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ADVT. NO. HW/1/2020 Examination Pattern, Syllabus and Selection Method for Various Posts [Se | Post [eaminaion Name | Tamnaion Sages z ] No. | No Siage-1 Levelt Stage? Level Siage-37Levet|Final Selection Proce TECHNICAL OFFICER TD = 7 Vacandies - (UR - 28) TT] 1 [ohemicar-21 |Win Tesi (Objectve)- | Candidate wil be called Tor Ni [Based on rterviow | Duration - 2 hours Interview inthe order of mort of performance only 100 Questions fom the [Stage-t examination in the ratio rumentation = 2 lWrong Answer 1 Negative ay i 08C-12, $C-7, ST. 8) S| 5 |Chemical-43 [Written Test (Objective) |For each post 5 candidates on Nil [Weightage of marks for Duration -2 hours = ment basis from Stage-t will be Int selecton- 70% fe Fanieal~ 7 3 = = 100 Questions shortisted for interview. \witen test and 30% in 1 [7 [efetical-7hipart A Psycrometir Iimorvirow. | 5 [8 [ingiumentaion-3—|Aptitude/GK 30 Questions, {aualiying Marks [9°}-9]etfemisiry- —]PartB- Day 0 day Science 20. |iinimur $096 in interview Laboratory 5 | Questions 2) eS Part C-Specii to Discipine-50 lAgSisTANT-8 —_|Questions) ; Correct answer 4 mark cn eee (ure, [Wrong answer - 1/2 negative sc-1, $7-1)\_|mark wl incies -Total 92 - /OBC-22, SC-16, | 4) f 10] 10 JPrécessi Pant [Written Test (Objectve)- | Wren Test (Objective)- |) Based upon the mer [andidates clearing the [Oqprator-58 {uration - + hour [Duration -2 hour list prepared after Stage kil test will be [AT [ AT [chbmistey ~ Preliminary Test |Advanced Test 2, candidates in each | shortisted anc ralory-2 (Total 50 Questions, (Total 50 Questions from resp. _|trade to be shortisted in|empanelled in the ordor 12] 12 feidetrcal-4 [Mathematics-20 Questions, _|irades for IT} and Fao of 1:5 for Skil |of merit based on Stage |Scionce- 20 Questions, IHSC (12m fo Procass Plant Test. [2 marks 13] 13” |Maphanieal iter) |General Awareness-10 |Operator/Chemical Laboratory) 10 ‘Questions) lequal % of questions from 2) The Skil est should [74 | 14 |Mgchanic- Motor |Correct Answer-3 marks | Physics, Chemistry & Maths) [be conducted on GoiNo- Vehicle - 4 |Wrong Answer-t negatve Correct Answer -3 marks |Go basis, 7 mark Wrong Answer - + negative mark 18 | 18 [Wdider-é Qualiying marks 30% & above I |Quaitying marks for Stage-2 [or UR category and 20% & Ag |40%6 & above for UR category [above for reserved category. In 1d 30% & above for reserved ihe even! ofa te, folowang war [category citer to be adoptes in i |sequence fr daciding postion in Te) ae merit ist 5 Candidate with lower negative ! 18 | 18 [Mafon-2 marks in Stage 2 to be placed higher on the mer st, * Candidate wth higher marks in [Stage 1 to be placed higher on the meri it. ete Candidate with lowor negative I [21] 21 NURSE Varancies Irartain Sage 1 fo be paced J. {UR2, oBc-1, ST- higher on the mei ist h) |* Candidate with higher postive [20 | 20" |Caipenter—7 Ya Faiaan marain maberaics Sige 1 (crn [epncaa nate fst) -Vaceries F Ean higher postive Stjea osc Inara n Sconce f Stages cee tiger \\ wh \4s' ee ee eee 3x | Post [Examination Name Examination Sager Ea an No.