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The Use of Thermoplastic Liners for Internal Corrosion and

Abrasion Protection in Steel Pipelines
Carlos Estrella1, Richard Ludwig 2, Carl Gudme3

Copyright 2017, Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute - IBP

This Technical Paper was prepared for presentation at the Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition 2017, held between October, 24-
26, 2017, in Rio de Janeiro. This Technical Paper was selected for presentation by the Technical Committee of the event. The
material as it is presented, does not necessarily represent Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute’ opinion or that of its
Members or Representatives. Authors consent to the publication of this Technical Paper in the Rio Pipeline Conference &
Exhibition 2017.


This paper describes the methodology for internal coating pipes using thermoplastic liner
materials. This coating creates a physical barrier between the pipeline steel and the circulating fluid,
which protects the pipe from corrosive and abrasive agents, significantly extending the life-time of
the pipeline.
Coating through liners can be used to protect new pipelines (when the corrosive and abrasive
processes are known and relevant), as well as for rehabilitation of pipelines already being attacked by
these destructive phenomena.
The system described herein implies on the use of the technology called “tight liner”, which
means the liners are adjusted against the steel pipe internal wall. The adjustment is obtained through
mechanical processes, without the use of heat nor adhesive products.
The basic principle of this technology is based on the use of special & proprietary equipment
that allows the insertion of a liner with bigger external diameter than the internal diameter of the
pipeline to be coated.
The advantages of the use of this technology compared to other protection means is
fundamentally due to lower cost (over additional wall thcikness of the pipe, use of special materials –
cladding, or chemical & corrosion inhibitors). On the pipeline rehabilitation case, the cost advantage
must be compared to replacing the pipeline. Furthermore, the system has almost nil maintenance
The technical advantages are important: no pressure limitation, work in-situ, fast and clean
system proved over more than 25 years worldwide, equipment and personnel highly specialized,
thermoplastics used resist practically all type of fluids that cause corrosion and / or abrasion, etc.
At last, the environmental aspect is not a minor consideration. The use of Thermoplastic
Liners is considered by many legislations obligatory for double protection consideration, to prevent
detract of contaminant liquids (for example: mining tailings, acids, etc.).
In the specific case of the mining industry, the system has been applied for many years to
protect abrasive lines (as for example, slurry mining pipelines, concentrates, etc.) and for corrosive
lines, such as acid lines, water, etc.

1. Introduction

Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition 2017
Corrosion (on all its type and modes) as well as abrasion, caused by the eventual or
permanent solid particles in the circulating fluid in industrial pipelines are one of biggest problems
nowadays. The disadvantages of repairing, lost production, environmental liabilities as well as
designed solution to solve them, are costly and may require time or investment that are incompatible
with the business.
Solutions raised using special materials (for example, CRA), the use of higher sacrificial wall
thickness, or chemical additivities, pipe cladding, etc., are very costly in CAPEX, as well as OPEX,
to a level that, in some cases, lead to project unfeasibility.
The use of thermoplastic liners as an effective non-metallic barrier between the coated pipe
and the circulating fluid has proven to be a very reasonable cost / benefit solution.
On the other hand, the development of new thermoplastic materials and important
improvements on the application technology converted this protection methodology on an excellent
UNITED PIPELINE SYSTEMS have developed this technology 25 years ago, and continue
improving and installing the commercially known TITE LINER® with sustained success on all 5
continents. The technology we will describe herein, is applicable to pipelines ranging between 3” y
52” diameter, have been used in more than 25.000km of pipelines all over the world (with more than
2.000 km installed in South America)
The main oil & gas global companies (just to mention a few, as Shell, Exxon, Dow Chemical,
Chevron, Kuwait Oil Company) and the most important mining companies (BHP Billing ton,
Xstrata, Rio Tinto, Barrick) are faithful users of this system.
It is worth mentioning that UNITED is part of the AEGION Corp., with head-offices in St.
Louis, Missouri, EEUU.
AEGION has more than 5.000 employees worldwide and it is quoted in NASDAQ, as a
highly-sophisticated technology company.


