Welander - Studies On The General Development of Motion in A Two-Dimensional, Ideal Fluid

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VOLUME 7, NUMBER 2 Te L L u s MAY I955


Studies on the General Development of Motion in a Two-

Dimensional, Ideal Fluid
By PIERRE WELANDER, Institute of Meteorology, Univerrity of Stockholm
(Manuscript received March 10, 1955)

The purpose of this paper is to discuss qualitatively certain kinds of asymptotic motion in a
two-dimensional, ideal fluid by help of methods of statistical mechanics. It is stressed that the final
development of such a fluid cannot be adequately described by use of the ordinary equations
of motion, but that a “coarse grain” representation should be used. In this representation,
the development is characterized by the forming of a single, large vortex accompanied by a
certain non-viscous dissipation. The final equilibrium is probably reached almost explosively
after a finite time. Some experiments which are carried out seem to support this result. In
the earlier stages of development we may expect to have some kind of a quasi-equilibrium
motion. It is attempted to find conditions under which such a motion can exist, by studies
of a point-vortex model.

As known, the hydrodynamic equations of no decisive advancement can be made along

motion cannot be solved analytically to give this line until the mathematical apparatus of
in closed form the time-development from any statistical mechanics has been improved, so
given initial state, but we must generally take that it can effectively tackle continuous systems
resort here to some method of numerical also. An undertaking of this task is now being
inte ration. Besides obtaining precise numerical made by HOPF(1951)and others, but certainly
resu ts in special cases, we are, however, also
interested in getting a more general, qualitative
much remains to be done. Another way would
be to abandon wholly the continuum concept
description of the development, comprising and build up the theory from a molecular point
features which are characteristic of all cases, or of view, and some ideas in that direction will
at least the major part of them, irrespective of be presented in a later contribution. The
their initial states. general connection between the fields of
Essential contribution to such a description kinetic theory of gases-hydrodynamics-theory
is given by the modern theory of turbulence, of turbulence is pointed out already in this
as developed by Kolmogoroff and others, but paper.
the picture is s d l far from being complete. The The author here wishes to express his thanks
intention of this paper is to make a further to Mr. G. Dahlquist for several stimulating
discussion of some general features with the discussions during the course of the investiga-
aid of methods of statistical mechanics. At- tion.
tempts in that direction have been given
earlier by, for instance, BURGERS(I929), I.Basic principles of statistical mechanics
TOLLMIEN (1933) and ONSAGER (1949). How- Since people working in the field of hydro-
ever, it seems to be a general impression that dynamics are not generally familiar with the
Tellus VII (1955). 2

branch of statistical mechanics, it has been and qi, are in general found to vary from
found advisable to start with a short discussion one experiment to the next due to non-con-
of its basic principles. trollable disturbances of our system. However,
The theory of classical statistical mechanics carrying out a great number of experiments
is developed for conservative, Haniiltonian we will find a certain statistical distribution
systems, which as known are basic in the of initial values, and corresponding to this a
classical mechanics. The equations of motion certain distribution of points on the hyper-
for such a system are surface F ( p l , . . .p,, ql, . . . @, = M in the
phase space. The whole statistical structure
api - aw of the experiment “F = cc” is represented in
dt +i the phase space by the bundle of trajectories
(i = I, 2, . . . tl) starting a t these points (Fig. I).
dg; - OW Now, it is plansible to assume that the dis-
nt 2pi tribution of initial points found on F = tc is
invariantly connected with our physical system
and so is representative also in other experi-
ments with the system, say for instance the
experiment “F = a and G = ,8”. This requires
of course that the non-controllable forces ulti-
mately responsible for the statistical spreading
of our initial points are not statistically affected
by the special arrangement of our experiment.
More generally we assume that to every part
of the phase space there is related a universal
a priori possibility density of initial points of
our system. T o determine this density distribu-
tion is one fundamental task in statistical
So far, it has not been necessary to restrict
ourselves only to Hamiltonian systems. Such
systems, however, have a nice property,
Fig. I. Experiment “F = a”
which immediately suggests a certain simple
distribution of the a priori probabiIitv densitv.
Introducing in the bhase lspace thk velociiy
where W (pl, . . .p,,, ql, . ... qn) is the energy
of the system, expressed in the coordinates vector v = (h -
d-ql,. .
.%) we find
ql, . . . qn and the corresponding “generalized
momenta” pl, . . .pn. The instantaneous state
of a system can be represented as a point, the
representative point, in a phase space (or en-
semble space) of 2 M dimensions with the pi:s
and q i : s as rectangular coordinates. The time
development of the system is then represented
by a certain trajectory in this space.
=>: [gi(-Z) $ ($71
i= I
+ =0

