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Games with numbers

5) add these, x3 (111)+x 2 (11)+xi(here, 3+ Suppose someone discovered that 1/o = x. Now
36 + 365 =404); in a normal case, say 28/4 = 7, we find 7 x 4 = 28.
6) multiply by 9, 9(111x3 + 11x 2 + x1) (here, Therefore, in the case of /0= x we should find
9-404 = 3,636); x *0 = 1; but x *0 = 0, otherwise we would have
1 = 0. Thus there is a contradiction; the same
7) calculate the sum of the digits, X3 + x2 + x1 + x 0 would occur were we to divide by zero any num-
(here, 3+6 + 5 + 2 = 16); ber different from zero. There is one odd excep-
8) add to the previous sum, X3 (1,000) + tion, namely dividing zero by zero; the result can
x2 (100) + x, (10) + x0 (here, 3,636 + 16 = 3,652). be any number. For instance, take any number x,
then 0 = 0 *x, and therefore 0/0 = x. It is pointless,
We have just reconstituted the number through a which is why division by zero is not allowed in
new sequence of steps. mathematics.
All this is simply an intellectual game, rigorous,
to be sure, but still a game. In mathematical
One rotten apple can spoil the whole thought the simplest steps can conceal quite pro-
basket found concepts and principles. One of these prin-
ciples belongs to logic-the science of correct
In the section "Where is the error?" we elicited reasoning-and states that from a contradiction
paradoxical or contradictory results by dividing any assertion can be established. Or, to quote
by zero in an algebraically unclear manner. Let us medieval logicians: 'ex absurdis sequitur quod-
look at zero more closely in its various mathe- libet"-from the absurd anything follows.
matical and philosophical senses. We know from Dividing a number by zero can produce
school what the reciprocal of a number is. If the contradiction, dividing zero by zero can yield any
number is 6, its reciprocal is 1/6; if it is 12, it is 112, number. Ifwe cancel by zero in 18 x 0 = 3 x 0, we
and so on. The larger the number, the smaller its get the contradiction 18 = 3. Or, as in the follow-
reciprocal and conversely. Thus, in the sequence ing: if x = 1, then x 2 -x =x 2 - 1, x (x -1)=
1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6 ... the terms become ever smaller. (x + 1)(x - 1), and cancelling by (x - 1) gives
Using this method, one might imagine we could x = x + 1, 1 = 2; we have divided by x - 1, which
reach the smallest number in the world. Similarly, in this case equals zero. It is an error we fre-
we might ask the meaning of dividing by zero, quently make in mathematics; even Einstein once
namely 1/o. Is this a number at all? inadvertently did so.

Games with numbers
The symbol 0 (zero) came to the West with the best, we have some smattering of science, and
Indo-Arabic numerals. It is one of the most useful are familiar with a set of techniques and methods
symbols, but also one of the most ambiguous and of mathematical analysis that make our calcula-
contradictory. Like the other numerals, zero has a tions work. However, we fail to grasp a basic fea-
positional meaning. In 432 the 2 does not have the ture of mathematics, namely its language.
same meaning it has in 423. This is also true in The term "language' suggests everyday lan-
430 and 403 where the zero means the absence guage which conveys information. However, lan-
of units in one case and the absence of tens in the guage has other tasks, such as organizing our
other. The concept of zero has been developed cognitive activities to clarify our concepts and to
further in mathematics, and to an even greater represent our results. Mathematics, with its ab-
extent in philosophy and religious thought. If we stract symbols, fulfills this function very well. Still,
think of zero, we think of nothingness, but what is too often mental habits, learned in school in me-
that? Roughly we might say that nothingness is chanical ways and devoid of mathematical in-
the denial of existence, it is that which is not. Yet, sight, make us see mathematics as containing a
as we think of nothingness, it must somehow different rationality and as something apart from
exist. In short, we have an unfathomable concept everyday language. This is not only absurd but
and that creates paradoxes. artificial. It is even more absurd to assume there
Originally the notion of nothingness was extra- are two languages representing opposing ways
neous to Greek philosophy as the Greeks would of facing reality. It is true that mathematical lan-
not accept the being of that which does not exist. guage is particularly appropriate for descriptions
Indeed, zero does not enter the Greek and Ro- of certain problems and their solutions, but this
man numeral systems. It is probably the philoso- does not justify divisions in knowledge.
pher Zeno (336-264 B.C.), a Phoenician from Cy- Number games, especially algebra games,
prus and founder of Stoicism, who introduced this force us to connect everyday language and math-
non-Greek concept into ancient philosophy. ematical language and to translate then back
and forth. This proves there are no genuinely iso-
Ordinary language and mathematical lated areas, even if everyday language is more
language complex and varied and therefore better suited to
recounting subjective and personal situations.
Many of us tend to think of mathematics as simply Mathematical symbols and the relations between
a practical tool for accounting and measuring. At them are abstract, synthetic mental constructs

Games with numbers

Too often we th nk of *he ru es of

algebra as simply abstract atd we
forget that matherenat cs began for
very pract ca and concrete reasons
Take the product of two inomra s
th s s easier to understand f *t s
nked w th the probe em of dir d ng
Left A geometric i lustrat on of the
Simp e a gebra c pmob em Ot sqUar rig
(a b) We know troan algebra that
th s (a - asb) - a b- 2at In
the d agrarn we t rd It s the sma
square at the top eft

(a-b)2= a2+ b2- 2ab

and unlike ordinary language, they are specific 2 + 6, yields x = -6. Similarly, the expression
and unambiguous. Translating from mathematical (x - 2)/4 = (5 - x)/6 can be read as: A quarter of
into everyday language is therefore a particularly two less than a number equals one-sixth of the
useful exercise, especially at school age. Take difference between five and that number.
the expression x/3 + 5 = x12 + 6, for example. Let the reader try to translate the expression
This equation and its solution can help us to for- AB = AC. If AB and AC are two segments, we say
mulate a problem first in everyday language, and that the segment AB is congruent with (equal to)
then synthetically in the language of mathe- the segment AC. If ABC is a triangle, AB - AC
matics. In ordinary language the equation is tells us that the triangle with vertices at A, B, C is
translated: A third of a number increased by five isosceles. If BC is a segment, we can say that A
equals half that number increased by six, if that is the middle point (Figs. 5, 6, 7).
number is minus six, mathematically, x/3 + 5 = x/


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