1ST Chapter PDCS MCQ Quetions

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1. Personality of a person includes his/her

a) Behavior

b) Thoughts

c) Feelings

d) All of the Above

2. The origin of the term Personality is_______

a) Personal

b) Person

c) Person

d) None of these

3. Persona' in Latin Means___



c) Costume

c) Wig

4. Personality is the dynamic organization within the Individual of those psychophysical systems that
determine his/her characteristic behavior and thought. This definition of personality is given by

a) Woodworth

b) G.W. Allport

c) Munn

d) Dasiell

5. Personality is the quality of the individual's total behavior. This definition at personality is given by

a) Woodworth

b) G.W.Allport

c) Munn
d) Dasiell

6. Personality is the most characteristic integration of an individual's structure and functions. This
definition of personality is given by at

A) Woodworth
b) G.W.Allport
c) Munn
d) Dasiell

7. Personality of an individual is determined by

A) Hereditary potentials

b) Environmental influences

c) Both a and b

d) Can't say

8. All learning and adjustment is Limited by inherent properties of the organism. This is the statement

a) Woodworth

b) Cattell

c) Munn

d) Dasiell

9. Which of the following statement is not true about the role of environment in personality

a) It determines the physical traits

b) It influences maturation of hereditary potentials

c) It provides personality models

d) It provides learning opportunities

10. According to Sigmund Freud the most important motivating force shaping adult personality is

a) Parental care

b) Childhood Experience
c) Sexual instincts

d) None of these

11. According to Sigmund Freud the deepest and largest part of human mind is

a) Conscious

b) Unconscious

c) Preconscious

d) Subconscious

12. The concept of 'personal constructs' is given by

a) Rogers

b) Freud

c) Kelly

d) Cattell

13. According to Freud the 'id' part of personality is

a) Completely unconscious

b) Pre conscious

c) Conscious

d) Partly conscious

14, According to Freud, the process of socialization mainly contributes to the development of

a) Ego

b) Super ego

c) id

d) Id, and ego

15. According to Freud, there are ______ psycho-sexual stages of human development which are
decisive for the formation of personality

a) 3
b) 5

c) 4

d) 6

16. Choose the correct order of the psycho-sexual stages of human development proposed by Freud,
as a child grows up.

a) Anal ► Oral ► Phallic ► Genital

b) Phallic ► Oral ► Anal ► Genital

c) Genital ► Phallic ► Anal ► Oral

d) Oral► Anal ► Phallic ► Genital

17. The concept of 'actualizing tendency' was proposed by

a) George Kelly

b) Carl Rogers

c) Sigmund Freud

d) R.Cattell

18. The built in motivation present in every life form to develop its potentials to the fullest possible
extent is called

a) Self regard

b) Conditional positive regard

c) Actualizing tendency

d) Organismic valuing

19. According to Rogers. Which of the following leads to formation of healthy personality?

a) Conditional positive regard

b) Unconditional positive regard

c) Both

d) None of these
20. 'Factor analysis' technique of personality analysis was developed by:

a) Carl Rogers

b) Raymond Cattell

c) Erikson

d) Sigmund Freud

21. Personality develops through a pre-determined unfolding in different stages. This concept is given

a) Raymond Cattell

b) Erikson

c) Carl Rogers

d) S. Freud

22. Cognitive aspects of human existence is the dominant feature of personality. This is proposed by

a) George Kelly

b) Carl Rogers

c) S. Freud .

d) Raymond Cattell

23. Match the names of Psychologists given in Column I with the names of Personality theories given
in Column II. Choose the answer indicating die correct combination of alphabets.

A. Sigmund Freud E. Trait Factor theory

B. Carl Rogers F. Cognitive theory

C. George Kelly G. Phenomenological theory

D Raymond B. Cattell H. Psycho analytical theory

a) A=E, B=F, C=G, D=H

b) A=F, B=G, C=H, D=E

c) A=H, B=E, C=G, D=1,

d) A=H, B=G, C=F, D=E

24. The scientist-like nature of human behavior is the foundation of

a) George Kelly's theory

b) Erikson's theory

c) Freud's theory

d) Cattell's theory

25. According to Six Erikson. Development of healthy personality takes place only by

a) Successful completion of all stages of development

b) Successful completion of last stage of development

c) Successful completion of first stage of development

d) Successful completion of any stage of development

26. Which of the following pairs of names and concepts is not matching?

a) Erikson - Epigenetic Principle

b) Raymond B. Cattell - Trait Analysis

c) George Kelley - Cognitive ability

d) Sigmund Freud - Phenomenology

27. The attraction of female children towards their male parents is called

a) Oedipus complex

b) Electro complex

c) Erogenous complex

d) None of these

28. Which of the following statements is not correct?

a) The innermost core of human nature is purposive, forward moving and constructive - Carl Rogers

b) Every human being is basically a scientist - George Kelley

c) Personality is that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation - Raymond
d) Human personality can be analyzed by the study of personality factors - Eric Erikson

29. According to Erikson's theory, the successful completion of the first stage of development leads to
the formation of

a) Autonomy

b) Identity

c) Trust

d) Initiative

30. According to Erikson's theory, Unsuccessful adolescence may lead to the development of

a) Isolation

b) Role of confusion

c) Mistrust

d) Inferiority

31. Which of the following is not an input for personality development?

A) Heredity

b) Education

c) Environment

d) Character

32. The Id' part of personality works on

a) Pleasure seeking principle

b) Reality Principle

c) Social value Principle

d) Any of these

33. The ego part of personality works on

a) Pleasure Principle

b) Social value principle

c) Reality Principle
d) All these

34. The decision making component of personality is

a) Ego

b) Id

c) Super ego

d) All these

35. According to Freud. Personality of an individual is decided by

a) Ego component

b) Super ego component

c) Id and ego interaction

d) Interaction between id, ego and super ego

36. The study of subjective experience of individuals is called

a) Phenomenology

b) Psychology

c) Sociology

d) Psychoanalysis

37. A person's process is psychologically channelized by the ways in which he anticipates events". This
is proposed by

a) Carl Rogers

b)George Kelly

c) Raymond Cattell

d) Erikson

38. The moral part of personality is

a) Id

b) ego

c) super ego
d) All these

39. Raymond Cattelle's personality test takes into account a total of ______ personality traits.

a) 14

b) 15

c) 6

d) 18

40. According to Trait Factor theory.

a) Surface and source traits are independent of each other.

b) Surface traits are mainly influenced by source traits.

c) Source traits are influenced by surface traits.

d) Surface traits and source traits mutually influence each other.


1) d 9) a 17) b 25) a 33) c

2) b 10) c 18) c 26) d 34) a

3) a 11) b 19) b 27) b 35) d

4) b 12) c 20) b 28) d 36) a

5) a 13) a 21) b 29) c 37) b

6) c 14) b 22) a 30) b 38) c

7) c 15) b.' 23) d 31) d 39) c

8) b 16) d 24) a 32) a 40) b

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