Suppose now that we have, in an actual showing that the flow of representative points
case, only an incomplete knowledge of the in the phase space is an incompressible one.
initial state of the system. As a specific example, Particularly, t h s means that a uniform distribu-
let us assume that we can control at the initial tion of points throughout the entire phase
time only a certain function of the initial space is maintained permanently. Considering
phase space coordinates, F (pl, . . .p,, ql, . . . q,,). this result, one finds it natural to assume the
If we carry out a number of similar experi- existence of a constant a priori probability
ments, under steady outer conditions and with density in the phase space for all Hamiltonian
a fixed value of F , say M, the initial values pi, systems. No rigorous proof of this has been
Tellur VII (1955), 2
given, but the hypothesis can be made very Handling these subsidiary conditions by help of
plausible also for other reasons, and so far it Lagrangian multipliers (ai), we then get for
has never been contradicted by experiments. the final probability density the expression
The hypothesis tells us how to construct our p = - (I + uo + a F 1 + a&. ..)
representative “ensemble of systems” in a case (3)
where we have only a partial knowledge of where the constants ai are determined by re-
the state: the representative points should be insertion of (3) into the above conhtions.
distributed so as to all correspond to this Another frequently occurring case is that some
partial knowledge, but otherwise they should integral to the equations is prescribed, restrict-
be distributed uniformly in the phase space. ing the motion of the systems to a certain
By use of the theorem of the non-divergent hypersurface in the phase space. Most im-
flow and the hypothesis of equal a priori portant is here the energy integral, W (pl,. . .
probability density in the phase space one can p,, ql,. . .?,,) = constant.
derive a fundamental theorem, the so-called Regardmg the non-equilibrium states, we
H-theorem. This says that a certain quantity have no such general method to fall back on,
and it is only in the special branch of kinetic
H=J.. c [PlogPdV theory of rarefied gases that a complete theory
all space has been worked out. It would be of some
interest to &scuss here some principal aspects
where P is the probability density of the of tlus theory, which in fact forms the bridge
representative points and dV stands for the between the statistical mechanics of discrete
volume element dpl dpz . . .dp,, dq, dqz . . . dq,,, systems and the hydrodynamic theory of
will decrease in the run of time towards an continua.
absolute minimum value. For the derivation Starting from the previous phase space
of this theorem reference is given to text- representation, the first step in developing the
books (see f.i. TOLMAN: The Principles of kinetic theory is to introduce the probability
Statistical Mechanics). For molecular systems, distribution function for a single molecule,
H is proportional to the negative of the independent of the states of the other molecuks :
entropy, and the H-theorem thus expresses the
second law of thermodynamics. f(pi,Pz*Ps. ( 1 1 9 q z , 23)
The H-theorem enables us to determine the
state of statistical equilibrium of our system, = f. . . f P d p d . . . dp,dq4.. . dq,
this being one main task undertaken by the all space
statistical mechanics. The minimum condition where ql, q2, q3 and pl, p,, p3 are the cordinates
of H is in variational form and momenta, respectively, of the molecule
(all molecules regarded as mass-points). For f
6H= 1..
all space
f(10g P + I) SPdV= o (2) we can set up a continuity equation, the so-
called Boltzmann equation, by equating the
net number of molecules &sappearing per
and to this we should add the subsidiary con-
second in a specified element dpl dp, dp, dql
dqz dq3 to the net number of molecules
all space
a. leaving the q-element due to rectilinear
Other subsidiary conditions are given by our b. leaving the p-element due to the action of
partial knowledge of the system. A common outer forces.
case is that we know in the equilibrium state c. leaving the p-element due to molecular
the ensemble mean value of some functions collisions.
F,, F,, . . . dependmg on the phase space co- The contributions according to a. and b.
ordinates, depend directly onf, while the contribution
according to c. depends on the joint prob-
J . . .J F ; P d~ = xi, (i = I, 2, . . .> ability distribution for molecular pairs. To
all space get an equation for f only, we must here
Tellus VI1 (1955). 2

