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CIRP 84 (2019) 545–549

29th CIRP Design 2019 (CIRP Design 2019)

29th CIRP Design 2019 (CIRP Design 2019)
Designing aa unique
unique Digital
28th CIRPDigital
Twin for linear
Design Conference, linear infrastructures
2018, infrastructures
Nantes, France
A new methodology to analyze the functional and physical architecture of
Yvan Tchanaa,a,*, Guillaume Ducellier, Sébastien Remy
existing products forTchana
Yvan an assembly oriented
*, Guillaume product
Ducellier, Sébastienfamily
Remy identification
Technology University of Troyes, Marie Curie Streeet 12, Troyes 10000, France
Paul Technology
Stief *,University
Jean-Yves Dantan,
of Troyes, Marie CurieAlain Etienne,
Streeet 12, AliFrance
Troyes 10000, Siadat
* Tel.: +33-6-35-19-40-10. E-mail address:
École Nationale Supérieure
* Tel.: +33-6-35-19-40-10. d’
E-mail address: et Métiers, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LCFC EA 4495, 4 Rue Augustin Fresnel, Metz 57078, France

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 87 37 54 30; E-mail address:

With the recent digitization of the construction industry, the management of a project, from the idea to the use phases, is now based on the
Abstract the Information
Building recent digitization of the
Modelling construction
System industry,
(BIM). While the of
the use management
BIM beginsof to ashow
project, from the idea
its effectiveness in to the useconstruction,
building phases, is now based
it does not on the
Building Information Modelling System (BIM). While the use of BIM begins to show its effectiveness in building construction,
yet linear infrastructure domain. One of the requirements is to manage the infrastructure project data around a common information system, as it does not satisfy
Inyet linearbybusiness
defined infrastructure
the Product domain.
environment, One
Lifecycle of thetowards
trend requirements is to manage
more product
(PLM) theand
definition. Recent infrastructure project
studies suggest isthe data around
combined ato
Dueuse this information
of PLM and BIMthe system,
forneed as
and by
agile the Product production
reconfigurable Lifecycle Management
projects such as roads
systems (PLM)
emerged definition.
to cope Recentproducts
with various studies suggest
and productthe combined
families. Touse of PLM
design and BIMproduction
and optimize for linear
systems as wellconstruction projects
as to choose such asproduct
the optimal roads and railways.
matches, product analysis methods are needed. Indeed, most of the known methods aim to
The advent
analyze of neworinformation
a product one producttechnologies,
family on thesuch as Digital
physical level.Twin, is promoting
Different industrialhowever,
product families, digital transformation. Effective
may differ largely lifecycle
in terms of themanagement
number and
The advent
nature now of new information
of components. all This
phases technologies,
factof impedes an such
the project, as Digital
efficient Twin, isand
comparison promoting
and industrial
choice of digital
appropriate transformation.
product the use of
family Effective lifecycle
the 3D model
combinations foristhemanagement
no longer the
must now
system. consider
A new but thealldigital
methodology phasesis of the project,
proposed of the especially
to analyze Operations
existing To and
products intheMaintenance
view (O&M),
of their when
functional where the use
and of the
are split
physical 3Dseveral
architecture.model is noislonger
aim the
to linear
these model, must
products butnew
in the digital
beassembly duplicate
represented ofproduct
by one
oriented the
only forTo
one Digital
families thefacilitate
Twin the digital
optimization itsoflifetransition when projects
existing lines andare
thesplit into several
creation phases,
of future the linear
assembly mustBased
systems. be represented
on Datumby oneChain,
Flow and only theone Digitalstructure
physical Twin during
of theitsproducts
life cycle.
is analyzed. Functional subassemblies are identified, and
a© 2019
© 2019 The
2019 The Authors.
The Authors. isPublished
Authors. Published
Published by by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V.
Elsevier B.V. a
B.V. hybrid functional and physical architecture graph (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts the
similarity between
Peer-review under product
under families
responsibility of by scientific
of the
the providingcommittee
scientific design support
committee of the to
of the CIRP
CIRPboth, production
Design system
Conference planners and product designers. An illustrative
example of a under responsibility
nail-clipper is used to ofexplain
the scientific committee
the proposed of the CIRPAn
methodology. Design Conference
industrial 2019
case study on two product families of steering columns of
Keywords: BIMPresta France
; Digital Twinis; then
Linearcarried out to give
Infrastructure ; PLM.a first industrial evaluation of the proposed approach.
2017 TheBIM ; Digital
Authors. Twin ; Linear
Published Infrastructure
by Elsevier B.V. ; PLM.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Design Conference 2018.

