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Environmental Research 165 (2018) 324–329

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Assessment of human health risk associated with methylmercury in the T

imported fish marketed in the Caribbean
Fabio Fuentes-Gandaraa, Claudia Herrera-Herreraa, José Pinedo-Hernándezb,
⁎ ⁎
José Marrugo-Negreteb, , Sergi Díezc,
Department of Natural and Exact Sciences, Universidad de la Costa, Calle 58 Nº 55-66, 080002, Barranquilla, Colombia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Water, Applied and Environmental Chemistry Group, University of Córdoba, Monteria, Colombia
Department of Environmental Chemistry, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, IDÆA-CSIC, 08034 Barcelona, Spain


Keywords: The decline in marine and freshwaters catches in recent years in Colombia has led to a change in dietary habits,
Total mercury with an increase in the purchase and consumption of imported fish. This is of particular concern as fish are
Canned tuna sometimes caught in mercury-contaminated waters, and are subsequently sold canned or uncanned. In addition,
Imported fish canned tuna has received little attention as it is widely assumed that concentrations are low. In this study, total
Potential risk
mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations were evaluated in three imported fish species mar-
keted in Colombia, Prochilodus lineatus, Prochilodus reticulatus, and Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, plus four
brands of canned tuna and one of sardines. One brand of tuna showed the highest mean concentrations of THg
(0.543 ± 0.237 μg/g, wet weight, ww) and MeHg (0.518 ± 0.337 μg/g ww), while concentrations in P. hy-
pophthalmus were approximately 30 times lower (≈0.02 µg/g ww). The estimated weekly intake (EWI) in
children was above the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) of MeHg established by the Joint FAO/World
Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) in 2007, 1.6 μg/kg body weight (bw)
per week, for all the canned tuna brands. Values for adults were below PTWI, whereas for women of childbearing
age, values were above PTWI only for brand D of canned tuna. The estimate of the potential risk indicated that
MeHg levels in canned tuna can generate negative effects in vulnerable groups, while the EWI of fresh fish did
not pose a threat to the general population. Therefore, establishing strategies to address the high consumption of
canned tuna, and continuous monitoring to control commercial food, are recommended to decrease Hg ex-

1. Introduction Lee, 2010; Bosch et al., 2015).

Of the trace metals, mercury (Hg) causes the most concern due to its
Fish have been recognized as an integral component of the diet, wide distribution, persistence and mobility in the environment, bioac-
providing a healthy source of energy, high-quality protein, vitamins cumulation, toxicity and trophic transfer to human beings, mainly in its
and a broad range of other important nutrients (Pieniak et al., 2010). In organic forms such as methylmercury (MeHg) (Díez et al., 2007;
addition, fish are an important source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty Marrugo-Negrete et al., 2008a; Liao et al., 2016; Salazar-Camacho
acids that are known to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and et al., 2017). MeHg is the most toxic form of Hg, as it is easily bioac-
contribute to the normal neurological development of children cumulated and biomagnified in the food chain (Carrasco et al., 2011;
(Mozaffarian and Wu, 2011; Swanson et al., 2012). Gewurtz et al., 2011). Since a high percentage of Hg exists as MeHg in
Despite the potential benefits of fish intake on health, chemical aquatic biota (Lacerda et al., 1994; Morel et al., 1998; Carrasco et al.,
contaminants contained in these products have become a topic of 2009), the main source of human exposure to MeHg is through fish
concern, especially for regular fish consumers (Hightower and Moore, consumption (Rice et al., 2014), and is able to become a neurotoxic
2003; Burger et al., 2008; von Stackelberg et al., 2017). Trace metal potential agent (UNEP, 2010).
contaminants are a risk to public health as they can accumulate in In Colombia, the per capita consumption of fishery products is
aquatic organisms (Dórea, 2008; Fuentes-Gandara et al., 2016), and 4.73 kg/year, which is low compared with countries such as Spain
diet is the main route of exposure for the general population (Kim and (38 kg/year), Japan (54 kg/year), and the average of consumption in

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: jlmarrugon@hotmail.com (J. Marrugo-Negrete), sergi.diez@idaea.csic.es (S. Díez).

