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Saudi Consolidated Engineering Company
for Engineering Consultancy (Khatib & Alami)


To All Employees

From Administration
Date November 17, 2019
Subject: Saudi Council of Engineers Membership

As per new government regulations, it is mandatory for all Engineers & Technicians,
to have membership in the "Saudi Council of Engineers", without which lqama will not
be renewed. A list of Technician professions are attached for your reference.

Please complete the membership registration online at the following link and do the
needful at the earliest.

Note that, the Registration Fee and yearly membership fee shall be paid by the
employee and any delay in lqama renewal due to non-registration of the above
membership will be employee's responsibility.

--- Mohammed A Al-Shehri
Personnel Manager


License No. 323/13/72/3 iijll.nA.11 nqr fu.Jl;WI iii>J.51.ll ii;!~ I"/ VI'/ II"/ l"l'I" ii.o:ijll p..iiJ
C.R.(Main) 1010348048 /C.R. (Khobar) 2051060790 l'·Ol·l·vq. {.¢.11) .u.IJll / t+l"fl\·fl\ (~J)
Khobar Business Gate, King Faisal Road, Al-Bandariyah Tel: (966) 13-3334800

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"\, ..sG$
Fax: (966) 13-89'12341 P.O.Box: 1713 ::_Khobar 31952 e-mail:
(q11) 11"-l"l"l"fll.. :ui.1l...l:i i!.,u:>...411 •J....n.ID cllGJI .9-J.Jh .JL.a..c:iu J-P.11 d_/lg..i\}\lgjiS.11 "l)l l'lqor JP.11 IYll" =·Y·lP (q11) 11"-Mfrl"fl : ~
~ . sc: ~>gstwll ii.4@.JI
SAUDI COUHCIL. O P ' " ou.iltfll:S

List of Technician professions:

The following professions in Residence Permits (lqama) are linked w ith Saudi Council of Engineers and require
registration with SCE for renewal:

1 Agricultural Machinery Maintenance Technician ~.1.Jj u)'I ~ ..,.S

2 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technician y.f.y/ .>;_>.ii_,~..,..
3 Aircraft Maintenance Technician ;:;t;.;.::ilfo~~
4 Architectural Draughtsman <i.Jt-.. rl.....J
5 Architectural Model Maker ( up\.. ) "")-.. ~:,l,..j ~\...,,
6 Associate Surveyor rL..... ,:;_,i,...
7 Aviation Technician (Jl~I~.)~
8 Building Surveyor ~lrL.....
9 Building Technician /Building Supervisor ( ~i y.\ly ) ~' ~
10 Bus and Truck Maintenance Technician .:i~t...;_, U)A!b. ~ ~

11 Business Analysis Specialist JL.c.)'1 J;b.:i ~'

12 Cartographer .:,\.hl,u.._, .J.,jl_p. rt....J
13 Cartography First Supervisor .i,.;1y.. «:.4J. J_,I ...:.fa
14 Casting Technician ..,&.~
15 Cathodic Protection T echnician ~""\i_,..,..
16 Chem ical Cleaning Technician ~uill.l..«:.w.....,.s

