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3, MAY 2000 495

An Improved Control Algorithm of Shunt Active

Filter for Voltage Regulation, Harmonic Elimination,
Power-Factor Correction, and Balancing of Nonlinear
Ambrish Chandra, Senior Member, IEEE, Bhim Singh, B. N. Singh, Member, IEEE, and
Kamal Al-Haddad, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper deals with an implementation of a

new control algorithm for a three-phase shunt active filter to
regulate load terminal voltage, eliminate harmonics, correct
supply power-factor, and balance the nonlinear unbalanced loads.
A three-phase insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) based
current controlled voltage source inverter (CC-VSI) with a dc bus
capacitor is used as an active filter (AF). The control algorithm
of the AF uses two closed loop PI controllers. The dc bus voltage
of the AF and three-phase supply voltages are used as feed back
signals in the PI controllers. The control algorithm of the AF pro-
vides three-phase reference supply currents. A carrier wave pulse
width modulation (PWM) current controller is employed over the
reference and sensed supply currents to generate gating pulses
of IGBT’s of the AF. Test results are presented and discussed Fig. 1. Fundamental building block of the active filter.
to demonstrate the voltage regulation, harmonic elimination,
power-factor correction and load balancing capabilities of the AF
Index Terms—Active filter, harmonic compensation, load bal-
ancing, power-factor correction, voltage regulation.


S OLID state control of ac power using thyristors and other

semiconductor devices is in an extensive use in a number of
applications such as adjustable speed drives (ASD’s), furnaces,
computers power supplies, and asynchronous ac–dc–ac links.
These power converters behave as nonlinear loads to ac supply
system and cause harmonic injection, lower power-factor, poor
voltage regulation, and utilization of ac network. Moreover, in
a three-phase ac system some load unbalancing may be present
due to the use of some typical loads such as traction and fur-
naces. Single-phase loads on a three-phase supply system result
in an unbalance in system voltage and supply current. The un-
balance in the voltage affects the performance of other loads,

Manuscript received November 11, 1998; revised January 18, 1999. This
work was supported by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council
of Canada. Recommended by Associate Editor, F. D. Tan.
A. Chandra, and K. Al-Haddad are with the Department of Electrical En-
gineering. Ecole de Technologie Supérieure GREPCI, Montreal, Quebec H3C
1K3, Canada.
B. Singh is with the Department of Electrical Engineering. Indian Institute of
Technology Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016 India.
B. N. Singh is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8993(00)03394-9. Fig. 2. Control scheme of the active filter.

0885-8993/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE

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capacitor is used as the shunt AF. An indirect current control

technique [28] is employed to obtain PWM switching signals for
the devices used in the CC-VSI working as an AF. Three-phase
reference supply currents are derived using sensed ac voltages
(at PCC) and dc bus voltage of the AF as feedback signals. Two
proportional plus integral (PI) controllers are used to estimate
the amplitudes of in-phase and quadrature components of ref-
erence supply currents. The control algorithm of the AF is im-
plemented on a TMS320C31 DSP system. Test results during
steady state and transient operating conditions of the AF are
presented and discussed in detail to demonstrate voltage reg-
ulation/power-factor correction, harmonic elimination and load
balancing capabilities of the AF system.


Fig. 1 shows the fundamental building block of the shunt AF.

