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Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences (2017) 4, 317e321

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Pattern of disharmony between the heart

and kidney: Theoretical basis, identification
and treatment
Jian Dong, Tianfang Wang*, Lihong Zhao, Xinran Chen

School of Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China

Received 18 June 2017; accepted 18 September 2017

Available online 2 January 2018

KEYWORDS Abstract “Harmony between the heart and kidney” refers to the physiological relationship
Harmony between between these two zang organs in Chinese medicine, while “disharmony between the heart
the heart and kidney; and kidney” (also called disharmony between fire and water) refers to the pathological state.
Disharmony between The pattern of disharmony between the heart and kidney is widely observed in patients with
the heart and kidney; insomnia, anxiety disorder and menopausal syndrome, etc.. In order to gain a full and systema-
Pattern of tical understanding of this pattern, from the perspective of ancient Chinese philosophy and
disharmony between zang-fu theory in Chinese medicine, we systematically reviewed and discussed the functions
the heart and kidney; and physiological characteristics of the heart and kidney, the origin and development of the-
Coptis and Donkey- ories relating to heartekidney relationship, the pathogenesis and identification of the pattern,
Hide Gelatin as well as the commonly used classical formulas for its treatment, including Coptis and Donkey-
Hide Gelatin Decoction (Huánglián Eji  o Ta
ng) and Grand Communication Pill (Jia otài Wán).
Decoction (Huánglián
Eji  o Ta
ng); Two examples of clinical modifications of these formulas in the treatment of insomnia and
Grand menopausal syndrome are provided in this article. It should be noted that in clinical practice,
Communication Pill these formulas should be used flexibly, and modified in accordance to the condition of the pa-
otài Wán)
(Jia tient.
ª 2017 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

In Chinese medicine, the heart and kidney are two closely- while “disharmony between the heart and kidney” (or
related zang organs. “Harmony between the heart and “disharmony between fire and water”) indicates the path-
kidney” (or “harmony between fire and water”) refers to ological state. As the meanings of these terms have been
the physiological relationship between these two organs, gradually enriched over dynasties, there exist some

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Wang).
Peer review under responsibility of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
2095-7548/ª 2017 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
318 J. Dong et al.

disputes about their connotations. Despite that, “the Origin and development of the theory of “harmony
pattern of disharmony between the heart and kidney”, a between the heart and kidney”
term referring to the resulting pattern, is specifically used
to represent the disorder with the pathogenesis of heart The term “harmony between the heart and kidney” was
fire hyperactivity and kidney yin/yang deficiency. This may firstly put forward in Shenzhai Zhou’s Comprehensive Book
be categorized into three separate groups of manifesta- on Chinese Medicine (Shènzha i Yı´shu
 ) in the Ming Dynasty.
tions. Firstly, vexation, insomnia, palpitations and dream- The development of its fundamental theories, however,
disturbed sleep are symptoms directly associated with hy- dates back to more ancient times. In I Ching (Yı` Jıng), one
peractive heart fire. Secondly, dizziness, tinnitus, soreness of the oldest classics on Chinese philosophy, 64 hexagrams
and weakness in the lumbar region and knees, low grade are recorded, in which each is composed of two combined
tidal fever, night sweats and frequent seminal emission are trigrams from the eight trigrams (ba gua) in total. The eight
symptoms directly correlated to kidney yin deficiency. trigrams and the natural phenomena they represent are
Lastly, cold pain in the lumbar region and knees, or illustrated in Fig. 1. The broken and unbroken lines in the
