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ICON College of Technology and Management

Department of Computing

HND in Computing

Unit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project

Assignment Project Title


Lecturer: … Dr Hisham AbouGrad….

Submitted by: Adrian Dobre

ID No: 17679

Session: Spring 2021

Table of contents.
1. Introduction.

1.1. Background

Technology has improved tremendously from the recent past. Among the strides technology has
made is the introduction of IoT devices. IoT stands for Internet of Things. IoT devices are an
extension of the traditional computer system capabilities. Traditionally, even till today – we have
computers and other communication devices like mobile phones connected together using a
network. IoT has extended the network to include other devices i.e., motion sensors, self-driving
cars with some remote control, automatic switches amongst other physical devices; the list is
long. All the IoT devices makes use of the internet. They also share data amongst themselves.
Each of the device is able to process data and change its state (make decision) on its own without
a human being interrupting. A good example for such a scenario is a modern street light. Once
the sun has shined (or say its 6 am), it goes off; in the evening, it automatically goes on too.
Another brilliant IoT device is modern security light. It is able to sense footsteps and goes on,
then goes off again after footsteps are longer being heard. It is also good to note that, a smart
phone or a computer is not necessarily an IoT device. Some other devices like smart watches or
fitness bands may be considered IoT devices because of non-interaction with human beings.

IoT history traces back to 1980s – 80s. Though, other scholars propose that, it was even earlier.
Some initial projects that piloted IoT includes vending machine connected to the Internet. They
were drawbacks in early ages of IoT. There were no enough technology inventions to drive IoT
devices. A good example is, there were no reliable chips to be used with IoT devices. Also, chips
that were available were big, and consumed a lot of power. As the years progressed, so was the
technology. Introduction of low power consumption chips and introduction of IPv6 kick started
rapid increase of IoT devices. IPv6 increased the number of IP addresses available, thus more
IoT devices could be connected together. IoT (Internet of Things) was coined by Kevin Ashton
back in 1999, but it took many years for it to develop into tangible technology subset. It is
projected that, in 2025 over 41.6 billion IoT devices will be connected in the world.
1.2 Problem Statement.

In the recent past, there has been a tremendous increase in development of IoT devices. We get a
chance to use an IoT device at least each day. When we go to the bank, we come across
automatic doors. Our smart phones remind us about Covid – 19 measures everyday etc., IoT
devices are the next generation drivers of the modern world. Despite exponential growth in
numbers of IoT devices, effects on such applications are still not yet been clearly identified and
described. This project is aimed at establishing the impact of the IoT on the day to day
interactions we have with the gadgets.

1.3 Scope

While there has been an increase in development and implementation of IoT devices, impact of
such devices has not been well documented. Aim of this study was to narrow down to impact of
the IoT on the day to day interactions we have with the gadgets; in particular, our home (smart
homes), our office (smart buildings) and in the local environment (smart cities). Research was
carried out within 4 weeks, beginning from 11th of May – 9th of June, 2021.

1.4 Objectives.

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