Received 23 January 2018; Received in revised form 5 April 2018; Accepted 3 May 2018
0013-9351/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
F. Fuentes-Gandara et al. Environmental Research 165 (2018) 324–329

Latin America (18 kg/year) (MADR, 2013). The National Nutrition Si- CRM IAEA-407 (THg 0.222 ± 0.024 µg g−1 dry weight, dw), and the
tuation Survey (ENSIN, 2010) concludes that 61% of Colombians con- recovery percentage for THg was 97.0 ± 0.2%. The detection limit for
sume fish or shellfish once a month, and only 27% consume them THg was 0.014 µg g−1 dw, calculated as three times the standard de-
weekly. viation (SD) of the blank (n = 7).
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and MeHg was analysed using gas chromatography with electron-cap-
Development (OECD), production from capture fisheries has decreased ture detection (Marrugo-Negrete et al., 2008b) using a MeHg calibra-
significantly (about 50%) over the last ten years, mainly due to over- tion curve (methylmercury chloride; Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO,
exploitation of the principally harvested species (OECD, 2016). USA). The fish samples (0.2–0.3 g) were digested with HCl, NaBr and
The decline in marine and freshwaters catches in recent years in toluene. After centrifugation and several extraction steps with cysteine,
Colombia has led to an increase in the purchase of imported fish. Total an aliquot of the organic phase was injected into the gas chromatograph
imports of fish products increased almost sevenfold over the period (Model PE Autosystem XL). The detection limit for MeHg was
2004–13. Imports are mainly from Vietnam, Chile, Ecuador, Senegal, 0.009 µg g−1, calculated from the SD of ten blanks. Analytical quality
China, South Africa and, since 2013, the USA (FAO, 2015). Recently, control of the method was performed in triplicate using dogfish muscle
the National Administrative Department of Statistics of Colombia CRM DORM-2 (4.47 ± 0.32 µg g−1), and the recovery percentage was
(DANE) reported that during 2016, around 96,000 Mg of fishery pro- 105 ± 5%.
ducts arrived in the country, representing an increase of 2% compared
to 2015. The most imported products are the basa fish from Vietnam, 2.2. Human health risk assessment
bocachico from Argentina and Venezuela and canned fish (e.g. tuna and
sardine) from Ecuador, Chile, USA, China and Vietnam. The most no- To estimate the potential risk, the study was based on data from a
table trend is the importation of basa fish and canned tuna, products survey on food consumption in different locations in Barranquilla. The
that are in high demand as they are competitive, low import cost surveys were carried out in three local fish stores located in the centre
aquaculture products sourced in Asia with a low market price. of the city of Barranquilla, adjacent to the public market, and also in
The objectives of our study were to determine the THg and MeHg two national chain supermarkets located in the north. Individuals
content in imported fish products, i.e fresh and canned fish, that are the (n = 150) from the general population that were shopping in the local
most common and popular in Colombia, and subsequently estimate the stores and supermarkets were asked for their frequency of fish con-
weekly tolerable intake of Hg with reference to the recommendations sumption, which species they consumed most frequently and the
from the international agencies. number of cans and fresh fish per day. The gender, age, educational
level, social class and educational status of each subject were also re-
2. Materials and methods corded. 56% of the surveyed population was male, and around 6% of
the women surveyed were pregnant (8–24 weeks). In addition, 58% of
2.1. Collection and analysis of samples the population that bought fish in the local stores were at least at
