HR-2-001, Issue 01, Procedure For Training & Development

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Document Code:


Issue No: 01
Title: Page 1 of 2
Dept: Procedure for Training & Development Issue date:
Human Resource


The purpose of this procedure is to define the process for continuous learning &
development of human resources by enhancing their skills and competencies through
the training and development based on vision and objective of the company.

Head of the Admin/HR & HODs responsible for enabling the activities under this
3.1 Training Courses

3.1.1 The training need analysis (TNA) of each individual employee will be carried out by
the HR department as recommended by the line manager through the annual
performance appraisal or as personal development.
3.1.2 HR will extract the training needs of employees from appraisal forms and
recommendations from line manager and prepare TNA on an annual basis.
3.1.3 HR will get back to the departmental head to discuss the training needs on more
specific basis for finalizing the training program and training calendar.
3.1.4 HR will arrange the training programs as per the scheduled trainings through training
request form.
3.1.5 Request for training during the course of year will also be entertained by the
management depending upon the functional and business needs. Prior approval of
top management through a note on proposed training flier or e mail isto be obtained
before conducting formal training sessions.
3.1.6 The employee will be treated as on “official duty” for the period of spent away from
work on the days of approved training.
3.1.7 The record of trainings of each individual employee will be maintained by HR
department on format “Training Record, HR /4/001”.

3.1.8 Evaluation of Effectiveness of Training:

After the training is completed, HR department will evaluate the effectiveness of the
training through the “Training Feedback Form, HR/4/002”. Effectiveness of the
training through the feedback form to be filled by the participant.

3.1.9 Evaluation Methods:

Other than this, any of the following combinations may be carried to evaluate training
a. Line Manager Feedback
b. Interview with trainee
c. Replication of training / learning (3.2.4)
Document Code:

Issue No: 01
Title: Page 2 of 2
Dept: Procedure for Training & Development Issue date:
Human Resource

3.2 In- house Functional Training

3.2.1 Training Needs Analysis

The departmental head review the training needs of their departments periodically
(preferably half yearly) and discuss with HR and Quality System.

3.2.2 Arrangement of Functional Training

The training needs of employees which could be satisfied through in-house
departmental level trainings are arranged and conducted by Managers in their
areas / departments and recorded on “Training Record, HR/4/001”.

3.2.3 Trainer of Functional Training

Manager / or any other trained competent employee considered suitable by the
HOD for this purpose will conduct the in-house functional training.

3.2.4 Evaluation of Effectiveness of Functional Training

After training is conducted, its effectiveness on employees is evaluated by
Department Manager / In-charge by observing their working behaviors and / or
conducting their interviews. The evaluation result is also recorded in the “Training
Feedback For, HR/4/002”.

3.2.5 Training Record

Any training and development activity arranged by HR / departmental head /
Manager, will be recorded in “Training Record, HR /4/001” for ready reference and
easy retrieval.

4.1 Training Record HR / 04 /001
4.2 Training Feedback Form HR / 04 /002
4.3 Training Request Form HR / 04 /003
4.4 Training Calendar HR / 04 /004


Document Designation Signature

Prepared & Manager
Approved by Admin/HR

Head of Quality System

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