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Verification and Validation

Verification ensures built the systemright

ensures built the right
you system

Verification is thedetermination that each element ofthe systemmeets

therequirements ofa documented specification

Validation is the determinationthatthe entire system meetsthe need

of the stakeholders
Validation only occurs at the
toplevel ofthe system hierarchy
Model Based Systems Engineering MBSE

Theformalized application ofmodeling to support the evolution ofsystem

requirements design analysis verification andvalidationactivities beginning in the
phase and continuing through productend
conceptual design
MBSEfocuses on developing managing andcontrolling a model ofthesystem
Potential benefits

1 Improve reuseofsystemmodels
2 Improve design team communication
lead to results
1 Improved produce quality

2 Reducedtimeand cost of system test and integration

3 Overall reduction intimecost andriskassociatedwithdeveloping a syst
These models are system relationship
models and are useful for
showing relationships among systemfunctions requirements
and users These models support 3 aspects of SE

1 System Functional Flows lie System Architecture

2 System Requirements Traceability

Process Flows
3 System and Organizational
Measure of Success
Represent Space Systems with systems Models

Generate Systems Engineering Products from Models

Documents and Reports

Analysis of Models
Identify limitations andareas ofimprovementforMBSE

languages and techniques

other Engineering disciplines
Systems Models as Integration with

Relationship between sophisticateddomain models andsimulation

and SE products
Increase fidelity and integrity of SEproducts
Understand impacts of change

Show benefits of MBSE in space systems projects

Greater consistency of work products
Reduced re work effort

Earlier identification of defects

Bettertechnical information support to operators
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