introduce an adhtional hypothesis, namely equations, will in general differ, and so will
that the velocities of the colliding molecules also the corresponding developnients off: To
are non-correlated (molecular chaos). If the gas get a unique development i f f it is then
is sufficiently rarefied this hypothesis seems to necessary to introduce some restrictive hy-
be plausible enough, however, no rigorous pothesis, bringing about a direct coupling
proof has been given. between the-f- and the P fields, and, in fact,
The second step is to introduce the hydro- such a coupling is yielded by our hypothesis
dynamic variables and stresses as certain mean of non-correlated collisions.
values computed in the &distribution : the Finally, it seems natural to consider the
density Q is defined as the mean mass per forming of the hydromechanical equations
unit volume, the mass velocity v as the mean for the mean motion in a turbulent field as the
molecular velocity, the normal stress compo- next step in the same sequence. Then a question
nent p,, as the quadratic mean of the dif- immediately rises : which statistical hypothesis
ference between the x-components of mole- should be introduced now? This qucstion,
cular and mass velocity, etc. Making use of the which is certainly one of the most fundamental
laws of conservation of mass and momentum ones in the theory of turbulence, has not yet
in the molecular collisions, we may then derive been answered. However, the recent work by
the hydrodynamic equations of motion. How- Kolmogoroff and others regarding the quasi-
ever, these contain as unknowns also the stress- equilibrium state of a turbulent field may
es. To get the ordinary Navier-Stokes equa- eventually provide the basis for a fresh attack
tion, containing only the hydrodynamic vari- on the problem.
ables e, Y and p (where p is defined as the
negative mean of the three normal stress com- 2. Development towards a final equilibrium
ponents p,,, pvv and pzz), further simplifica- of a two-dimensional, ideal fluid
tions have to be made : the molecular velocity W e consider a two-dimensional, ideal fluid
distribution must be assumed to deviate only inside a closed and energetically isolated region.
little from the Maxwellian form, and also an At a certain initial time we put the fluid in
additional statistical hypothesis must be in- some arbitrary motion and leave it. How does
troduced (this hypothesis enters the computa- the motion develop in the long run of time?
tion very implicitly and cannot be described First we observe that our system is conserva-
in simple physical terms). tive so that no energy can escape, and thus
Examining these two steps we find that they Some non-zero asymptotic motion should be
are very similar in nature: in each of the steps found. However, it seems hard to think of a
the equations are simplified by introducing new development towards a real equilibrium state.
dependent variables, defined as certain mean To be able to speak here of an equilibrium
values of the old ones, and at the same time approach, we must of course have some
a statistical assumption is being made. From irreversible feature in the motion, but our
the probability distribution P in the phase hydrodynamic equations cannot at all distin-
space we went over to the single-molecule guish between the two time directions, as is
distribution function f and introduced the seen by making the transformation t + - t ,
statistical hypothesis of non-correlated colli- v --f -v. In t h s case every proof, based only
sions, and from this we went over to the on the hydrodynamic equations, that the fluid
hydrodynamic variables and introduced again in the long run approaches some specific
a certain statistical assumption. One can easily equilibrium state can easily be changed to a
understand that the introduction of some proof that the fluid instead departs from the
hypothesis in each step is necessary. As an equilibrium, just by making the above trans-
example, let us assume that we want to formation everywhere in the proof.
compute the further development according Now, the same kind of problem has been
to the Boltzmann equation from a given initial met earlier in the statistical mechanics, where
field fo.Now, corresponding to this fo-field the basic equations (I) are also time-symmetric.
a great number of different distributions Po In this case it was found possible to introduce
may be constructed. The further develo ments an irreversible feature in the picture, becoming
of these, controlled directly by the Hami tonian apparent in the famous H-theorem, by
Tellus VII (1955), 2
considering not the development of a single
system but the development of a whole
ensemble of systems starting from various
initial states. It should be possible to go the
same way in our case, seeihg apart from the In this sense, the quantity is not conservative,
mathematical difficulties of handling an en- but decreases. With terms taken from the
semble of continuous systems. However, we statistical mechanics, we might call the density
will see that the techmque used in the deriva- e* of the fixed integration elements the “coarse
tion of the H-theorem can in fact be utilized grain density”, to be distinguished from the
here directly for a discussion of the develop- “fine grain density” Q of the super-differential
elements 8F, which always are sup osed to be
ment of the single system.
To begin with, let us consider the following P
small as compared to the widths o the bands.
The argument is now that what we observe
simple but illustrative experiment, similar to
one discussed by Gibbs in his work Principles actually is not the fine-grain density but the
of Statistical Mechanics. The fluid is initially coarse-grain density, the size of the integra-
divided up into a number of surface elements, tion elements being always finite due to the
which are coloured black and white (for existence of an observational limit scale. In
instance in a chess-board pattern). The colour the discussed experiment, we have by a direct
should follow the motion materially without visual observation a limit scale of some
any essential diffusion. When setting the fluid hundredths of a millimeter, and when the
into motion the elements are deformed, and widths of the bands have become smaller than
after some time they are drawn out in the this, the “coarse-grain colour” has changed
form of long and thin bands, as shown in Fig. 2. from black or white to grey.
We now want to investigate the conserva- We might expect that our final equilibrium
tion of colour density during the motion. If should be characterized by a minimum total
the black colour is assigned the density I and square density mass, 6se*2dF=o, with the sub-
the white colour is assigned the density 0, F
then the total colour mass of the fluid is
S e d F = F b , where F is the total area of the
sidiary conditionsIdF= constant and
F s

