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Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is the detachment, transportation and deposition of soil

material from one place to another through the action of rain, wind and
waterin motion.
In other word we can say symptoms of soil erosion are approachable
and visible to everyone, but recognition of the implications is less easy in
future condition. So now day what is happening to most of agricultural lands
we must look at erosion seriously? We must separate erosion in
natural/normal and accelerated erosion and must know the significance of
each. Continuity of slopes on the surface of land, streams with normal open
channels and well-adjusted to the valleys in which they flow, slow uniform
downhill creep of the soil mantle, and streams and rivers flowing clear except
when in flood are all signs of natural erosion-indications of a perfectly normal
condition of the landscape.

Causes of Soil Erosion: The major causes of soil erosion can be described as
1. Destruction or Removal of Natural Protective Cover by
 Deforestation
 Forest fire
 Overgrazing

2. Improper or inefficient use of the Land

 Keeping the large area of land barren subjecting it to the action of rain
and wind
 Growing of more crops that accelerate soil erosion
 Cultivation along slope of land
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 Faulty and inefficient methods of irrigation
 Removal of organic matter and plant nutrients by injudicious cropping

Types of Soil Erosion

1. Geological Erosion: it is mainly caused due to natural phenomena is

called geological erosion. In this case rate of formation of soil is equal to
rate of loss of soil. Relatively slow, continuous process that often gets
unnoticed. Responsible for the formation of topographical features such
as valley, channels etc.
2. Accelerated Erosion: it also refers to as anthropogenic erosion or man
induce erosion. In this case rate of formation of soil is not equal to rate of
loss of soil generally. Fast process as compared to geological erosion.

It is Two Types: It is Mainly Two Types

 Water erosion
 wind erosion

Water Erosion
Water erosion may be defined as detachment, transportation and
deposition of soil particle from one place to another place under the influence
of water’, is called water’ erosion.

Mechanics of Water’ Erosion

Hydraulic Action: It mainly takes place when high velocity water runs
over the surface of soil compressing the soil, as a result of which the air mass
present in the voids of soil exerts a high pressure on the particles of soil and
this enhanced to the soil detachment. The pressure exerted by the air voids is
called hydraulic pressure. The soil particles so detached from their places, are
scoured by the running water’.

1. Abrasion: In this condition particles of soil mixed with the running water’
create more an abrasive power
2. Attrition: Mechanical breakdown of soil particles takes place in this
3. Solution: This form is associated with the chemical action between running
water’ and soil
4. Transportation: The process of soil transportation by running or flowing
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water’ is completed under the given forms
 Solution: The water’ soluble contents present in the water’ are
transported by the water’ in solution form.
 Suspension: It refers to the transportation of finer or very small soil
particles, which are present in suspension form in the flowing water’.
 Saltation and Surface Creep: It refers to transportation of medium size of
soil particles that are not suited in suspension form, but are mixed in
water’ and flow over the stream bed in the form of mud. The surface
creep action is responsible for transporting the coarser soil particles.

1. Deposition: Deposition of the particles occurs when the gravitational force

is greater than the forces holding the particles in water’
Factors Affecting Water’ Erosion

1. Climatic Factors: it includes characteristics of rainfall, temperature and

wind velocity
 Characteristics of rainfall includes amount, intensity, frequency and
duration of rainfall
 Temperature also has a positive influence on soil erosion. Frozen soils
are relatively erosion resistant
 Wind, contributes to the drying of soil and enhances the need for
irrigation for new plantings and for applying wind erosion

2. Characteristics of Soil: it includes texture of soil, structure, organic

matter content and permeability. In addition, in many situations, compaction
is significant. These characteristics greatly determine the erodibility of soil.