1 – Technical Principle

The system is fundamentally based on the insertion of a High-Density Polyethylene Jacket –

PEAD (or other thermoplastics, according to its needs) radially adjusted against the internal wall of
the pipeline to be protected,
This radial adjustment, o interference, is obtained using a pipeline liner which external
diameter is bigger than the internal diameter of the steel pipe to be coated. Using a proprietary
equipment, the liner diameter is temporarily reduced (always within the elastic limit of the material to
be used) and under this condition is inserted in the pipe to be coated. When releasing the tension that
keep its reduced diameter, the liner try to return to its original diameter, which of course do not
reach, as it is limited by the internal diameter of the steel pipe. Under these conditions, its produced
what is called “interference fit”.

Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition 2017

Figure 1 Schematic of Liner Diameter Reduction

As showed, the diameter reduction is obtained in several stages, through the passage of the
thermoplastic by a sequential roller reduction box where the diameter is slowly and controlled
reduced. If the diameter was reduced sharply (for example, on the case of a drawn through a
calibrated orifice) would arise an effect of reduction of the elastic capacity, which can provoke a
“weaker interference fit”
While the diameter is temporarily reduced in the Roller Box a fire line team starts “inserting”
– introducing – the liner inside the steel pipeline. This fire line tension allows that, momentarily, the
liner remains with its reduced diameter during the insertion.

Figure 2 Schematic of Liner Insertion

After the liner is inserted through all the section to be coated, the winch cable is released and,
this way starts the elastic recover process, trying to return to its original diameter

2 – Process Description

2.1 – Engineering

Considering what has been described (the OD of the liner is bigger than the ID of the steel
pipe which will be inserted) it is easy to deduct that, with this methodology, the work is never
conducted using standard measurements. Each project has its particularities, and on each case,
proper dimensions for the liner, as well as for the PEAD to be utilized (stubends, pullheads, etc. –
detailed description will be showed later, on this paper). These measurements are exclusive for each
job and as such, must be calculated.
The same way must be proceeded with various equipment’s utilized in this process – for
example, the thermos-fusion machine. These machines are fabricated with jaws and accessories to
fuse standard sizes of PEAD pipes. This is not our case.
To define these sizes and other variables, prior to the star-up of the activities, engineering
tasks are executed through what is called “Load Out Sheet” (LOS). This task consists of a series of
forms, where it is detailed all the material, equipment, tools and resources to be utilized in this
particular job.

Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition 2017
Based on data provided by the customer, as type of steel (grade and dimensions), right-of-
way of the pipeline, planialtimetric and others, it is calculated and defined the parameters to use for
every task to be executed by the company.
Also from this engineering results in plans and drawings, so the suppliers can fabricate their
This LOS are executed by the engineering where the job will be performed, and revised and
approved (or corrected if it’s the case) by the engineering from the head-offices in the USA.
With the LOS data, adding considerations as schedule, organization chart, procedures to be utilized,
responsibilities matrix, quality plan, inspection & testing plan, considerations on QA / QC,
consideration about safety at site, etc. It is elaborated a document called “Work Plan”, which is
submitted to the client for revision and approval, prior to initiating the assignments.

2.2 Liner – Fabrication and Transport

The liner, with its sizes and tolerances defined on the LOS, are ordered for fabrication at
approved manufactures (through a demanding Due Diligence) with detailed instructions regarding
acceptable dimensions, and very detailed controls, which are submitted – on a confidential basis – to
the extruder.
The approved liner manufactures (extruders) and certified by United, are subjected to strict
quality controls and audited by United personnel. All the manufactured materials must have quality
certificates with traceability of the raw materials (pellets) utilized.
The liners are supplied according to its diameter, in rolls (up to 4”) or in strips of 12 or 14
meters’ length.
These materials, once released by the manufacturer and United Inspectors, are properly
packaged and dispatched to the jobsite.

