Hauming of America-The Privare Use
of Secrer Agems (nontiction). Morrow (New York.
NY). 1978.
* Secret Agenda: Watergate. Deep Throat. and the CIA
* * (nonfiction). Random House ( New York. NY).
HOUGAN, Jim 1942- 1984.
(John Case, a joint pseudonym, James Richard Kingdom Come (novel). Ballantine (New York, NY).
Hougan) 2000.

Contributor to popular and Literary magazines, includ-

PERSONAL: Narne originally James Richard Edwards:
ing Nation. Playboy. Oui, Quixote. and Crawdaddy.
name legally changed, 1960: born October 14. 1942,
and to newspapers.
in Brooklyn, NY; son of Stephen Buhl Edwards (a
soldier and night watchman) and Doris (Daly) Edwards
Hougan ; married Carolyn Johnson. December 16. IV/TH IV/FE. CAROLYN HOUGAN. UNDER JOINT PSEUDONYM
1966: children: Daisy Case. Matthew Edwards. Educa-
tion: University of Wisconsin at Madison. B.S .. 1966;
attended Centro lnte rculturales d e Documentacion.
The Genesis Code. Ballantine (New York. NY). 1997.
Cuernavaca. Mexico. 1971 . Politics: ·'No matter who
The First Horseman. Ballantine (New York. NY).
you vote for, the government always get in.'"
The Syndrome, Ballantine (New York. NY). 200 I.
ADDRESSES: Home- Afton. VA. and Washington. The Eighth Day: A Nm,el. Ballantine (New York. NY).
DC. Agem-Elaine Markson Literary Agency. Inc .. 44 2002.
Greenwich Ave., New York. NY 1001 I. The Murder Artist. Ballantine (New York. NY). 2004.

CAREER: Writer. novelist. investigative journalist. SIDELIGHTS: Jim Hougan is a novelist who writes
documentary fl Im maker, and broadcaster. Social under his own name and in collaboration with his wife.
worker in Chicago, IL. I 966: Capital Times. Madison. Carolyn, under the pseudonym of John Case. He has
WI, investigative reporter. 1968-71; Harper's, New written both fiction and nonfiction works about the
York. NY, Washington editor. I 976-: president, Jim world of espionage. His research for Secret Agenda:
Hougan Associates. Inc., 1985-. Watergate. Deep Throat. and the CIA served him well
when he began writing Kingdom Come. a thriller about
a CIA agent on the run from his employers. In the
MEMBER: Writers Guild of America (East chapter). novel. agent John Dunphy works undercover in
Boar's Head, Dynamite Club. London. where he is assigned to keep an eye on a

