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Martial Law: A one-way ticket to an endless regime?

In a country thickly populated by self-proclaimed political analysts

and research scholars, what would most likely be the future of a nation
thirsty for independence since time a memorial?
Martial Law refers to the power that requires the presence of an
actual invasion or rebellion, wherein the head of the sate places an area
under the control of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and its
predecessor bodies.

Tracing the bitter history of Martial Law in the Philippines, late

president Ferdinand E. Marcos imposed his prerogative on the 21 st of
September, 1972, to suppress the upsurge of violence allegedly caused
by communists, following a series of bomb attacks in Manila. The
proclamation was intended to rule out the civil strife and promote a rapid
trend for national development.
But the story doesn’t end there, rebellion was limitless as to the
period. Social unrest achieved its height after the death of Sen. Ninoy
Aquino, causing thousands of Filipinos rallying in the streets in hope for
the President’s removal from post. It was undisputable that Marcos’
regime was indeed marked with abuses and tyranny of people wanting to
bask in authority and rest to the unknown. Thus, people are traumatized.
The fear is plausible, however, with the framers of the 1987 Constitution
keeping our past mistakes in mind, they have set ample safeguards to
avert this abuse of power of happening again.
With the recent news of terrorism coming from the south,
President Duterte has declared a 60-day validity of Martial Law, which
may be extended, subject to checks and balances to allow the country
operate in hours of war. Yet, it is not only the president who has the in
toto command. The Congress may revoke the proclamation or lift the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus before the lapse of 60 days from
the date of suspension or proclamation. The Supreme Court, equally,
may review the power, given that there is a factual basis, “if the
Congress procrastinates or altogether fails to fulfill its duty respecting
the proclamation or suspension within the short time expected of it.”

Changes in the constitution are not sole assurance to be at peace

hence, as a caveat, people in authority still have the knack for malignant
narcissism, so be in mind. If the branches of the government, are in no
defense in failing to carry out constitutional duties and responsibilities,
power may be a sorcery to corrupt absolutely.

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