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Journal Week 5

Elizabeth Kiger 

KINS 4306: Public Health Internship

Georgia College & State University

On Monday, 6/7/21, I worked from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (8 hours). I spent this day continuing

to work on my notes for the pain conference. I took the research I had done prior and added more

detail to it. The reason I focused on improving my research is because I plan to attend a meeting

with the pain conference committee on Tuesday. I plan to speak to the committee about my

research like I did last time, but more in-depth this time. This time I plan to explain in more

detail the topics that are common among other pain conferences.

On Tuesday, 6/8/21, I worked from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. (8 hours). On this day I worked on my

presentation for the radiology department. In my presentation I did a summary of the feedback I

received from employee and patient focus groups, phone interviews, patient comments, and

observations. I plan to present my findings to the radiology leadership in a meeting on Thursday.

The meeting I had planned for the pain conference ended up being moved to a later day in June,

so I plan to present my findings then. I then spent my day working on discharge calls.

On Wednesday, 6/9/21, I worked from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. (8 hours). I began my day by

continuing to work on the discharge calls. I did the weeding process which was a little tedious

and took me a while to hide all the people I did not need to call on the Excel sheet. I then began

to call some of the people on my lists. Around 1 p.m. I went to help set up for the ribbon cutting

ceremony that the hospital was having to celebrate the opening of the sixth floor. During the

event I was responsible for getting people to sign a media release form. I focused mainly on

those who did not work at Emory and were speaking at the event. It went very well, and I

enjoyed watching the ceremony and the many speakers.

On Thursday, 6/10/21, I worked from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. and continued working on the

discharge calls. Around 11 a.m. I went to a meeting with the radiology leadership team to

discuss my supervisor and I’s findings. In the presentation it showed the main concerns and
issues we found to be causing them to not reach their goals. The leadership was able to give us

some feedback on the things we discussed and their opinions on the matter. This meeting was

very helpful because they were able to share reasons with us as to why certain things may not be

attainable as well as some things, they have been trying to get done such as hiring more staff.

After this meeting I continued to make more discharge calls.

On Friday, 6/11/21, I worked from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. I spent this day again doing some

discharge calls. My calls went very well today and all the issues that I came across were able to

be handled when I gave them to my supervisor. This was very satisfying to do, and I enjoyed

talking to the patients and hearing about their experiences.

I enjoyed the work that I did this week although I would have liked to go to the pain

conference meeting. Doing discharge calls can feel tedious and like a lot of work at times but it

is a very rewarding task. When someone addresses me with an issue, I really enjoy working to

get their problems fixed or their needs met. It’s great because the patients are often very

appreciative of my help, and it makes me happy assisting them. I also really enjoyed attending

the meeting with the radiology leadership team. This meeting was very informative, and I plan to

apply a lot of the things I learned during it to my final project. I have hopes for improving the

radiology department and am excited to continue working on my project.

Monday (6/7/2021): 8: 00 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours

Tuesday (6/8/2021): 8: 00 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours
Wednesday (6/9/2021): 8: 00 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours
Thursday (6/10/2021): 7:30 am - 4:00pm; 8 hours
Friday (6/11/2021): 7:30 am -4:00pm; 8 hours
Weekly Hours: 41
Total Hours to date: 191

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