secondary level in school, while in supermarkets, 63% of the buyers
Three fish species, and canned tuna and sardine samples, were were professionals. Finally, the people surveyed were a clear example
purchased in local stores and supermarkets located in the centre and of the inhabitants of the Caribbean region as they shared certain cul-
north of Barranquilla (northern Colombia) from September 2016 to tural traits, particularly the tradition of fish consumption.
March 2017. The samples were selected based on their presence in Potential risk was evaluated from the estimated weekly intake
fisheries throughout the year and because they are the most common (EWI) of Hg per kg of bodyweight of the person exposed (μg/kg body
imported fish products consumed. The samples included bocachico ar- weight (bw)/week) using the equation described by UNEP (2008):
gentino (Prochilodus lineatus), bocachico venezolano (Prochilodus re-
ticulatus), basa fillet (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) from Vietnam and WI × [Hg]
four different brands of canned tuna (CT) from China (A), Ecuador (B BW (1)
and C) and Colombia (D), and one brand of canned sardines (CS) from where WI is the weekly intake of fish (kg/week), [Hg] is the con-
Ecuador (E). centration of Hg in fish (μg /kg−1) and BW is the bodyweight of the
For each fish species and canned fish sample, 20 specimens and 20 person in kg. In addition, the permissible concentration of MeHg in fish
cans of each brand were obtained, totalling 160 samples. Special care for human consumption was determined. The concentration of MeHg
was taken to maintain the physical appearance and condition of the that the consumed fish species should contain to avoid exceeding the
fresh fish samples. For each brand, we collected ten cans of tuna EWI concentration established by FAO/WHO (2007) (e.g. the PTWI)
shredded in vegetable oil, ten cans of tuna in water and 20 cans of was estimated by considering the EWI and the amount of fish eaten per
sardines in tomato sauce. week. Thus, MeHg content was calculated by the following equation:
Fresh fish samples were individually packaged in labelled poly-
ethylene bags, refrigerated and transported to the laboratory for ex- [MeHg] × PTWI
[MeHg]permissible =
amination. Similarly, canned samples were transported unopened to EWI (2)
prevent contamination of samples. Dorsal muscle samples (3 cm, −1
where [MeHg] is the concentration of MeHg in fish (μg /kg ) and
weighing approximately 10 g) were dissected, and immediately frozen
PTWI is the provisional tolerable weekly intake, a reference value es-
and stored at −20 °C until THg and MeHg were determined. The
tablished by the Joint FAO/World Health Organization (WHO) Expert
canned fish samples were selected according to the brands of tuna and
Committee on Food Additives (FAO/WHO, 2017). In 2006, the JECFA
sardines that are certified by The National Institute of Food and Drug
(FAO/WHO, 2007) established a PTWI for MeHg at 1.6 μg/kg bw/week
Monitoring (INVIMA), with existing health registration. For each
for sensitive groups such as women of childbearing age (WCA) and
canned fish sample, cans were opened and the water, vegetable oil or
young children (CHD). A higher ingestion rate (3.2 μg/kg bw/week)
tomato sauce was drained. The meat was homogenised using a food
was allowed for adults from the general population (AGP). The max-
blender with a stainless-steel blade.
imum amount of fish that can be consumed weekly per person (MFW),
For THg analysis, samples (0.5 g wet weight, ww) were digested
without harmful effects to health, was calculated using the following
with H2SO4/HNO3, (2:1) for 2 h at 100 °C (Sadiq et al., 1991; Marrugo-
Negrete et al., 2008a), and Hg concentration was determined using cold
vapour atomic absorption spectrophotometry (CV-AAS) (Thermo Sci- PTWI × WI
entific model iCE series 3500). Quality control was performed using EWI (3)