17 Chem ical Refining Technician .bi;y,fo~..,.S

18 Communications Engineering Technician u)'L....Jl.....,.>l.l.~

19 Computer Network Technician y...lo.~~

20 Computer Networks Security Supervisor ..,.,..WI~ LJ.-1 ~ _, tftj_iJ ~ u~
21 Computer Operator <.?_,_%11 y....6. ~
22 Computer Programmer Jly...6.~-*"
23 Computer Technician Jl y...6.~
24 Computer Trainer Jly...6.y_rW
25 Construction Draughtsman I Buildings ~l/~lrl.....J
26 Crude Oil Laboratory Technician; ~ ..,.S
27 Customer Services Electrical Technician uf.Y:...~~~~
28 Data Bank Systems Programmer d.._,l....~.-lo.J~Y.-"
29 Database Administrator .:L~I .>c.1_,i <j)>)
30 Database Supervisor uw\!i i.>c.\i ...:.~
31 Decoration Technician .Jfa.>..,..
32 Desalination Fire Alarm Technician WWI ol.,i..JI ~.) ~~ _;1:..;1 ojp.1 ~
33 Digital Aerial Scanning Equipment Operator .,.:;_) <$-"!" ~ •_>p.\ JLl...
34 Digital aerial survey Technician ~_)<jfe~&.;>..,.S
35 Digital mapping technician ......._)..b.;l_p. ("'_) ~
36 Draughtsman ~~rt....J
37 Drilling Technician .;h.;;
38 Electrical Designs draftsman ~4~...,...1...-:irl.....J
39 Electrical Draftsman .;4~ rl.....J
40 Electrical Engineering Technician - General ..~ -~4~1 .....,.>.lt-1, .) ..,..
41 Electrical technician - aerial lines ~l_,A 1._,J.u ·4~..,..
42 Electrical technician - equipment Maintenance u)'I ~t;...a .J'4~ ..,.S
43 Electrical Technician - Generators & aircraft Motors u lji1.l.J1 .::i1_;_,.._, ul.>l_,.. .,?-!~.;;
44 Electrical technician - land cables ~_;1~.4~.;;
45 Electrical technician - precision equipment ti;U 'i.JP.I ~~ .;>
46 Electrical technician - wiring wl~ .4~.,,..
47 Electricity technician ·4~..,;;
48 Electronic D raftsman ..,;J.foll rl...._;
49 Electronic Technician - Communications w~t.-;I _,;J.foll..,;;
50 Electronic Technician - Control Equipment ~ 'i.JP.I _,;J.foll..,;;
51 Electronic Technician - Radio broadcast .,rl>I JI...._;I _,;J.foll ..,;;
52 Electronic Technician - TV broadcast ..,;J:!jill ~ ..,;J.foll ..,;;
53 Electronic Technician - TV Maintenance u>.1Jili ~ ..,;J.fo11..,;;
54 Electronics Technician wl;.iJfo;ll ..,;;
55 Engine Lathing Technician w\S~U.1_p...,;;
56 Factory Planning Draftsman ~~I....
• r _;
57 Fire Fighting Technician ijjlyJI Wis....,;;
58 Fluid Technician (~J.>'>") ~,_,.....,...
59 Food Industries Technician ~1:,c~u......,;;

60 Food Lab T echnician ~1_;.U;.......,;;

61 Gas Turbine Technician ~fa Wli}u,;..,;;
62 General Chemical Techn ician r1&.~..,;;
63 General Chemistry Laboratory Technician r1&. •44_;.U;.......,;;
64 General Draughtsman rl&. rl....._;
65 General Maintenance Technician ;...1&.4-.;t;..,.~..,;;

66 General Mechanical Draftsman rl&.~rl...._;

67 General Surveyor rl&. rt.....
68 General System Analyst r1&.~Jh..
69 Heat Excha nger Technician l.;_;l_~w)l.l.a.....,;>

70 Helicopter Maintenance Technician ~J.>' wl.)U. ~..,.;;

71 HVAC Technician ~J~/~Y:.J~..,;;
72 Industrial Equipment Installation Technician l+U.... <.:..\;..... y.f.y .,,it
73 Information Security Specialist Wl.._,L...ll ,:;.I ~I
74 Light Vehicle Maintenance Technician ~wl.;$y~...,it
75 Lighting Technician ;.1...;.1.,,it
76 Locomotive Maintenance Technician wl.).1.i~...,it
77 Marine mapping technician ~..»-! ..b.ll_p. ......_)..,;;
78 Mechanical D raftsman ~rt..._;
79 Mechanical Draftsman - Air Conditioning & Cooling ~Y:.J~~rl....._;
80 Mechanical Draftsman - Plumbing and heating ~.liJ~ul~~rl...._;
81 Mechanical Draftsman- Welding & Tinplate &-JrW~rl..._;
82 Mechanical Engineering & Steam Engine Technician ~_;~I w\Sy...!IJ WlS;..11 ~I .,,it
83 Mechanical Engineering Technician -General r1&.-~1~1.,,.;..,;;
84 Mechanical Production Technician \.:ij\~; ·
c - - ""'
85 Medical Equipment Technician ~'-*'..,;;
86 Metal Ovens T echnician LJ.>L.... 01.)I..,;;
87 Metallurgy Technician U!.i..:i..,;;
88 Mine Surveyor ~u.. r-t......
89 Mining Technician /"?u....,;s
90 Mobile Telephone Technician fa....U1.a ~
....JI . . .
91 Mold Technician
92 Natural Minerals Technician
. -"'""'
•1-::\. ().ll.a... ~
93 Network Sewer Technician ~<j_;4--..,;>
94 Occupational Health Technician
95 Oil Technician
96 Operations Analyst ~Jh..
97 Paint Industries Techn ician JA~.::~u....~

