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© Professional Scrum Master | (PSM I) Practice Assessment (https:/ scrum-master-i-psmi-practice-assessment/) Professional Scrum Master | (PSM |) Practice Assessment Full details on this practice assessment can te found here (/assessments/professional-scrum- master-i-psm-i-practice-assessment/) Results 40 of 40 Questions answered correctly Your time: 00:08:30 You have reachec 40 of 40 point(s), (100%) Congratulations, you have scored over 85% and passed the practice assessment. This is a good sign that you are ready to atte npt the Professional Scrum Master | (PSM I) assessment from (https:/ Assessments/PSM-I-Assessment). Click ‘View questions’ below to see which ycu got right and wrong and review the feedback for each question. Please note that we are unable to provide answers or further guidance on assessment questions. You can retake the assessment if you wish. Restart Practice Assessment View Questions 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 114 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Correct Incorrect The Product Owner manages... Pick 1 The Scrum Team The Developers The Project The Product Backlog Correct The Product Owner is also accountable for effective Product Backlog management - The Scrum Guide Who may be best positioned to decide who will be the Scrum Master for anew Scrum Team? The Developers and the Product Owner. The Developers The Product Owner Stakeholders Correct Thi: is not a question directly answered by Scrum but the best option is that the rest of the Scrum Team selects its own Scrum Master. The purpose of the Sprint Reviews... Pick 1 To inspect the outcome of the Sprint and determine future adaptations To show Stakeholders work that is done and work that is near to completion To check what was done and not done during the Sprint To review the status of the Project Correct The purpose of the Sprint Review is to inspect the outcome of the Sprint and determine future adaptations. - The Scrum Guide During Sprint Planning, every task must be estimated so the Developers can be sure they have the capacity to complete them in the Sprint False True Correct Developers should be set stretch goals by the Product Owner as part of Sprint Planning False True Correct Arealistic forecast should be created in Sprint Planning. Anew Developer joins the Scrum Team taking the total number to 11 people. Asa Scrum Master, What should you do? Raise the increased team size as a potential issue and help the Developers decide what to do about it Do nothing, the Developers must fix its own issues Instruct the Developers to split into 2 teams, they should decide the appropriate sizes Instruct the Developers to split into 2 teams Correct ‘Small Scrum Teams typically work best. The exact upper limit is not set by Scrum. 10is a recommendation. AScrum Team must never have any technical debt TRUE FALSE Correct This may be desireable must is rarely possible. The Scrum Master is accountable for the Product Backlog False True Correct The Product Owner is accountable for the Product Backlog. Which statement best describes a cross-functional team? Pick 1 All members of the team have all the skills required to create the Product The team has all competencies needed to accomplish the work The team has a good mix of skills Correct Scrum Teams are cross-functional, meaning the members have all the skills necessary to create value each Sprint. ~ The Scrum Guide This means the team as a whole needs all the skills. It does not mean every person has to have all the skills. During the Daily Scrum, the Developers must answer the "3 questions" False True Correct The “3 questions” are a popular, but optional practices the Developers may use at the Daily Scrum. There are many other practices that can be used instead. A Product Backlog is never complete False - A complete Product Backlog should be created before starting the first Sprint True - As long asa product exists, its Product Backlog also exists Correct Aslongas there is a product there will be a Product Backlog containing work that may be carried out in future. The Sprint Backlog must be detailed enough that... Pick 1 Every task is identified when the Sprint Backlog is first created The Product Owner can understand what everyone is working on Stakeholders can monitor progress at task level Changes in progress can be understood in the Daily Scrum Correct Developers include which role(s)? Pick all that apply Software Architects Business Analysts No other roles. Developers is one of the 3 accountabilities in Scrum Testers Correct Within a Scrum Team, there are no sub-teams or hierarchies. - The Scrum Guide Who is accountable for ensuring that the burn-down chart and gantt chart exist? The Scrum Master The Product Owner The Developers Noone Correct Burn-down and Gannt chart are not mandatory in Scrum The Sprint Planning event is comprised of 2 parts and the Product Owner is not needed at the 2nd part False True Correct In past versions of the Scrum Guide, the Sprint Planning event was described as having 2 parts. This is no longer true. The Scrum Master manages the Scrum Team True False Correct The Scrum Master manages the Scrum framework, not the Scrum Team. The Scrum Master and Product Owner accountabilities can both be held by 1 person False True Correct Scrum does not forbid people holding more than 1 accountability. It can often cause problems, but sometimes it may be appropriate. What does the Sprint burn-down chart show? The evolution of the amount of uncertainty during a project An overview of the release progress by plotting the remaining workload How much work remains until the end of the Sprint Dependencies, start times and stop times for project tasks Correct Achart which shows the amount of work which is thought to remain in a backlog. Time is shown on the horizontal axis and work remaining on the vertical axis. As time progresses and items are drawn from the backlog and completed, a plot line showing work remaining may be expected to fall. The amount of work may be assessed in any of several ways such as user story points or task hours. Work remaining in Sprint Backlogs and Product Backlogs may be communicated by means of a burn-down chart. The result of the Sprint Review i: Pick 1 Arevised Product Backlog that defines the probable Product Backlog items for the next Sprint The Increment has been demonstrated to Stakeholders Acceptance (or rejection) of all Product Backlog Items Incomplete Product Backlog Items have been reviewed and returned to the top of the Product Backlog Correct Management need to monitor progress on a daily basis and decide to do so by attending the Daily Scrum. What are the likely results? Select the best 3 options Developers may end up with less time in the Daily Scrum to re-plan their work Developers may be less open and transparent during