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• On-the-Job Training: On-the-job training (OJT) means having a

person learn a job by actually doing it. Every employee, from

mailroom clerk to CEO, gets on-the-job training when he or she joins
a firm. In many firms, OJT is the only training available. On-the-job
training focuses on the acquisition of skills within the work
environment generally under normal working conditions. Through
on-the-job training, workers acquire both general skills that they can
transfer from one job to another and specific skills that are unique to
a particular job.

Types of On-the-Job Training:

• Coaching or understudy: In coaching and understudy

approaches to management training, the incoming or current
employee works directly with a senior manager or with the person
she is to replace.

• Job rotation: Job rotation involves the movement of employees

through a range of jobs in order to increase interest and
motivation. Job rotation can improve “multi-skilling” but also
involves the need for greater training.

Job rotation is seen as a possible solution to two significant challenges

faced by business:
(1) Skills shortages and skills gaps, and
(2) Employee motivation

Skills shortages occur when there is a lack of skilled individuals in the

workforce. Skills gaps occur when there is a lack of skills in a
company’s existing workforce which may still be found in the labor
force as a whole.

Some of the major benefits of job rotation are:

• It provides the employees with opportunities to broaden the
horizon of knowledge, skills, and abilities by working in different
departments, business units, functions, and countries
• Identification of Knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) required
• It determines the areas where improvement is required
• Assessment of the employees who have the potential and caliber
for filling the position

• Special assignments
Informal learning:

American society for training & development estimate

that as much as 80% of what employees learn on the job
they learn not through formal means but through
informal training

Job Instruction training:

Many jobs consist of logical sequence of steps & are

best taught step by step, this step by step process
is called JIT.


They have several advantages; they are a quick &

simple way to provide knowledge to large groups of

Here are some useful guidelines for presenting a


- Gi
ve your listeners signals to help them follow your

- Do
n't start out on the wrong foot.

- Ke
ep your conclusion short.
- Be
alert to your audience.

- M
aintain eye contact with the trainees

- Br
eak a long talk into a series of 5 minutes talks

• Simulated Learning: Simulation is the imitation of some real

thing, state of affairs, or process. The act of simulating something
generally entails representing certain key characteristics or
behaviors of a selected physical or abstract system.
Simulation is used in many contexts, such as simulation of technology
for performance optimization, safety engineering, testing, training,
education, and video games. Training simulators include flight
simulators for training aircraft pilots. Simulation is also used for
scientific modeling of natural systems or human systems in order to
gain insight into their functioning.
Simulation can be used to show the eventual real effects of alternative
conditions and courses of action. Simulation is also used when the real
system cannot be engaged, because it may not be accessible, or it
may be dangerous or unacceptable to engage, or it is being designed
but not yet built, or it may simply not exist.

• Internet-Based Training: Learning management systems (LMS)

play an important role in Internet training. They are special
software packages that support Internet training by helping
employers identify training needs, and in scheduling, delivering,
assessing, and managing the online training itself. Employers
extensively use Web based learning. Many firms simply let their
employees take online courses offered by online course providers
such as Others use their proprietary internal intranets to
facilitate computer based trainings.

• Tele-training and Videoconferencing: Tele training: With tele

training a trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees
at remote locations televisions hookups. Honda America began by
using satellite television technology to train engineers and now uses
it for many others types of employees training. For example, its Ohio
based subsidiary purchases seminars from the National
Technological University, a provider of satellite education that uses
courses form various universities and specialized teaching
Videoconferencing allows people in one location to communicate
live via a combination of audio and visual equipment with people in
another city or country or with groups in several cities. This may
simply involve using PC based video cameras and several remote
trainees, or a dozen or more learners taking a class in a video
conference lecture room. Here, keypads allow audience interactivity.
For instance in a program at Texas Instruments, the keypad system
lets instructors call on remote trainees and lets the latter respond.
• Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS): An Electronic
Performance Support System is any computer software program or
component that improves user performance. Electronic Performance
Support Systems, EPSS, can help an organization to reduce the cost
of training staff while increasing productivity and performance. It
can empower employees to perform tasks with a minimum amount
of external intervention or training.

• Reducing the complexity or number of steps required to perform
a task
• Providing the performance information an employee needs to
perform a task
• Providing a decision support system that enables an employee to
identify the action that is appropriate for a particular set of
• Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Intelligent tutoring systems are
computerized, supercharged, programmed instruction programs. In
addition to the usual programmed learning, intelligent tutoring
systems learn what questions and approaches worked and did not
work for the learner, and therefore adjust the suggested
instructional sequence to the trainee’s unique needs.


• Reduced learning time

• Cost effectiveness

• Instructional consistency

• Types of Programmed Learning

• Interactive multimedia training

• Virtual reality training

• Virtual classroom

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