Good English 1A

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] ] A race, te I} Ma, Roderick Hunt 23% y oe Alex Brychta 4a i “i G ) KE 1 Contents BEM AK Lesson 1 Who Is It? Lesson 2 Six ina Bed ------- Lesson 3 The Pancake Lesson 4 Fun at the Beach Lesson 5 A Good Trick -- Lesson 6 Floppy Floppy --- Lesson 7 Is It? ----- Lesson 8 Get on Lesson 9 Floppy Did This Lesson 10 Get Dad Lesson 11 Up You Go Lesson 12 | See Lesson 13 At the Park - Lesson 14 Fancy Dress Lesson 15 Good Old Mum -- Lesson 16 The Headache - Lesson 17 The Pet Shop -- Lesson 18 Push! -- Lesson 19 Making Faces Lesson 20 Goal! Lesson 21 The Journey - Lesson 22 Shopping ------- Lesson 23 Who Did That? Lesson 24 Whata Mess! - Lesson 25 The Ice Cream Lesson 26 Can You See Me? -- Lesson 27 Good Dog ---- Lesson 28 Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 Lesson 32 Lesson 33 Lesson 34 Lesson 35 Lesson 36 Lesson 37 Lesson 38 Lesson 39 Lesson 40 Lesson 41 Lesson 42 Lesson 43 Lesson 44 Lesson 45 Lesson 46 Lesson 47 Lesson 48 Lesson 49 Lesson 50 Lesson 51 Lesson 52 Lesson 53 Lesson 54 iW Re vi What a DIN! --- See Me Skip The Mud Pie -- Hide and Seek Reds and Blues - Big Feet Look at Me «+--+ 100 Go Away, Floppy 103 Kipper's Diary ++ 106 What Dogs Like --- + 109 Go Away, Cat - 112 Go on, Mum! 115 Look After Me 118 Presenter ade “424 Top Dog +124 Floppy's Bone 127 Hook a Duck -- 131 Chip's Robot --- +135 ++ 188 143 The Sandcastle The Box of Treasure One Wheel - 147 Funny Fish ---- 151 The Snowman - 156 Silly Races - - 161 Picnic Time 166 Dad's Birthday 474 Mum's New Hat 176 181 Who Is It? Who is it? Biff and Chip. Mum and Kipper. Floppy and a spaceman. No, it’s Dad. * Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. & ip a 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. & & @® we Gy we By we By 4. Copy the story. | ARGS 5 OS ss ree Biff, Mum, Kipper, Dad, crip, (gilts sri eal) and Floppy. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? The frying pan, the flour, the eggs, the pancake race. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? Fun at the Beach Dad and Mum. - Mum and Dad. Kipper, Chip and Biff. Chip, Biff and Kipper. Dad and Floppy. li Oh Floppy! Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. 12 How did I do? a little box, Prema = 14 Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2, Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? ee > & & & @¢é¢é eo) Floppy Floppy Floppy Floppy. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. 18 How did I do? iy i. i ai 2 BS | 4 [ye I ig 7 | ary | a | 1] | & | LL It is Kipper. Is it Biff? It is Chip. Is it Floppy? 20 Yes. It is Floppy! Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? ai Get on, Biff. Biff got on. Get on, Kipper. Kipper got on. Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. & @ & 2. Read the story aloud. & we gy 3. Retell the story. & or gy 4. Copy the story. a w i 24 Itis Biff. Biff did this. Itis Mum. 26 Floppy did this. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? Se e€é¢¢ 4H 4} 27 Get Biff. Go on, Dad! Go on, Dad! ‘Ba Ba iM iB A = | Mi, f O | | Get Kipper. Go on, Mum! 29 Get Dad. Activities : How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. & = & 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. eéé¢é HAH 30 Go! Up you go, Biff. 31 32 No, no, no! Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? Lame e¢¢¢ HAs 33 ov ov yy H | see Biff. | see Mum and Dad. | see Chip. 34 | see Biff and Chip. | see me. 35 Biff \ Chip Mum and Dad Kipper Biff Fl OPPY and Chip 3 ee | Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. & w a 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. we fy we fy @ & 36 At the Park Everyone went to the park. a MUM ITTY bes wel Ril me Chip went on the slide. ~ 37 @ 38 Biff went on the horse. Kipper went on the swing. Mum went on the see-saw. Floppy went to sleep. Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story.