F =constant, giving a uniform (coarse grain)

fluid, Fb the total area of the black elements. Also density distribution. The minimum value is
the total square density mass is e2dF=Fb.Both

these quantities are accordingly conservative,

here obviously F-b Fb. To our ordinary feeling
it seems self-evident that a sufficient stirring
since the area F b is preserved during the motion. would ultimately lead to a uniform density
However, regarding the total square density distribution, but this feeling may be false.
mass, the above result is true only if each There certainly exist processes which are
integration element is either wholly black or ordinarily recognized as stirring ones but
wholly white. If we prescribe in advance the which do not lead to the uniform density, and
size of these elements, however small, we it has not yet been proved rigorously that the
must always ultimately arrive at the situation, natural motion of our fluid cannot be such a
where the widths of the bands are found to process. Instead, the ultimate uniformity must
be so small that the integration elements are be introduced as a hypothesis. However, as far
each crossed by several bands of different as the two-dimensional and ideal fluid is
colours. If, as usual, the colour density in an concerned, we can find support to this hy-
element is defined as the ratio of colour pothesis. The vortex elements of such a fluid
matter and area, then the square density in form a Hadtonian system, as will be seen
later, and the phase space of this system is
identical with the multi-dimensional con-
dF figuration space. The hypothesis of equal a
6F is a “superdifferential” element, and for priori probability density thus says here that
the total square density mass we have now each part of the configuration space should be
Tellus VII (19JS), 2

Fig. 2 . Deformation of a fluid surface.

The picture shows the deformation of an air layer at the 500 mb level in the atmosphere after 6 h, 12 h, 24 h
and 36 h, respectively. The deformation is computed by means of the barotropic model, assuming the layer to
behave like a two-dimensional, ideal fluid. The initial stream-line pattern is seen at the top. The sides of the
square elements are 300 km. For numerical estimates of the deformation in atmospheric flows see also SAUCIER
(1953) and VUORELA (1953).

Tellus VII (1955). 2


b C

d e

Fig. 3. Observed deformation of a fluid element.

The picture shows the observed deformation of a small, coloured square element of a fluid surface. A rectangular
vessel of dimensions 50 x 30 x 30 cm filled with water to half the depth was used for the experiment. O n the water
surface was put a film of butanol, which was divided into square elements by means of a metal grid. One or several
of there elements were coloured with methyl-red and the water was set into horizontal motion. The grid was
then quickly taken away and the fluid was left to move undisturbed. T o keep the motion two-dimensional, the
whole fluid mass was set into a slow basic rotation before the initial disturbance was created.
Tellur VII (1955). 2

Tellus VII (1955), 2

given equal statistical weight and this speaks
much for the existence of the ultimate uni-
Our previous discussion was concentrated
on a very special example, but the technique

is about the same when considering a more
general case. Assuming an arbitrary colour
distribution, we just divide the fluid into
elements dF so small that we can put initially
the density constant within each of these
elements. The total coarse grain and fine grain
square densities are the same at this time, but
at a later time the former quantity is again
being diminished, while the latter one is
constant. This is seen immediately by inspecting
the expressionsJpdFdF andJ(GdF)2dF, repre-
Fig. 4. The final velocity field.
senting these two quantities, respectively (the
bar here indicates a mean taken over dF).
From this we turn to the question of the Now, let us stop and try to make the
final velocity field. This field is completely situation clear for us again. In terms of the
determined by the vorticity field of the fluid, ordinary fine-grain quantities we cannot
and, since the relation between velocity and describe any final equilibrium state, firstly
vorticity is a linear one, the coarse grain because of the reversibility which is inherent in
velocity field is determined by the coarse grain the equations of motion, and secondly because
vorticity field in a corresponding way. Now, of the fact that the velocity field will approach
the vorticity is in a two-dimensional, ideal fluid in the run of time a discontinuous state. How-
a conservative property, which follows the ever, in terms of the coarse-grain quantities an
motion of the fluid just in the same way as equilibrium is likely to exist, and this equili-
the colour matter, and the previous conclusions brium is here found from the condition of
hold as well if we replace the colour density “complete mixing”, which is the same as the
e by the vorticity q. Accordingly, if the stirring condition that the mean square vortici7 (or
is complete, we will ultimately get a state of the mean square of any other indivi ually
constant coarse-grain vorticity. The coarse- conserved quantity)is at the absolute minimum.
grain flow is then of the type indicated in Two subsidiary conditions hold, namely that
Fig. 4, forming a single large vortex. the total area and the total vorticity of the fluid
The total vorticity is conserved here, while is conserved, but these are also the only con-
a certain amount of square vorticity is lost. servation theorems in the coarse-grain repre-
This loss is obviously roportional to the mean sentation. There is one exception, namely when
square fluctuations oPthe fine grain vorticity the boundary is exactly circular so that the
in the initial state, pressure reactions from the boundary can give
no moment around the centre. The angular
momentum of the flund is then also con-
served with respect to the centre, and since
the vorticity of the fluid enters linearly in the
J [qz - (iF)*] / n

