Application of Genetic Algorithm For The Groundwater Management of A Coastal Aquifer

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ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

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Application of genetic algorithm for the

groundwater management of a coastal aquifer

S. K. Pramada, S. Mohan & P. K. Sreejith

To cite this article: S. K. Pramada, S. Mohan & P. K. Sreejith (2017): Application of genetic
algorithm for the groundwater management of a coastal aquifer, ISH Journal of Hydraulic
Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/09715010.2017.1378597

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ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2017

Application of genetic algorithm for the groundwater management of a coastal

S. K. Pramada#, S. Mohan and P. K. Sreejith
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India


Drinking water wells close to coastal areas getting contaminated groundwater can be minimized Received 31 March 2017
by developing an optimal pumping strategy of pumping, both in space and time. Groundwater Accepted 8 September 2017
management problems are solved in a more efficient way by combining simulation and optimization KEYWORDS
in a single framework. Simulation–optimization-based development of the groundwater system Simulation–optimization;
is required, to reduce the risk of pumping contaminated water. This paper presents a study where coastal aquifer; SEAWAT;
a simulation–optimization model based on a 3D groundwater model and genetic algorithm was genetic algorithm;
developed and applied to a case study. A 3D groundwater model has been developed, for the case groundwater model
study system of South Chennai Aquifer System where significant amount of groundwater is being
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:19 30 September 2017

pumped for domestic consumption. The calibrated groundwater model was used as the simulation
component in the linked simulation–optimization model. The combined model was then used to
identify the optimum pumping strategy.

1. Introduction into the computer simulation model process can provide sig-
nificant performance improvement over the results obtained
In nature, physical processes are often represented by large sets of
by traditional stand-alone simulation or optimization meth-
nonlinear, partial differential equations. Unfortunately, this fact
odology. For applying the simulation–optimization method-
limits the ability of many traditional optimization codes to solve
ology, the first step is the development of a simulation model
water resources management problems and leads to necessary
to compute the head values at different locations for a given
simplification of the actual problem. An alternative approach for
pumping strategy. In second step, the simulation model needs to
solving complex problems is to employ a combined simulation– be externally linked with the optimization model. Whenever the
optimization approach. In combined simulation–optimization optimization procedure requires the objective function and or
approach, the output from the simulation model forms the input constraint evaluation, it calls the simulator and passes the modi-
to the optimization model. The significant advantage of inter- fied input parameters to the simulator and the simulation model
facing a simulation model with an optimization algorithm is executes and does the required evaluation. Genetic algorithm
that the solution requires no additional simplifying assump- module acts as a driver model where in it calls the simulation
tions about the physics of the real system. The simulation model model by passing the management decision variables and gets
can be combined with the optimization model either using the back the corresponding objective function value. The genetic
governing equations as binding constraints in the optimiza- algorithm then adjusts the management decision variables to get
tion model (embedding technique) or using a response matrix a new objective function value and continue the process until
method or by response surface method  (Bhattacharjya and there is no further improvement in the objective function by
Datta 2005, Dhar and Datta 2009, Esfahani et al. 2016, Khosrow altering the decision variables. The genetic algorithm toolbox in
and Hasan 1996, Pramada et al. 2014). Matlab 7 (The MathWorks 2003) was used as the optimization
SEAWAT (Langevin et al. 2003), one of the widely used coastal routine, in which, it calls the calibrated simulation model during
aquifer simulation models  (Holzbecher 1998, Mahesha and each iteration. A subroutine has been developed to interface
Lakshmikant 2014, Motz and Sedighi 2013) could be combined the genetic algorithm tool box with the calibrated model (to
with heuristic optimization techniques such as genetic algo- communicate between both modules) using Matlab.
rithm to solve optimization-based groundwater management Usually interfacing a simulation and optimization model
problems. Owing to the complexity of the data files required by means making a communication possible with each module.
the SEAWAT establishing an interface between the simulation That is whenever an optimization models requires a function
model and optimization models is not an easy procedure. evaluation or constraint evaluation, it calls simulation model.
The batch run utility in the simulation model was used to cou-
ple the optimization model with the simulation model. Figure 1
2. Simulation–optimization
shows the program execution sequence. The program of genetic
A combined simulation–optimization approach coupling algorithm starts from an initial guess solution given by the
groundwater simulation model with optimization routine based user. Pumping rates were generated randomly by the MATLAB
on GA is proposed. This integration of optimization technique random number generator and GA performs generations of

