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1. We can get the individual DFUs of all the fixtures from table 709.1
2. For trunk line sizing we follow TABLE 710.1(1)


A. We can get the individual DFUs of all the fixtures from table 702.1
B. For trunk line sizing we follow TABLE 703.1(2)/C 304.2

1. First we need to create the building layout which will help us to
create USV and Risers for both domestic and sanitary.
2. Then we make building distribution in excel to create sanitary
3. Then we find all unique risers and list the risers in excel.
4. Finally we can create the sanitary risers in cad.
Site plan:
We mark the civil tap location of building drain leaving the building.
We provide SIZE, DFU, INVERT LOCATION of the pipe.

While modeling sanitary we have keep following points in our mind-

A. Draw the trunk line which should start from 2’-6”(30”) BFF.

B. Each end of trunk line should be at 1’-6” from the exterior of the
building with a clean-out(YCO)

C. We have to place an FCO at each 100’ in the trunk line.

D. We have to place a DCO at 1’-6” from the building exterior where

pipe leaves the building also it should extend maximum 5’ from the
building exterior.

E. Now as we are done with the trunk line we need to place and
connect the risers with the trunk line.

1. If no of floors is 1 or 2, N=1
Exception: Island kitchen should have 2 no of stacks.

2. If no of floors is 3, N=2
Exception: Hub drain should have 1 no of stacks for any no of floors

3. If no of floors is more than equal to 4, N=3

G. Sizing of stacks:

For sizing obviously we have to size the stacks based on the Total
DFU, but there are some other rules for some fixtures where sizing
may vary from DFU TO SIZE chart.

1. Horizontal size of Washer should be 3” even if is of one floor, but

the stack may be of 2”.
2. For only WC, Size will be 3” up to 3 no of floors, But 4” for more
than 3 floors.

3. For any combination of WC, Size will be 3” up to 2 floors only,

and become 4” after 3 floors.

H. After completing we have to size and annotate the model.

Annotation and sizing:

1. First we place the keynotes
2. Dimension for placing keynotes: 2’ from the exterior of building in
that portion.
3. Then we size the model using sizing table of IPC/UPC
4. Then we give slope arrows and all texts for FD, FS and for the branch
pipes connecting risers .


A. Applicable when code is UPC

B. No. Of floors more than equal to 4.
C. Applicable for Kitchen Sink, Island Kitchen Sink, Washing machine,
Tub and Bathroom Group with Tub.
D. In case of sudsing, the vent stacks shall not be connected to the
drainage stack at a point 8’ above the lowest point of a drainage

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