dF= (11 - ijF)%!F = angular momentum, this is also conserved in

the coarse-grain representation. However, it is
F F to be supposed that the slightest deformation
of the boundary will completely change the
character of the motion and make it break
Corresponding to this we also have a certain down again into a complete mixing. We could
loss of lunetic energy, disappearing into “tur- compare here with the case when a mass-point
bulent heat”. is moving in a circular region, bounded by a
Tellur VII (1955). 2

perfectly reflecting wall. If the boundary is make the assumption that the rate of stretching
perfectly circular, the angular momentum (with of a typical band is proportional to the length
respect to the centre) is conserved and the mass- I of the band itself, the constant of propor-
point is restricted to move all the time in a tionality depending on the features of the
certain zone of the region. However, the velocity field at the actual time,
slightest deformation of the wall somewhere dl
changes the picture completely. The mass- &" E(41
point is now free to move into any other
state compatible with the actual energy value, According to the experimental evidence, tl
and in fact it is possible to show that it will should be a positive quantity.
in the run of time take on almost all of those If we have a stationary turbulence field, tl
statesl. In special, we will after a sufficiently should be regarded as a constant and we
long time certainly observe a change of sign should find an exponential stretching,
in the angular momentum!
W e also want to say something about the
1 - I, ex (1 ~ 1.)

time necessary to establish the equilibrium. This case is considered earlier by BATCHELOR
This time is of course directly dependent on (1952). However, in the case we are discussing,
the rate at which the bands are stretched out, namely the development of the turbulent field
and thus we are going to investigate in more from an initial large-scale motion, tl will not
detail the mechanism of this stretching. To
begin with, it may be good to have a quali-
tative description of the stretching of a typical
band as observed in the experiments (Fig. 3).
Starting from a square element with a \ I
side small compared to the scale of the initial \ /R
\ I
motion, we observe first a uniform shearing \ f
deformation of the element together with a \ f
translation and rotation. Later on the variations v
of the deformation field over the element Fig. 5 . Stretching of a line rlemcnt.
become important and the element is deformed
more irregularly. After some time a long band be constant but increases all the time, and it
is formed, following mainly the streamlines of seems as if no stationary motion of Batchelor's
the fluid, and this is steadily stretched out in type exists at all. It seems difficult to make here
the run of time. When the band lies at right any precise statement, but we will at least
angle to the streamlines, folds are found to make likely that cc increases so rapidly that the
develop at the points of maximum velocity, bands are stretched out to infinite length and
also folds appear when the velocity gradient is the whole turbulent break-down is completed
nearly opposite to the velocity direction. One within a j n i t e time.
gets the general impression that the stretching Consider a small line element of length 61
is the natural, stable type of development, and with a radius of curvature R. During a
while all kinds of shrinlungs are unstable, the time dt the length of this element is changed to
band immediately bendmg aside to form a
fold which can maintain the stretching tend-
ency. Finally, there have formed a great
61 + d(61) = 61 +3
61dt + 2 6ldt
number of simple and multiple folds and the
where vs and vn are the tangential and normal
development then proceeds very quickly to a
velocity components, respectively (Fig. 5 ) .
chaotic state where no detailed features of the
band can be observed.
In the theoretical discussion, it is natural to
- (61) =
61(w+ 2)
_ ~ _ _ _
1 The precise statenlent that can be made here is
and integrating over a band from one end-
difficult to express in non-mathematical terms. and the
interested rcadcrs are referred to text-books on ergodic point Po to the other PI, we find for the rate
theory. of change of its total length l
Trllus V1I (1955). 2