98 Photographic surveyor <$Y~CL...

99 Plumbing & Heating Techn ician - Installation '-4.;/~J~.::1~.,,.;o
100 Plumbing & Heating T echnician - Operation & ;_;1.,;-J ~ / 4.lli;J ~ .:.1~ ~
101 Power plants - installation Technician <4.fJJ.>,il_,:;db.....,,.;o
102 Power plants - O&M technician U.....J~.>,il_,:idb...,,-"
103 Power plants - switching O&M technician '-'4-J ~ J,_,,..:; db....,,.,.
104 Power plants switching - installation Techn ician <4.f>J,_,,..:;.::th..,,.;<
105 Production Engineering Technician ~\.:ijl~~
106 Quantity Surveyor ~'-:-1-"6.
107 Quantity Surveyor wl;..SrL...
108 Road Machinery Maintenance Technician J_).w)'I U..,., .,,-"
109 Road surveyor J.fa ci......
110 Road T echnician /Road Supervisor ( J.)o ..,,Sly ) J.)o .,,.,.
111 Security & Safety Technician ~~J<)-1.,,-"
112 Sewage Treatment Plant Technician ti.JI+-- ~ <.k... ~
113 Ship Engine Maintenance T echnician l)i...w\S~~~
114 Software Development Specialist ~~1~~1
115 Software Engineering Specialist u~~,~~1
116 Soil Mechanics Laboratory Technician '-/_;ll~fa.-~
117 Sound Technician .:._,..,.~
118 Steam Turbine Tech nician - Maintenance ('-''-:!-) ~.)~ ~.)_,:;.,,.,.
119 Steam Turbine Technician -Operation ~ ~.;~ uU;i.;_,:i .,,-"
120 Structural Draughtsman I Roads J.fa I .)l.!..i! rl.....;
121 Structural Materials Lab Technician ~l.!UJ ~1_,. fa.- ~
122 Support Technician ~~~
123 Surveyor ..,.:.-1) rt....
124 Surveyor and Field Investigator .)b.~JCt.....
125 Swimming Pool Maintenance Technician c:;l......~~
126 Systems Operation Specialist ~"' J;;_:U ~i
127 Technical Services Specialist ~'~~'
128 Tech nical Support Specialist ~~~~i
129 Telecommunications Technician - General r~ ~)l.JlJ ;_pLJ1 u)'l......')'I ..,; ..;s
130 Telephone Technician ..::.w.,,si...;s
131 Time and Movement Technician ;.s_p.11J u;_,11;...1>' ~
132 Water & Sewage Technician Uf.Y.:... ~/tifa......J •4- ~
133 Water Laboratory Technician •4- fa.-._,l!
134 Water Networks Technician w~•l,;...,,-"
135 Welding Technician rW._,l!
136 Welding Tester rW l)A>-1.S

* Please note that registration with SCE is mandatory for those having one of the professions
mentioned above. More technical professions are under way.

How to register as Technician (Diploma holder):

Upload the following documents to the SCE profile that you have created:
Attested diploma, both sides.
Authorization Letter. download from 5CE website, fill out properly, and scan !click here to download the form)
Introduction letter from the current employer, attested by the Chamber of Commerce.
Copy of lqama/Entry visa page in the passport.
Copy of Passport.
Personal Photograph (passport quality).

*Note: All documents are subject to verification from the issuing agency.

How to register as Technician (with no diploma or certificate):

Experience certificates in the field issued by the employer/s.
Authorization Letter, download from SCE website, fill out properly, and scan (click here to download the form).
Introduction letter from the current employer, attested by the Chamber of Commerce.
Copy of lqama/Entry visa page in the passport.
Copy of Passport.
Personal Photograph

Note: A technician who does not have a diploma will be accepted temporarily, within 3 months
after which the profession has to be changed at the Ministry of Labor.

Registration Fee:
First Time Verification Fee: SR. 500/- + One Year Membership fee SR.200 = SR.700
There after yearly renewal fee will be : SR. 200/-

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