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THE FAMILY Warm Up % Think of a friend or relative whose family you know. Howis the family different from yours? This is Priya’s family. Priya is having fun with her family at the beach. $% What is a family? The people who live with you at home are your family. The members of a family love each other. They also take care of each other. Draw a picture or paste a photograph of your family. (cetActive) nd how they are related e Write the names of your family members al to you. Name Relationship Now answer these questions. Who talks the most in your family? Whom do you go to when you are in trouble? Whom do you go to when you are sad? With whom do you share your secrets? Who helps you with your homework? sread All families are not alike. They may be different in some ways. Let u: about a few families. 4 Abig family Malini lives in a big family. She lives with her parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins in Chennai. Malini has no brothers or sisters but since she lives in a big family she does not feel lonely. Such a family where grandparents, parents, uncles and cousins stay together is also called a joint family. Malini’s mother is a homemaker* and 2%, her father runs a small business*. © Sometimes her mother helps Mal a __ homemaker someone who takes care of a home Zz * business: the job of buying and selling things father with his work. Malini wants to be a pilot when she grows up. She loves to listen to her grandparents’ stories and play with her cousins. # Asmall family Ali’s family is small. He lives with his mother, father and younger sister Abida. His parents had adopted* Abida as a baby. Ali loves his sister and she is his best friend. Ali’s mother is a doctor and his father is an engineer. His father’s work keeps him away from the family for weeks, at times even months. Ali does not want to be an engineer or doctor when he grows up. He wants to be a teacher. He wants to teach blind children. Asmall family like this, with father, mother and children, is also called a nuclear family. # Asingle-parent family Rati lives with her mother. Her mother works ina bank. Rati has a pet dog called Sheru. Over the weekend, she visits her grandparents with her mother. They go for picnics and movies together. Rati loves animals. She says she would like to be a doctor when she grows up. # Caring for each other Members of a family take care of each other. They do things for each other that show they care. Malini’s grandfather helps her with her studies. Malini helps her grandmother put medicine in her eyes. Rati helps her mother clean the house. Rati’s mother reads her a story each night. Ali gets milk from the milk booth each morning. Ali’s mother switches off the television so that Ali and Abida can study. # Having fun together A family spends time together. Parents, grandparents and children often go ~ Out together. They watch movies, eat out or go shopping. They also have Picnics or attend family functions together. * adopted: brought into the family from another family & together home, come Cousins, aunts and uncles, who stay far away from ’ for festivals, weddings and birthdays. aS Fxercises 5 jily are related A family tree helps us understand how the members of a family to each other. A. Look at Siddharth and Soumya’s family tree and answer the questions. © ¢ Grandmother Grandfather Lata Mohan Aunt Uncle Pallavi Rohit Brother Sister Cousin Siddharth Soumya Ramya 1. Who are Ramya’s parents? 2. Who are Ramya’s cousins? 3. How many children do Mohan and Lata have? 4. How are Rajesh and Pallavi related? 5. Name Siddharth’s aunt. 6. Who are Soumya’s grandparents? B. Choose the correct option, 1. Malinilives in Tick it. a. Chennai b. Bangalore, Delhi 2. Abidais Ali’s a. mother b. sister . cousin 3. Rati lives ina family. a. joint b. single-parent c. nuclear 4. Aliwants to bea when he grows up. a. pilot b. doctor c. teacher 5. Rati has a pet a. dog b. cat ¢. parrot C. Answer the following question. 1. Whatis a family? 2. Howis a joint family different from a nuclear family? 3. Whatis a single-parent family? 4. How does a family spend time together? As Higher Order Thinking Skills 1. Name the type of families these children live in. a. Anil lives with his mother and sister. b. Savio lives with his father, mother and brother. c. Vipin lives with his parents, uncles, aunts, sister and cousins. 2. What kind of a family do you live in? wep Links p'//| // <2. Activity TIME oe E fee f each famil * Make your family tree on a chart paper. Paste a photograph of & a member. Putit up in your room. * Which festival do you celebrate with your family? about how you celebrate the festival. __¢ Ask your grandparents and parents about the kind of families they grew ; up in. * Get the handprints of your family members on a chart paper. Ask an adult to help you get it laminated to make a nice picture. eS LIFE SKILLS AND VALUES Learning to be responsible, helpful and polite write a few sentences 1. Who does these tasks at home? a. Lay the table at mealtimes b. Put away the toys you have been playing with c. Pack your school bag d. Wake you up and help you get ready for school in the morning e. Keep your room tidy If you don’t do these things then you must start doing them. It would be of great help to your parents. 2. Get to know your neighbours. Are there old people who live alone in your neighbourhood? Go and talk to them. Ask them if they need anything. Try to help them.

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