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[8] Roderick Hunt 43% [38] Alex Brychta “$4 Contents REP MR Lesson 1 The Barbecue ~ Lesson 2 Book Week -- Lesson 3 Bull’s-eye! - Lesson 4 The Carnival - Lesson 5 The Cold Day ---- Lesson 6 At the Pool Lesson 7 Midge in Hospital Lesson 8 Roy and the Budgie ---.--- Lesson 9 Pip atthe Zoo - Lesson 10 Joe and the Bike Lesson 11 Midge and the Eggs ------- Lesson 12 Pip and the Little Monkey Lesson 13 The Old Tree Stump «..-- Lesson 14 Missing --- Lesson 15 The Real Floppy -- Lesson 16 The Raft Race Lesson 17 The Spaceship Lesson 18 Dragon Danger Lesson 19 House for Sale -- Lesson 20 The New House Lesson 21 Come In! Lesson 22 The Secret Room - Lesson 23 The Play Lesson 24 The Storm ..------ Lesson 25 The Balloon .- Lesson 26 The Camcorder - Lesson 27 Nobody Got Wet 101 106 113 + 120 127 +134 141 Lesson 28 Poor Old Mum! Lesson 29 The Wedding Lesson 30 The Weather Vane ---- iE vi Lesson oo The Barbecue yo} ) Ha ee J z Wilfs dad wanted a party. He put up some lighis. @ Wilmaand Dad madea_ - a S barbecue. 1. ale Wilf and Mum took the food outside. - “Hooray!” said the children. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. How did I do? & w G we a we & @ & Book Week i ae / Wi tive Pi ay f Kipper ate a lettuce. ® He was the hungry Kipper was hungry. “lam a hungry Kipper,” he said. Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. ¢

Oh & eé¢é¢ HAs 25 @ Kipper looked for his trunks. @ Wilma’s mum took Kipper to a shop. ® They went back to the pool. “| put them on at home,” he said. Activities 1. Listen to the story. 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. 30 How did I do a & && é&éd¢ By Gy By aa Midge in Hospital The ambulance came. The man looked at Midge’s foot. 31 @ They took Midge to hospital. Midge was frightened. He didn’t want to ge to hospital. @ A doctor looked at Midge’s foot. A doctor gave Midge a sweet. 32 She gave him some fruit. 33 ® “It's not so bad in hospital,” said Midge. 34 “It's good to be home.” Activities How did I do? 1. Listen to the story. & oa) G 2. Read the story aloud.

& & € eé¢é a) &) & Joe liked speedway. His dad was a speedway rider. 46 ® Joe's dad was in a race. He was in front. “Come on!” shouted Joe. @ Joe’s dad fell off. “Oh no!” said Joe. 47 © Joe’s dad pushed his bike. “What a rider!” said Joe. © It was Joe's birthday. His dad gave him a bike. 48 Joe was in a race. doe fell off. “What a rider!” said Dad. Activities How did I do’ 1. Listen to the story. & eo ic : om 2 Ee¢ a 2a ie BE Q ae 3 xo = Fe = e little monkey jumped @ They went to the monkey ® Pip was happy too. Activities How did I do 4. Listen to the story. & i 4 2. Read the story aloud. 3. Retell the story. 4. Copy the story. @Oee g@¢¢ HA 2 2 60 Lesson 13 The Old Tree Stump “That old stump has to go,” said Dad. Dad pulled the old stump, Dad called Mum to help. but it didn’t come up. “I'll push it. You pull it,” said Dad. 61 HUET Ty IK TT | | | ( ad < 1 | e \ 4 | MOLL | 4 SOM i \ “When | say pull,” said Dad, Mum pulled and pulled, b “ want you to pull!” the stump didn’t come up. Dad called Biff. Mum and Biff pulled... “! want you to pull,” said Dad. but the stump still didn' come up. 62 Dad wanted Chip to help. They all pulled... “When | shout pull,” said Dad, but the stump still didn’t “| want you to pull.” come up. Kipper wanted to help. They pulled and they pulled... "t| “Come on, then,” said Dad. but the stump still didn’t “When | shout pull... PULL!” come up. 63 “I'll pull as well,” said Dad. They all pulled and pulled... “When I yell pull... PULL!” but the stump still didn’t Floppy saw a bone. He dug and he dug, and... 64 Sa Activities How did I do? . Listen to the story. & o gy . Read the story aloud. BUMP! “Good old Floppy!” said Chip. 3. Retell the story. ' Copy the story. O & & E éé¢é Haya Nadim had a hamster. He called it Jaws. 0 rea |" t “Jaws is a funny name for Nadim put Jaws in his cage, a hamster,” said Biff. but he forgot to shut the cage door. 66 nl ly | Ge Jaws got out of the cage and Nadim saw the cage was fan away. open. “Oh no!” he said. Nadim was upset. The children looked for Jaws. “Jaws has run away,” he said. They looked and looked. 67 Biff looked under the sink. Nadim looked under the Chip looked in the fridge. cupboard. Nadim’s Dad looked for Jaws. “Maybe Jaws is down here, He pulled up the floorboards. _he said. 68 Then Chip had an idea. “Let's get Floppy,” he said. “He can find Jaws.” SS! Sniff, sniff! SNIFF! SNIFF! Jaws was in the clothes “Look in here,” said Chip. basket. He had made a nest. 69

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