1. Introduction
Keywords: Assembly; Design method; Family identification transformation: numerical predictions and customized
1. Introduction transformation:
manufacturing. Tonumerical become more predictions
competitive, andmanufacturers
The term industry generally refers to all economic activities manufacturing. To become more competitive,
must adopt advanced and emerging analytical techniques, as manufacturers
The on
based term theindustry generallyof
transformation refers
all economic into activities
physical must
well adopt
as actualadvancedsystemsand to emerging
improve analytical techniques,and
their efficiency as
1.based on
Introduction the transformation of
products [1]. With the emergence of Computer-aidedraw materials into physical well
of the as actual
product systems
range and to improve
characteristics their efficiency
productivity [3]. In recent years, the traditional manufacturing and
products [1].(CAx),
technologies Withthe the emergence
industry graduallyof Computer-aided
integrated productivity
CAD into assembled
industry has in [3].
been Inchallenged
this system. this the traditional
around the the
worldmain manufacturing
surprising in
Due to (CAx),
the the
fast industry
development gradually in
product design in the last century. Virtual design allows theintegrated
the CAD
domain into
of industry
modelling hasandbeen challenged
analysis is nowaround
growth and advances in digital technologies [4]. not the
only world
to with
cope surprising
with single
communicationdesign in
global appreciation andthe lastongoing
ofanthe century.trend
behavior Virtual
of design
object the products,
and growth and
Indeed, advances
a the
limited in isdigital
industry range technologies
experiencingor existing [4].
its fourth families,it
global appreciation
digitalization, of
manufacturingthe behavior of
enterprises thearecreated
before it exists. The result, called a digital model, is then a true object even
important but Indeed,
also to the
be industry
able to is
analyze experiencing
and to its
compare fourth revolution,
is its digital revolution. It refers to innovations and techniques to defineit
challengesit exists.
in The
today’s result, called
market a digital
evolutionary prototype [2]. This digital avatar of the product to a is then a true
continuing is
new its digital
product revolution.
families. It It
can refers
be to innovations
observed that
such as Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR), 3D and
tendency towards
be manufactured prototype
will [2]. This
make of digitaldevelopment
it possible avatar
to of the
digitally product
simulate andto product
the such as families
Printing, Internet
Artificialof Things
are regrouped
Intelligence (IoT), Augmented
Cloud Reality
of Computing,
clients or(AR), etc.3D
features. to
be manufactured
shortened product will make
lifecycles. it
In possible
addition, to digitally
behavior of the products. It will also consider the associated is ansimulate
increasingthe Printing,
However, Artificial
assembly Intelligence
oriented (AI),
product Cloud
use and analyze data from Big Data and Digital Modeling: Computing,
are hardly toetc.
demand of of the products.
customization, It will
being atalso
the consider
collaborative processes between the different actors of the time the inassociated
a global useOnandtheanalyze
product data from
family Big
level, Data and
products Digital
is Industry 4.0. This concept is based on the smart factory,differ Modeling:
mainly in this
product design. processes
with competitors between the different
all over the world.actors This of the main
trend, is Industry
which 4.0. This(i)concept
is characterized thean
by numberis based on the
of components
interconnection of smart
and factory,
machines (ii) and
which is design.
inducing the development from
Apart from increasingly complex products, the globalization macro to micro which
type of is characterized
components ( an interconnection
mechanical, electrical,
systems within production sites [5], but also between them and of machines
electronical). and
Apart results
of economies from remains
in diminished complex
a major products,
lot sizes
challenge the
for to globalization
industry. It systems
external production
world (customers, sites [5], butmainly
partners, also between
other them
single products
production and
of economies
product varieties remains a
(high-volume major challenge
to low-volume
pushes the world of manufacturing to its next digital for local industry.
production) [1].It the
or external
solitary, world
already (customers,
existing partners,
One of the components associated with Industry 4.0 is theother production
families analyze sites).
To cope withthe thisworld of manufacturing
augmenting variety as well to its as tonext digital
be able to One of structure
product the components
on a physical associated with Industry
level (components 4.0 which
level) is the
2212-8271 possible
© 2019 The optimization
Authors. Publishedpotentials in the existing
by Elsevier B.V. causes difficulties regarding an efficient definition and
production 2019responsibility
system,The it
Authors. Published
is important
of tobyhave
the scientific B.V.of the
a precise
committee knowledge comparison
CIRP Design Conference 2019 of different product families. Addressing this
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP Design Conference 2019

