The Mystery in School

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The Mystery in School

Do you like mysterious story? I really like mysterious story. To say it right, I ‘loved’
mysterious story. And yes, I believe in supernatural things likes ghosts, demons, etc. Every time I
heard mysterious story, I always feel excited! And I want to tell you about the mysterious story in
my school…

First story is from my teacher, she said that it happen on summer days when the teachers
have to check and score the final exam. She was the only one who checked the exams on 4th
floor of building 3. But she saw one student came to greet her. At first, she didn’t realize that
something was strange. But then she realized that it isn’t school’s day, why the student came to
school? After that, she went down to ask the teacher down there if there are some student
entered the building. The answer made her shocked. No one entered the building. But who did she

Next story is also from my teacher, he said that it happen on the summer course at school.
He was about to wash his face in the toilet. Imagine that there is a mirror above the sink, and it
mirrors the toilet door. He saw the mirror of three boys in scout uniform facing him. Then, he
started to think that who the hell would wear a scout uniform during summer course? After that,
he told what happened to other teacher, and the teacher told him back about the ‘Little Guardian
Angel’ which commonly appear in scout uniform.

Last story is my own story. It happened when I have to come to school to retest the
subject I failed in final exam. While I was doing the exam, I saw a group of children ran in the
balcony outside of the room. But it was already on school holidays, and the retest is only for the
Gr.7-Gr.12. Then, who did I see?

I believe that every schools have mysterious stories. The story I told is just the example
from a lot of stories I’ve heard. There are a lot of mysterious stories which are scaring. And if you
would like to hear, just come asking me. I won’t mind to telling you

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