F. Fuentes-Gandara et al. Environmental Research 165 (2018) 324–329

samples) have omnivorous feeding habits, and the canned species

(62.5% of samples) have different eating habits, for example, tuna are
carnivores and sardines are planktivores. Significant differences were
observed between fresh fish samples (p < 0.05), and also between
fresh and canned samples (Fig. 1). Statistical comparisons of Hg levels
in tuna canned in water and in vegetable oil for a specific brand showed
no significant differences (p > 0.05) (Supplemental material, Table 1).
Therefore, values for a specific brand of tuna canned in water and ve-
getable oil were expressed as means (Fig. 1). The highest mean levels of
THg and MeHg (0.543 ± 0.238 and 0.518 ± 0.337 μg/g, respectively)
were found in canned tuna, which is in accordance with the literature
(Okyere et al., 2015; Alcala-Orozco et al., 2017). This can be attributed
to the fact that tuna is a predator, and can accumulate large amounts of
Hg (Nicklisch et al., 2017; Drevnick et al., 2015). Mean THg and MeHg
levels were 0.405 ± 0.111 and 0.371 ± 0.105 μg/g, respectively, for
all canned tuna brands.
The Hg levels in the fish samples were in the following order: brand
Fig. 1. THg and MeHg concentrations (µg/g in ww); CT: canned tuna; CS: D > brand C > brand B > brand A > P. reticulatus > P. lineatus >
canned sardine. Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).
brand E > P. hypophthalmus. Other studies have reported a positive
correlation between trophic levels and Hg concentrations in fish,
2.3. Statistical analysis showing biomagnification of Hg in organisms that have the highest
trophic levels (Ikemoto et al., 2008; Tadiso et al., 2011; Carrasco et al.,
The results are presented as the means ± SD of the samples ana- 2011; Fuentes-Gandara et al., 2016). Bioaccumulation and biomagni-
lysed. As THg and MeHg levels were not normality distributed fication of Hg in fish depends on their habitat, size (bodyweight and
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), the Spearman test was used to assess cor- length), gender, age, the type of tissue analysed, and physiological
relation. The Mann-Whitney U non-parametric test was used to evaluate conditions (Raja et al., 2009; Naeem et al., 2011). Additionally, the type
whether there were significant differences between fresh fish species of aquatic ecosystem, the degree of water pollution, Hg speciation and
and canned fish brands. Statistical analyses were performed using the R bioavailability in water, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, water
Project for Statistical Computing program (version 3.4.3). temperature and transparency, geographical location and the season in
which the fish are caught affect the Hg concentrations in various fish
species (Dural et al., 2007; Bahnasawy et al., 2009). As a result, the
3. Results and discussion
differences in Hg concentration between the brands of canned fish
analysed, and even the variations between different cans, could be at-
Fig. 1 shows the THg and MeHg concentrations obtained from the
tributed to the age of the fish (Okyere et al., 2015). It is also possible
samples of fresh fish species and canned fish. Two species (P. lineatus
that trace metals may contaminate fish during the canning process, for
and P. reticulatus) accounted for 25% of the samples collected and have
example with lead (Okyere et al., 2015).
detritivore feeding habits. The P. hypophthalmus species (12.5% of

Table 1
Summary of studies (2007–2017) on THg (ppm) in similar fresh fish species and canned fish at various worldwide locations. C: canned; F: fresh.
Country Species/reported name C F THg ± SD Range Reference

Brazil Prochilodus lineatus X 0.062–0.378 Teodoro (2007)

