Answer Any Four Answer Sheets Should Be Numbered Sequentially and One File Should Be Uploaded After Taking Photograph or Doing Scanning

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Examination: Seventh semester

Session: 2020-2021 (Regular)
Subject: Fatigue, Creep and Fracture
Depth Elective-4, Subject Code: MME-711
Time: 1.5 Hrs; Full Marks: 40

Answer any four

Answer sheets should be numbered sequentially and one file should be uploaded after taking photograph
or doing scanning

1. (a) Write briefly about stress concentration factor? 3

(b) Explain briefly the mechanism of creep deformation with the help of deformation mechanism maps. 7

2. Why there exists a discrepancy between the theoretical cohesive strength of a material and its 10
experimental fracture strength? Derive fracture stress using Griffith’s energy balance approach.

3. (a) Why R curve is flat for ideally brittle material and rising one for ductile materials. Explain how crack 6
growth is affected by different R curves.

(b) Draw and explain three modes of loading. 4

4. (a) How does crack tip plasticity affect stress intensity factor values? Estimate plastic zone size by 10
Irwin approach.

5. (a) Basquin relationship for the S-N curve of the form σa= C.Nbf⋅ is followed by an elastic material. 7
Where C is a material constant, σa is the stress amplitude, Nf is the number of fully reversed stress cycles
to failure, and b is the Basquin exponent approximately equal to –0.09. If a specimen of this material
spends 60% of its life subject to alternating stress levels equal to its fatigue endurance limit σe, 25% at
1.1σe, and 15% at 1.2σe, estimate its fatigue life using the Palmgren-Miner linear damage rule. Nf = 107
at fatigue limit (σe)

(b) Discuss a set of conditions under which the application of a tensile overload to a component can 3
result in (i) an improvement, (ii) a reduction, or (iii) no change in fatigue life.

6. The design stress of the tail section of a prototype military aircraft is such that it never exceeds a stress 10
corresponding to one-fourth of the yield strength, and the cyclic service loading is expected to vary from
a minimum stress (σmin) of one-sixteenth of the yield strength to a maximum stress (σmax) of one-fourth
of the yield strength. The tail section is inspected with an ultrasonic non-destructive testing method,
with a resolution limit of 0.01 in.
Assuming that
(a) the stress intensity factor for any defects present in the tail section is given by:
K=σ(πa)1/2 where ‘σ’ is the far-field applied stress and ‘a’ is the crack length, and
(b) the growth of fatigue cracks is governed by the Paris law
where da/dN is the fatigue crack growth rate per cycle, ΔK is the stress intensity factor range, and C
and m are material constants, derive expressions for
(i) the critical crack length in the tail section.
(ii) the lifetime of the tail section in terms of the material properties (i.e. the yield strength, C, m, plane
strain fracture toughness, etc.)

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