2212-8271 2019The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of scientific
of the the scientific committee
committee of the of theCIRP
28th CIRP Design
Design Conference
Conference 2019.
546 Yvan Tchana et al. / Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 545–549
2 Yvan Tchana / Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000

Digital Twin (DT). There are several definitions of Digital 2.2. Benefits of a Digital Twin
Twin [4], most of them describe it as a numerical replica of an
object, a process or a system that can be used for various In recent decades, digital pairing concepts have been
purposes. adopted by industry to represent the physical and digital
In this paper, we will focus on the field of construction, and properties of the current and future state of processes and
specifically on Linear Infrastructure. In the second part we will equipment [10]. Since the definition of the DT concept, it has
define the Digital Twin, before describing in the third how it is been applied to several industrial fields, and has demonstrated
used within the construction sector. Then, we will show how very high potential. Product development can face multiple
using a single Digital Twin can satisfy Linear Infrastructures challenges such as long product lifecycles, difficulty in
requirements. Finally, we will address perspectives of future customizing products, high costs. Central element in meeting
works. these challenges, the Digital Twin allows new ideas or product
configurations, new concepts, new simulations and virtual
commissioning to be tested.
2. Digital Twin: definitions and state of the art One beneficial aspect of DT is collaboration. The digital
twin will allow communication between customers and
2.1. Definitions designers [12]. Indeed, the Digital Twin is a faithful mapping
of the physical product and can make communication between
While the definition of the Digital Twin was at the heart of customers and designers more transparent and faster by using
expectations, the very first use of this word was made in 2002 real-time transmission data. It is the model that allows a shared
by Michael Grieves, during an industrial presentation on PLM conceptualization that can be visualized in the same way by an
[6]: The Digital Twin is the virtual representation of current unlimited number of individuals, who do not need to share the
physical products. A more complete and common definition is same location [6]. It can perfectly guide the improvement of
addressed later by Glaessegen and Stargel in 2012 [7]: Digital new versions by making full use of customer feedback and
Twin is a multi-physical, multi-scale and integrated various problems that have arisen in customers' use of previous
probabilistic simulation of a complex product, using the best versions.
available physical models, sensor updates, etc., to reflect the life The main impact of a digital twin is performance. It turns
of its corresponding twin. These pretty generic definitions don’t that this performance aspect is more relevant during last stage
put the focus on the most interesting characteristic of a DT: of a product: use and maintenance. Among other things, it
Real-time data acquisition. makes it possible to assess the current and future capabilities of
The essence of a Digital Twin is the connection and a system during the phase [11]. Also with real-time data and
synchronization between the data relating to the physical knowledge base, an early simulation of future behaviours
product and the information contained in the virtual product. allows the early discovery of performance deficiencies, which
The virtual product here is the product designed with computer- in turn allows savings to be made. Optimization of the
aided technologies. This core function is considered by Garetti operation, manufacturing, inspections, and leveraging of the
et al. in 2012. They define DT as a virtual representation of a object's lifetime are improvements made by the digital twin.
product, characterized by synchronization between the virtual The data collected during the life cycle will allow the
system and the real system, through detected data and continuous improvement of designs and models, that one may
connected intelligent devices, mathematical models and real- be reused for future product development.
time data processing. [8]
Another way to view DT is throw its layouts. By classifying 3. Digital Twin for the construction industry
the different types of digital mock-up, General Electric's digital
department defines three components of Digital Twin [9]: Manufacturing processes are becoming more and more
 Data model: Hierarchy of systems, subsystems and digital. As this trend continues to develop, many companies are
components describing the structure of the Digital Twin and finding it difficult to determine what they should do to drive
its characteristics. and provide real value both operationally and strategically. In
 Analytical: Predict, describe and prescribe the behavior the aeronautics and defence sector, Digital Twin applications
(current and future) of an asset or process via physical are numerous and offer many benefits, in an environment where
models and models (Artificial Intelligence, Machine economic players are forced to adapt ever more quickly, reduce
Learning) their costs, be highly responsive and able to anticipate the
 Knowledge Base: Data sources that feed into analyses, evolution of their market. [13]. Having the same challenges as
expertise, historical data and industry best practices. those industrial sectors, construction thus needs new types of
technologies for this new wave of digitization - a technology
The implementation of a Digital Twin no longer only that combines digital objects with physical objects, a dynamic
concerns existing objects but also objects to be and interactive technology.
fabricated/constructed/produced. It can also be used to
represent a production process or a connected factory. In this
paper and for future work, we will consider in the case of a
future linear infrastructure to be built.
Yvan Tchana et al. / Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 545–549 547
Yvan Tchana / Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 3