The AF system is made of a standard three-phase IGBT based
VSI bridge with the input ac inductors ( , ) and a dc bus
capacitor ( ) to obtain a self-supporting dc bus for an effec-
tive current control. A three-phase ac mains with line impedance
( , ) is feeding power to a three-phase diode bridge recti-
fier with a resistive-inductive load. A provision is made with a
switch to open an ac line of the load to realize an unbalanced
Fig. 3. Digital signal processing (DSP) system hardware of the active filter.
nonlinear load. The values of circuit parameters of the system
are given in the Appendix.
mainly the cage induction motors. In the past, a number of at- Fig. 2 shows the control scheme of the AF. Three-phase volt-
tempts have been made [1]–[28] on harmonic elimination, load ages at PCC along with dc bus voltage of the AF are used for
balancing and power factor correction. implementation of control scheme. In real time implementa-
Several texts [2], [6], [9], [10], [21], [22] have appeared on tion of the AF a band pass filter plays an important role. The
electric power quality and many solutions have been suggested three-phase voltages ( , , and ) are sensed at PCC (Fig. 1)
to improve the power quality. A number of compensators have using potential transformers and conditioned in a band pass filter
been reported only for load balancing [2], [3], [5], [7], [11], to meet the range of ADC channels and to filter out any dis-
[13], [19], [20] using lossless passive elements (L and C) and tortion. The three-phase voltages ( , , and ) are inputs
active elements (solid state CSI and VSI). Similarly, several at- and three-phase filtered voltages ( , , and ) are out-
tempts have been made only for harmonic elimination [1], [4], puts from band pass filter. The voltages ( , , and ) here
[6], [8]–[10], [12], [14]–[28] using passive, active and hybrid in after are termed as the supply voltages. In real time con-
filters to improve the performance and to reduce the size of an trol of the AF, a self-supporting dc bus of the AF is realized
active filter. Many control techniques such as instantaneous re- using a PI controller over the sensed ( ) and reference ( )
active power theory [4], notch filters [16], flux based controller values of dc bus voltage of the AF. The PI voltage controller on
[17], power balance theory [18]–[20], sliding mode controllers the dc bus voltage of the AF provides the amplitude of
[14], [15] etc. have been used to improve the performance of the in-phase components ( , and ) of reference supply
active and hybrid filters. Most of these control algorithms need a currents. The three-phase unit current vectors ( , , and
number of transformations and are difficult to implement. Apart ) are derived in-phase with the supply voltages ( , ,
from the problems of harmonics, poor power-factor and unbal- and ). Another PI controller is used over the reference
ance, there is some voltage drop at the point of common cou- and sensed ( ) values of peak supply voltage. The output of
pling (PCC) due to reactive power burden of nonlinear loads. this PI controller is considered as an amplitude of quadra-
This paper presents an implementation of a simple and new ture components ( , and ) of reference supply cur-
control algorithm of a shunt active filter (AF) for ac voltage rents. The three-phase quadrature unit current vectors ( ,
regulation at load terminals (at PCC), harmonic elimination, , and ) are derived from in-phase unit current vectors
power-factor correction and load balancing of nonlinear loads. ( , , and ). The multiplication of in-phase ampli-
The control algorithm of the AF is made flexible and it can be tude with in-phase unit current vectors ( , , and
modified for power-factor correction (unity), harmonic elimina- ) results in the in-phase components ( , , and ) of
tion and load balancing of nonlinear loads. The proposed con- three-phase reference supply currents ( , , and ). Simi-
trol algorithm inherently provides a self-supporting dc bus of larly, multiplication of quadrature amplitude with quadra-
the AF. An insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) based cur- ture unit current vectors ( , , and ) results in the
rent controlled voltage source inverter (CC-VSI) with a dc bus quadrature components ( , , and )

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Fig. 4. Performance of the AF system under switch IN and steady state conditions with a three-phase nonlinear load.

Fig. 5. Steady state response of the AF for voltage regulation and harmonic elimination with a three-phase nonlinear load.

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Fig. 6. Steady state response of the AF for voltage regulation, harmonic elimination, and load balancing with a single-phase nonlinear load.

of three-phase reference supply currents ( , , and ). Alge- of the AF is made flexible to achieve either voltage regula-
braic sum of in-phase ( , , and ) and quadrature ( , tion, harmonics compensation, load balancing or power-factor
, and ) components results in the three-phase reference correction to unity, harmonics compensation, load balancing.
supply currents ( , , and ). For regulation of voltage at With three-phase supply voltages ( , , and ) and dc bus
PCC the three-phase reference supply currents have two compo- voltage ( ) as feedback signals, the control algorithm of the
nents. The first component is in-phase with the voltage at PCC AF provides the three-phase reference supply currents ( , ,
to feed active power to the load and the losses of the AF. The and ) as output signals. A carrier wave PWM current con-
second component is at quadrature with the voltage at PCC to troller is used over reference supply currents ( , , and )
feed reactive power of load and to compensate the line voltage and sensed supply currents ( , , and ) to generate gating
drop by reactive power injection at the PCC. For power-factor signals to the IGBT’s used in the VSI bridge working as the AF.
correction to the unity, harmonic elimination and balancing of In response to gating pulses to the AF, it regulates the voltage
nonlinear load, the quadrature component of reference supply at PCC, eliminates harmonics, correct the power-factor at PCC
currents is set to zero by assigning a zero value to the quantity and balances the unbalanced nonlinear load while maintaining
. For the voltage regulation at PCC, the supply currents a self-supporting dc bus of the AF. A deadbeat time of 8 s is
should lead the supply voltages while for the power factor con- set between upper and lower devices of a leg of VSI to avoid
trol to the unity, the supply currents should be in phase with shoot through fault. An over current protection of devices of the
the supply voltages. Since these two conditions, namely, voltage AF is provided at gate drive level of each IGBT to ensure a safe
regulation at PCC and power-factor control to unity can not be operation of the VSI. The carrier frequency of PWM controller
achieved simultaneously [2], therefore, the control algorithm is set at 6.4 kHz.

