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Dispatch Automation Solutions

Industrial Solutions for the Cement Industry
Move more product
with Dispatch Auto-
mation Solutions.

Benefits The cement industry improves every day. New quickly and efficiently as possible. At ABB, we are
manufacturing technologies constantly raise quality, solving this for our cement customers with Dispatch
• Immediate cus- cement types, capacities and output levels. But are Automation Solutions (DAS). With this distributed
tomer solvency your work processes and work flow in your dis­ hardware and software system that computerizes
confirmation for patching department causing bottlenecks? Managing order handling and delivery tracking, a controlled
transaction appro- the dispatch of the final product is often the least and orderly traffic flow inside the plant is achieved.
val and billing advanced of all processes in cement plants. You do The loading of trucks is automated. DAS eliminates
not profit until your cement passes into your cus­ dispatch bottlenecks to increase sales capacity and
• Full integration tomers’ hands, so it pays to make that happen as the speed of your cement investment payback.
into plant busi-
ness information
network to impro-
Step 1: Identifying customer Step 2: Weighing of empty truck
ve sales planning
Arriving at the plant registration desk, the customer’s Driving onto the entry weighing bridge, the truck
• More accurate truck driver identifies himself through the DAS dri­ is weighed and then guided into the proper loa­
inventory control ver identification system. The customer’s arrival is ding bay and re-identified.
data to reduce automatically logged and his records made available
Step 3: Printing loading instructions
stocks on hand to your operator. The order is logged and solvency
information is immediately available. The vehicles At the entry gate, the customer’s driver receives
• Dispatch Personal are directed to their proper loading bays. a detailed printout of his order and loading ins­
Assistant PC inter- tructions. Even before loading, this information is
face for advanced being processed through your plant’s information
reports and statis- management systems.

Dispatch Automation Solution employs a compre­ the remote driver identification system which track DAS steps
hensive distributed computer system with ABB’s the actual dispatch process. Screen information to success
well known InformIT Knowledge Manager user-inter­ and reports are available in English as well as your
face. Each DAS system is customized for the plant. native language. Information management is enhan­ When your
System inputs come from the system operators and ced at every level of your enterprise. customer’s truck
arrives to pick up
a delivery, your
Dispatch Auto-
mation Solution
guides and tracks
them through the
dispatch process
Step 4: Loading Step 6: Completing dispatch
– smoothly, quick-
The ordered type and quantity of bulk cement or Arriving at the exit gate dispatch terminal, the ly, easily.
bags is loaded into the truck, automatically or by customer receives his printed delivery confirma­
plant dispatch workers. tion form, and leaves the plant area. Before the
customer’s truck has even left your plant grounds,
Step 5: Weighing of loaded truck
all data associated with the transaction are availa­
Proceeding to the exit weighing bridge, the truck is ble to your busi­ness information network for tra­
again identified through a driver identification sys­tem. cking, planning, control and forecasting purposes.
The full truck is weighed, and signaled to the exit.

Return on the DAS Investment: A case study Beyond Dispatch: A complete materials handling
With the start up of ABB’s Dispatch Automation Solution at the capability with DAS
Arabian Cement Company’s Rabigh operation, dispatch queues Most cement plants not only dispatch cement products, but
shortened from the typical 60   –70 trucks to 8  – 10 trucks waiting receive raw materials as well. Even a cement plant with lime­
at any one time. The result? The plant was able to process more stone and marl quarries still needs to bring in bulk materials
trucks per day, increasing average weekly billings. such as high quality limestone, fly ash, pyrite, shale, iron ore,
gypsum and bauxite.

Automate dispatch with ABB

ABB will customize DAS for your operation to track and mana­
• Reduce employed capital ge incoming materials in addition to automating dispatch.
• Increase staff effectivness In short, DAS will deliver a complete materials management
• Utilize the full planned capacity infrastructure. You quickly achieve more favorable inventory
• Maximize financial results minimums and maximums. As inventory management impro­
ves, so do cash flow and return on plant investment.

3 BHT 490 264 R0001, (07.06 500 Pomcany’s)

ABB Switzerland Ltd

CH-5405 Baden 5 Dättwil
Phone: +41 (0)58 586 84 44
Fax: + 41 (0)58 586 73 33

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