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‘Mg 0301/0721/2076 Third Semester 3 Year LL.B/Sixth Semester 3 Year LL.B/ Seventh Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B./B.B.A.LL.B./ Tenth Semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B. (Maj.-Min. System)/B.B.A.LL.B. Examination, June/July 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW (Old and New) Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Answer Question No. 9 and any 5 of the remaining questions. 2. Q. No. 9 carries 20 marks and remaining questions carry 16 marks each. Answer should be written in English or Kannada completely. Rewened: 1. 38, S08, 9 sb word cimamade 5 Serer ogO2X0. BY 9 ¥ 20 wosrterd, wed Synerk seo 16 wosrieadss. 3. evgdaay, Aaroraen 888 ea onset werlode, eadoddeseso. Instructions : 1 2 N Q. No. 1. What is green house effect ? Discuss the consequences of global warming. Bred abs Tormoad acddead? words Bowanane Kormsdrvad, 2esr00. Discuss the environmental dimensions of Art. 21 of Indian Constitution with the help of decided cases. ds Xoagasd evades 21d Boss RowoGs sooadrieay, Arerots Bedrardoodn wes 20. Marks : 16 Q. No. 2. Marks : 16 Q. No. 3. What is public nuisance ? Explain the provisions of criminal law relating to abatement of public nuisance. morwad wigs soaden? mairens wags gdrieo eamg? nandsaabdds wvawogrieay, BORO. Marks : 16 P.T.O. 0301/0721/2076 2 A mH No. 4. Explain the significance of Rio-Summit and its principles: Marks : 16 Daler Sayed bats, aba ead aS /ridaty, SAIOND. Q. No. 5. Define ‘Air Pollution’. Explain how Indian judiciary dealt with Marks : 16, sound pollution problem “spaeRndg say aaAAA. eds mR,oRON Bato SyRVOT Sa Gerd dywororsd QBONO. Explain the cruelties against animal as defined in prevention Q. No. 6. of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. Are there any exceptions to Marks : 16 3 the definition. mass Lod Sa Hadad, 1960 od, aAI,ART ‘yes &0v" QBORO ahs 31 ysVWe, cnamade saaodnesiode 2 Explain the powers and functions of central authority under the Q. No. 7. Marks : 16 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. wostndd (scrtsy¥ aba) Daogre) eQROdad, 1974 DUBAdY, Feon, BORIT ededris ab3Q modbrrivay, QBOAO. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks : 8x2=16 Q.No. 8. anagmacde aoe, Ss) used wSONO : a) Absolute liability Rogeror Berswos Class action ane asd b Bio-diversity. gas Jags. °) (0010 8 A 3 3 0301/0721/2076 with reaso Marks : 102-20 Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following probler BSNS cARoRcde ada mde a ) haba Sugar factory used to store molasses, a by-product in hanufacturing Sugar, in a mud tank located close to Me John’s land. Due to burrowing activity ot rodents the aid tank containing 8000 tons of molasses collapsed and emptied-themselves on Mr. John’s land damaging standing Crop of paddy and sugarcane. Mr. John claims compensation by filing a petition before competent court. Will he succeed ? Give reasons. Tomas AS we BEvowabay ecm Breer wo ads ade ad 8000 tsa meeototD ES AROdRoCAY, soos BOVE DF QTOAO. Karnataka Government leased a piece of land on the bank of river Bhadra, to build a resort, which happens to be protected forest. The resort proprietor to save his leased property from water current, constructed a concrete wall along river bank, which made the river flow to swing to the other bank of the river washing away substantial part of the land where horticultural crops were grown. Now farmers filed a PIL questioning the validity of lease granted in favour of hotelier. What shall be the ground for petition ? gmrus smrds) doe, cooobOs dks 39,3 wom ow geavobay samrasord aang, Erin Mdsg sbomndd Rnadgd. daeos AdOod gmaned dem Teetdoca SO Cordomocdka, Saor~hegs. Rood Aros Aves QD, dodii exes ve ue 8d pedo ters, Baweyd. H MEPaQes ¢ marae dwxy Cocoa Re ¢ AMDOAL TSAR span Bacio Sxda_d, Ss Tosobay, rs emdsg, SS % b) 21/2076 “4. {NN 10 A c) A rubber industry was situated in the industrial estate and was given licence under Panchayaths and department of industry. The industry using carbon black in huge quantities, polluted the atmosphere and failed to apply the preventive measures resulted in discomforts, injury and nuisance to the resident of the locality. Suggest remedies available under tort law. swords Ceypr Basser somo gmomsivobag, Sdotven Horsccdso abe wwgad cgensson0e Bomar Wag. ss ZMoFoLo oddserg, Hee, Zansad, sored eodtay, we E-taleleie) BNCBLRYD Waco FOATHAd, FOOABROEAYS. B BoMor soo odnayye oesos ands, sarwp Bdsay, evarddg, adood es uso emabteo, GO 03g NEBR evoemows. LOS amanen exgs, manaseod, aruasone Boacrvay, xex80.

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