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Fig. 7. Switch IN response of the AF for voltage regulation, harmonic elimination with a three-phase nonlinear load.

III. DSP HARDWARE AND CONTROL ALGORITHM through its ADC interface. The dc bus voltage of the AF is
sensed using an isolation amplifier (AD202) and scaled to feed
In this section, the details of hardware interfacing with DSP to ADC channel. The synchronization of ac mains with the con-
system and basic equations of control algorithm are given. trol algorithm in DSP system is obtained using one digital signal
(hardware interrupt). This signal is generated using compara-
A. Description of DSP System Hardware tors and logic gates over the three-phase ac supply voltages.
The three-phase ac supply voltages result in six zero crossing
Fig. 3 shows the DSP system hardware of the AF. The DSP signals at 60 of intervals. Therefore, the digital signal contin-
system [29] consists of a TSM320C31 digital signal processor, uously interrupts the DSP system at 60 time intervals of fre-
eight channels of 12 bit analog to digital converter (ADC), eight quency of ac supply system. Using four analog signals and one
channels of 12-bit digital to analog converter (DAC), three hardware interrupt signal, the control algorithm of the AF is im-
hardware interrupts and three timer interrupts. The DSP system plemented in real time. The control algorithm of the AF gen-
is serially interfaced to an IBM-PC. In PC the control algorithm erates three-phase reference supply currents. The three-phase
is developed in C language and converted in assembly language reference supply currents ( , , and ) are input signals to
codes using optimizing compiler. These assembly language DAC’s of DSP. The outputs of DAC’s are fed to a carrier wave
codes are down loaded into the DSP board through serial port. PWM current controller. In PWM current controller the error
The three-phase supply voltages ( , , and ) and dc signals of the reference ( , , and ) and sensed ( , ,
bus voltage ( ) of the AF are input signals to the DSP board and ) supply currents (sensed using LEM hall-effect current

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Fig. 8. Switch IN response of the AF for voltage regulation, harmonic elimination and load balancing with a single-phase nonlinear load.

sensors) are compared with a carrier signals resulting in gating The error signal, , is processed in PI controller and output
pulses for the IGBT’s of the AF. at th sampling instant is expressed as

B. Basic Equations of Control Algorithm of the AF

The three-phase reference supply currents are computed (2)
using three-phase supply voltages and dc bus voltage of the AF.
These reference supply currents consist of two components, one where and are proportional and integral gains of
in-phase and another in quadrature with the supply voltages. the dc bus voltage PI controller. The quantities, and
1) Computation of In-Phase Components of Reference are the output of the voltage controller and voltage
Supply Currents: The amplitude of in-phase component error, respectively, at th sampling instant. The output
of reference supply currents is computed using PI controller of PI controller is taken as amplitude of in-phase
over the average value of dc bus voltage ( ) of the AF and component of the reference supply currents.
its reference counterpart . Comparison of average and Three-phase in-phase components of the reference supply
reference values of dc bus voltage of the AF results in a voltage currents are computed using their amplitude and in-phase
error, which is expressed as, , at th sampling instant unit current vectors derived in-phase with the supply voltages

(1) and (3)

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Fig. 9. Dynamic response of the AF for voltage regulation, harmonic elimination, and load balancing under the load change from three-phase to single-phase.