HOUGAN CONTEMPORARY AUTHORS• New Revision Series, Volume /53

st:cmingly dull professor. When hi!) i.ubject is brutally cal billionairl.! Zcrevan.Zebek. a subterfuge that is only
s lain. Dunphy is called off the case. interrogated for one of many mysteries that Danny will face as he
days. and finally reassigned to a stultifying de!>k job. confronts horrendous deaths. dangerous thugs, and
To lind out wh,lt j!, .sfoo1 . Dunphy U!>C~ an assumed devastating biotechnology wilh apocalyptic potential
name to reques1 information about everyone involved. for deslruclion. A Publisher.\ Weekly reviewer observed
then route,; the rc4uc:,,t11 for information IO him~elf. He thnt the novl!I' s "piece~ tit nicely together... and that
eventually dist:overi. that a ,ccrt:l i,.ot:il.!ly ha., been the book "i!, a satisfying and gripping read." Case.
controlling \\<orld eventi. for hundreds of years-an "who writes so very well. keeps it all .ii a merry boil."
organization that now ha., ib headquarteri,. v. ithin Lhe commented a Kirb1.~ Re1•iews critk.
CIA. Events as diverse a~ the Cold War and UFO
s ightingt> are aJI reveaJed as part of a plot to shape his- In The M1mler Arti.,·t. TV joumali~t Alexander Cal-
tory. Soon Dunphy and hi!', heautiful girlfriend. Clem- lahan makes one final effon to reconnect with his
entine. are running from one Europc,m capital 10 the identical twin sons after the tunnoil of !ieparation from
nexl. gathering up piece!> of the puzzle and trying 10 his wife. During a summer visit to a Renaissance fair,
e lude the killer!> who are following them ... Hougan however. the worst happens-the twin!> disappear. and
demonstrates tine command of his material:· com- Callab:ia is considered a suspect. Neither Callahan nor
mented a Puhlishers Weekly reviewer... Hi:. familiarit y the police can explain a number of chillingly inexpli-
with the ways of spie!J. amply shown in his nonfiction. cable objecL1; in the boys· home: .s meticulously cre-
pem1eatc~ his novel. Better yet. his writing i:-. punchy atc-d origami rabbi!. a bowl of water placed in a closet.
a nd !>pare. hb rharncterization:, li ve ly: · Booklis r and a stack of seven old Mercury dimei,.. Though he is
contributor David Pitt remarked: .. Ho ugan . . . ha~ eventually dearcd us a su:-.pcct. Callahan is deaennined
comhined n:ali:,m and fantasy in a way that -.houldn·t to l<.><:m.: his children and find out who took them. Por-
work but does-splendidly:· ing over infonnaLion on the Internet. Callahan discov-
ers connections between othe r murders and kidnap-
pings of young boys. Hi~ solo investigation eventually
Tlte Genesis Code. the Hougans· tirst novel under the
lead~ him to Louisiana bayou country. where he joins
John Case pM.'. udonym, begins with the hrutal deaths
forces with ,m ulbino P.I. named Pinky to propel the
of international investigator Joe Lassiter' s sister Kathy
case through discoveries about voodoo and the
and nephew Brnndon. Dctcm1incJ to find their killer.
~igniticance of rwias in a!llcienl m,tgical riles. Callahan
La!>sit.er throws the foll power of his investigative
must race to rescue his sons before they become
agency behind the case. He eventually discovers a pat-
sacrificial victims of a deranged and deadly voodoo
tern of murdcn, of young mothers and their sons. all
magician. Case's --grippi ng pursuit of a warped
of whom are connecred to a n Italian fertility clinic
monster doesn't let go until the final showdown,"
headed hy a doctor who:-.e passions include c urrent
stated Booklisr reviewer David Wright. " Brisk prose, a
reproductive technology as well as theology. Lassiter's
breathtaking plot. and reali stic characters" propel ahe
invei.tigation kad" him to a sei:reti ve order of Roman
story. noted Library J ournlll reviewer Rebecca House
Catholics and to a priest with a terrible secret before
Stankowski. E111enai11mem We,·kly contributor Gilben
the pieces of the case fall into place. Case ·•writes with
Cruz remarked that Case "craft<; a wonderfulJy disturb-
intdligcnl·c and flair." und h,1s produced ..a fin.t-ratc
ing talc.·· A Publishers Weekly reviewer called the
thriller with an astonishingly timely revelation that' s
novel ··a long . winding narrative that's impossible lo
well wonh ~laying up lure for:· rnncludedl a Publish-
put J own ... Case .. is quite frankly noth ing short of
ers w,,ekl_,. reviewer.
brilliant here.'' commented reviewer Joe Hartlaub on
the Bookrepurter. c:0111 Web site. --11·~ all in the telling,"
Danny Cray. protagonist of The Ei8/rrh IJay: A Nol'el. mused a Kir/.:11.,· Re ,•iews contributor. --and Case does it
b a sculptor and parl-limc private investigator who just right no due. moment. or d1aral·ter unturned."
thinki,. that his newest job will be a simple bit of online
investigation that will allow him to takl.! his P.1. work Hougan once told CA: ..My vocational and avocational
1(1 full time. The fow hours of onlinc research turni. interests arc impossible Lo separate in that each inftu-
out to be much more than expected as the investiga- em:es the other in ways that arc often quite direc t.
1ion embroil!! Danny in an intc:rnationaJ plot. His cli- Family. friends. mystery. and travel arc the things most
c-nl. Jude Belzer. turn!- out to be infomou.s and diaboli- important to me:·

CONTEMPORARY AUTHORS• New Rnision Series. Volume 15~1 DOUGAN

BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL SOURCE'S: Kingdom Come. p. 56: September 2. 2002. re,,iew
of The Eighth Duy, p. 50; September 20. 2004.
PERIODICALS review of The Murder Arti.'it, p. 46.

Booklist. December I. 1999. David Pin. review of

Ki11gdom Come. p. 661: August. 2004, David ONUN£
Wright, review of Tire Murdt>r Anis,. p. 1904.
£ntenaim11em Weekly, October 15, 2004. Gilbert Cruz.
review of The Mllrder Ani.,·t. p. 80. Bookreponeuom, http://www.bookreporter.com/ (Feb-
Kirk11s Reviews, Sep1e mbcr I . 2002. review of The ruary 27. 2006}. Joe Hartlaub. review of Tire
Eighth Day: A Novel. p. 1248; August 1, 2004. Murder Artist.
review of The Murder Artist, p. 702. lmerttatio11al Thriller Writers Web site. hup://www.
Library Joumal. October I. 2004, Rebecca Hou!)e thrillerwri1crs.org/ (February 27. 2006). biopaphy
Stankowski. review of The Murder Artist, p. 66. of Jim Hougan.
Publishers Weekly. March 17. 1997. review of The John Cale Home Page. http://ww\\.johncase.com
Gene.'iis Code, p. 78: January 3, 2000. review of (Fcbniary 27. 2006).•

C!"~/lM'f A~M,"
ISSN 0275-7176

A Bio-Bibliographical Guide lo
Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction,
Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures,
Television, and Other Fields




Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series, Vol. 153

Projec1Edltor Composition and Eectrank C.pn,re

Joseph Palm1~no Gary Ouderslu~
Amy Fuller, Michelle Kuemky. Joshua
Ko~. Lisa Kumar. Juhe Mellors. Mary Ruby, o,ew Kalasky
Stephanie Tayl0<

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Preface ............................................................................................. ....................... vii

Product Advisory Board .......................................................................................... xi

International Advisory Boord .................................................................................xii

CA Numbering System and

VolUJnC Upciatc Chart ····-·······································•·•···········································xiii

Au1hors and Media People

Featured in This Volurne ........................................................................................xv

Aulhor Listings ......................................................................................................... 1

lndexlq note: All Conlempumry Amlwrs entries arc indexed in

the Comemporary Autlwr. . cumulative index. which is publi-.hed
separately and distribtned twice a year.

As always, the most recent Cootemporary Authors cumulative

Index continues to be the user's gu.. to the location or an
Individual author's listlng.

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