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Business Background

1 Business Background .................................................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Statutory Reporting Generic Integration Setup ....................................................................................................................... 4

3 Statutory Reporting SOA Management Setup ......................................................................................................................... 7

1 Business Background

Here is the information about integrating the Run Compliance Reports app with SAP HANA Cloud Integration (HCI) platform.

2 Statutory Reporting Generic Integration Setup


In some countries, you can submit your statutory reports electronically by using the web services provided by the respective government
agencies. The S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting, hereafter, referred to as advanced compliance reporting, or ACR uses SAP
HANA Cloud Integration (HCI) for electronic submission of files. You can submit country-specific statutory reports via HCI only after the
successful deployment of Statutory Reporting generic integration content. This document describes how to deploy and configure the
Statutory Reporting generic integration package.

Live HCI test or productive tenant should be available.

Accessing HCI Web UI

The HCI content catalog can be accessed by using the HCI Web UI URL of HCI tenant available in the SAP HANA Cloud
Integration – Notification mail. For example, https://XXXXX-tmn.XXX.XXX/itspaces

Creating User Credentials

In advanced compliance reporting, the online submission of file from the S/4HANA tenant is always sent to the Statutory
Reporting generic integration and then from the Statutory Reporting generic integration to the Statutory Reporting country
specific integration. Communication authorization from S/4HANA tenant to the Statutory Reporting generic integration (HCI
tenant) is maintained in the communication management setup. Similarly, authorization for communication from the Statutory
Reporting generic integration to the Statutory Reporting country specific integration is required. This can be achieved by creating
the user credentials that contain the user name and password details of the authorized user* and configuring the created user
credentials into the Statutory Reporting generic integration receiver section (as explained below).

Authorized user, here refers to user who has the HCI tenant authorization.
To create the user credentials, perform the following steps:
1. In the HCI Web User Interface, choose Menu-> Monitor from the top level menu on the left.
2. Choose Security Material. You can see all the security material, such as credentials and java key store file.
3. Choose Add button, and select the User Credentials.
4. In the Add User Credentials screen, fill in the following details:

Table 2
Field Name User Action and Values

Name Enter Credential Name

Description Free text

User Enter authorized username for tenant

Password Self-explanatory

Repeat Password Self-explanatory

Success Factors Un-selected

5. Choose OK to save the credentials.

The user credentials are created and are deployed into the HCI tenant successfully.
Statutory Reporting Generic Integration Deployment

This section describes the configuration required to adapt the Statutory Reporting generic integration via the HCI Web User
Interface. The Statutory Reporting generic integration configuration and deployment is mandatory for using the Statutory
Reporting country specific integration. Perform the following steps:
1. In the HCI Web User Interface, choose the top left menu icon and choose the section Discover from the dropdown menu.
You can see all the available integration packages for the tenant.
2. Search for the package name SAP S/4HANA Statutory Reporting Generic Integration.
3. Choose Copy to Workspace action for the integration package (button appears on mouse over). To get more information on
the package content, select the package and read the content description.
4. Choose Design from the top level menu on the left. You can see the integration package SAP S/4HANA Statutory Reporting
Generic Integration is copied to your workspace.
5. Choose the SAP S/4HANA Statutory Reporting Generic Integration package. The list of artifacts appear.
6. Select artifact Statutory Reporting Generic Integration and choose Configure in the Action menu.
7. In the screen, Configure Statutory Reporting Generic Integration, choose Receiver tab. Specify the following values:
Table 3

Field Value Comment

Adapter type SOAP Keep default

Authentication Type Basic Authentication Keep default

Credential Name Enter credentials

User credential name created in
section Creating User Credentials.

8. Select Sender tab. Specify the following values:

Table 4
Field Value Comment

Adapter type SOAP Keep default

Authentication Type Select authentication required as

Role-based Authentication or
In case of Certificate based
Certificate Based Authentication authentication, upload the required
certificate which can be downloaded
from the link provided in the SAP
HCI mail notification.

9. Select Parameters tab. Specify the following values:

Table 5

Field Value Comment

ApplicationUrl HCI tenant worker node URL

For example: “https://

Make sure IFLMAP URL (work node URL) is
entered and not the tmn node user. You can find
IFLMAP URL in the SAP HCI notification mail.
Prefix “https:// “to the URL should be maintained.

10. Choose Save.
11. Choose Deploy button and confirm.
The Statutory Reporting generic integration is configured and is deployed to HCI tenant successfully.
3 Statutory Reporting SOA Management Setup

Overview of Statutory Reporting Integration

In some countries, you can submit your statutory reports electronically by using the web services provided by the respective
government agencies. SAP S/4HANA for advanced compliance reporting uses SAP HANA Cloud Integration (HCI) for
electronic submission of files. Service - Oriented Architecture (SOA) management setup is required to set up communication
between the S/4HANA tenant and HCI tenant.
This document provides steps to create a logical port relevant for the Statutory Reporting integration.


● Live HCI test or productive tenant should be available.

● SOA management setup is not transportable and should be explicitly maintained in quality and production systems

● S/4HANA user should be authorized to access the transaction code SOAMANAGER.

Define the Logical Ports

1. Log on to the S/4HANA system.
2. Run the transaction code SOAMANAGER.
SOA Management opens in a browser.
3. Choose the link Web Service Configuration.
4. Enter object name as CO_SRF_GOVT_SUBMIT_SERV and choose Search.
5. Choose the link in the Internal Name column of the search results.
The Define Logical Ports view appears.
6. Choose Create and select Manual Configuration.
The New Manual Configuration of Logical Port for Consumer Proxy 'CO_SRF_GOVT_SUBMIT_SERV' view appears.
7. In the Logical Port Name step, enter the logical port name as CO_SRF_GOVT_SUBMIT_SERV_PORT, and choose Next.
8. In the Consumer Security step, make the following settings:
For basic authentication:
1. Select User ID/Password as authentication settings.
2. Enter User ID and Password for HCI tenant authentication.
For certificate based authentication:

1. Select X.509 SSL Client Certificate as authentication settings.

2. Browse and select the client certificate.
Choose Next.
9. In the HTTPSettings step, make the following settings:
Table 6

Field Value Comments

URL Access Path

You must use the same path.

Computer Name of Access Enter Computer Name Access
URL URL (HCI tenant operational For example,

Make sure IFLMAP URL (work node URL) is
entered and not the tmn node URL. You can find
IFLMAP URL in the HCI notification mail. Do not
prefix “https://” to the URL.

Port Number 443

URL Protocol HTTPS

Set proxy if needed. Choose Next.
10. In the SOAP Protocol step, make the following settings:
Table 7
Field Value

Message ID Protocol Suppress ID Transfer

Data Transfer Scope Enhanced data transfer

Transfer Protocol Transfer via SOAP header

11. In the Operation Settings step, make the following settings: ○ Select the checkbox: Use non-default value for SOAP Action
○ SOAP Action: Enter value Submit.
12. Choose Finish.
The logical port is created.

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