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Classification of computers based on size and type:


Supercomputer is a computer with very high level performance systems compared to a personal
desktop or laptop which are used for general purpose. Although advance multi-core processor and GPU
has enabled powerful computers for personal use, they are far beyond the performance of
supercomputer. Supercomputer is used in the large scale computation such as weather forecasting,
simulating new materials at the atomic scale, etc. Examples: Summit Supercomputer, Sierra
Supercomputer, etc.

Mainframe Computer:

Mainframe computer is a computer reknowned for their large size, amount of storage, processing power
and reliability. They are mostly used by large organizations to process the high volumes of data. They
have the features of switching into multiple OS at the same time and are designed to handle very high
volume of input and output. Because of these design strengths, the mainframe is often used by IT
organizations to host the most important, mission-critical applications. Examples: IBM zSeries, System
z9, System z10 servers, etc.


Minicomputer is a type of computer that has most of the features and functions of a large computer but
is smaller in size. Minicomputers are generally used for operating mid range servers for the business and
scientific applications. Minicomputers are also used for scientific and engineering computations,
business-transaction processing, file handling, and database management. They possess one or more
processors, support multitasking and can generally handle high workloads. Examples: IBM's AS/400e,
Honeywell200, TI-990, etc.


A small sized computer with a microprocessor as its CPU and designed for use by one person at a time is
microcomputer. They are popular for educational use. Our personal computers are also examples of
microcomputer. They include program memory, data memory and input-output devices. Microcomputer
varies from a large computer having hard disks, floppy disks, and printers to a single chip consisting
controller. Examples: Desktop, Video game consoles, Laptops, Tablet, etc.

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