portional to the total length of the band. Of

course, the effective length of the band
available for folding is reduced by the existence
of earlier folds, but this reduction is precisely
Considering now the experimental results balanced by the increased chances for multiple
(Fig. 3) we see clearly that the curvature folds. The factor of proportionality should in
term is large only at certain folds of the band. its turn be inversely proportional to the
O n the other hand, just at the folds the large characteristic length-scale ;Z of the motion and
curvature term must be approximately balanced to a time-constant T, giving the characteristic
by a tangential shrinking, time required for the developing of a fold,
when the conditions for such a development
are at hand. T will be something of the order
of -, and thus
P.' ---
dv 1V
dt A 2

(see Fig. 6).
If the curvature term could be neglected
except just at the folds, we should then have
-& - vo + 2 v 1 + 2 v 2 . ..
where vl, v z , etc. are the velocity magnitudes
at the respective folds. Thus, if V is the charac-
teristic velocity of the fluid, and v is the actual
number of (simple) folds, the order of magni-
Fig. 6 . Stretching of a band.
dl .
tude of - is
2dl - 2vv
Here I/ could be identified with the root-
mean square velocity of the fluid, which is
conserved during the motion, but il must be
sup osed to decrease at the same rate as the
Of course, the foregoing estimate is not very
satisfactory if the velocity field varies relatively l
wi th of the band, that is inversely as the
length of the band,
little between the neighbouring folds. Ac-
cordingly, folds formed by the small-scale
motion of the fluid should not be counted
- 20
il Ro * -
until they have been diffused so far away dv
from each other that they can move independ- W e then find - proportional to 13,
Further support to the assumed mechanism
is obtained from a numerical study of the
experimental results. Except for a shorter initial
- c
2 1/13

period, it is found that about 70-80 % of the where

stretchmg is here due to the pure motion of
the folds as described above.
dv Now.
Now, -, the number of folds formed per dv dl I
dv --z:z-iC2-,
dt _
dl 13
second, should obviously be directly pro- V
Tellas VII (1955). 2

characteristic velocity. One might perhaps find

the above result unreasonable, since the velocity
of the fluid must always remain finite. How-
ever, it is certainly possible to deform a finite
line-element into a curve of infinite length
during a finite time and with finite velocities
of all points on the curve. To take a simple
example, we consider the steps of displace-
ments shown in Fig. 7, leading to the so-called
If the initial length of the line is a, and we
maximate all velocities to a value v , then the
first step can be made during a time nt, <
1 a
< I1 aV , the second during a time A t , < -
~ ~


a n j the total time to perform any number of

steps can be made smaller than 2$

k= 1

-_ ~

while on the other hand the length of

Fig. 7. Construction of the snow-flake curve. 2 v’