Fig. 10. Dynamic response of the AF for voltage regulation, harmonic elimination, and load balancing under the load change from single-phase to three-phase.

where , , and are in-phase unit current vectors and PI controller over the average value of amplitude ( ) of
derived as supply voltage and its reference counterpart . Comparison
of average and reference values of amplitude of the supply
and (4) voltage results in a voltage error, which is expressed as, ,
at th sampling instant
where is the amplitude of supply voltage and it is computed
as (6)

(5) The error signal, , is processed in PI controller and

output at th sampling instant is expressed as
2) Computation of Quadrature Components of Reference
Supply Currents: The amplitude of quadrature compo-
nent of reference supply currents is computed using an another (7)

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Fig. 11. Steady state response of the AF for power-factor correction, harmonic elimination with a three-phase nonlinear load.

where and are proportional and integral gain con- 3) Computation of Total Reference Supply Currents: Three-
stants of ac voltage PI controller. The quantities, and phase instantaneous reference supply currents are computed by
are the output of voltage controller and voltage error, adding in-phase and quadrature components expressed in (3)
respectively, at ( )th sampling instant. The output and (8)
of PI controller is taken as amplitude of quadrature com-
ponent of the reference supply currents. Three-phase quadrature (10)
components of the reference supply currents are computed using
their amplitude and quadrature unit current vectors as For ac voltage regulation along with harmonic elimination
and load balancing these reference supply currents are used
and (8) directly. However, for power-factor correction along with
harmonic elimination and load balancing, amplitude of
where , , and are quadrature unit current vectors quadrature components ( , , and ) is set to zero and
and these are derived from in-phase unit current vectors as in this condition the in-phase components ( , , and )
become the total reference supply currents ( , , and ).
However, by giving a proper weight-age to two components of
reference supply currents a reasonably good compromise may
(9) be achieved.

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Fig. 12. Steady state response of the AF for power-factor correction, harmonic elimination, and load balancing with a single-phase nonlinear load.

The three-phase reference supply currents ( , , and ) duced in each phase in series with the line connecting ac mains
are inputs to 12 bit DAC’s of DSP and outputs of DAC’s are fed with the AF and load. This causes a voltage drop and distortion
to PWM current controller along with sensed supply currents in the voltage waveforms ( , , and ) at PCC as shown in
( , , and ). The PWM current controller generates gating Fig. 4 for the phase a ( ). Fig. 4(a) shows “switch-in” response
signals for IGBT’s of the AF. of the AF, whereas, Fig. 4(b) shows steady state response of the
AF with a three-phase nonlinear load. In Fig. 4(a), all the quan-
IV. PERFORMANCE OF THE AF SYSTEM tities are shown for phase “ ” only and top to bottom waveforms
A number of tests have been carried out on the developed are the mains voltage ( ), load voltage at the PCC ( ),
prototype model of the AF system for voltage regulation and supply voltage ( ) obtained from load voltage ( ) using a
power-factor correction along with load balancing and harmonic band pass filter and supply current ( ). It is to mention here
elimination. Test results on the AF are presented in Figs. 4–14 that the supply voltage ( ) is recorded in the results pertaining
and Tables I and II, demonstrating its steady state and transient to all other operating conditions of the AF system. It is observed
performance. From these results, the following observations are from Fig. 4 that the load terminal voltage ( ) is quite distorted
made. and has a THD of 18.3% without AF, however, its THD reduces
to 4.3% when the AF is switched in. A comparative reduction
A. Effect of the AF on Power Quality in different harmonics present in load terminal voltage ( ) are
To demonstrate voltage regulation capability of the AF, an given in Table I. Similarly, THD in supply currents also reduces
inductor ( and , values are given in the Appendix) is intro- to 4.2% from 27.4% when the AF is “switched-in.” Table II

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Fig. 13. Switch IN response of the AF for power-factor correction and harmonic elimination with a three-phase nonlinear load.

presents various harmonics in the supply current for the cases ) are sinusoidal, balanced and slightly leading with respect to
with and without compensation. The high frequency switching supply voltages ( , , and ) which is necessary to com-
ripples which are observed in the load voltage ( ) are filtered pensate line impedance drop. Fig. 6 shows the steady state re-
out with the help of a band pass filter and output of band pass sponse of the AF for voltage regulation, harmonic elimination
filter is voltage signal fed to DSP system. The results shown and load balancing with a single-phase nonlinear load. The AF
in Fig. 4 and Tables I and II confirm that the AF system is able regulates the ac load terminal voltage, eliminates harmonics and
to improve the quality of power and reduces THD in the voltage balances a single-phase load resulting in three-phase balanced,
(4.3% THD) and current (4.2% THD) at PCC. sinusoidal and slightly leading power-factor supply currents.

