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Why Do We Believe in Allah?

Starting in the name of Almighty Allah. The One in Whose Hands rests all
authority. And He is Most Capable of everything. (67:1). After that sending
blessing and salutation upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his entire household
and all his companions.
It is the basic instinct of human to question things and then try to find the
answer of them. So human also question that how the universe came into being
and how the human and all the other species were created. In this assignment
these questions will be explained, and it will be tried to explain with the reference
of Quran and Science. As the famous physicist Albert Einstein said, “Science
without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”. The glorious Quran is
not the book of science, it is the book of signs. But it describes many scientific
processes. Apart from science, Quran is also considered as the best book of Arabic
The first question that human asked was creation of universe. The science
answered this question in 20th century. The explanation was in the form of big
bang theory. Which says that before the big bang universe was in the form of a
dense matter called singularity. With an explosion it burst out and the universe
was created. In glorious Quran it is mentioned,
“Do the disbelievers not realize that the heavens and earth were ˹once˺ one mass then We split
them apart? (21:30)”.

The Quran has mentioned the same thing about fourteen hundred years ago. The
science also tells us that after big bang there was a phase called primordial
nucleosynthesis. Cosmologists believe that it was in the interval of 10 second to
20 minutes. In this period the two main gases Hydrogen and Helium were formed.
Also, the temperature was 109 kelvins. The Quran says,
“Then He turned towards the heaven when it was ˹still like˺ smoke, saying to it
and to the earth, ‘Submit, willingly or unwillingly.” (41:11).

The second question that human asked was about the creation of life on earth
or creation of human. The answer to this question is many theories. Generally,
the theories says that in the beginning all of matter was atoms. Then the plants
were evolved and after a certain time the animals evolved. The evolution of
human is in different stages. It means that we have different ancestors. These
ancestors start from Sahelanthropus tchadensis and ends on Homo floresiensis.
And in the end homo sapiens were evolved. The Quran says,
” when He truly created you in stages ˹of development˺?” (71:14)

” Allah ˹alone˺ caused you1 to grow from the earth like a plant.” (71:17)

“Indeed, We created humans in the best form” (95:4)

The third verse mentioned above has the Arabic word Ahsana which is the
superlative degree of the word Hasnaa. Grammatically the superlative degree is
used when there is the best among many things of same kind. And the glorious
Quran has perfectly used the word Ahsan. Hence, it can be concluded that human
was selected from among the same kind. Here it will also be mentioned that in
this assignment “Darwin theory of Evolution” is not discussed nor it is said that
human was evolved from monkeys.
The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) By Allah Almighty.
Imagine that a person, sitting in the deserts of Arabia 1400 years ago is saying
them. And are proved by science 100% accurate in the 20th and 21st century.
Hence, it can be concluded that these are not the words of a human rather of
Allah Almighty. As Allah says that study the universe around you and you will find
the signs of Allah Almighty. There are many more things that can be mentioned
but the assignment will become too long. Hence it will be concluded that Quran is
the last revealed book of Allah Almighty and He is the one true God.

The End.
1) Holy Quran.

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