Venezuela Prochilodus mariae X 0.33 ± 0.11 Kwon et al. (2012)
Brazil Prochilodus argenteus X 0.004 ± 0.002 0.001–0.0084 Costa and Lacerda (2014)
Brazil Prochilodus nigricans X 0.0058–0.0084 Lacerda et al. (2014)
Bolivia Prochilodus nigricans X 0.10 ± 0.03 Rivera et al. (2016)
Vietnam Pangasianodon hypophthalmus X 0.03 ± 0.01 0.03–0.04 Orban et al. (2008)
Vietnam Pangasianodon hypophthalmus X 0.41 ± 0.08 0.31–0.59 Ferrantelli et al. (2012)
Malaysia Pangasianodon hypophthalmus X 0.099 ± 0.007 Mok et al. (2012)
Italy Tuna not specified X 0.41 0.04–1.79 Storelli et al. (2010)
Turkey Tuna not specified X 0.14 Mol (2011)
Mexico Thunnus albacares X 0.362 Ruelas-Inzunza et al. 2011
Spain Thunnus albacares X 0.222 0.035–0.894 Olmedo et al. (2013)
Iran Thunnus albacares X 0.143 Hosseini et al. 2013
Libya Thunnus albacares X 0.268 ± 0.186 0.03–0.75 Abolghait and Garbaj (2015)
Ghana Tuna not specified X 0.16 ± 0.030 0.12–0.20 Okyere et al. (2015)
Jamaica Thunnus thynnus X 0.29 Ricketts et al. (2016)
Spain Thunnus albacares X 0.306 ± 0.160 0.08–0.715 García et al. (2016)
Iran Thunnus albacares X 0.13 ± 0.05 0.09–0.18 Sobhanardakani (2017)
Colombia Tuna not specified X 0.66 ± 0.05 Alcala-Orozco et al. (2017)
USA Sardine not specified X < 0.09 Shiber (2011)
Turkey Sardine not specified X 0.046 ± 0.053 0.000–0.223 Mol (2011)
Spain Sardine pilchardus X 0.000–0.012 Olmedo et al. (2013)
Ghana Sardine not specified X 0.02 ± 0.01 0.01–0.03 Okyere et al. (2015)
Jamaica Sardine pilchardus X 0.02 Ricketts et al. (2016)
Colombia Thunnus albacares X 0.405 ± 0.111 1.473–0.067 This study
Prochilodus reticulatus X 0.080 ± 0.023 0.112–0.042
Prochilodus lineatus X 0.047 ± 0.009 0.064–0.034
Pangasianodon hypophthalmus X 0.019 ± 0.006 0.032–0.010
Sardine (not specified) X 0.038 ± 0.005 0.045–0.031