2.3 – Materials for liners

On the great majority of the cases (at least for the Oil/Gas & Mining Industry) the defined
liners are fabricated of High Density Polyethylene (PEAD). This material has an excellent chemical
resistance to practically all fluids transported on these industries including strong acids (sulfuric acid,
produced water, salt-water, hydrocarbons, 3 or 2-phase mixtures, mining tailings, gas, etc.)
In some particular cases, other types of thermoplastics can be utilized, with special characteristics
which make them capable for some special applications.
Just as an example, we can mention PERT (a variation of PEAD), which is capable for higher
temperatures in the industry, PA12 (polyamide) compatible for fuels where PEAD has a more limited
resistance, and other highly specialized.
There are existing chemical and thermal resistance tables for each type of thermoplastics but,
as said, PEAD is the most commonly used by the Oil, Gas and Mining Industry.

2.4 – Stretches

The lines to be coated are divided in stretches, to facilitate the insertion. These stretches will
to be united are defined by multiple factors.
The length of each of these stretches will be determined by mechanical factors (for example,
the length of the cables that are equipped the winches that will insert the liner), and operational
Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition 2017
factors (for example, the diameter of the pipe to be coated, topography of the terrain, right-of-way
of the line, etc.)
In general, we can mention stretches up to 1200 meters, in OD ranging from 4” to 12”
These values are only for statistical purposes, but fundamentally depend on the detailed factors. The
final definition of the stretches happens prior to the beginning on the tasks, with a visit to right-of-
way at site, by the specialized personnel.
On all cases these stretches are performed with the consent of the customer
Obviously, after the insertion on each of the stretches, they are united (as explained later in
this paper), remaining again an integral line.

2.5 – Preparation of the terrain

TITE LINER® can be applied indistinctively in aerial, or buried pipelines.

To coat new pipelines, or to rehabilitate buried pipelines, only requires bell holes at the extremes of
each stretches to be coated
With a bell hole of approximately 24 meters’ length, 1 to 1,5 meters’ width and a depth that
allows to uncover the pipe at each extreme of the stretch, the requirements for the insertion of the
liner will be satisfied.

Figure 3 Picture indicating the bell hole excavation

As detailed, assuming rehabilitating buried pipelines, stretches of 1000 meters, with the
opening of two bell wholes as described on its edges, is sufficient.

2.6 – Thermo-fusion of the stretches

Once it has been determined the length of each stretch, the strips of PEAD pipes must be
generated with sufficient length to coat each of them.
This operation is made through the thermos-fusion process.
The thermos-fusion machines head, prior superficial preparation (parallelism and cleaning)
the ends of each 12 or 14 meters’ pipes to a temperature very close to the PEAD fusion, then these
ends are united and kept under pressure during a pre-determined time and finally it is let cool-down
during a time before to removing from the fusion machine.
All the parameters (temperature, pressure and time) are defined in function of diameter and
thickness of the pipe, and the type of machine being used.
Independently that these parameters are standardized, prior to the beginning of the tasks, it is
made a series of tests, to assure optimal conditions for the fusion.
Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition 2017
Likewise, during the tasks, regular destructive and standardized tests are made, to verify that
the conditions remain adequate.
The thermo-fusion process of the pipes is one of the most critical of this technology, so it is
always executed by qualified and certified personnel, in very controlled conditions. In fact, the
thermos-fused unions have superior mechanic characteristics then the pipe itself.
Each joint is inspected and registered
Once the thermo-fusion is performed, the burr resulting from it is eliminated, thus achieving a
uniform external diameter of the thermos-fused stretch, which is capable to be inserted.

When necessary, in cases where the fluid may contain solids or being abrasive (slurries,
concentrates mining pipelines) it is also eliminated the internal burr generated

2.7 – Liner insertion

Once the thermo-fusion stretch is terminated, proceed to the beginning of the PEAD
operation for insertion in the steel pipe
As a first step the internal diameter of the steel pipe is calibrated. This is made through to
pneumatic passage of a gauge pig, which carries a plate with pre-determined diameter. This plate is
driven through all the line to be coated, to detect irregularities which may complicate, or even
prevent the liner insertion.
The principal and most-common irregularities to be detected are:
a- On penetration of the weld bead
b- Change of thickness on the steel pipe
c- Ovalization greater than allowed
d- Misalignment in the welding process of the steel
Any of these defects must be repaired / corrected prior to the beginning of the liner insertion.
The pig has also the function to pass the cable from the Winch to be utilized to the extreme
of the Roller Box (in some cases, for example, pipes with big diameter or very thick liner) when it
can be used an auxiliary winch for the passage of the cable.
Once the cable of the winch is positioned to start the insertion, the liner is passed through the
Roller Box (when the diameter reduction is produce, which is required to allow the insertion). It is
important to recall that this OD reduction is only allowed within the elastic limit of the PEAD.