| No Siage-t Levert Stage-2/ Level ‘Siage-3/ Level Fina Selacion Process 25 [25 |SUBOFFICERIB- [Physical Assessment Test [Only those candidates who | (Written Test (Objective) |Candidates will be: | \Vacancies -5 (UR-S & |(GoiNo Go fasis) [quality the Physical Assessment |- ‘shortlsted and | lose) fect bo caleg tor writen [Duration 2 Hows |ampanood in order of Hest objective) - [Advanced Test 50 mort based on mares uration = + Hour Javestons rocuredn Advanced ProiminaryTest-50 Quostons [Correct Ansmer-3 [rest Glage 3) ICorectanswer-3maris (marke | ltrong Anewer- 1 nagatve makjWrong Answor- 1 | | saan mark ee | ‘Gualijngeriorawilbe miario CAT-2 | |'25 | 25 |STENOGR=117UR-2)|riton Test (Objecivey-[Stonography Skil Test Ni Fra sorcien ibe | | 100 Gvestons Ite shortist of candidates on leasodon evel182 | [Duration - 90 minutos Ino base of Love! t examination combed marks. | corect Answer" 3 marks [should bo into rai of 7:20 0. fWelgmage to bo gvon | | wrong Answer negate for every singe vacancy, 20 lor Levelt and 2 Love! 27] 27 |STENOGR- In mark. [candidates wil be called for the 1 Objective Written test acon 8 (UR, Level 2 examination 20% vel 2 OBC-2, SC-1, ST-1) English, GK, Gen intelligence & 'Stenography Skill Test - | Reasoning and Guanttatve ox | Jattade |Resoktn incase ote a) Level? mars louatiyig crtania - ©) Date ot th | LU Catagoys0% aggregate Alphabet! ordor ot Reserv Category 0% ame (Fst remo, lagoregate ide name. and {Sumame, i that ord) 28 | 28 [UPPER DIVISION rion Test Obiecive)- —— |riten Test (Descrvay wi Final selec wilbo |CLERK - Vacancies - |100 Questions 100 Marks |based on the marks | fa ur, ews.” [Duration 90 Mentos uration -2 Hours obtained in Lvel2 Josc:s. sc, st-1) |Corectanswer=2 marks |par'A- Engle canguogo, lamination lwrong Anewer-tnegetve [Gomprchensin, Pro ord [Covet wile only | mark English Grammer 60% lualtyng exam’ Par B- Descriptive Tost [screening ts o shorts English, GK. Gen Inlaigence& |comprsing of Essay, Noting and candidates. Reasoring and Guanttalve [Orang 50% | Jotiode Ihe shots of carddalos on Resolsion in caso of to ne pass of Levelt oxamination a)Totao Levelt and | louaityne cron - Snot ben ihe ato ot 1:20 6 Lovet 2 marke [UR category agoregate lio every sing vacancy, 20 b) Date of Bn Reserved Category" 40%. leandiots wil be calle or he o) Aphabetcal rae o poaregse terol 2 examination ame (First name, Imaske name, and suname,in that order) | 29. JORIER (ORDINARY [Wrilen Test (OBjcivey Dring Test aed a asing he Ni Final slecionwilbo [GRADE) - Vacancios [50 Questone ering sits and knowledge of lesed on Level 1 & 2 20(UR-%4, EWS. [Duration 60 Minutes motor ering, motor mechanics combined mare | loses, 86-1.) |Conect Answer” 2 marks [and vate leo 8 roguations lwagrage to be gon | wrong Answer 1 negate forovelt and "Love | | mark shorting for Level 2 in 1:20 Fr Obecive witen test | | Fate on mert bassin each foseLevel2- Dring | | lavatyng cxtora category Test 60% UR Catogory's0% aggregate | Resorvad Category 40% Resotsion in cas o te laoareate l)Level2maris | >) Dato ot Bets | lc Alphabetical ororo | amo Fest name, nie name, ana Surname thet order) \. A \ \ ob day Sr] Post [Examination Name No.| No. Stage-1/Levelt Stage-3 /Level-3 30 | 30 | GRIVER-CUM-PUMP | Physical Assessment & Driving |Writien Test (Objective). [Written Test (Objective) Candidates quaiying i] )PERATOR-CUM- Test [Duration - 1 Hour [Duration - 2 hours Physical Assessment FIREMANA - [50 Questions - Preliminary Test |50 Questions Advanced |Test and Driving Test (QPOFIA) - Vacancies |(Maths-20 Questions, Science- Test in respective trade. shall only be allowed to fas (ur-12, Ews-1. [20 Questions and Gen [Correct Answer-3 undertake the writen )BC-7, SC-3, ST-3) |Awaroness-10 Questons,) _|marks Examination. lWrong Answer-1 | Empaneiment Criteria: I [Correct Answer - 3 marks Inegative mark order of Merit based on| |Wrong Answer 1 negative mark| marks secured in Writ Test - (Advanced Test) | | |All candidates with <40% in UR | [category and <30% in reserved category will be screened out | | ~~ Gualifying criteria will be similar to CAT-2

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