3. Vegetation Cover: Vegetative cover is an extremely important factor in

reducing erosion at a site
 Roots of vegetation binds soil particles

4. Topographic Effect: The major topographic factors which influence the soil
erosion are land slope, length of slope and shape of slope
 A flat land has no difficulties of erosion, while sloping land
predominantly affected by erosion.
 As the slope enhances, the runoff coefficient, kinetic energy and carrying
capacity of surface runoff also enhance thereby decreasing the soil

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Types of Water’ Erosion

Splash Erosion

It is a called first stage of water erosion it is mainly caused by the

impact of raindrops on exposed soil surface. The process of raindrop erosion
mainly occurs as when raindrop strikes on open soil surface it forms a crater.
The disturbed soil may be splashed into air up to a height of 50 to 70 cm
depending upon rain drops size. Instant soil particles also move horizontallyas
much as 1.45 m on level land surface. On sloping land, more than half of the
splashed particles move down with the runoff.

Sheet Erosion

It is basically a second stage of water erosion. It may be defined as less or

more uniform removal or disturbance of soil in the form of a thin layer or in
“sheet” form by the flowing water’ from sloping land. It is an inconspicuous
type of soil erosion because the total amount of soil removed during any storm
is usually small. In the sheet erosion 2 basic erosion processes are involved.
In first process soil particles are detached from the soil surface by falling of
raindrop. Second process is one in which detached soil particles are
transported away by surface runoff from the original place.

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Rill Erosion

 It is regarded as a transition stage between sheet erosion and gully

 It is also called known as micro channel erosion
 It is the removal of soil by running water’ with the formation of a areas of
small branching channels
 Rills are small in size and can be leveled by tillage operations

Gully Erosion: It is advanced form of rill erosion in which the size of rills is
enlarged which cannot be smoothened by tillage operations.

Gully Development Stages: The gully development is recognized in 4 stages

 Formation Stage: in this stage, the channel erosion and deepening of the
gully takes place. It normally proceeds slowly where the top soil is fairly
resistant to erosion.
 Development Stage: it mainly causes upstream movement of the gully
head and further enlargement of the gully in depth and width. The gully
cuts to the C-horizon of soil, and the parent materials are removed
rapidly as water’ flows.
 Healing Stage: In this stage vegetation starts growing in the gully. No
appreciable erosion takes place.
 Stabilization Stage: In this stage gully reaches a stable gradient, and
attain a stable slope.
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Classification of Gullies
Gullies can be classified based on three factors viz. their size, shape (Cross
section) and state of gully.

Based on Size
Gully classification based on size.

Classification Symbol Specifications of gully

Very Small gullies Y1 3m deep, bed width<18m, side slope
Small gullies Y2 3m deep, bed width>18m, side slope
Medium gullies Y3 3m-9m deep, bed width>18m, side
are uniformly
Deep and narrow Y4 >9m deep, bed width varies, side
gullies slope varies, mostly steep and

Based on Shape of Gully

 U-Shaped: These are formed where the topsoil and subsoil have the
uniform resistance against erosion. Because the subsoil is eroded as
easily as the topsoil, nearly vertical walls are developed on each side of
the gully.
 V-Shaped: it forms where the subsoil has more resistance than tops oil
against erosion.

Based on the Stage

 Active Gullies: Dimensions enlarge with time. Found in plain areas
 Inactive Gullies: Dimensions constant with time found in rocky areas.

Stream Bank Erosion In this kind of erosion, running water take material
from the side and bottom of a stream or water channel and the cutting of river
bank. It is mainly due to removal of vegetation, over grazing or cultivation on
the area near to the streams banks.

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Agronomical Measures of Water’ Erosion Control

Soil conservation is a preservation technique, in which disturbance of

soil and its losses are eliminated or minimized by using it within its
capabilities and applying conservation techniques for protection as well as
improvement of soil. In soil and water’ conservation, the agronomical measure
is a more economical, long lasting and effective technique. Agronomic
conservation measures function by reducing the impact of raindrops through
interception and thus reducing soil erosion. They also enhance infiltration
rates and thereby reduce surface runoff. Widely used agronomic measures for
water’ erosion control is listed below.