CONTACT  S. K. Pramada

Present Address: Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut, Kozhikode, India
© 2017 Indian Society for Hydraulics

Develop a Numerical Model

Input initial pumping rates

Model Calibration
and testing
Phase I
Specify the direction of
time period to optimize

Numerical model
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:19 30 September 2017


The numerical model will start

running from the initial time period
irrespective of the time period to
Modify the optimize and through this the Extract the Phase II
numerical model will take care of the
respective input head time relation ship required results
file for the Algorithm
numerical model development

Randomly Optimization Model

generating new - Evaluation of Objective
pumping rates function
- Checking for constraints

No Stop? Yes

Figure 1. The program execution sequence.

possible solutions. For every set of random pumping rates, many input files, but during pumping rate optimization, only
SEAWAT is executed once to update the hydraulic head dis- the pumping rate of individual well changes. All other param-
tribution in response to those pumping rates. The output of eters, for example hydraulic conductivity, specific storage, etc,
the simulation consists of the values of the hydraulic heads do not change, hence only the ‘well’ file is modified (contains
at all model nodes/cells. The values of hydraulic heads for the details pertaining to pumping) using the interfacing program
selected observation points are forwarded to the optimization developed using Matlab during each iteration. The idea here is
module. The optimization algorithm performs the evaluation to introduce new pumping rate through the ‘well’ file and then
of the constraints and checks for termination, and if the con- run the batch file. Check the file containing the head obser-
straints are not satisfied, then it computes new pumping rates vations and check whether the constraints are satisfied or not.
based on the GA model and passes the new rates to SEAWAT.
Based on the SEAWAT results, new set of pumping rates are
3.  Seawater intrusion model
formed, and SEAWAT is called again to compute the head dis-
tribution. This process is continued until an optimal solution SEAWAT-2000 (Langevin et al. 2003), which is based on dis-
is reached based on the objective function and the constraints. perse interface approach has been used in the present study, in
The time period to optimize is given by the user. The numerical order to simulate three dimensional, variable density, ground-
model will start running from the initial time period irrespec- water flow and transport. SEAWAT-2000 was designed by com-
tive of the time period to optimize and through this the numer- bining a modified version of MODFLOW-2000 (Harbaugh et al.
ical model will take care of the time relationship. SEAWAT uses 2000) and MT3DMS (Zheng and Wang 1999) into a single

computer program. The governing equation for variable den- 3.1.  Spatial and temporal discretization
sity flow in terms of freshwater head as used in SEAWAT is
A regularly spaced, finite-difference model grid was developed
(Guo and Langevin 2002).
to study the seawater–freshwater interface. The model grid is
[ ( 𝜌−𝜌 )] [ ( )] depicted in Figure 2. Each cell represents 100 × 100 m. The
𝜕hf 𝜕hf 𝜌 − 𝜌f 𝜕Z
𝜌Kx +
f 𝜕Z
𝜌Ky + grid consists of 92 rows and 53 columns. The top and bottom
𝜕x 𝜕x 𝜌f 𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕y 𝜌f 𝜕y of the single layer model is based on borehole details from nine
boreholes. The top elevation varies from 0 to 9 m above MSL
[ ( )]
𝜕 𝜕hf 𝜌 − 𝜌f 𝜕Z 𝜕hf 𝜕𝜌 𝜕C
+ 𝜌Kz + = 𝜌Sf +𝜃 − 𝜌 s qs
(1) and bottom elevation varies from 1 to 16 m below MSL. Figure
𝜕z 𝜕z 𝜌f 𝜕z 𝜕z 𝜕C 𝜕t
3 shows the east–west section through Besant Nagar.
Temporal discretization was done by dividing the simula-
where x, y, z are orthogonal coordinate axes, aligned with
tion time into 72 monthly stress periods from January 2000 to
the principal directions of permeability; K is hydraulic con-
December 2005. The stress period is again divided into trans-
ductivity [LT−1]; S is specific storage [L−1]; t is time [T]; θ is
port steps. The transport step is automatically selected by the
effective porosity [dimensionless]; C is solute concentration
program to meet various stability constraints that are solution
[ML−3]; 〉s is fluid density source or sink water [ML−3]; 〉 is the
density of the native aquifer water [ML−3]; 〉f is the density
of freshwater[ML−3], Z is the elevation at the measurement
point [L]. and qs is the volumetric flow rate of sources and 3.2.  Initial and boundary conditions
sinks per unit volume of aquifer [T−1]. hf the equivalent fresh-
Boundary conditions were established to represent as closely as
water head.
possible the conceptual model of the flow system. The bound-
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:19 30 September 2017