F. Fuentes-Gandara et al. Environmental Research 165 (2018) 324–329

Concentrations of Hg in this study were compared with those from MeHg in most human populations. Several governments have estab-
recent studies (2005–2017) that included similar species (e.g. P. mariae lished legal limits on the maximum levels of Hg and/or MeHg for fish
or Thunnus albacares) and different countries (Table 1). When compared and fishery products that can be sold commercially on the market. In
with other studies, Hg concentrations in P. lineatus and P. reticulatus general, permitted concentrations are 0.5 µg/g ww in non-predatory
species from this study were lower than those reported by Teodoro fish and 1 µg/g ww in predatory fish. These values are based on data
(2007) in Pantanal (Brazil), Kwon et al. (2012) in Venezuela and Rivera recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as an acceptable
et al. (2016) in Bolivia. Hg levels were one order of magnitude higher tolerance limit for human consumption (WHO, 2008). Similarly, the US
than in similar fish species, such as P. argenteus and P. nigricans, caught Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set the level at 1 µg/g in fish
in the Jaguaribe River (Costa and Lacerda, 2014) and the Amazon basin and shellfish. The European Union has only set maximum levels (MLs)
(Lacerda et al., 2014), respectively. The Hg levels found in the P. hy- for THg content in fishery products at 0.5–1.0 µg/g ww (EFSA, 2012),
pophthalmus species were the lowest when compared with those from but in Japan the ML is 0.4 µg/g ww (0.3 µg/g ww for MeHg) (UNEP,
Vietnam (Orban et al., 2008; Ferrantelli et al., 2012) and Malaysia (Mok 2010). These values have been established for the general population,
et al., 2012). which typically has relatively low fish consumption compared with
In this study, Hg concentrations in all the samples of canned tuna subsistence fishing populations, coastal communities or river fishing
were higher than those reported elsewhere, except for Italy (Storelli villages.
et al., 2010) and Colombia (Alcala-Orozco et al., 2017). In the sardine At the national level, Resolution 122 from the Ministry of Health
samples, Hg concentrations were low compared with other studies in and Social Protection of Colombia (MinSalud, 2012) established tech-
the USA (Shiber, 2011) and Turkey (Mol, 2011), however, were higher nical regulations on the chemical and microbiological requirements for
than those reported in Spain (Olmedo et al., 2013), Ghana (Okyere fishery products, particularly fish and shellfish, for human consump-
et al., 2015) and Jamaica (Ricketts et al., 2016). tion. The maximum Hg concentrations in fish products are the same as
The MeHg content had a statistically significant correlation with recommended above, i.e. 0.5 µg/g, but for fish such as tuna, a limit of
THg content (r = 0.994, p < 0.05). The mean amount of MeHg as a 1 µg/g is allowed.
percentage of THg for all the samples was 89 ± 5% (range 81–95%), According to the surveys, the amount of fish consumed weekly
indicating that the methylated neurotoxic organic form of Hg was ranged from 285 to 388 g/week, which is close to the calculated
predominant in the muscle tissue of fish. Of the fish species analysed, amount of allowed fish weekly (MFW) (Table 2) for canned tuna (mean
the highest percentage of MeHg (96%) was found in tuna. value 326 g). These results suggest that young consumers should eat
only 69 g per week of canned tuna if they choose brand D. For the other
3.1. Potential risk brands, more tuna can be consumed per week, because MFW values
were higher for brands A to C (100–132 g/week). Considering that the
In this study, the potential health risk associated with Hg was cal- net weight of a regular can of tuna is 160 g, these results suggest that
culated assuming bodyweights of 22.4 kg for children (2–10 years) children should not eat any can of tuna. Pregnant women should eat no
(CHD), 51.9 kg for women of childbearing age (WCA) and 64.9 kg for more than two cans of tuna per week, and just one can if tuna is from
the general population (AGP) (ENSIN, 2005). According to the diet brand D. The AGP group should eat no more than four to five cans, or
survey (n = 150), the following mean values of weekly fish intake for less (two to three) if they choose brand D.
canned tuna (0.285 kg), canned sardines (0.325 kg), basa (0.340 kg), P. Different international administrations, such as the Environmental
lineatus (0.307 kg) and P. reticulatus (0.388 kg) were used to calculate Protection Agency (EPA) and the FDA, are advising populations to
the risk estimates. avoid some types of fish and eat fish that are lower in Hg and MeHg. In
Table 2 shows the values obtained for EWI, in fresh and canned fish, Colombia, the National Institute of Food and Drug Monitoring
with the highest values for WCA and AGP groups ranging from 1.19 to (INVIMA) recommend that CHD, WCA and AGP groups should eat one,
2.50 µg/kg bw/week for canned tuna. The maximum EWI value for two and four cans of tuna per week, respectively. Our results are in
MeHg in the CHD group was 6.59 µg/kg bw/week, about four times the accordance with government recommendations, although they are
PTWI. In all the population groups, the highest EWI value was recorded stricter for the consumption of brand D.
in canned tuna (brand D) and the lowest value was in panga fish, six Balancing the risks and benefits of fish consumption is a major
times lower than PTWI in the CHD group. The EWI values calculated for public health issue. Fish provides high-quality low-fat protein and
the AGP group were below the PTWI, except for brand D of the canned contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids (Oken et al., 2008; Domingo et al.,
tuna; however, in general, did not pose a threat to the general popu- 2007; Díez, 2009). Omega-3 fatty acids have primarily received the
lation. The calculated EWI values for all the fresh fish species ranged most attention, however, there are also the potential benefits of ob-
from 0.08 to 1.3 μg/kg bw/week, with maximum values in the CHD taining selenium (Se) from fish consumption (Kaneko and Ralston,
group that were close to the MeHg PTWI. 2007; Gochfeld et al., 2012; Cusack et al., 2017; Looi et al., 2016). Se in
It is well known that eating fish is the primary route of exposure to fish may counterbalance Hg toxicity (Khan and Wang, 2009), and it has

Table 2
Estimate of the potential risk in the population, by consumption of contaminated fish imported object of study. EWI (µg/kg bw/week) is the Estimated Weekly Intake
of MeHg; MeHgpermissible is the permissible safety level (μg/g), and MFW (g) is the estimated maximum amount of fish that can be weekly consumed per person. CHD:
children, WCA: women of childbearing age, AGP: Adults of general population.
Species common name EWIa (µg/kg bw/week) MeHg permissible (μg/g) MFW (g)