B. Steady State Performance of the AF for Voltage Regulation, C. Dynamic Response of the AF for Voltage Regulation,
Harmonic Elimination, and Load Balancing Harmonic Elimination, and Load Balancing
Fig. 5 shows the steady state response of the AF for ac voltage Fig. 7 shows the “switch-in” response of the AF for voltage
regulation and harmonic elimination with a three-phase non- regulation, harmonic elimination and load balancing with a
linear load. The AF system regulates ac load terminal voltage three-phase nonlinear load. It is observed that the ac load
at its reference value and reduces THD in the supply current to terminal voltage is raised from 37.48 V (rms) to its reference
4.2% from 27.4% THD in load current. The dc bus voltage of the value set at 40 V (rms). With the AF system switched in, the
AF is also regulated at its reference value and thus a self-sup- supply currents become sinusoidal within a fraction of a cycle
porting dc bus is obtained. The supply currents ( , , and of ac mains. The dc bus voltage reaches to its steady state

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Fig. 14. Switch IN response of the AF for power-factor correction, harmonic elimination, and load balancing with a single-phase nonlinear load.

value almost instantaneously due to fast dynamic response of D. Steady State Performance of the AF for Power-Factor
the AF system. Fig. 8 shows the “switch-in” response of the Correction, Harmonic Elimination, and Load Balancing
AF with a single-phase nonlinear load. The supply currents Fig. 11 shows the steady state response of the AF with a
become sinusoidal and balanced almost instantaneously which three-phase nonlinear load for power-factor correction and har-
confirms fast response of the AF. The ac load terminal voltage monic elimination. The AF is able to reduce harmonics in the
and dc bus voltage of the AF reach to their respective desired supply currents (THD 4.0% from 27.4%) and it improves the
values within a cycle of the ac mains. supply power-factor to unity. The supply currents are balanced,
Fig. 9 shows the dynamic response of the AF for a load sinusoidal and in-phase with the voltages. Fig. 12 shows the
change from three-phase to single-phase. The ac load terminal steady state response of the AF with a single-phase nonlinear
voltage remains unaffected and the supply currents are reduced load. It is observed that the AF is able to balance a nonlinear
in amplitude but remain sinusoidal, balanced and slightly single-phase load resulting in sinusoidal, balanced and unity
leading with respect to supply voltages. Similarly, Fig. 10 power-factor supply currents. The control algorithm also pro-
shows the dynamic response of the AF when a single-phase vides a self-supporting dc bus of the AF.
nonlinear load is changed to a three-phase. The three-phase
supply currents are observed with an increased amplitude but E. Dynamic Performance of the AF for Power-Factor
remain sinusoidal, balanced and slightly leading with respect to Correction, Harmonic Elimination, and Load Balancing
supply voltage which is necessary to regulate ac load terminal Fig. 13 shows “switch-in” response of the AF with a three-
voltage. phase nonlinear load for power-factor correction and harmonic

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TABLE I linear loads. Dynamic and steady state performances of the AF

CONTENT OF HARMONICS IN LOAD system have been observed under different operating conditions
of the load. The performance of the AF system has been found
to be excellent. The AF system has been found capable of im-
proving the power quality, voltage profile, power-factor correc-
tion, harmonic elimination and balancing the nonlinear loads.
The proposed control algorithm of the AF has an inherent prop-
erty to provide a self-supporting dc bus and requires less number
of current sensors resulting in an over all cost reduction. It has
been found that for voltage regulation and power-factor correc-
tion to unity are two different things and can not be achieved
simultaneously. However, a proper weight-age to in-phase and
quadrature components of the supply current can provide a rea-
sonably good level of performance and voltage at PCC can be
regulated with a leading power-factor near to unity. It has been
found that the AF system reduces harmonics in the voltage at
TABLE II PCC and the supply currents well below the mark of 5% speci-