> & & we fy we fy w 6 42 Good Old Mum Mum put on a big red nose. Mum put on a big pillow. 43 44 Mum put on big boots. Mum put on big eyebrows. She put on a big beard. “Ho! Ho! Ho!” said Mum. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? ae O O @ & @¢¢é¢é cy) 45 46 The Headache Chip had a drum. ® Biff had a recorder. @ Kipper had a guitar. 47 Mum had a headache. Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. oe) gy 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. @ & @ & wo fy 48 The Pet Shop Chip wanted a rat. ® “Oh no!” said everyone. 49 ® © 50 Biff wanted a spider. Kipper wanted a snake. “Oh no!” said everyone. Everyone wanted a goldfish. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? to & & w & & w & & w & 51 52 The car was stuck. Biff and Chip pushed it. ane The tractor pulled it. 53 Oh no! Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. 54 How did I do? & we fy we wo & @ & Making Faces Chip was sad. ® Biff was good. @ Mum was frightened. 56 Kipper was hungry. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? oad & O @ @ e¢é¢ AHH & @ 58 Lesson 20 Goal! 65 & 3 i Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold. @ Floppy got tired. Mum got cross. 59 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. 60 How did I do? @ The Journey “I'm thirsty ,” said Chip. 61 62 “I'm lost,” said Mum. “Hooray!” said everyone. Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. ge : a 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. géé¢ ay a 64 Shopping He got some crisps. 3 He went to the shop. @ 65 He forgot the sugar. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. 66 How did I do? —— eee @¢¢é awe cea Who Did That? “It was Chip,” said Biff. 67 It was Kipper,” said Chip. @ “It was Floppy,” said Biff. “It wasn't Floppy,” said Dad. 68 “It was me.” Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? & & & ¢ w@ & we we fy we Ey 69 What a Mess! Mum made a dress. 70 ® Chip made a scarf. Kipper made a birthday card. 71 Everyone made a mess. Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. &

mi wer! Come on, run to the ice cream van. @% 73 | want the big one. Look at that! Look out, Kipper! Oh no! Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? ee: @eGeGE Ege HAA 75 Can You See Me? Can you see my dog? 76 . iy ny ‘ é “ffl rN! aaa | TT UNCOAESELANNEAN g RETR i Wy Wn Ill NW Tay i [ | INAH fA HU st | it uz | PCS o it, You can see my tiger, if you look in the tree. Are you looking? 77 Can you see me? Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. & w a 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. & & @ @ @é¢@¢ anes) ne Lesson 27 Good Dog 79 You say, “Sit,” I sit. That’s it. If you call, | get the ball. \ J Ut ae You say, “Stay,” | stay. That’s that. 80 But not if | can see a cat. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? 81 Lesson 28 What a DIN! Chip has a tin. 82 What has Kipper got? Bang, crash, bang! What a din! 83 What a din! Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. & = gy 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. oO ee eéé¢é 4H 4) 84 See Me Skip This is the way. | like to do this every day. 85 “Come on, Dad. “Yes, I can. | skip like you.” Can you skip too?” “Look at me. Look at me go!” “Look out, Dad!” 86 Oh no! Oh no! Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? at @¢¢é 4h 87 Lesson 30 The Mud Pie Put in water. Mix in sand. 88 This is a mud pie... 89 - not a hat. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. 90 How did I do? = iy oe ou ean) Can you see me? Yes, | can see you. 91 Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. be es we a eee NNR Om wile S00 le te ta aa, i ae ~~ —_ Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. 92 We can all see Dad. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? ree & & & E ¢¢¢ HAD 93 LT 1 i o i aa 94 Who is in red? Who is in blue? 95 We are all muddy. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. 96 How did I do? oo & & @ ¢@ @€¢¢ a Big Feet Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? 97, Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is it a big giant? No. It is Dad. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? enaab O & & F @éé¢é de) ca) C5) 99 Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. 100 Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Oh, no! 101 Look at me! Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. & ip G 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. ee @ & @ @ & 102 Lesson 35 Go Away, Floppy tl t t Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. 