the Daily Scrum Management will be able to better direct the work of the Developers Additional facilitation may be required to keep to the time-box Correct The Daily Scrum is a 15-minute event for the Developers of the Scrum Team. [The] Daily Scrum focuses on progress toward the Sprint Goal and produces an actionable plan for the next day of work. This creates focus and improves self- management. ~ The Scrum Guide The Increment must be released at the end of every Sprint True False Correct Whois responsible for monitoring the progress of work during a Sprint? Pick 1 Product Owner Scrum Master Developers Project Manager Correct The Product Owner must attend the Sprint Retrospective True False Correct The Scrum Team attends the Sprint Retrospective. The Product Owner is part of the Scrum Team. The Product Owner is using burn-up charts instead of burn-down charts. What would your response be as Scrum Master? There's nothing wrong with it. Burn-up charts are used in traditional methods and should be replaced by burn-down charts. Correct Burn-up and Burn-down charts are not mandatory in Scrum. The Product Owner may find either useful. AScrum Team must only work on a single Product Goal at any time False True Correct AScrum Team must only work on a single Product Goal at any time in order to maintain focus. AScrum Team uses 2 weeks Sprints and time box their Sprint Planning to 6 hours. Does this break the rules of Scrum? False True Correct Sprint Planning is timeboxed to a maximum of eight hours for a one-month Sprint. For shorter Sprints, the event is usually shorter. ~ The Scrum Guide Among the Developers, there is nobody with significant testing expertise. They should... Pick 2 Produce an Increment that will be tested by a dedicated test team after the Sprint to guarantee the quality Request for a specialist tester to join them and queue testing for them to do when they arrive ina later Sprint Quality is the responsibility of the Developers and they should undertake testing themselves to the best of their abilities Raise this as an impediment which may require the assistance of the Scrum Master to resolve Correct If we stop every time we hit a problem when developing a product we would rarely move forward. Developers should practise the “art of the possible” and do what they can to keep going. Leaving the testing for later or another team will increase risk and mean we do not produce Done Increments. If this has become an Impediment then the Scrum Master has the responsibility to get involved. Before the first Sprint, the Product Backlog must contain everything we will develop for the product True False Correct Whilst this may be desirable, it is impossible when doing complex work. During Sprint Planning, all Product Backlog Items must be decomposed to a definitive set of tasks for the Developers to complete False True Correct The Scrum Master is responsible for? Pick 1 Ensuring Scrum is understood Delivering the Product on budget and to the agreed schedule Coordinating the work of the Developers Solving all impediments, blockers & issues Correct The Scrum Master is accountable for establishing Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide. They do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory and practice, both within the Scrum Team and the organization. ~ The Scrum Guide The Scrum Master can be removed once Scrum is adopted CS False True Correct A Scrum Master is always required. In complex environments, things change and the focus of the Scrum Master will change as the Scrum Team matures in its use of Scrum. An Incrementis... Pick 1 All work that was carried out in the Sprint The sum of the Done work during a Sprint, plus the work Done in earlier Sprints Allwork that has happened up to the current point in time All work completed up to now, where there are no bugs present Correct AScrum Team has how many specific accountabilities? Correct AScrum Team includes 3 accountabilities. Scrum Master, Product Owner and Developers. Select the correct timebox for each Scrum event Sprint Planning - 4 hours or less, Daily Scrum - 15 minutes or less, Sprint Review - 4 hours or less, Sprint Retrospective - 4 hours or less. Sprint Planning - 4 hours or less, Daily Scrum - 15 minutes or less, Sprint Review -8 hours or less, Sprint Retrospective - 4 hours or less. Sprint Planning - 8 hours or less, Daily Scrum - 30 minutes or less, Sprint Review - 4 hours or less, Sprint Retrospective - 3 hours or less. Sprint Planning - 8 hours or less, Daily Scrum - 15 minutes or less, Sprint Review- 4 hours or less, Sprint Retrospective - 3 hours or less. Correct Sprint Planning - 8 hours or less, Daily Scrum - 15 minutes or less, Sprint Review - 4 hours or less, Sprint Retrospective - 3 hours or less. Who can do the work to ensure the Product Backlog is refined to a state that it is useful? Pick 2 The Business Analyst The Developers, with support from the Product Owner who is still accountable for Stakeholders The Product Owner Correct The Developers who will be doing the work are responsible for the sizing, The Product Owner may influence the Developers by helping them understand and select trade-offs. ~ The Scrum Guide ‘A Scrum Team must be 10 or fewer people False True Correct Team size is recommended, rather than mandated by Scrum. This was always true even before the 2020 update. Here is the current guidance from the Scrum Guide: “The Scrum Team is small enough to remain nimble and large enough to complete significant work within a Sprint, typically 10 or fewer people. In general, we have found that smaller teams communicate better and are more productive. If Scrum Teams become too large, they should consider reorganizing into multiple cohesive Scrum Team.” The Daily Scrum is consistently taking longer than 15 minutes. Which statement best describes what should be done? Pick 1 The Developers should take the additional time that they need in the Daily Scrum The Scrum Master should help the Developers understand why the 15 minute time- box should be respected and help them find ways to doit as required A 2nd Daily Scrum should be held at the end of the day Developers should leave at the end of the 15 minutes Correct The Definition of Done is a mandatory part of Scrum True False Correct The Definition of Done is the commitment to Increment and a mandatory part of Scrum. Product Backlog refinement is... Pick 1 The concern of the Product Owner Carried out once per Sprint AScrum event An ongoing process in which the Product Owner and the Developers collaborate Correct Product Backlog refinement is an ongoing process in which the Product Owner and the Developers collaborate The Scrum Master is a management role. TRUE FALSE Correct The Scrum Master is a manager, but for the Scrum framework, rather than for the people in the Scrum Team.

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