3.1. Building Information Model / Building Information 3.2. Digital Twin or Digital Model?
The BIM is the expression of the digital model in the field
Today, Building Information Modelling (BIM) promises to of architecture and urban planning. While the definition of the
be a facilitator of integration, interoperability and collaboration Digital Twin and the associated processes continue to become
in the future of the building sector. The term BIM has recently increasingly clearer, the definition of the Digital Model has
been introduced as a demarcation of the next generation of since been adopted. A Digital Model is a geometric
Information Technology (IT) and Computer Aided Design representation of an object or set of objects (vehicle,
(CAD) for buildings to focus on drawing production [14]. BIM building...), generally in three dimensions, made on a computer.
is the process of generating, storing, managing, exchanging and Beyond the virtual geometrical representation of the object, its
sharing construction information in an interoperable and other purposes are to analyse, control and simulate certain
reusable way. A BIM system is a tool that allows users to behaviours of the object, to be built or already built. That is why
integrate and reuse building information and domain we have many types of models such as system models, process
knowledge throughout the life cycle of a building [15]. A BIM models, simulation models, etc.
system is a central system for managing various types of The Digital Model contains two essential elements: a data
information, such as Enterprise Resource Planning, resource core and a graphical representation of the structure [17]. The
analysis software packages, technical reports, meeting minutes, graphical representation can be a 2D or 3D representation. The
etc. However, the main feature of a BIM is its 3D modelling richness of the Digital Model lies in the fact that it is intended
system with data management, data sharing and exchange over to contain all the data necessary for the building or
the life cycle of the building. Indeed, a building is composed of infrastructure depending on the progress of its construction and
geometric elements that form the foundation of its design. In operations.
addition, parametric modelling provides powerful mechanisms The Digital Model first makes it possible to understand a
to automate the generation of building information. Knowing product before it physically exists, including through virtual
the object behaviour, these mechanisms would ease prototyping; seeing the product is starting to understand it.
maintenance and validity of building designs. Before and during construction, the technicians and engineers
Like the PLM for manufactured products, the BIM manages who define the product can more easily exchange solutions and
the evolution of the building during its life cycle. Building the various possible technical alternatives, to select the best one
Information Modelling is a model-based approach to the according to their criteria or those of the project. If the Digital
design, construction, operation and maintenance of buildings. Model and Digital Twin seem to have the same definition, the
The model at the heart of the BIM approach is a common and definitions we use differ. The Digital Model already represents
calculable 3D model of the building, which helps to overcome a Digital Twin itself. Even if this model anticipates and
the disadvantages of a paper-based 2D approach. integrates the needs and requirements of the coming phases, it
BIM is therefore a methodology that facilitates is multiplied by the number of project phases. Indeed,
multidisciplinary collaboration and information management depending on the phases of the project, Digital Models or BIM
between the various project stakeholders [16]. The BIM is not models are differentiated as follows [18]:
only a communication tool, allowing to present in an attractive  Design model
and realistic way the operational concepts, but also a tool for  Construction model
the operations and maintenance department. It occurs at four  Commissioning model that corresponds to the as-built, i.e.
stages of the life cycle: the structure as built
 Pre-design or development: to allow a contractual review of  Model of use of the structure
the project.
 Design: to review the design of the sensitive parts of the The multitude of Digital Models later raise some issues:
structure. The BIM allows the operator to better visualize long- term model archiving [19], and traceability and archiving
(in 3D) the future work and to make his comments in the of modification histories. The use of several Digital Models is
right timing. also at the origin of a digital discontinuity during a construction
 Construction: to monitor the progress of the project and project. With each phase change, the information is rewritten,
possibly to comment on a non-conformity or a modification some are lost. The time taken to re-enter information and input
request from the manufacturer. errors are a numerical challenge. One way to overcome the
 Operations & maintenance: the BIM will help the problem of the multitude of models would be to use a single
maintenance operations team to build up the history of digital twin.
inspections and work on the structure with assistance in
filing all documentation, modelling heavy maintenance
interventions and interfaces with traffic (Simulation of work
under traffic); as well as training operators via simulators,
thus improving speed and safety;
548 Yvan Tchana et al. / Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 545–549
4 Yvan Tchana / Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000