A. System Parameters
(rms/phase) V, Hz, ,
mH, F, , mH,
and , mH.

B. PI Controllers Gain Constants

1) DC Bus Voltage PI Controller:
2) AC Voltage PI Controller:
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unbalanced loads,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 42, pp. 636–641,
Dec. 1995.
[20] B. Singh, K. Al-Haddad, and A. Chandra, “A new control approach to
three-phase active filter for harmonics and reactive power compensa- B. N. Singh (M’98) was born in 1968. He received
tion,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 13, pp. 133–138, Feb. 1998. the B.E. degree from M.M.M. Engineering College,
[21] D. A. Paice, Power Electronic Converter Harmonics—Multipulse Gorakhpur, India, in 1989, the M.E. degree from the
Methods for Clean Power. New York: IEEE Press, 1996. University of Roorkee, India, in 1991, and the Ph.D.
[22] R. C. Dugan, M. F. McGranaghan, and H. W. Beaty, Electrical Power degree from Indian Institute of Technology, New
Systems Quality. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996. Delhi, in 1996.
[23] J. Hafner, M. Aredes, and K. Neumann, “A shunt active power filter In September 1996, he joined the Department
applied to high voltage distribution lines,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, of Electrical Engineering, École de Technologie
vol. 12, pp. 266–272, Jan. 1997. Supérieure, Montréal, P.Q., Canada, as a Postdoc-
[24] B. Singh, K. Al-Haddad, and A. Chandra, “Harmonic elimination, toral Fellow, where he worked in the area of active
reactive power compensation and load balancing in three-phase, four filters, UPFC, and FACTS. In February 1999, he
wire electric distribution systems supplying nonlinear loads,” J. Electric joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia
Power Syst. Res., vol. 44, pp. 93–100, 1998. University, Montreal, as a Research Fellow, where he worked in the area of
[25] H. Akagi, “Control strategy and site selection of a shunt active filter for power supplies for telecommunication system. Recently, he joined the Depart-
damping of harmonic propagation in power distribution systems,” IEEE ment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Tulane University, New
Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 12, pp. 354–363, Jan. 1997. Orleans, LA, as an Assistant Professor. His main research interests are power
[26] M. Aredes, K. Heumann, and E. H. Watanabe, “An universal active supplies, power electronics, power systems, electrical machines, and drives.
power line conditioner,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 13, pp.
545–551, Apr. 1998.
[27] P. T. Cheng, S. Bhattacharya, and D. M. Divan, “Control of square-wave
inverters in high-power hybrid active filter systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind.
Applicat., vol. 34, pp. 458–472, May/June 1998.
[28] B. N. Singh, A. Chandra, and K. Al-Haddad, “Performance comparison
of two current control techniques applied to an active filter,” in Proc. 8th
Int. Conf. Harmonics Quality Power ICHQP’98, vol. I, Athens, Greece,
Oct. 14–16, 1998, pp. 133–138. Kamal Al-Haddad (S’82–M’88–SM’92) was born
[29] MX31 Modular Embedded System Developer’s Guide, Sunnyvale, CA, in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1954. He received the B.Sc.A.
1992. and the M.Sc.A. degrees from the Université du
Québec à Trois-Rivières, P.Q., Canada, in 1982 and
1984, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the
Institut National Polytechnique, Toulouse, France,
Ambrish Chandra (SM’87) was born in India in 1988.
in 1955. He received the B.E. degree from the From June 1987 to June 1990, he was a Professor
University of Roorkee, India, in 1977, the M.Tech. in the Engineering Department, Université du
degree from I.I.T., New Delhi, India, in 1980, and Québec, Trois-Rivières. In June 1990, he joined
the Ph.D. degree from the University of Calgary, the teaching staff as a Professor in the Electrical
Calgary, Alta., Canada, in 1987. Engineering Department, École de Technologie Supérieure, Université du
He worked as a Lecturer and later as a Reader Québec, Montreal, P.Q. His fields of interest are static power converters,
at the University of Roorkee. He is a Professor in harmonics, and reactive power control, switch mode and resonant converters,
the Electrical Engineering Department, Ecole de including the modeling, control, and development of industrial prototypes for
Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, Que., Canada. various applications.
His main research interests are power quality, active Dr. Al-Haddad is a member of the Order of Engineering of Québec and the
filters, reactive power compensation, and FACTS. Canadian Institute of Engineers.

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