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CPS 1 - Advanced Water Heaters, Dehumidification and Tankless Coil Boilers

• Commonly involve a fin-tube copper coil submerged in the

Water Performance boiler water to provide domestic hot water;
• Lower in cost than a separate, fuel-fired water heater or a
boiler/indirect tank combination;
Study on the Performance of Tankless Coil Heating Boilers • With a tankless coil, the boiler must be kept hot in the summer
to enable on-demand hot water;
• Relative to a system with a storage tank have low delivery
Thomas A. Butcher, Neehad T. Islam, and John Levey capacity;
National Oilheat Research Alliance • While more efficiency options are available, roughly half of the
current oil-fired boilers use this design.
ASHRAE Annual Meeting, June 2020
Austin, TX (planned), Virtual Conference

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Learning Objectives Objectives

• Evaluate the output capacity and domestic hot water production efficiency of
several common, commercial tankless coil boilers;
1. Understand the efficiency of tankless coil boilers in a domestic hot water
• Also test a new concept – a “combi” oil-fired boiler with an external plate heat
exchanger and controlled circulation loop for domestic hot water;
2. Identify pathways to achieve higher domestic hot water efficiency with
• Develop best practice recommendations for systems of this type.
tankless coil boilers.
3. Provide an overview of potential benefit analysis of the HMX component
4. Provide a techno-economic assessment of a flame-assisted fuel cell
integrated with a water heater

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Outline Experimental – Test Arrangement

All units tested in the laboratory;
• Description and importance of tankless coil Lab data acquisition/control system provided full
system supervision, data collection, and data
boilers reduction

• Objective of this study

• Experimental approach
• Results
• Conclusions and recommendations

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Experimental – Test Arrangement Units Included in Study

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Capacity Test Operating Modes of Test Item Number 6

• Hydronics Institute – 1978 Mode 1 – Boiler stays hot all summer to provide domestic hot water when needed;
• Test cycle – 5-minute fixed flow draw followed by 10-minute recovery period (no Mode 2 – Boiler goes cold between DHW calls. When a call is present or expected, unit
flow) reheats
• Each test involves three draws at this same flow; 2a Boiler heats up when DHW flow is present
• Test is repeated at different flow rates; 2b “Double Pump” – when occupant turns flow on and off twice quickly, boiler
• Boiler cycles off when boiler temperature is 160°F (88.9°C) above entering water heats up for the coming draw
• Coil nominal capacity is the flow, in gallons/minute that results in an average rise of
100°F (55.6°C). On this unit tests were also done with insulation added on the near-boiler
piping and with a flapper damper on outside air intake.

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Efficiency Test Results of Capacity Test

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Results of Efficiency Test DHW Delivery Following a Long Idle Period
Test Number Test Item Number Efficiency [%]
1 1 40.77
2 2 38.53
3 3 32.91
4 4 32.82
5 5 33.91
6 6, Mode 1 49.37
7 6, Mode 1 with all external piping insulated 51.82
6, Mode 1 w/ piping insulation and air
8 56.00
9 6, Mode 2 w/ DP1 and piping insulation 67.14

10 6, Mode 2, no DP1 62.50

1. DP = Double Pump

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Boiler Cycling During Long Idle Period Test with a cast iron, conventional tankless coil
boiler with an emulated control concept
• If a boiler of this type is also allowed to go “cold” between DHW draws but fired to
Boiler Water Temperature (°F)

pre-heat 5 minutes before the DHW call, can efficiency be improved?
• This control approach was implemented by the lab computer without addressing
how it might be done in a commercial product.
160 • The amount of time, before the DHW call was found to be adequate to bring the
boiler up to normal operating temperature.
• Efficiency in the 24-hour test increased from 33% to 51%.

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
Time (s)

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Comparison of Boiler Water Temperatures During Long Idle Period Conclusions

Eff = 40.77% 1. In capacity tests, conventional coils were found to fall significantly below
Boiler Water Temperature [F]

rated values;
2. The efficiency of tankless coil boilers under summer conditions (DHW
load only) was found to be low – 32.8% to 40.8%
Eff = 49.37%
3. The efficiency of systems of this type can be greatly improved by control
and design strategies that allow the units to “go cold” between long
draws and reduce idle energy losses;
Eff = 67.14% 4. Better coupling between the boiler water and the DHW streams would
allow a lower boiler temperature to achieve the required DHW
5. Ability to operate at lower boiler temperatures results in higher
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 summertime efficiencies.
Time [s]

TIN 6 Mode 1 TIN 6 Mode 2 TIN 1

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The Hydronics Institute. 1978. Testing and Rating Standard for
Indirect Water Heaters Tested with Boilers. Berkeley Heights, N.J. Hydronics



Neehad T. Islam

Thomas A. Butcher

John Levey


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