Learning Plan Learning Plan On Using Context Clues As A Reading Strategy

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Learning Plan

Learning Plan on Using Context Clues as a Reading Strategy

By Dhaine O. Villorente, BSED ENG 3, CapSU Burias

Targeted Philippine Basic Education Curriculum Competencies

ENGLISH 10, Fourth Grading, Junior High, 1 day

Content Standard

The learner demonstrates an understanding of using reading strategy like context

clues in figuring out the meaning of an unknown word by using other words in the text that
are usually in the same sentence or nearby sentences; identify the different types of context
clues and implement this strategy to help keep them actively engaged in the process of
learning to read.

Performance Standard

The learner acquires comprehension strategies in determining the meaning of

unknown words; break down word parts; increase vocabulary skills which will be helpful
for them in becoming a better speaker; become a reader who does not passively read text,
but analyzes and internalizes it and make it as their own.

Learning Competencies

 Use hints usually found within a sentence or passage

 Use synonyms to decipher the meaning of the words
 Use general sense needed for reading purposes
 Use logic, definition, contrast and illustrations
Unit Summary:

In this unit, students have to learn how to use context clues as part of their reading
strategy, use hints usually found within a sentence or passage, use synonyms to decipher
the meaning of a word, make use of their general sense while reading, use logic, definition,
antonyms and illustrations to help student understand how word meanings can be
constructed from the clues to draw multiple approaches in determining word meanings.

The teacher will utilize interactive PowerPoint presentations. Based on the discussed
concepts, students will create a paragraph through MS Word using a five words previously
unknown to them. These words could be jargon words or they may consult a dictionary or
thesaurus to find a new word. After, students will provide a specific context clue for
understanding each word. They will then exchange papers with a classmate and try to
decipher the meaning of the words in each other’s paragraphs based on the context
clues.The teacher will provide rubrics and will be evaluating the works of each student as
the students’ assignment for English.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Through a PowerPoint lecture presentation about ancient literature, the students will
be able to:

a. improved his/her reading comprehension using other words in a sentence or

passage to understand an unknown word
b. enables one to become a reader who knows how to comprehend advance texts
c. draw multiple approaches in determining word meanings
d. create sentences and locate the word clue


1. Start the class with a short prayer.

2. Let students do the “Becoming a Detective” activity. Using PowerPoint presentation,
flash a title of a sentence with a bold word, let students solve the word meanings
found within or nearby the sentence.
3. Acknowledge the effort of the student in answering the activity.
4. Start with an introductory lecture on context clues.
a. introduce to the students what is context clues
b. ask them if they understand it
5. After the discussion, introduce to the students the different types of context clues.
a. introduce what is Synonym (or repeat context clue)
b. introduce what is Antonym (or contrast context clue)
c. introduce what is Explanation (or a definition context clue)
d. introduce what is Explanation (or a definition context clue)
e. introduce what is Specific example (or an example context clue)
5. Let students answer the quiz about the discussion. The student with the most correct
answers in the activity automatically gains 5 points.
6. After the activity, do the recapitulation.
7. For the final activity, present the assignment about writing a paragraph through MS
Word using a five words previously unknown to them. These words could be jargon
words or they may consult a dictionary or thesaurus to find a new word. After,
students will provide a specific context clue for understanding each word. They will
then exchange papers with a classmate and try to decipher the meaning of the words
in each other’s paragraphs based on the context clues.

Pre-requisite Skills

 Basic reading and writing skills

 Basic knowledge about context clues and its types
 Basic knowledge in using MS Word
Materials and Resources Required for the Unit

Technology-Hardware Required for the Unit

 Desktop or laptops
 Smartphone
 Internet connection

Technology-Software Required for the Unit

 MS Word application
 MS Presentation
 Web browser

 Intermediate paper
 Writing materials
*Most activities are done using computer and the Internet
Internet Resources

Using Context Clues. Retrieved from https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_writing- for-

7 Strategies for Using Context Clues In Reading. Retrieved from
What Are Context Clues? Retrieved from https://www.dictionary.com/e/context- clues/

Accommodation for Differentiated Instruction

Students with Special Learning Needs

 Provide notes from class discussions for review.

 Offer short after-class instruction.
Students with Visual Impairment

 Provide videos with understandable audio.

Students with Hearing Impairment

 Make sure the PowerPoint Presentation covers all the important lessons.
Students who are Gifted

 Accommodate questions to the best of your ability.

Student Assessment

Formative Assessment

 “Becoming a Detective” activity. Using PowerPoint presentation, flash a title of a

sentence with a bold word, let students solve the word meanings found within or nearby
the sentence.
Summative Assessment

 Quiz. Write a paragraph through MS Word using five words previously unknown to you.
These words could be jargon words or they may consult a dictionary or thesaurus to find
a new word. After, provide a specific context clue for understanding each word. Then
exchange papers with a classmate and try to decipher the meaning of the words in each
other’s paragraphs based on the context clues.

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