P. reticulatus (bocachico venezolano) 1.30 0.49 0.45 0.09 0.24 0.54 479 1263 2775
P. lineatus (bocachico argentino) 0.58 0.22 0.20 0.12 0.31 0.68 854 2253 4947
P. hypophthalmus (panga or basa) 0.25 0.09 0.08 0.11 0.28 0.61 2212 5837 12,820
Canned tuna (A) 3.46 1.31 1.19 0.13 0.33 0.73 132 348 764
Canned tuna (B) 3.92 1.49 1.35 0.13 0.33 0.73 116 307 674
Canned tuna (C) 4.57 1.73 1.58 0.13 0.33 0.73 100 263 579
Canned tuna (D) 6.59 2.50 2.28 0.13 0.33 0.73 69 182 401
Canned sardine (E) 0.49 0.19 0.17 0.11 0.29 0.64 1060 2796 6141

PTWI: 1.6 µg/kg bw/week for children (CHD) and women of childbearing age (WCA); PTWI: 3.2 µg/kg bw/week for adults (AGP).

F. Fuentes-Gandara et al. Environmental Research 165 (2018) 324–329

been suggested that a Se to Hg molar ratio of 1:1 should be taken into applications for specific fish consumption advisories. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 1–11.
account in risk assessments (Ralston et al., 2016). Further studies in- Díez, S., Montuori, P., Querol, X., Bayona, J.M., 2007. Total mercury in the hair of
children by combustion atomic absorption spectrometry (Comb-AAS). J. Anal.
volving the Hg:Se ratios in fresh fish and canned fish are needed to Toxicol. 31, 144–149.
provide an improved assessment of the risks of Hg. Díez, S., 2009. Human health effects of methylmercury exposure. Rev. Environ. Contam.
Toxicol. 198, 111–132.
Domingo, J.L., Bocio, A., Falco ́, G., Llobet, J.M., 2007. Benefits and risks of fish con-
4. Conclusions sumption Part I. A quantitative analysis of the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and
chemical contaminants. Toxicology 230, 219–226.
The results in this study showed that the highest concentrations of Dórea, J.G., 2008. Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances in fish: human health
considerations. Sci. Total Environ. 1, 93–114.
MeHg in the imported fishery products were in canned tuna, particu- Drevnick, P.E., Lamborg, C.H., Horgan, M., 2015. Increase in mercury in Pacific yellowfin
larly in brand D. Most of the THg levels were lower than those reported tuna. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 34, 931–934.
in investigations worldwide and were below the limits set by national Dural, M., Goksu, A., Ozak, A., 2007. Investigation of heavy metal levels in economically
important fish species captured from the Tuzla lagoon. Food Chem. 102, 415–421.
and international organisations. The values obtained for EWI indicate
EFSA, 2012. EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM); Scientific
risks that are dependent on the target group and the sample analysed. Opinion on the risk for public health related to the presence of mercury and me-
Accordingly, since values for canned tuna (brand D) were above the thylmercury in food. EFSA Journal 2012;10(12):2985. [241 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.
reference value, there was evidence of a potential health risk for chil- 2012.2985. Available online: 〈www.efsa.europa.eu/efsajournal〉.
ENSIN, 2005. Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional (ENSIN). National Survey of
dren up to 10 years and for sensitive groups such as women of child- Nutritional Situation, 2005. (Accessed March 2018) 〈https://www.minsalud.gov.co/
bearing age. For the general population, EWI values are below the salud/publica/epidemiologia/Paginas/encuesta-nacional-de-situacion-nutricional-
PTWI. Nevertheless, regulatory measures and public education re- ensin.aspx〉.
ENSIN, 2010. National Nutrition Situation Survey. 〈http://www.icbf.gov.co/portal/
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