RPH Lesson 7

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August 21, 1983

 Assassination of Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr.
 Gradual downfall of the dictatorial regime of President Ferdinand E. Marcos
 Murder of Ninoy Aquino set in motion a series of events that destabilized the Marcos
 Protest rallies erupted calling for Marcos to resign
 Economy began to falter amidst accusations of corruption by Marcos and his cronies
 Rumors circulated that Marcos was sick
 Marcos held a snap presidential election
 The countrymen realized they would not stand a chance against the dictator, so they united and
chose a common candidate
 Corazon Aquino, Ninoy’s widow, ran for president
 There was rampant cheating and violence that resulted in numerous casualties
 Marcos won the election
 Protests continued, including the boycotting of products from business that was supported by

February 22, 1986

 Marcos’ defense minister, Juan Ponce Enrile, and Armed Forces of the Philippines Vice-Chiefe of
Staff, General Fidel Ramos, announced their defecation from the Marcos government
 Marcos was exiled to Hawaii
 Aquino was sworn into office as the president
 Badly damaged economy

September 1986
 Went on a state visit to the US where she spoke before the US congress to ask for financial aid
 Met with American businessmen to convince them to invest in the Philippines
 Aquino’s nine-day visit was deemed a success


Maria Corazon “Cory” Cojuangco Aquino
 Born on January 25, 1933 in Tarlac
 Wealthy and politically-prominent family
 Graduated from Mount St. Vincent College in New York City in 1954
 In 1955, married a popular young politician, Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr.
 Stood by her husband when he was arrested and imprisoned for 8 years (1972-1980) by
President Marcos after martial law was declared in 1972
 Accompanied her husband to the US to get medical treatment, where he lived in exile for 3
 Thrust into the limelight in 1983 when her husband was assassinated
 Sworn into office as the president of the Philippines in 1986 when the People Power Revolution
ended the Marcos dictatorship
 Cory administration became known for its restoration of the Philippine democracy
 Aquino administration failed to enforce social and economic reforms = communist insurgency
continued; government dealt with rightist elements in the military that led to attempted coups
 Named as the TIME Magazine’s 1986 Person of the Year in 1987
 Was succeeded to the presidency by Fidel Ramos in 1992
 Returned to the limelight in 2001 supporting the impeachment of President Joseph Estrada,
later became known as EDSA 2
 In 2006, she was listed in the TIME Magazine’s issue called “60 Years of Asian Heroes”
 She died on August 1, 2009


The Speaker’s Perspectives:
A grieving wife and a mother
- In the first parts of her speech, Cory spoke about how great of a husband and father Ninoy was,
and about his dream of Philippine freedom.
A victim of Marcos’ regime
- Cory expressed how badly her husband, along with many other people, were maltreated and
oppressed by the Marcos administration when they spoke up for democracy.
- She said that the president-turned-dictator suspended the constitution, shut down the congress,
and demolished the press, the independence of the judiciary, and the protection of the Bill of
Rights—which were all for the democracy of the people.
- Cory expressed how much the government wanted to break her husband through indignities
and terror, such as locking him up, stripping him down naked, and threats of execution. When
all these did not work, they put him on trial for subversion, murder, and a host of many other
A fire for democracy
- After her husband was assassinated, Cory felt the duty to continue her husband’s legacy—which
was to seek for Philippine democracy.
- She participated in the 1984 snap election made by Marcos but lost due to it being rigged.
- She was then sworn into office in 1986 as the president, which garnered the Philippine’s
democracy and the end of the Marcos dictatorship .
The hope of the Filipino people
- When the Philippines acquired freedom, there were still so much more to patch up. The country
was badly damaged by the Marcos’ administration, especially the economy. She became the
hope of the Filipino people, not only freedom perse, but also in rising the country back up again.

The Students’ Perspectives:

Author’s perspective is in favor of Corazon C. Aquino
- We have noticed that the author of this chapter is quite in favor of Corazon C. Aquino. The
author mainly pointed out how great Cory was, and all she has contributed to the Philippine
democracy. We thought of it as somehow one-sided, which could eventually influence the
readers’ perception into thinking that Marcos was all bad as a president.
Continued debate
- We realized that up until today, there is a continued debate on which administration is better
and who has contributed more to the country. This eventually led to the…
Division between the Filipino people
- Because of different political views and opinions.

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