Appendix B: Assessing Training For Successful Capacity Development: Literature Review Summary

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This summary presents the main findings of a starting point is a stakeholder analysis, which
literature review exploring the different stages helps identify the best sources of information
of the training process. Works included in the regarding training needs.3 Informants can report
literature review are indicated by an asterisk in on whom they would like to see trained, what
the bibliography. The full literature review is type of training is needed, or even who could
available on this evaluation’s Web site at potentially be a trainer. Involving many stakeholders allows the information to be
triangulated and avoids bias caused by too much
Design focus on any one type of respondent.
Designing training begins with a thorough
diagnosis and training-needs assessment. Based Training has two sets of objectives. First, the
on information obtained from the assessment, general objectives or aims, encompassing the
appropriate training objectives can be set, changes expected to take place, or competencies
criteria for participant selection established, and that will improve. The second are learning
training content decided. objectives, describing what participants should
be able to do at the end of the course. Good
Correct diagnosis of training needs should both learning objectives derive from the results of the
identify organizational and/or institutional training-needs assessment, and cover all the
capacity gaps to be targeted and the best means different areas of learning the training activities
of addressing these gaps. The human, resource, have to offer.4 Learning objectives should be
and incentive dimensions of capacity should be timely and context-specific, measurable, achiev-
considered in order to determine whether able, and realistic.5
training is needed, and what other forms of
capacity support are needed, in order to facili- The training-needs assessment usually provides
tate the implementation of training. The target the necessary information for selecting partici-
organization should play an active role in pants or identifying the target group. Participant
diagnostic exercises, both to better identify selection, including the number of people to be
capacity problems and to ensure client commit- trained, as well as how diverse they are, must be
ment to training goals.1 linked with course objectives and the context in
which change is taking place.6 The levels and
Once diagnosis has determined the capacity backgrounds of the participants help determine
needs to be addressed by training, a training- the appropriate depth and level of detail of the
needs assessment provides specific information training. Furthermore, task and job analyses help
on what participants need to learn, the issues prioritize learning needs, in order to assign
they face, and what is expected from the training. proper time allocation during training delivery.
When done well, such an assessment ensures This aggregated information should, in turn,
that training addresses the most relevant issues influence the method in which knowledge and
efficiently.2 Steps and procedures to conduct skills will be imparted: face-to-face communica-
training-needs assessments vary. A preferred tion, interactive exercises, lectures, etc.


It is also important that content areas be properly Capacity development occurs once participants
sequenced, so as to ensure linkages among transfer what they have learned to their everyday
different topics, and to enhance learning. jobs, and improve their performance. The impact
and sustainability of training is the successful
Implementation of Training Activities application of new skills and knowledge.
There is no single method for teaching or
learning—the trainer must choose the strategy Major obstacles to the transfer of new skills and
that best fits the needs and backgrounds of the knowledge tend to be the types of power
participants, the facilities and equipment structures within an organization, entrenched
available, and the learning objectives. The follow- attitudes, and lack of resources.
ing six principles provide useful guidelines for
successful adult learning.7 To increase the likelihood of transfer, factors
such as the timing of the training (that is,
• Participation: People learn better and remem- sequencing it or conducting it when it is most
ber more when they are actively engaged in the needed), feedback to the participants, practical
learning process. Practical exercises, discus- application of the training (with numerous real-
sions, simulations, and games also prompt par- life and relevant examples), and support from
ticipants to share their knowledge and supervisors are essential.
experiences, thus fostering a collaborative
environment. Follow-up
• Understanding: Checking participants’ under- Follow-up activities assist in the transfer of
standing by asking questions, listening to their training to the workplace, by helping to address
discussions, or using a vocabulary appropriate any barriers to the working environment, and by
to their level (as determined by the training- maintaining participants’ motivation to apply
needs assessment) can all improve the learn- new learning. Follow-up, through technical
ing process. assistance or supervision, can help trainees adapt
• Feedback: Providing opportunities to practice the learning to real-life situations.8
and giving trainees specific feedback informa-
tion on the quality of their work gives partici- Furthermore, follow-up can contribute to self-
pants a sense of their progress toward the efficacy (confidence in one’s ability to perform
learning objectives. successfully) and motivation, two factors shown
• Interest: The relevance of the training objectives to impact skill maintenance.9 Trainees experienc-
to the needs of the participants is crucial in de- ing difficulties in applying new learning to their
veloping the participants’ interest and owner- work should have the opportunity to seek advice
ship of the training. Providing various case immediately after the training.
studies and activities will help stimulate and
maintain interest. Evaluation
• Emphasis: Focusing the attention of partici- Accountability and decision making are the most
pants on the most important points of the cited reasons for evaluating training. Feedback
training, by spending more time on important evaluations (or formative evaluations) help
topics and allowing sufficient time to practice monitor the quality of design and delivery of
new skills, will help them remember the key training. They provide information on the
lessons from the training. effectiveness of the methods used, the achieve-
• Results: Keeping participants informed of their ment of the training objectives, or the appropriate-
progress, and recognizing them for work well ness of management and training design. Decision
done will increase their confidence in newly ac- making evaluations focus instead on the value and
quired skills and knowledge, and encourage contribution of the training for an organization or
them to use what they have learned. a project. These evaluations assist managers, team

A P P E N D I X B : A S S E S S I N G T R A I N I N G F O R S U C C E S S F U L C A PA C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T

leaders, and donors in making informed decisions Conclusion

regarding training activities. Other types of evalua- The process of training preparation for capacity
tions are input evaluations and process evalua- development begins with a diagnosis, followed
tions. An input evaluation shows how resources by a training-needs assessment. Based on the
were employed and whether they were adequate information collected on participants’ needs and
for achieving the goals of the program. A process background, learning objectives and content can
evaluation examines why certain objectives were be set and developed during the training design
achieved and others were not, and where improve- phase. The training process can be enhanced
ments are needed.10 through participation, checking the understand-
ing of the participants, giving feedback to partici-
There are several evaluation “levels,” ranging pants, stimulating their interest, emphasizing the
from simply providing information on partici- important lessons, and focusing on results. Also,
pants’ reactions to the training—the effectiveness following up on the training through supervision
of the instructor, the relevance of the content, and on-the-job support helps adapt the training
the quality of the materials—to measuring the lessons to real-life situations, thereby helping to
outcomes or results of the training program.11 ensure long-term impact. Finally, evaluations are
a necessary step that can provide valuable
Several tools can be used to evaluate training. information on how to improve future training.
These include evaluation sheets, questionnaires,
and interviews, as well as direct observation of
training results in the workplace.


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