numbness, tingling and coldness in the lower limbs, or trigrams represent yin and yang respectively. Each of the 64
edema in the lower limbs, and impotence are symptoms hexagrams embodies a state, among which the Kan-Li Co-
directly related to kidney yang deficiency. Clinically, such a ordination Hexagram ( ) reflects the harmonious and
pattern is widely observed in various diseases, such as balanced state between water and fire through dynamic
insomnia, anxiety disorder and menopausal syndrome, interaction. This image is composed of two trigrams called
etc.1e5 In this article, the theoretical basis, common Kan (☵) and Li (☲), which on the whole represent water
manifestations and classical formulas concerning this and fire respectively. Therefore, the interaction between
pattern are systematically reviewed and discussed, which Kan and Li reflects the coordination between yin and yang.
will guide the identification and treatment of this pattern. Although Kan (☵) represents yin on the whole, there is yang
within it, resulting in an ascending tendency; similarly,
Theoretical basis there is a descending tendency for Li (☲), the represen-
tation of yang. In a word, the Kan-Li Coordination Hexa-
gram reflects the harmonious and balanced state achieved
Main functions and physiological characteristics of
through the water-ascending and fire-descending move-
the heart and kidney ment. Such an interpretation of the Kan-Li Coordination
Hexagram has laid the foundation for the development of
The heart’s functions could be summarized as follows. the theory of harmony between the heart and kidney in
Firstly, the heart governs the blood and vessels. This means Chinese Medicine.6
the rhythmic beating of the heart propels blood circulation The physiological relationship between the heart and
all over the body. Secondly, the heart governs the shen. The kidney was firstly discussed in The Yellow Emperor’s Inner
shen here corresponds to the mental activities governed by Classic (Huángdı` Nèijıng). In later dynasties, the under-
the brain in modern psychology, including cognitive activ- standing of the heartekidney relationship has been gradually
ities, emotions and mood, will, and consciousness, etc. enriched and deepened. In Important Formulas Worth a
According to the yin-yang theory in Chinese medicine, Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency (Bèijı´Qia njın Yào fa
the heart is located in the upper jiao, and pertains to yang. in the Tang Dynasty, Simiao Sun borrowed the concept of
According to the five elements theory, the heart pertains to harmony between Kan (water) and Li (fire) from I Ching and
fire. The yang qi of the heart provides the basis for all its analogized it to the heartekidney relationship in Chinese
functional activities. The heart yang qi, with its warming
and propelling functions, promotes blood circulation and
invigorates the heart shen, thus playing a dominant role in
maintaining the overall functions of the body.
The kidney’s main functions may be summarized as fol-
lows. Firstly, the kidney stores essence. The essence stored
in the kidney promotes growth, development and the
reproductive functions of the body, and it is also closely
related to the generation of blood. Secondly, the kidney
governs water. This means the kidney regulates water
metabolism through the qi transformation function of the
kidney yang; Lastly, the kidney governs qi reception, in the
form of assisting the lung in regulating respiration.
According to the yin-yang theory, the kidney is situated
in the lower jiao, and pertains to yin. According to the five
elements theory, the kidney pertains to water. As the
foundation of innate constitution, the kidney houses innate
yin and yang, so it is regarded as the fundamental root of
yin fluid and yang qi for all zang-fu organs within the human
body. As the kidney is characterized by “housing and stor-
Figure 1 Eight trigrams and their corresponding natural
ing”, pathological changes of the kidney often belong to the
phenomena in bagua arrangement.
deficiency type.
Pattern of disharmony between the heart and kidney 319