In addition to the flow equation (Equation 1), a second par-

ary conditions are shown in Figure 4. The seaside is repre-
tial differential equation is required to describe solute transport
sented with constant head of zero meter and constant TDS
in the aquifer system. Solute mass is transported in porous
concentration of 35,000 mg/lit. The large water body nearby
media by the flow of groundwater (advection), molecular
Velachery is represented with a flux boundary. The Adyar river
diffusion, and mechanical dispersion. The transport of solute
is represented as the river boundary condition and the top
mass in groundwater can be described by the following partial
boundary is represented as a recharge boundary. The recharge
differential equation:
rate was taken as 10% of the rainfall based on an earlier study
( ) ( ) ( ) (Mohan 2003) and evapotranspiration is negligible since not
𝜕 𝜕C 𝜕 𝜕C 𝜕 𝜕C
= 𝜃Dx + Dy + Dz much vegetation and the groundwater level is well below the
𝜕t 𝜕x 𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕y 𝜕z 𝜕z
(2) ground level. The groundwater extraction for different years
𝜕 ( ) 𝜕( 𝜕(
𝜃vz C + qs C s was obtained from PWD, Taramani, Chennai and the ground-
− 𝜃vx C − 𝜃vy C −
𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕z water extraction during the year 2005 is shown in Table 2.
The western and southern boundaries are represented as time
where; D is the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient [L2T−1];
v is seepage or linear pore water velocity [LT−1]; Cs is concen-
tration of the source or sink flux [ML−3]
Groundwater flow causes the redistribution of solute con-
centration, and the redistribution of solute concentration
alters the density field, thus, affecting groundwater movement.
Therefore, the movement of groundwater and the transport
of solutes in the aquifer are coupled processes, and the two
equations (Equations 1 and 2) must be solved jointly.
The following empirical relation between the density of salt-
water and concentration was developed by Baxter and Wallace
as reported by Guo and Langevin (Guo and Langevin 2002).
𝜌 = 𝜌f + EC (3)
where E is an empirical, dimensionless constant with an approx-
imate value of 0.7143 for salts commonly found in seawater.
The aquifer of interest in this study is the Besant Nagar–
Injambakkam aquifer, which is a part of the South Chennai
aquifer system adjacent to the city of Chennai. The Besant
Nagar–Injambakkam aquifer system covers an areal extent of
about 55.2  km2. The ever-increasing population of Chennai
and rapid urbanization has lead to indiscriminate exploitation
of water. Water levels are dropping at an alarming rate due to
this large-scale extraction coupled with increase in high rise
buildings, poor recharge, and destruction of traditional water
harvesting systems like tanks and ponds. The area has been
severely affected by seawater intrusion because of the large-
scale groundwater depletion. To quantify seawater movement
into the Besant Nagar–Injambakkam aquifer SEAWAT was
used and TDS is taken as the indicator of seawater intrusion. Figure 2. Areal discretization of Besant Nagar–Injambakkam aquifer.

Figure 3. East–west section through Besant Nagar.

control point. Figure 7 shows the comparison of observed and

Flux boundary
River computed TDS concentration at a control well at Besant Nagar.
Boundary Figure 8 shows the observed and computed TDS concentration
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:19 30 September 2017

during August 2004. It can be seen that there is reasonable

Constant Head and agreement between the observed and computed values of head
Constant concentration
and concentration values. The hydraulic conductivity varies
from 50.2 to 65 m/day for this aquifer. The initially and final
calibrated values of aquifer parameters in the model are given
in Table 1. The longitudinal dispersivity varies from 50 to 35 m
and tranverse dispersivity is assumed as 1/10 of longitudinal
Y in meters

