Iphone 2010 Case Study

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Alfredo II B.

PhD Human Resources Management/ PhD Business Management
Apple Inc. 2010 Case Study


I. Identification of the problem – Technical Issues-Antenna

iPhone 4 Antenna Issue “Antennagate” In the fourth quarter of 2010, Apple Inc.
underwent a crisis because of the antenna problem of iPhone 4, which was a threat to
its corporation reputation. Since the first day iPhone 4 was launched, some consumers
reported problems because of the signal reception was very low. iPhone 4 antenna
design caused calls to be dropped when users touch the lower edge of the phone.

II. Alternative actions or solution –

Software update would fix the signal reception problem. -The company can say that
signal reception problem can also happen to other smartphones - Do not admit that
there is an issue. Apple Inc. can shift the responsibility of low signal reception to

III. Recommendation
The Public Relations/ Media damage control. Controlling the information released the
product and presenting that information in the best possible light. To feed the public
the information that will influence the public in neglecting the issue. Manipulates and
spins the information to present a positive image.


I. Identification of the problem – Fast Turn Over of Top Management Team

Frequent Change of Management/Leader Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs founded
Apple Computer 1976 when they began selling a personal computer called the Apple
I. and Steve Jobs remain as the company’s president and CEO, but in 1983 John
Sculley was hired by the board to replace Steve Jobs and that cause Jobs to resigned.
After several years Apple’s board of directors opted to removed Sculley from the
position of CEO. The board chose to place the chief operating officer Michael
Spindler in the vacated spot. In January 1996, Apple asked Spindler to resign and
chose Gil Amelio to take his place. Steve Jobs was rehired by Apple as part of the
acquisition of NeXT which he founded when he resigned from Apple. In 1997, after
recording additional quarterly losses. Apple’s board terminated Amelio’s
employment with the company and named Steve Jobs interim CEO. That frequent
change of Management leads losses; different leadership approach makes employees

to lay off and divisions in the company, And launching different products increased
and decreased Apple’s market share percentage.

II. Alternative actions or solution –

Shifting of strategies to different strategies to address different issues in the
organization. -Considerations of internal and external aspect of their operations
-Some changes in Organizational Structure, maintenance and sustainment of
Leadership style.

III. Recommendation
The top management should try not to keep on changing leadership as it also affect its
business strategies which resulted to lost in sales and in monetary value. Should
change is inevitable the management should atleast come up with good business
strategies and to implement it regardless who sit in the top management.


I. Identification of the problem – Technical Issue-Hardware

Apple operating system VS Google operating system Google developed an Android
operating system for smartphones which matched many of iPhone’s best features.
Like a simple screen swipe would provide search results related to Google, voice
recognition tool and fast boot up.

II. Alternative actions or solution -

Advantage of Apple in making Hardware systems. Google was very dedicated to
produce a user friendly operating system but do not put the same emphasize on the
hardware. - Taking advantage of Google’s Android system errors that can hamper the
growth of the operating system. -Upgrading the user data protection and usable
operating system.

III. Recommendation Apple must upgrade their security and user data protection.


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