Contour Cropping

Contour cropping is mainly conservation farming method that is used on

sloppy condition to control soil losses due to water’ erosion. Contour cropping
involves planting crops across the slope instead of up and down the slope. Use
of contour cropping save the top of soil surface by reducing the velocity of
runoff water’ and inducing more infiltration.

Strip Cropping

Strip cropping is the agronomical practice in which growing crop in

having poor potential for erosion control, such as root crop (intertilledcrops),
etc., alternated with strips of crops having best potentials for control of
erosion, such as fodder crops, grasses, A crop rotation with a combination of
inter tilled and close growing crops, farmed on contours, provides food, fodder
and conserves soil moisture.

Contour Strip Cropping: In contour strip cropping, alternate strips of crop

are sown more or less following the contours, similar to contouring.
Suitable rotation of crops and tillage operations are followed during the
farming operations

Mulches are used to minimizing rain splash, decrease evaporation,
control weeds, reduce temperature of soil in very hot climates, and moderate
the temperature to a level conducive to microbial activity. Mulches reduced
impact of raindrops, prevent splash and dissipation of soil structure, obstruct
the flow of runoff to reduce their velocity and prevent sheet and rill erosion.

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They also help in improving the infiltration capacity by maintaining a
conductive soil structure at the top surface of land.

Wind Erosion

Wind erosion is a natural process in which soil particle moves from one
place to another place under the influence of wind. It can cause significant
economic and environmental damage.

The Effects of Wind Erosion

Wind erosion may have the following impacts:
 Soil fertility is reduced because of the destruction of the plant nutrients
that are concentrated on small soil particles and organic matter in the
topsoil. This reduces the soils capacity to support productive pastures
and sustain biodiversity
 Sand grains transported by winds can impact vegetation in their path by
 Air pollution caused by small particles in suspension can affect people's
health and cause other difficulties\

Wind Erosion Processes

The three processes of wind erosion are surface creep, saltation and
suspension. The three processes of soil erosion

Suspension: It implies of soil having less than 0.1 mm in diameter can be

moved into the air by saltation, forming dust storms when taken further
upwards by turbulent action of wind.

Saltation: Occurs among middle-sized particle of soil that rangesbetween 0.05

mm to 0.5 mm in diameter. The particle of soil move through a series of low
bounces over the surface, causing abrasion on the soil surface and attrition
(the breaking of particles into smaller particles).

Surface Creep: It refer the movement of large particles ranging from

0.5 mm to 2 mm in diameter, are rolled across the soil surface. This causes
them to collide with, and dislodge, other particles. Surface creep wind erosion
results in these larger particles moving only a few metres.

Control Measures
Trees and shrubs minimize wind velocities and so provide protection
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from wind erosion.

Shelter belts or tree corridors contribute to biodiversity, provide shelter

for livestock and reduce the drying effects of winds. However, it is not practical
to plant belts of trees in the vast, arid inland areas where wind erosion is most
prevalent. Hence well-managed pastures are the key to providing erosion
protection in these areas.

Tillage Practices
The tillage practices, such as ploughing are importantly adopted for
controlling wind erosion.

The Common Tillage Practices used for Wind Erosion Control are as

a) Primary and Secondary Tillage

b) Strip Cropping
c) Use of Crop Residues

Mechanical Measures
This method consists of some mechanical obstacles, constructed
across the direction of prevailing wind, to minimize the impact of blowing wind
on the soil surface.

Sand Dunes Stabilization

A ‘Dune’ is derived from English word ‘Dun’ means hilly topographical
feature. Therefore a sand dune is a mount, hill or ridge of sand that lies
behind the part of the beach affected by tides.

Vegetative Measures
This method is a most effective, least expensive, aesthetically pleasing
method which formed a natural system with self‐repairing provision. However,
it has some disadvantages as the plant establishment phase is critical, it
needs irrigation and maintenance until self-sustaining system is developed.

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