4.  Use of genetic algorithm in simulation–

The genetic algorithm is a search technique based on the prin-
ciple of natural evolution. GA is most appropriate for complex
nonlinear models in which getting the global optimum is a dif-
X in meters ficult task. After the initial population is randomly generated,
Time varying head
GA applies a sequence of operations to the population, guided
Figure 4. Boundary conditions. by the relative fitness of the individuals, and allows the popu-
lation to evolve over a number of generations. There are many
parameters required to run genetic algorithm namely popula-
varying head boundaries based on the observed head values. tion size, the mutation probability, and crossover probability.
The water level and TDS concentration data for January 2000 Usual way to get these parameters is to do lot of experimen-
was specified as the initial head and initial concentration. tation to find a set of values which solves a particular prob-
lem. A broad rule of thumb to start with, is to use a mutation
3.3.  Aquifer parameters and model calibration probability of 0.05, a crossover rate of 0.6, and a population
size of about 50 (Sastry et al. 2005). To make use of the GA
The initial aquifer parameters for modeling were obtained from application, the basic steps are
the earlier study (Mohan 2003). During calibration, the aqui-
fer parameters were slightly modified to match the observed (1) Description of the problem
head and concentration to that of simulated values. SEAWAT (2) Generate an initial population
simulation model was run for 72 monthly stress periods from (3) Evaluation of the solution set
January 2000 to December 2005. Specifications on observa- (4) Select solutions
tion wells were given in the control points specified, and used (5) Apply crossover operator
for calibration. The hydraulic heads and concentration values (6) Apply the mutation operator
calculated at nine control points (Figure 5) were compared (7) Repeat evaluation
with the respective monthly head and concentration values A brief account of each of these steps are given below
for years 2000 to 2005. The model was calibrated to observed
field conditions by adjusting the hydraulic conductivity and
dispersivity parameters. Dispersivity was varied to match the 4.1.  Description of the problem
simulated and observed TDS values. The calibrated longitudi- The decision variables of the groundwater management prob-
nal dispersivity was found to be 35 m. Figure 6 shows the com- lem are the pumping rates of each well in each management
parison between observed and computed heads for a typical period.

4.2.  Generate an initial population

The first step is to generate a certain number of inputs. In the GA
terminology, each input is called chromosome. The set of chro-
mosomes is designated as a population. Computation is done
over generations. GA toolbox in MATLAB is used as the opti-
mization module for the current problem, in which MATLAB
random number generator is used to generate initial population.
For the current problem, population size is fixed as 100.

4.3.  Evaluation of the solution set

To each chromosome, a value is assigned depending on how
close it actually to the optimum. Stronger individuals, that is
those chromosomes with fitness values closer to the optimal
will have greater chance to survive across generations. Fitness
could be determined by an objective function. The objective
function and constraints for the problem are
( ) ∑N
Maximize Z qt = qi,t (4)
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:19 30 September 2017



qit = f (ht−1
j ) From the simulation model (5)

htj − h∗tj ≥ 0.5 j = 1............, m (6)

Figure 5. Location of control wells for calibration. 0 < qi,t < qi,t i = 1.................., n (7)
where Z(qt): the objective function for a given time period
t; htj: computed hydraulic head at the observation well j; h∗tj:
minimum allowed hydraulic head (MSL) at the observation
well j; qi,t: pumping rate from well i; qi∗ t: maximum allowed
pumping rate from well i; m: number of observation wells; n:
number of pumping wells.
The problem is formulated as an optimization problem to
maximize pumping considering the constraints on water levels
and pumping. The quantity of water being pumped from each
well during the year 2005 was calculated based on the given
rates and that was given as upper limit in the optimization
and the lower limit is set to zero. The constraint on hydraulic
head is given a safe value of 0.5 i.e. the hydraulic head in the
aquifer should be above 0.5 m of mean sea level so that there is
Figure 6. Comparison of observed and computed heads of observation well at no danger of saltwater intrusion. The primary objective of the
Besant Nagar. model is to maximize freshwater withdrawal to meet drinking
water needs from the aquifer, while maintaining hydraulic head
under permissible limit.
Application of genetic algorithm to constrained optimiza-
tion problems is often a challenging effort. There are several
approaches proposed in GA to handle constrained optimi-
zation problems. Among these methods, the most common
method in genetic algorithm to handle constraints is to use
penalty functions (Yeniay 2005). For the current study, the
optimization problem is transformed into an unconstrained
one by incorporating a penalty to the objective function. The
constraints are checked in the objective function evaluation
stage and the constraints for each management period are han-
dled by adding a penalty to the objective function if they are
not met. Penalty will be calculated based on the deviation of
the simulated head from the target head. Greater the violation,
Figure 7.  The comparison of observed and computed TDS concentration of
observation well at Besant Nagar. higher will be the penalty assessed.
Downloaded by [La Trobe University] at 02:19 30 September 2017

Figure 8.  Comparison of observed and computed TDS concentration during

August 2004. Figure 9. Predicted water level after pumping at optimum rate for 18 months.