medicine. He put forward the term “harmony between fire Kidney yin deficiency & heart fire hyperactivity
and water” in representation of the heartekidney relation-
ship for the first time in a Chinese Medicine book. In the Yuan This is the combination of two separate patterns: (1) heart
Dynasty, Danxi Zhu furtherly explained the heartekidney fire hyperactivity. This is chiefly manifested as vexation,
relationship with above-mentioned water-ascending and fire- insomnia, palpitations, dream-disturbed sleep, and tongue
descending theory. In the Ming Dynasty, Shenzhai Zhou ulcers, etc. (2) kidney yin deficiency. This usually presents
explicitly explained the mechanism of heart-kidney commu- as dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness, soreness and weakness
nication in Shenzhai Zhou’s Comprehensive Book on Chinese in the lumbar region and knees, frequent seminal emission,
Medicine. In conclusion, it could be inferred that the inter- dry mouth and throat, feverish sensation in the palms, soles
pretation of heartekidney relationship in Chinese Medicine and chest, low grade tidal fever, night sweats, con-
is greatly influenced by the Kan-Li Coordination theory stipation, deep yellow urine, a red tongue with scanty or no
in I Ching. coating, and a thready rapid pulse, etc..
To sum up, harmony between the heart and kidney As the kidney yin fluid is deficient in the first place,
emphasizes the harmonious coordination between the there is not enough kidney yin fluid being evaporated up-
heart and kidney achieved through the dynamic descending ward to restrict heart yang qi. Without restriction, the
and ascending movement of yin and yang in the heart and hyperactive heart yang qi would be transformed into heart
kidney. As the heart is located in the upper part of the fire. As the heart fire harasses the heart shen (mental ac-
body, the heart yang qi should descend to strengthen the tivity), this leads to vexation, insomnia, palpitations, and
kidney yang qi’s function of warming the kidney yin fluid, so dream-disturbed sleep. As the heart fire goes along the
as to prevent excessive coldness in the kidney. The kidney heart channel to the tongue, there would be tongue ulcers.
is situated in the lower part of the body, hence the kidney When deficient kidney yin fluid fails to nourish the brain and
yin fluid should ascend to help the heart yin fluid to control ears, there is dizziness, tinnitus and forgetfulness. When
the heart yang qi, preventing hyperactive heart yang qi deficient kidney yin fluid fails to nourish the lumbar region
from transforming into fire. In summary, the heart-kidney and knees, there is a manifestation of soreness and weak-
harmonious communication is based on the dynamic bal- ness in the lumbar region and knees. Without sufficient
ance between the ascending of kidney yin and descending kidney yin fluid, deficient fire is generated to disturb the
of heart yang.3 essence chamber (where the sperms are stored) and
weaken its storing function, thus frequent seminal emission
How this pattern is formed is seen. Deficient heat is generated internally as a result of
deficient yin and hyperactive yang, leading to dryness in
If the heart-kidney balance is disturbed, there would be the mouth and throat, feverish sensation in the palms, soles
inadequate/no communication between the heart yang qi and chest, low grade tidal fever and night sweats, etc.
and kidney yin fluid. Such a pathological condition is called Constipation, deep yellow urine, a red tongue with scanty
“disharmony between the heart and kidney”, or “dishar- or no coating, and a thready rapid pulse are all manifes-
mony between fire and water”.7 tations of hyperactive heart fire due to yin deficiency.
Generally, there are two different pathogeneses: (1)
Heart fire hyperactivity & kidney yang deficiency
heart fire hyperactivity & kidney yin deficiency. The
initial cause of this condition is excessive consumption of
kidney yin as a result of chronic disease or sexual indul- This is the combination of two separate patterns: (1) heart
gence. Without adequate kidney yin fluid going upward to fire hyperactivity. This is chiefly manifested as vexation,
help the heart yin fluid constrain the heart yang qi, there insomnia palpitations, dream-disturbed sleep, tongue ul-
would be hyperactive heart fire, thus resulting in dishar- cers, and dryness in the mouth, etc. (2) kidney yang
mony between the heart and kidney with deficient kidney deficiency. This is chiefly manifested as cold pain in the in
yin in the lower part of the body and hyperactive heart fire the lumbar region and knees, or numbness, tingling and
in the upper part of the body. (2) heart fire hyperactivity & coldness in the lower limbs, or edema in the lower limbs,
kidney yang deficiency. Initially, there is hyperactive heart and impotence, etc.
fire due to external contraction of heat-fire pathogenic As the hyperactive heart fire harasses the heart shen,
factors or stagnant qi transforming into fire as a result of this leads to vexation, insomnia, palpitations, and dream-
emotional strain. The heart fire blazes upward without disturbed sleep. Since the heart fire goes along the heart
control, resulting in heart yang qi failing to go downward to channel to the mouth and tongue, there would be tongue
help the kidney yang qi warm kidney yin fluid, leading to ulcers and dryness in the mouth. With hyperactive fire
disharmony between the heart and kidney with hyperactive flaming upward, the heart yang qi cannot descend to help
heart fire in the upper part of the body and deficient kidney the kidney yang qi warm the lumbar region, knees and
yang in the lower part of the body.4 lower limbs, leading to cold pain in the lumbar region and
knees, or numbness, tingling and coldness in the lower
limbs. As there is abnormal water metabolism due to kidney
Identification yang deficiency, water and fluids tend to retain in the lower
part of the body, resulting in edema in the lower limbs.
According to the different pathogeneses and clinical man- Kidney yang deficiency may also cause decreased sexual
ifestations, the pattern of disharmony between the heart function, so impotence could be seen.
and kidney could be summarized as the following two sub- Clinically, apart from the two sub-patterns mentioned
patterns. above, more complicated sub-patterns could also be
320 J. Dong et al.