Figure 4 Schematic of Liner Insertion Process

The liner insertion is a fast process (approximately 40 meters / minute) and must be very well

Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition 2017

The tension that holds the cable is what allows the diameter of the liner to be kept reduced
while the insertion lasts.
The roller box operator must coordinate with the operator from the winch the speed of the
insertion, to transform it in a smooth and continuous process.
The winches from UNITED have a series of instruments that allow to verify the critical
parameters during the insertion, fundamentally the cable tension. Also allows the observation of the
distance travelled, that is the instant position of the shooting head.

2.8 – Stretches Joints

Once the insertion of the stretches has been terminated, must rejoin the same to obtain a
continuous and protected line.
There different methods to join the stretches, and it is elected, on each case the most
appropriate, in common agreement with the customer.
Any of the join method described then are guaranteed, regarding its seal water tightness
generated between the stretches. Are highly field tested and validated their suitability.

2.8.1 Flange System Tite Liner®

This is the traditional system from UNITED, and it have been used in thousands of joints,
along the years.
Consists of the union through a set of steel flanges (conventional, from stock) with a small
Once the insertion of each stretch is finalized (on each extreme the flange is already welded
that will provide the seal) it is fused on its edges (after the stretching operations of the inserted liner)
a stubends. This accessory is also made of PEAD. The way the stubends is thermos-fused causes that
the wing of the same is supported firmly on the face of the flange.

Figure 5 Picture of Flange System Connection

Then the ends of the stretch’s to be joined are joined together

This unions don’t require additional joints, as the seal is guaranteed by adjusting the two sides of the
stubends faces each. Additionally, to assure that the deformation of the stubends faces to torque will
not deformate on a plastic way, it is introduced a calibrated ring in the space between the stubends
This “retention ring” has a thickness that will never allow to overpass the elastic deformation of the
faces. Additionally, the ring guarantees the parallelism of the flanges when adjusting.

Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition 2017

2.8.2 – Slurry Flange System ™

This system has been specially developed for situations where highly corrosive and abrasive fluids,
which normally can be found on concentrate, or tailing transportation lines in the mining industry.

Its condition is to avoid any discontinuity through the joint (not obviously through the whole
pipeline), which could provoke a point of excess abrasion.

Any “teeth” could generate a fluid whirlwind, that would cause an additional attack point for
the abrasive phenomenon.

In fact, PEAD have an excellent abrasion resistance (much superior than uncoated steel):
thus, the objective of this joint is to potentiate this property.
This joint has a double seal: one primarily for the stubends faces, and one secondary through
an additional “O” ring,

2.9 – Final Testing’s

Once the joining of the sections is completed, and “reconstituted” and protected all the line,
the integrity of the liner, as well as the joints of each stretches, are verified through a pneumatic test.

When the elected joint system for the stretches is installed, in any of them, a Threadolet
(TOL) is welded at a 10” distance from the welding

This accessory will be the witness where it will be verified eventual losses during the
Pneumatic Test.

This test is made at an approximate pressure of 110 psi.

Once passed this test, the line and its coating are ready to be start-up in normal operational

3 – Conclusions

According to all the present work, we conclude the liner – internal coating of steel pipeline
with thermoplastics – is an advantageous technical and economic option to protect new pipelines, or
rehabilitate pipelines already corroded.

Its main advantages are:

• Chemical resistance
• No pressure limit
• Temperature
• Large insertion length
• Allows curved traces
Rio Pipeline Conference & Exhibition 2017
• Leak-free connections
• Fast Installation
• Low Cost
• No maintenance
• Increase operating efficiencies

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