4. The uniqueness of the Digital Twin for a linear


4.1. The need for digital twins

The public works sector is split and ranked lower than other
industrial sectors. For each project, the actors are new and
partnerships are built in extremely varied contractual logics. By
Fig. 1. Evolution of the Digital Twin
their construction aspect, infrastructures share the same life
cycles and the same actors as those of the building industry. In
addition to these actors, in the field of linear infrastructures,  Digital Model: A digital model that does not use any form
there are customers (contracting authorities) of very varied size of automated data exchange between the physical and
and organisation (State, motorway, General Councils, etc.). digital objects.
They sign a contract of very diverse natures transferring all or  Digital Shadow: Based on the definition of a digital model,
part of the responsibility for design [20]. Another difficulty is if applicable, there is an automated unidirectional data flow
that in an infrastructure, the construction actors are different between the state of an existing physical object and a digital
from the operating actors. object. This is possible from the construction phase.
These needs are the results of studies conducted by the  Digital Twin: If further on, data flows between an existing
French national project MINND (Modelling interoperable physical object and a digital object are fully integrated in
information for a sustainable infrastructure) [21]: both directions, one could call it Digital Twin. In such a
combination, the digital object can also act as a control
 For collaborative work: accessibility to information must be authority for the physical object. There may also be other
chosen by companies, while monitoring the uniqueness of objects, physical or digital, that induce state changes in the
the model, at the expense of the need for a single data model digital object. A change of state of the physical object leads
and a neutral exchange format to create, integrate or merge directly to a change of state of the digital object and vice
and manage partial data. Models. It would be necessary to versa.
define protocols prefiguring standards and then standards. It
is to satisfy this collaborative aspect that the IFC (Industry Given the existence of a model, the definition of a Digital
Foundation Classes) standard is being developed. Twin can be done in two ways: either by keeping a single
 Structuring tool: the system must allow data models to be Digital Model or by defining a single Digital Twin.
managed by everyone according to their roles, each piece of
information must have an owner and the owner is 4.1.1. Unique digital model.
responsible for the shared information
 3D creation and display tool: for the creation and integration It is a question here of relying on what already exists. It
of CAD models, and the management of 2D plans would be necessary to move away from the classic scheme of
associated with the 3D model. We find this need in the definitions that defines a single model or digital model at each
manufacturing and construction industries project phase. Therefore, the definition of the single digital
 Capitalization tool for optimization: manage the evolution model is done from the study phases, including all the actors of
of information, the validation process to control the quality the life cycle, especially in the exploitation phase. From the
level and the reliability level. outset, it will be necessary to integrate downstream
 Archiving and capitalization tool: the management system management processes such as the positioning of connected
must make it possible to record the modifications that a objects, information retrieval and descent, processes for
Digital Twin has most accurately undergone the objects of updating the digital model, and requirements for
the model to have interoperability with conventional software such as CMMS.

It would then be necessary to develop a digital twin of the 4.1.2. Several models, a single twin
type - as built to monitor the project's progress around a digital
model. The main interest of having a single digital reflection at the
end of the project is to be able to follow the modifications as
4.2. Definition of the unique Digital Twin. well as to trace the construction history of the structure. In this
case, we will keep the different digital models of each phase
It should be recalled that one of the major advantages of BIM which, in turn, will feed the unique digital twin. This digital
is the ability to create, manage and exchange information twin can be managed according to the principles of PLM.
throughout the life of a project. To this end, the use of a digital
twin, as we mentioned earlier, is an asset. This digital twin will
evolve over time. The concepts of numerical model, numerical
shadow and numerical twin were introduced by Werner K,
based on data exchange flows, depending on the degree of data
integration (Figure 1) [9].
Yvan Tchana et al. / Procedia CIRP 84 (2019) 545–549 549
Yvan Tchana / Procedia CIRP 00 (2019) 000–000 5


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