Table 1. The initial and finally adopted parameter values. to prefer better solutions to worse ones. There are many selec-
tion procedures, including roulette wheel selection, stochastic
Sl.No Parameter Initial value Final calibrated value
universal selection, ranking selection, and tournament selec-
1 Hydraulic conductivity 65 50.2–65
(K in m/day) tion. These different selection procedures were tried for the
2 Specific yield 0.15 0.15 current problem. Stochastic selection was taking lot of time in
3 Effective porosity (θ) 0.2 0.2 terms of number of days to get the optimum, whereas roulette
4 Longitudinal dispersion 50 35
(αL in m) wheel selection was taking only 8 h. Thus, roulette wheel selec-
5 Transverse dispersion 5 3.5 tion was adopted in this selection process. The parent strings
(αT in m) of a string that will exist on the next generation are picked by
6 Density of freshwater(ρf 1000 1000
in kg/m3) a roulette wheel selection algorithm. This means that higher
7 Density of source(ρs in 1025 1025 fitness strings represent bigger parts of the wheel so they have
kg/m3) more chances to be picked.
8 Concentration of source 35,000 35,000
4.5.  Crossover operator
Table 2. Optimum pumping for each zone. After selection, individuals from the population are recom-
bined (or crossed over) to create new offspring. Recombining
Actual Pumping Optimal rate of
Number of during the Year pumping Year good individuals likely to create better individuals. Crossover
Zone wells 2005 (m3/day) (2006) m3/day exchanges portions of a pair of chromosomes at a randomly
Besant Nagar 4 8686.74 0 chosen point called the crossover point. The split position is
Thiruvanmiyur 2 2570.736 0 determined randomly. There are different crossover methods
Kottivakkam 3 1079.075 1070.6
Palavakkam 7 344.3517 317.8 available, namely single point, two point, n point, uniform,
Neelangarai 11 3570.467 3560.6 etc., Crossover does not occur always. Those chromosomes
Injambakkam 2 272.4218 270.3 with a higher fitness value are more likely to reproduce off-
spring. Crossover takes place based on a set probability, called
crossover probability. Two-point cross over is applied for the
4.4.  Select solutions problem. Crossover probability was determined by conduct-
Selection allocates more copies of those solutions with higher ing sensitivity analysis. The crossover probability was varied
fitness values and thus imposes the survival of the fittest mech- from 0.6 to 1. For the current problem, crossover probability
anism of the candidate solutions. The main idea of selection is is fixed as 0.9.

4.6.  Mutation operator transition zone has moved in Besant Nagar–Injambakkam

aquifer, it was found that the maximum length of intrusion is
Mutation generates an offspring by randomly changing the val-
about 750 m. The optimal pumping for the six different zones
ues of genes at one or more gene positions of a selected chro-
in the Besant Nagar–Injambakkam aquifer are found to be 0.0,
mosome. The main purpose of mutation is to maintain diversity
0.0, 1070.6, 317.8, 3560.6, 270.3 m3/day, which implied that
within the population and also to inhibit premature conver-
the pumping from Besant Nagar and Thiruvanmiyur should
gence. Mutation occurs with some low probability called muta-
be curtailed completely. It is also concluded that the reduced
tion probability. The mutation probability was varied from 0.01
pumping as stipulated above need to be followed in the other
to 0.08 for a constant value of crossover probability of 0.9. For
zones a period of at least 18 months in order to protect the
the current problem, the mutation probability is fixed as 0.05.
aquifer from seawater intrusion.

4.7.  Repeat evaluation

Disclosure statement
The steps of selection, crossover, and mutation have to be No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
repeated over different generations. The algorithm stops when
a specified criterion providing an estimate of convergence is
reached. GA toolbox uses four different criteria to stop the References
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4.8.  Optimum pumping program for the simulation of three-dimensional variable-density
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Zheng. C., and Wang, P.P. (1999). MT3DMS—A modular three-
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