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ALIKE: similar, or in a similar way

He tries to treat all his students alike

ASHAMED: feeling angry and disappointed about someone or something,

or because you have done something wrong

I felt ashamed of my behavior during the class

ATTEND: to go to an event

My favorite artist will be attending the gala (My favorite artist will attend

the gala)
AVOID: to stay away from a person or place

Try to avoid that city, it’s really dangerous

BELIEVE: to think that something is true, or that what someone says

is true

My teacher didn’t believe the story.

BIT: a small amount or piece of something

There’s a little bit more ice cream left

BOTH: used to talk about two people or things

Both of my parents are doctors

BRIDE: a woman who is getting married or has just been married

The bride is happy

CARVE: to make an object or shape by cutting wood or stone or to make

a piece of art by cutting into a solid substance

A statue carved out of marble

CHEAT: to do something that is not honest, in order to get something

I cheat on exams
CHEERFUL: A cheerful place or thing is bright and pleasant and makes

you feel happy.

The waiting room is pretty cheerful

EITHER: used when you are giving a choice of two or more things. One of

two people or things, when it is not important which

You can use either key

FAIL: to not pass a test or an exam

I failed my chemistry test

FURIOUS: A person who is very angry

My mother is so furious with me

GATHER: To join other people somewhere to make a group.

The fans gathered around the park to meet their favorite artist

GIFT: something that you give to someone, usually on a special day

My birthday was yesterday and my family gave me so many gifts

HATE: to dislike someone or something very much

I hate going to the gym

HELP: to do something for someone

I always help my friends on chemistry and math

INTRODUCE: to tell someone another person’s name the first time that

they meet

My sister introduced me to all her friends

INVENT: to design or make something new

Who invented the cellphone?

JOB: the work that you do in order to get money or something that you

have to do

I got a new job at the restaurant

KNOWLEDGE: information and understanding that you have in your mind

Her knowledge of chemistry is amazing

LACK OF: not having something, or not having enough of something

My only problem is lack of money.

LEAD: to show someone where to go, usually by taking them to a place or

to be winning a game

My brother is leading by three points

LIFESTYLE: the way that you live

My brother has a very unhealthy lifestyle.

LOOK: to turn your eyes in the direction of something or someone so that

you can see it or them

Look at that picture on the wall, it’s very interesting

NEEDS: something that is necessary to have or do

I need to do the chemistry homework

OWN: belonging to a particular person

She made her own clothes to go to the party

PATH: a long, thin area of ground for people to walk on

There’s a path through the forest.

PREFER: to like someone or something more than another person or thing

I prefer to drink coffee in the afternoon rather than in the morning

PRESCRIBE: to order treatment for someone, or to say what someone

should do or use to treat an illness or injury

The doctor prescribed a lot of medicine

PUZZLED: confused because you do not understand something

She looked puzzled

RATHER: instead of

He saw his art classes as a hobby rather than a career.

RESCUE: to save someone or something from a dangerous situation

I rescued my dog from a dangerous situation

SHOW UP: to arrive somewhere

The chemistry class started at 8:00 am but I didn't show up until 9:00 am

SMILE: to make the corners of your mouth go up so that

you look happy or friendly

That video made me smile!

SOIL: the substance on the ground in which plants grow

We need soil to our garden

SPEECH: someone’s ability to talk, or an example of someone talking,

a formal talk that someone gives to a group of people

I did a wonderful speech at my uncle’s wedding

START: to begin doing something

The chemistry class starts at 8:00 AM

STEP: one of the movements you make with your feet when you walk or

one of the things that you do to achieve something

Once you take that first step, the next one is easier

TREAT: to behave towards someone in a particular way or to

give medical care to someone who is sick or hurt

She needs to treat people with kindness

TRICKY: difficult, or likely to cause problems

The test had a lot of tricky questions

UNABLE: to not be able to do something

She was unable to study because she was sick

UNLESS: except if

She won't lose weight unless she stops eating fast food
UPSET: sad or worried because something bad has happened

My best friend is really upset with me

VIRUS: a program that is secretly put onto

a computer in order to destroy the information that is stored on it or a

very small thing that causes illnesses, or an illness that it causes

Helena got a stomach virus

WARMTH: the heat that is made by something or the quality of

being friendly

We sat by the fire to stay warmth

WEAR: to have a piece of clothing, jewellery, etc. on your body

I always wear black clothes

WHILE: during the time that

I was cooking while my mother was working

WISH: to want a situation that is different from the one that exists or to

say that you hope someone will be lucky, successful, etc.

I wish we could be friends

I wished her good luck for her test

WORSHIP: to show respect for a god by saying prayers or

to love and respect someone very much

She worshipped her mother.

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