observed, such as kidney yin-yang deficiency and heart fire chinensis FRANCH) 15 g and cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum
hyperactivity. Therefore, for each case, all information cassia PRESL) 1.5 g.
gained from the four diagnostic methods should be taken This formula works to restore coordination between the
into consideration to make a careful differentiation. heart and kidney by clearing heart fire and directing heart
yang qi downward to supplement kidney yang qi. In this
formula, coptis rhizome is used as the chief medicine.
Being bitter and cold, it enters into the heart channel to
clear heart fire and relieve vexation and insomnia. In
Based on the causes and pathogenesis of this pattern contrast, cinnamon bark, sweet and pungent, enters into
mentioned above, the guiding treatment principle should the kidney channel to direct heart yang qi downward, thus
be clearing hyperactive heart fire and supplementing kid- helping kidney yang qi to warm kidney yin fluid. As the
ney yin/yang so as to restore harmonious coordination be- amount of the latter is designed to be only 1/10 of that of
tween the heart and kidney.8 Specifically, for the sub- the former, the small amount of cinnamon bark is used with
pattern with hyperactive heart fire and deficient kidney the appropriate strength to prevent coptis rhizome from
yin, the treatment principle should be nourishing kidney yin damaging the kidney yang, without the concern of gener-
and clearing heart fire; for the sub-pattern with hyperac- ating extra heart heat/fire.
tive heart fire and deficient kidney yang, the treatment
principle should be clearing heart fire and directing heart
Two examples of clinical modifications
yang downward to warm the kidney yang or directly sup-
plementing kidney yang. Clinically, when treating these
According to the findings from data mining and literature
two sub-patterns with Chinese medicines, Coptis and
 ao Tang) and researches, the pattern of disharmony between the heart
Donkey-Hide Gelatin Decoction (Huánglián Eji
otài Wán) are often cho- and kidney is widely seen in insomnia, anxiety disorder, and
Grand Communication Pill (Jia
menopausal syndrome etc.10 Regardless of disease differ-
sen and used with modifications according to the actual
ence, as long as it is diagnosed as the pattern of disharmony
between the heart and kidney, the treatment principle
should be the same: restoring the heart-kidney balance by
Classical formulas clearing heart fire and supplementing kidney yin/yang.
Clinically, both the patient’s constitutional tendency and
Coptis and Donkey-Hide Gelatin Decoction the development stage of the disease should be taken into
This formula was firstly recorded in Treatise on Cold consideration. Combined with the identification of disease
Damage (Sha nghán Lùn) by Zhongjing Zhang in the East Han and pattern, more accurate diagnosis could be made, and
Dynasty. It was initially designed for the treatment of shao treatment could be practiced in the form of combinations
yin pattern chiefly manifested as vexation and insomnia.9 or modifications of the above-mentioned formulas. The
Now it is often used in the treatment of disharmony be- following are two examples on how to modify these for-
tween the heart and kidney with heart fire hyperactivity mulas in different clinical conditions.
and kidney yin deficiency. The composing medicines and
their dosages are: coptis rhizome (Coptis chinensis FRANCH) Insomnia due to kidney yin deficiency and heart fire
12 g, scutellaria (Scutellaria Baicalensis GEORGI) 6 g, white hyperactivity
pony root (Paeonia lactiflora PALL) 6 g, donkey-hide gelatin This form of insomnia is caused by heart fire hyperactivity
(Equus asinus LINNAEUS) 9 g and two egg yolks. which manifests as difficulty in falling asleep or even
This formula works to relieve vexation and calm the staying up all night, vexation and irritability, and kidney yin
heart shen by nourishing kidney yin and clearing heart fire. deficiency which presents as dizziness, tinnitus, soreness
In this formula, coptis rhizome, being bitter and cold, en- and weakness in the lumbar region and knees, constipation,
ters into the heart channel to clear heart fire. Donkey-hide deep yellow urine, dry mouth, thirst, a red tongue with
gelatin, being sweet and neutral, nourishes the kidney yin scanty coating, and a thready rapid pulse. The treatment
to relieve dryness. They two are the chief medicines and principle is to tranquilize the heart shen and relieve vexa-
used in combination to relieve vexation and tranquilize the tion by clearing heart fire and nourishing kidney yin, thus
heart shen by nourishing the kidney yin and clearing heart restoring the heart-kidney communication.
fire. Scutellaria, bitter and cold, assists coptis rhizome to Coptis and Donkey-Hide Gelatin Decoction should be
clear heart fire. White pony root, sour and cold, assists chosen and used with modifications. The composition of the
donkey-hide gelatin to nourish blood and constrain yin. The formula and suggest dosage is: coptis rhizome 10 g, scu-
egg yolk enters into both the kidney and heart channels to tellaria 10 g, white pony root 15 g, donkey-hide gelatin
supplement the strength in nourishing kidney yin and 10 g, and two egg yolks. For patients suffering from severe
clearing heart fire. insomnia, fleeceflower caulis (Polygonum multiflorum
THUNB) 15 g and spiny zizyphus seeds (Ziziphus jujube MILL.
Grand Communication Pill Var. spinose (BGE)) 15e30 g can be added to strengthen the
This formula was derived from Han’s Clear View of Med- effect of calming the mind to help sleep. If there are
icine (Hánshı` Yito ng) by Mao Han in the Ming Dynasty. obvious manifestations of yin deficiency, anemarrhena
Clinically, it is often used in the treatment of disharmony thizome (Anemarrhena aspheloides BGE) 10 g and rehman-
between the heart and kidney with heart fire hyperac- nia root (Rehmannia glutinosa LIBOSCH) 15 g can be used to
tivity and kidney yang deficiency. The composing medi- strengthen the effect of nourishing yin, relieve dryness and
cines and their dosages are: coptis rhizome (Coptis clearing heat.11e13
Pattern of disharmony between the heart and kidney 321

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