Assignment 1 (Mis201)

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Assignment Cover Sheet


Course Co-ord. Mohammad Imran Assignment received:

Course Code MIS 201

Student ID 17201130

Student Name Md. Ayman Iqbal

Assignment Title How information system works? Illustrate with an example.

Total words 1041

I declare that all material in this assignment is my own work.
Signed Date: 24/02/2021

Assessor’s feedback:

Assessor’s Signature (optional) : Dated:
What is information system?

The Information System (IS) refers to the collection of various pieces of equipment
that are involved in information collection, processing, storage and distribution.

Information systems (IS) involve a variety of in-formation technologies (IT) such

as computers, soft-ware, databases, communication systems, the Inter-net, mobile
devices and much more, to perform specific tasks, interact with and inform various
actors in different organizational or social contexts. Of general interest to the field
of IS are therefore all aspects of the development, deployment, implementation,
use and impact of IS in organizations and society.

How does information system work?

Information systems use data stored in computer databases to provide needed

information. A database is an organized collection of interrelated data reflecting a
major aspect of a firm's activities. Information systems capture data from the
organization (internal data) and its environment (external data). In Every
organization needs records of its activities to find the cause of problems and proper
solutions. Information systems come in handy when it comes to storing operational
data, communication records, documents, and revision histories.

Components of Information Systems

The computer age introduced a new element to businesses, universities, and a

multitude of other organizations: a set of components called the information
system, which deals with collecting and organizing data and information. An
information system is described as having five components.
1. Computer hardware
The physical technology that deals with data is this. Hardware may be as
small as a pocket-fitting smartphone or as large as a building-filling
supercomputer. Peripheral devices operating with computers, such as
keyboards, external disk drives, and routers, are often included in the
hardware. With the rise of the Internet of things, in which anything from
home appliances to cars to clothes will be able to receive and transmit data,
sensors that interact with computers are permeating the human environment.

2. Computer Software
It is important for the hardware to know what to do, and that is the function
of software. It is possible to classify software into two kinds: machine
software and application software. The operating system, such as Windows
or iOS, that manages the operation of the hardware is the primary piece of
system software. Software for applications is intended for particular
activities, such as managing a spreadsheet, creating a document, or
designing a document.

3. Telecommunications
To form a network, this part connects the hardware together. Connections
may be via wires, such as fiber optics or Ethernet cables, or wireless, such as
Wi-Fi. A network can be built via a local area network to connect computers
in a specific area, such as an office or a school (LAN). The network is called
a wide area network if machines are more distributed (WAN). The Internet
itself can be considered a network of networks.

4. Databases and data warehouses

This component is where the “material” that the other components work
with resides. A database is a place where data is collected and from which it
can be retrieved by querying it using one or more specific criteria. A data
warehouse contains all of the data in whatever form that an organization
needs. Databases and data warehouses have assumed even greater
importance in information systems with the emergence of “big data,” a term
for the truly massive amounts of data that can be collected and analyzed.
5. Human resources and procedures
The human element is the final, and perhaps most critical, aspect of
information systems: the people who need to operate the system and the
processes they follow so that the knowledge in the vast databases and data
warehouses can be converted into learning that can translate what has
occurred in the past and direct future action

Information system examples

Structure of organizational information system:

There are three levels of information systems: organizational support, support for
knowledge work, and management support. Operational support forms the basis of
an information system which includes several transaction processing systems for
product and service design, marketing, production and distribution. The middle
layer forms the support for knowledge work; it includes subsystems for exchanging
information within an enterprise. Support for management, forming the top layer,
includes subsystems for controlling and assessing the resources and priorities of an
Thank You

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