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Lacbayan, Ma. Victoria C.

Explain how Kaizen helps the business organization as a whole?
Change and improvement is an essential part of any organization. To stay ahead
of the competition and never miss an opportunity, companies and business
organizations must constantly be looking for different ways to improve.
Breakthrough change is something an organization does very rarely. And this is
where Kaizen methodology takes place, Kaizen comes from two Japanese words:
Kai (improvement) and Zen (good), which roughly translates to “continuous
improvement”. It is a lean manufacturing technique that helps to improve process
efficiency, quality, reduce waste, increase productivity, safety, and workplace culture
among the business in general. It is about achieving improvements by taking small
steps instead of drastic changes. These small increments lead to big improvements
over time, which is why Kaizen has been the go-to method for process improvement.
In business, It continually improve all functions and involve all employees from the
CEO to the assembly line workers. Kaizen is not just about process improvement or
waste management, its a managerial mindset that involves every worker in the
organization, trying their best to commit to one small improvement on a daily basis.
Thus, Kaizen methodology’s is manifested to help the business development with
the help of small bite goal setting and plan movement in general by increasing the
overall efficiency of the process, which in turn, increases employee efficiency and
provides a healthy work environment. constant scrutiny of processes, it leads to
lesser inspections and regulatory checks. This leads to a safer work environment
where employees can thrive and flourish. Kaizen Let go of assumptions of the
problems, Making the company to be proactive. Challenging the status quo by letting
go of perfectionism and take an attitude of iterative, adaptive change to formulate
solutions. Creating an environment in which everyone feels empowered to
contribute. Involves multiple people in the process and ask for their opinions and use
their creativity to find low-cost, small improvements which leads to teamwork. Kaizen
is all about the utilization of existing resources to make incremental changes. Kaizen
doesn’t promote huge capital investments or massive changes to a process and also
Increased Employee Morale
The philosophy of kaizen involves building a workplace culture that encourages
active engagement in suggesting improvements and employing new standards.
Which strengthening teamwork. Kaizen provides responsible leadership skills for the
organization, coordination and implementation of a kaizen event. Part of the kaizen
is to ensure that all team members are performing their roles and progress is being
made. Kaizen mostly Improved efficiency, constantly looking for ways to cut waste
out of current processes or procedures ensures efficiency across all departments.
Improved efficiency might be as small as finding ways to reduce employee motion
on an assembly line or as significant as eliminating unnecessary procedures from a
work order process. Improved best practices in guiding a business, Continuously
improving an organization's best practices is important because they are used to
train new employees and measure current employees' performance. It also
Improved employee satisfaction when they are able to contribute their creative
input to the act of improving processes that directly affect them, personnel are more
likely to take ownership of process improvements and become advocates for future
quality improvements. Improved safety, Using kaizen tools minimizing the risk for
accidents. Improved safety also has a positive effect on productivity. When
employees don't have to worry about safety, they can focus their attention on their
job. And reducing waste, although how kaizen reduces waste and the advantages
that brings to an organization has already been discussed, it's worth mentioning
Kaizen can significantly improve your organization's standard procedures, workflows
and processes, making the entire company more streamlined and efficient. Outside
of workflow changes, it can produce noticeable changes in your company culture
and employee engagement. If everyone within the organization is fully committed to
making changes from top to bottom and adopts a mindset of continuous
improvement, kaizen can transform how your business operates.
Adopting Kaizen has many benefits that improve productively, safety, and the
satisfaction of both employees and customers. Each of these, in turn, helps reduce
costs and increase profit without large, capital-intensive improvement projects. At
last, Kaizen is considered a culture more than a methodology and is based on
communication and cooperation among the organization members as part of the
lean process improvements.  Kaizen is a form of life that can be applied in many
professional fields even in business. Kaizen philosophy teaches that making small
changes will help to break bad habits and create a routine in daily activities It would
increase productivity by making important information easier to find. It would improve
also mental health because it is akin to "spring cleaning" and gives you a sense of
accomplishment early in the day.

To rest the case. The simple key objectives of the kaizen philosophy are just  quality
control, just-in-time delivery, standardized work, the use of efficient equipment, and
the elimination of waste. Some renowned company has taken their way to success
due in usage of this kaizen methodology like Lockheed Martin, Ford and Pixar
Studios. The overall goal of kaizen is to make small changes over a period of time to
create improvements within a company. Kaizen's focus on gradual improvement can
create a gentler approach to change in contrast to big efforts that may be
abandoned due to their tendency to provoke change resistance and pushback.
(2) How you can apply Kaizen to your life as a student.
Kaizen in education is not an unheard of tactic. In fact, there any been several
schools across the globe who have implemented the practices of Kaizen into their
classrooms. This is the reasoning behind the constant and consistent task to strive
further achievement. Kaizen in its ultimate sense in education transforms will
essentially be seamless. Its effect, it will be integral to the success of each student. If
students like me and a school accustoms to the concepts associated with Kaizen,
there will be room for greater progress and overall prosperity. By applying Kaizen in
education to the school curriculum, it is possible to figure out the outdated chapters
and contents quickly and replace them or append the textbooks as per the current
generation’s line of thinking. By undergoing this type of transformation process, the
system will be refined and improved. There will be elimination of wastage in all
aspects and students will have access to the best possible material than ever
before. Kaizen trains the students to have a discipline of tasks breakdowns, and
small stepping for educational goals when and how they can be accomplished. In
kaizen, everyone looks for ways to improve student’s processes and skills on
education on a daily basis. Students will be able to implement new things by keeping
the Kaizen concept in their minds. There will not be any clash or conflict in the
thinking process. Teachers will get the opportunity to reconsider even substantial
teaching methodologies to seek improvement. Kaizen in the education with also help
teachers to implement new ways of teaching whereby students will be able to grasp
the teachings easily and they will be able to remember the concepts for ever. It is
possible to review the way examinations are conducted. It is possible to frame
exams in such a way that student’s logical thinking and understanding power are
traced in a better way. You will not treat students as mere memorizing machines. As
Kaizen targets opportunities to improve the process on a continuous basis, the
framing of rules & guidelines will happen on a continuous basis. It creates a
consistency for study focusing and discipline learning. You will take measures to
prevent failures or the breakdown of existing systems. There will be room for the
generation of new ideas. The ideas that are useful in the best interests of the overall
organization will be implemented without any hesitation. There will also be
continuous monitoring of the milestones that were achieved so far and remedial
measures will be taken to streamline the process to achieve greater success through
Kaizen in education. In the same way that kaizen theory speaks to improving life in
general, we should apply the same principles to Philippine’s K-12 education. It is
necessary reform and streamline our education system to enable the development
and assimilation of information as knowledge. Our schools are the primary
institutions to facilitate transference and conversion of information into students’
knowledge base. It is our duty to keep a watchful eye on the schooling processes,
and to change educational policies and practices to ensure improvement.

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