103 Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? oie & & & & eéé¢é AAs 105 Lesson 36 Kipper's Diary % It was a windy day. | went to the shops. 106 3. Wednesday It was a sunny day. | went to the pool. 4 Thursday Hiei a It was a hot day. | went to the park. 107 It was a fun day. Activities Hew did I de? 1. Listen to the story. & Be a 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. @¢é@¢é HAHym 108 They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk. They like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep. ae ; 4 yy L ‘ * 3 | ! (gE) wasn't AE Lesson 24 What a Mess! % ALi! birthday card “11 dress £404 jam Jt lorry £4 made flit 7 made a mess #ii #4} fil tH mess Axil. scart [fh what % 4 183 Lesson 25 The Ice Cream 2kjiti# a big one —-4-A1H) can AY LL come on (Jil Fils) Init, KM, He get 3: ice cream Yk look at 4 look out “yt Look at that! 4/1! run to fi fa) splat fil van (hist) $4 want fi 3 Lesson 26 Can You See Me? PR AEF AL BENG 2 can fit: dog ¥J frog Witt if aR look in the tree (i: #14 looking 747 my Fi picture ii teddy bear Ji FLsik tiger Zi tree Hf Lesson 27 Good Dog #41) as iE in but {Hi kt call 441% cat Shi get J 184 not 4. sit 4 stay 497% That's i JEP 6 That's that. i Jit Hf. very fit, IEA Lesson 28 What a DIN! —}yPi4¥! bang ff bin SS hG can jai tit crash Jf: din my Ay has fi has got 4/ pan Hilti pot titi tin CORP) a Lesson 29 See Me Skip #24 do fk GX HR BEAL) every day ff K go Ira like! YX like? {G++ -4¥ skip és This is the way ik AH this ix too th, Lesson 30 The Mud Pie i ii flat °¥ hand ¥ hat Hi mix fi mud jel! pat ff pie IR, iE sand wf tip out {8)uh water 7k Lesson 31 Hide and Seek #2 iki@ all hide SiH, Kei seek 4k us Hl] Lesson 32 Reds and Blues 415i blues Hib in blue #% ili 4k in red #402 muddy wide reds 411k Lesson 33 Big Feet AB come ih dinosaur 2%, feet IN, 2 (SLL) giant A monster 1%) Lesson 34 Look atMe 73% bike H17% Lesson 35 Go Away, Floppy it 7, Floppy are fit come back |B) go away i: JF painting fill skipping HE#t sorry Xf 7s Lesson 36 Kipper’s Diary Kipperft) Hic diary Hid Friday 430 4, It was a fun day. KK ASAE. It was a hot day. ik KAM It was a sunny day. iX RAE AMA It was a wet day. IKK Fille It was a windy day. i -Kifll al. Monday 414 J} pool wiki, shops [iJti (S24) Thursday /#)9}7) Tuesday 445i) Wednesday /i1))/ Lesson 37 What Dogs Like FIBER A bath weve hates (fh, fh. HK likes (fb. Mth. E) Bx play Ji ili run #3 sleep Hiei walk fia what tf 185 Lesson 38 Go Away, Cat £3, 3if is coming 8k ¢ go away it: Ji little y Lesson 39 Go On, Mum! nj, 9343! again jj 1am going 4&7E init Lesson 40 Look After Me [imide Kate (A%) ladder ffs look after ! i went up the net /f@1: 16 #f Lesson 41 Presents for Dad RAS SFL a box of ft abunch of i, if best Hay ity chocolates 144i J) (42%) flowers 4é (41) for grapes fill) (AL of I= presents #4) (4) the best Dad of all /¥f 47 @ "1 Mk Me (X) Lesson 42 Top Dog IitHv% all tri best of alll J top Iise hy 186 Lesson 43 Floppy’s Bone Floppy #3: ate ' bone ran after if stopped fi 1 bok they fA) took Iie Lesson 44 Hook a duck 4% F duck fi got 4} 4) Gree CBC tH BUN) mee Cp) had a go ik Fist have a go it—ist hook 4) pen & Lesson 45 Chip’s Robot Chip fUtLEs A arm iii head 3 leg jit now Bil 4 robot Hla A yet UA Lesson 46 The Sandcastle jimi bucket if put ... on top #---ie¢E bil sandcastle ybimt sik te Lesson 47 The Box of Treasure WR dig 4% dug #2 found Ai, f here ix HL hid ii map stifel sweets Hk (S240) treasure Wi Lesson 48 One Wheel %h# four 4 look 47, Mf no #41 one —+ three = two ji4> wheel 4¢ (iit Lesson 49 Funny Fish #iii)& boot Mt ¢ crab Wy it fish 4 fishing (ffi funny 4/ A(t) got 43) octopus # ff, SPLASH (isk 78) 4bith 78 Lesson 50 The Snowman & A black blue iif fell it gloves F48 (WM) green 4 ran iti 7 Rb snowman “li A Lesson 51 Silly Races sft te apple {fi 4 banana #fé fell Ri orange ttt & races #EHd (54%) silly WIEN, WeSchy Lesson 52 Picnic Time SF #6] bridge HF - came KT donkeys (42 #) log IAs picnic Ft rain ii rock #41 sat “4 sheep #i time Ih} fa) wall Si Lesson 53 Dad’s Birthday ##fti‘t A birthday “4:11 cake “RE fell off HF PK got on the bike 44: 14/4 187 HCE) RAR LAI HE, Ae a ep Oy Bots, MEE WO Z, UP EE. FES ILI SRILA, HE JURE SI RCH NY EE rs AERO EBA SP MERA OEE. BUR AE SU HE iy. fi AO LEA TY PASAT ARS EEF 2 PA IE MG. CMD GLA ATE, 22 ii ET APU AE TEBE DEES? ARE EW ARBOR, TAT WEE |B, TRAP RBE. Wt Sui ILI ile EU, UBF MH, 4 ANA, SHIEK, PR, YE, FMA, FEAL ICE JL3 2 HR ARSC AP HE. EES ER se bt: 139.00 36 CL Fit + CD)

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