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Doing well, while doing good, is the mantra of the growing number of companies who espouse

Corporate Social Responsibility (C.S.R.).

We in Binalot, however, believe that for C.S.R. to make even better sense, it should promote the
“win-win” approach. While setting aside funds to help communities is a noble undertaking, it would
be better if both the corporation and the community benefit from the C.S.R. program. This ensures
that the project can be sustained over a long term, and not become just a one-shot deal.

Our DAHON (Dangal At Hanapbuhay para sa Nayon) Program, we are proud to say, does just that –
an example of how both the community and the company can benefit from the same program.

Initiated at the start of 2007, DAHON helps farmers from Nagcarlan, Laguna, a quaint town nestled
at the foothills of mystic Mt. Banahaw, about 100 kms. South of Manila, earn more from selling
banana leaves. And as the farmers plant and sell more banana leaves, Binalot benefits because we
are ensured a steady supply of quality banana leaves at a low price. Binalot is heavily dependent on
banana leaves because our meals are served wrapped in a banana leaf, which locks in the food’s
flavor (Binalot is a Filipino word which means wrapped). Having that dedicated community that not
only supplies the leaves, but also cuts and sanitizes them to Binalot’s specifications, eliminates
added costs.

The DAHON program’s benefits have also gone beyond just the economic. DAHON, for instance,
has empowered the women of the community as they now earn about 200 pesos a day from cutting
the leaves. It has also given the elderly a sense of purpose because they’ve been given a chance to
remain productive by helping cut and prepare the leaves.

The environment has also benefited from the program as leaf trimmings, which used to be thrown
away by Binalot’s commissary (and therefore find their way to the city’s mounting trash heaps), are
now used as compost material at the community level. Even the community chapel cum day care
center has also benefited from the DAHON program, acquiring a much needed renovation and re-
painting, with labor and materials provided by Binalot.

And the benefits just keep on coming.

Plans are afoot to set up backyard fishponds and vegetable gardens (particularly tomatoes and
onions, which are among Binalot’s staple ingredients), which will further augment the farmers’
incomes and ensure a steady supply of ingredients to Binalot.

Binalot is also looking into the possibility of duplicating this successful model to other communities in
other parts of the country that can be developed to supply other goods that Binalot needs to expand.

With the DAHON program, Binalot has shown that you don’t have to be big to make a difference.
You just need to have an idea and the commitment to turn it into reality.

Binalot is truly committed to advocating for rural development by persistently empowering the
Binalot Franchise Perfect As Starting Business
Franchising is about passion, dedication andmost specially believing in the product. It hasgrown
over the past years in the Philippines. Andone sector that tops the list of the franchisingbusiness
involves Food and Beverages. F&Bmarket is so dynamic that it pose challenge, bigor small to
anyone who gets involve in as food isthe #1 basic need of a human.Buying a franchise that you
enjoy is a significantpart of it all. Most successful business succeedswhen the owner truly
appreciates the product andservice that the business supplies. If thefranchisee enjoys and is
interested in theproducts and the services also in customer satisfaction, he’ll be able to gather
all the skillsrapidly. There is no room to doubt specially thosewho have developed a career not
related to theline of franchise you bought but being knowledgeable and getting support from the
franchisor will surely getyou to your aimed growth.Careful planning and creative thinking is
the full proof of Binalot’s success as evidenced by rate of itsexpansion from their first outlet in
Jupiter, Makati to 37 franchises nationwide as of today. The Ingenuity inthe use of local
material and serving native dishes has distinguished Binalot apart from it’s competing fastfood
chains, both local and foreign.Binalot is the pioneer in advocating eco-friendly packaging by
using banana leaf as wrapper. It also promptsus of the traditional Filipino way of serving food.
Its strategic plan has attracted investors to commit in foodbusiness industry and to believe in the
product. Binalot Fiesta Foods, Inc. has made good relationship withits franchisee that makes
Binalot a booming in the industry. Here are some of the franchisee’s testimonials:“Other than
being a good investment opportunity, I decided to renew my franchise because of the
foodrelationship between the franchisor and us. They have good support and we are working
hand in hand for the benefit of franchisor, franchisee and the customers, including giving food
and service to them.”- Alvin Chua; Franchisee Binalot Puregold QI“I believe in the product
line of Binalot, they take care of their outlets and they also take good care of their franchisees.” -
Atty. Franklin Ebdalin (former Usec DFA); Franchisee Binalot StarmallSimply, Binalot Fiesta
Foods, Inc. has put heart in living the vision and mission of the brand. Taking care of the
franchisee - franchisor relationship and supporting in business makes the brand successful and
ever-growing. Binalot has the lowest all in investment package of 1.9M depending on the size
of store. All inpackage includes minimum franchise fee of P500,000 (depending on location),
construction, equipments,small wares, fixtures and furniture.To top it all, Binalot is also the only
franchising brand that provides Company Supervision Scheme for busyProfessional like
Doctors, lawyers most specifically OFW, who cannot personally do hands on with
thebusiness. Highly trained supervisor is being lend to franchisee to oversee the store’s daily
operations. Theeffectiveness of the program has expanded Binalot and current Franchisee to
open multiple stores. It hascontinue to expand conquering the inter islands of the Philippine
archipelago starting with Panay Island –Iloilo. This year more Islands will be conquered as well,
so Binalot customers can enjoy truly Filipino Foodanywhere in the country.

About Company

Binalot is a food chain that merges the traditional and modern. The company takes pride in serving
classic Filipino comfort food wrapped in banana leaves. It is presented in such a way that it’s
compact and suited for Filipinos on-the-go. Binalot successfully blends traditional Filipino food and
packaging to today’s fast-paced, contemporary lifestyle.

Why join us?


 To be the industry benchmark in promoting Philippine cultural values and positive traits
 To give fair returns to all stakeholders
 To improve the quality of life of all Binalot employees
 To promote sustainable livelihood in the communities that we support
 To promote a variety of nourishing, healthy, Filipino food


 To be the preferred Filipino quick service restaurant in the Philippines which promotes
Filipino culture and sustains the environment

Corporate Values

 Team Work
 Loyalty
 Joy
 Integrity
 Creativity
 Efficiency
 Faith in God

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