the curve after n steps is a, =

C213 goes to infinity with 11. However, in this
example as well as in our fluid case, some space
and integrating we have derivatives of the velocity must necessarily
go to infinity, making the final velocity field
V N C / 2
wholly discontinuous.
2 Of course, the final explosive stretching of
the fluid elements can never be observed in
The number of folds thus should be propor- reality due to viscous effects, but the above
tional to 12. result may be of interest for instance in con-
W e get nection with numerical forecasting, where one
tries to predict the development by use of some
idealized hydrodynamic model (in fact, in-
so that dications of a break-down of the motion has
a(t)= cv 9 I been observed in several numerical forecasts
with a barotropic model, but it has not yet
and integrating been made clear whether this is caused by
computational errors or not).
--I 10 It will be stressed here again that our con-
I -C,(t-to) siderations only concern with the general
(turbulent) development. Of course, we can
select special cases where the results do not
hold, as for instance the cases of stationary
motion. The possibility of drawing any general
Accordingly, we arrive at the interesting result conclusions regarding the development is
that the bands are drawn out to infinite length wholly due to the fact that we exclude certain
within afinite time, which is of the order of special and relatively improbable situations.
magnitude of 2,where A, is the characteristic To make a first crude test of the above
V theory, the mean stretching of the elements
length-scale of the initial motion and V is the in the described experiment has been measured
Tellur VII (1955), 2
initially. However, we expect that the details
of the initial field should be important only
for the motion during a shorter initial period,
and that the motion later on should develop
into an asymptotic state, the form of which is
essentially determined by such over-all quan-
tities as the total energy, the characteristic
scale of the motion, etc. Furthermore, it is
likely that this asymptotic state could be
characterized as a gradually changing quasi-
equilibrium. To get a picture of the state, we
can imagine the fluid as made up of a number
of characteristic, separate fluid elements. The
neighbouring elements interact with each other
and try to arrive at some mutual equilibrium.
(three cases) and plotted inversely against time On the other hand, they can preserve their
(Fig. 8). One should not rely too much individuality only for a shorter time, and are
upon the numerical results, since the three- soon broken down into some new elements.
dimensional and viscous effects disturb the However, the time necessary to establish their
motion in the experiment considerably. How- equilibrium is probably often short as compared
ever, it is interesting to see how well the points to the life-time of the elements and to the time
in each case fit a straight line as predicted by necessary for an essential over-all change of
(s), at least during the first “inertial period”, state, and then some kind of a quasi-equilibrium
when the inertia forces still dominate over the motion is obviously set up.
viscous forces. One can here make a comparison with the
We will end this chapter by saying also a kinetic theory of gases. There the develop-
few words about the case of a three-dimensio- ment of an initially given molecular distribu-
nal ideal fluid. The development is here much tion has been discussed, and it has been demon-
the same as in the two-dimensional case, but strated that the distribution quickly settles
in one respect there is a fundamental differ- down to a quasi-Maxwellian state, the further
ence: the vorticity vectors must no longer be changes of which depend only on certain
parallel but can turn freely. It has sometimes over-all micro-quantities (the hydrodynamic
been argued that since the vorticity vectors and thermodynamic variables). The time
are expected to arrive ultimately at a uniform necessary .to establish the Maxwellian equi-
directional distribution, we should find a com- librium is here not more than some billionths
plete non-viscous dissipation of the motion. of a second (at normal temperature and pres-
However, this needs not to be true, because sure), whch is much less than the time
the magnitude of the vorticity vector and also characterizing an ordinary over-all change of
the anomalies of this will all the time increase state in the gas.
due to the stretching of the vortex tubes and Concerning the existence of a quasi-equilib-
the correspondin shrinking of their cross rium state in fluid developments, there have
sections. Even if t e directional distribution in
the run of time becomes uniform, the anomalies
been many investigations in the statistical
theory of turbulence on the basis of the
may well increase at such a rate that a non- Kolmogoroff Similarity Hy othesis (see f. i.,
vanishing (coarse grain) velocity field is main-
tained. Obviously the question cannot be settled
1953), and bot from these in-
vestigations and from experiments one finds
before some quantitative analysis has been that the quasi-equilibrium concept has a very
performed. general applicability. In the statistical theory
of turbulence the reasoning centers around the
3. Quasi-equilibrium motion Fourier spectrum and the correlation functions
The precise development of motion in the of the ener y and veloci fields, and several
foregoing experiment will of course depend
on the special velocity field that is set up
precise resu ts are obtainex which will not be
repeated here. On the other hand it should be
Tellus VII (1955). 2

valuable to supplement this essentially statistical we find then that the system (6) can be written
line of investigation with a more physical one, in the form
discussing by help of the methods of statistical dXk
P k Z =-
mechanics some simplified mechanical models
of the fluid. As a start, we shall here take up to
discussion the simple point-vortex model, dyk JW
,Uk- = -
discussed earlier by Onsager, and try to find dt Jxk
out under which conditions this model permits
a quasi-equilibrium state to exist. Finally, introducing the variables
We consider a number (a) of vortices of -
strengths pl,. . .pn, moving in an x-y-plane. pk = kpk xk
These vortices generate a flow characterized by -
a stream-function qk = ( p k y k
this becomes
y* = Z: p i G (x, y, Xi, y i ) dpk aw
1-1 - -
dt aqk
where G is Green's function appropriate to the
problem. For an unlimited fluid, which is the
only case considered here, we have
dqk -
_ -
dt 3pk

The system is thus Hamiltonian and con-

servative, since W does not depend explicitly
The point-vortices should follow the motion on time. In fact eW equals the kinetic energy
of the fluid materially, thus their velocities are T of the associated fluid, apart from the
singular contribution. Accordingly, we have
dXk a?/)* here a case where the methods of statistical
llk = - = - (I)y) mechanics, as described in the first chapter,
dt X=Xk
should apply. There are, however, some special
Y = Yn
questions to be considered. To begin with, we
cannot have a statistically uniform distribution
of vortex-points throughout the whole plane,
since this would give us infinite velocities. O n
Y = Yk
the other hand, if we consider a local cloud of
We have vortex-points, we will expect that in the run of
time the cloud spreads out and at least part of
the points escape to infinity. The escape could
of course be avoided by introducing a solid
boundary around the cloud, but we prefer here
and similarly for . These last ex- to put a restriction on the characteristic scale ?,
of the system, prescribing its ensemble mean
Y = Yk value. The characteristic scale could for instance
be the mean distance between two vortex-
pressions, however, include a (constant) sin- points picked out at random.
gular contribution representing the infinite Moreover, some restriction should be put on
self-potential of the vortex-point, and this must the energy of the system. In most experi-
be subtracted (rigorously this can be justified ments, we study systems having energies in a
by starting from some small vortex-plates and fairly narrow range, and an ensemble lacking
letting their areas tend to zero in the final any restriction in t h s respect cannot at all be
result). Introducing the energy function representative. In fact, such an ensemble
n generally puts an overwhelming weight to the
W(x,, ~ . - . xn, y n )
1 , =, X P i p j G (xi, yi, xj, y j ) very large energies. Thus we shall prescribe
i i j here at least the ensemble mean energy.
Tellur VII (1955). 2
Introducing then the three subsidiary con- and derive the convergence criterion
plp2...~c, f...I
P ~ V = I
pipj (i, j = I, 2 , . . . fi) (9)
all space Regarding the sign of 0, which is of course
of great importance, some information could
p l p 2. . .p,! f. . .I P d V I
= (7) be obtained from a qualitative discussion of the
all space “structure function”

p 1 p 2 .. . pf2 f. . .I WPdV W =
all space

where dV stands for a configuration element the integration being taken over that part of
dx, dxl, . . . dx, dyl ,dy2 . . . dy,, the minimiza- the phase space where the energy W is less
tion of the quantity H (cf. (2)) will lead to than a certain value E. The probability to find
the following expression for the equilibrium the system at an energy E, varied over a small
distribution of probability density range dE, is proportional to


C, a and 0 are constants to be determined from

the subsidiary conditions (7). C and a are of
course both positive, while 0 may be either
positive or negative.
We recall here the significance of P :
P , l . p 2 . . .p, dx, dyl . . . dx, dy, is the prob-
ability to find a configuration state where the
first vortex-point p1 lies inside a surface element
Fig. 9. Appearance of the structure function.
dx,dyl at the point x,., y,, and the second
vortex-point ,uZ lies inside a surface element
dx,dy2 at the point x2, yz, etc. and the maximum probability occurs when
Now, to get any equlibrium at all we must
require that all the previous integrals converge.
At infinity the integrals certainly tend toward
zero rapidly enough to secure convergence,
but some trouble may arise at the point rij = 0. The energy value at which this maximum is
The most critical contribution is of the type attained is expected to lie in the neighbourhood
of W, and __ d24 (w)
:$ (E)may then be
a t r 11
..=o considered as a first approxmation to - The
Introducing here xi, y i as a new fixed origin, general form of 4 and d24.
-.- d 4 is indicated
we may consider instead dE2 dE
in Fig. 9.
Combining now this with the convergence
criterion we can draw the following general
.= conclusions:
I. For a given set of vortices, an equilibrium
exists if the energy of the system is suffi-
0 ciently high or sufficiently low.
Tellur VII (1955). 2

2. For a given energy value, an equilibrium ever, our intention is not to represent here
exists if the vortices are sufficiently weak. the final equilibrium state of the continuous
fluid (in fact, it is not possible to make a
3. In the non-equilibrium case, the vortices transition over the continuous state in our
will combine into new vortices, whc h are result (8) by making the number of point-
intensified if the energy is high but weak- vortices infinite!), but to represent the momen-
ened if the energy is low. tary equilibrium attained by some charac-
teristic, finite lumps of fluid. It seems most
In the general case it seems difficult to give natural to think of each point-vortex as
some quantitative results, since we cannot representing a real, physically separated vortex
evaluate the +-integral and determine the of the fluid. As an example, in describing the
exact form of 0 as depending on E and large-scale atmospheric state by our model we
the p i x O n the other hand, it seems possible should represent each cyclone and anticyclone
to get precise results of interest in some special by one point-vortex of appropriate strength.
cases. The discussion of these cases, which It cannot be denied that the interpretation is
involve a lot of mathematical transformations somewhat vague and subjective, but it seems
will not be taken up here, however. hard to make here any precise statement. O n
Finally we would like to make a remark the other hand, considering later on more
concerning the physical significance of the refined models where the scales of the motion
model discussed. It is clear that our point- also enter, for instance a model built up of
vortex model can represent a given fluid state vortex-plates, one should be able to set up
to any degree of accuracy if the number of more precise connections between the model
point-vortices is increased sufficiently. How- and the fluid.

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