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Introduction to Computers

Subject Name: Computer Skill–I

Subject Code: CSK–I

By Rajib Debnath
Department of Computer Science & Engineering,
Tripura University (A Central University)

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers


1 Introduction To Computers
Definition of Computer
Components of Computers
Characteristics and Limitations of Computers
Elements of a Computer System

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Definition of Computer

Definition of Computer

Computer is a machine which can perform many tasks.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Definition of Computer

Definition of Computer

Computer is a machine which can perform many tasks.

It was originally invented to do speedy and accurate calculations, it

can be used for other purposes too.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Definition of Computer

Definition of Computer

Computer is a machine which can perform many tasks.

It was originally invented to do speedy and accurate calculations, it

can be used for other purposes too.

It can perform any kind of work involving arithmetic and logical

operations on data, process it as per the instruction or input given
and give the information as output.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Definition of Computer

Definition of Computer

Computer is a machine which can perform many tasks.

It was originally invented to do speedy and accurate calculations, it

can be used for other purposes too.

It can perform any kind of work involving arithmetic and logical

operations on data, process it as per the instruction or input given
and give the information as output.

A computer is an electronic machine that accepts information (Data),

processes it according to specific instructions, and provides the re-
sults as new information.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers

Components of Computers

Accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers

Components of Computers

Accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output

Input refers to whatever is sent to a Computer system

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers

Components of Computers

Accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output

Input refers to whatever is sent to a Computer system

Data refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers

Components of Computers

Accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output

Input refers to whatever is sent to a Computer system

Data refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas

Processing is the way that a computer manipulates data

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers

Components of Computers

Accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output

Input refers to whatever is sent to a Computer system

Data refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas

Processing is the way that a computer manipulates data

A computer processes data in a device called the Central Pro-

cessing Unit (CPU)

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers


Memory is an area of a computer that holds data that is waiting

to be processed, stored, or output

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers


Memory is an area of a computer that holds data that is waiting

to be processed, stored, or output

Storage is the area where data can be left on a permanent basis

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers


Memory is an area of a computer that holds data that is waiting

to be processed, stored, or output

Storage is the area where data can be left on a permanent basis

Computer output is the result produced by the computer

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers


Computer: Performs computations and makes logical decisions

Millions / billions times faster than human beings

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers


Computer: Performs computations and makes logical decisions

Millions / billions times faster than human beings

Computer programs: Sets of instructions for which computer

processes data

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers


Computer: Performs computations and makes logical decisions

Millions / billions times faster than human beings

Computer programs: Sets of instructions for which computer

processes data

Hardware: Physical devices of computer system

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers


Computer: Performs computations and makes logical decisions

Millions / billions times faster than human beings

Computer programs: Sets of instructions for which computer

processes data

Hardware: Physical devices of computer system

Software: Programs that run on computers

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Components of Computers


Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Speed: A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy

compared to humans while performing mathematical calculations.
Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per sec-
ond. The time taken by computers for their operations is microsec-
onds and nanoseconds.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Speed: A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy

compared to humans while performing mathematical calculations.
Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per sec-
ond. The time taken by computers for their operations is microsec-
onds and nanoseconds.

Accuracy: Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy.

Errors may occur due to data inconsistency or inaccuracy.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Speed: A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy

compared to humans while performing mathematical calculations.
Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per sec-
ond. The time taken by computers for their operations is microsec-
onds and nanoseconds.

Accuracy: Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy.

Errors may occur due to data inconsistency or inaccuracy.

Diligence: A computer can perform millions of tasks or calcula-

tions with the same consistency and accuracy. It doesn’t feel any
fatigue or lack of concentration. Its memory also makes it superior
to that of human beings.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Versatility: Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to

perform different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Versatility: Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to

perform different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency.

Reliability: A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for

similar set of data i.e., if we give same set of input any number of
times, we will get the same result.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Versatility: Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to

perform different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency.

Reliability: A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for

similar set of data i.e., if we give same set of input any number of
times, we will get the same result.

Automation: Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e.

it performs tasks without manual intervention.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Versatility: Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to

perform different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency.

Reliability: A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for

similar set of data i.e., if we give same set of input any number of
times, we will get the same result.

Automation: Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e.

it performs tasks without manual intervention.

Memory: A computer has built-in memory called primary memory

where it stores data. Secondary storage are removable devices such
as CDs, pen drives, etc., which are also used to store data.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Limitations are the drawbacks of the computer system in which humans

outperform them.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Limitations are the drawbacks of the computer system in which humans

outperform them.

Lack of common-sense:

This is one of the major limitations of computer systems.

No matter how efficient, fast and reliable computer systems might be

but yet do not have any common sense because no full-proof algo-
rithm has been designed to programme logic into them.

As computers function based on the stored programme(s), they sim-

ply lack of common sense.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Zero IQ:

Another of the limitations of computer systems is that they have zero

Intelligence Quotient (IQ).

They are unable to see and think the actions to perform in a particu-
lar situation unless that situation is already programmed into them.

Computers are programmable to complete each and every task, how-

ever small it may be.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers


Lack of Decision-making

Decision-making is a complicated process involving information, knowl-

edge, intelligence, wisdom, and ability to judge.

The computer system does not have the ability to make decisions on
their own because they do not possess all the essentials of decision-

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers

Question 1

What are the capabilities of a computer system and what

makes computer system reliable?

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Characteristics and Limitations of Computers

Question 1

What are the capabilities of a computer system and what

makes computer system reliable?

The capabilities of a computer system are speed, reliability, adapt-

ability, storage and accuracy. Computers systems are well adjusted
to perform repetitive tasks. They never get tired, bored or fatigued.
Hence, they are a lot reliable than humans.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System

Elements of a Computer System

There are six main elements that make up a computer system. They all
interact with each other and perform the task at hand. Let us take a
look at all of them.







Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System


These are all the physical aspects of a computer system.

They are tangible, i.e. you can see and touch them.

Hardware components are the electronic or mechanical

instruments, like keyboard, monitor, printer etc.

They help the users interface with the software, and also display
the result of the tasks being performed.
Hardware can actually be of four types,
Input Hardware
Output Hardware
Processing and Memory Hardware:
Secondary Storage Hardware

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System


Input Hardware: For users to input data into the computer sys-
tem. Examples: Keyboard, mouse, Scanner

Output Hardware: To translate and display the result of the data

processing. Example: Monitor Screen, Printer etc

Processing and Memory Hardware: Where data and informa-

tion are processed and manipulated to perform the task at hand. It
is also the workspace of the computer, where it temporarily stores
data. Examples: Central Processing Unit (CPU), Read Only Mem-
ory (RAM)

Secondary Storage Hardware: Where the computer system

stores data permanently. Example: Hard disk, Pen drive etc

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System


Software is nothing but a set of programmes (computer instruc-

tions), which helps the user to do a set of specific tasks.

It helps the user interact with the computer system with the help
of hardware.

Software, as you can imagine, is the intangible aspect of the com-

puter system.
Basically, there are six main types of software, which are as follows,

Operating System
Application Software
Utility Software
Language Processors
System Software
Connectivity Software
Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU
Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System


Operating System: These specialized programmes allow the com-

munication between software and hardware. The operating sys-
tems run all the other computer programmes, and even regulate the
startup process of the computer. Examples: Windows XP, Macin-
tosh etc

Application Software: These are designed to perform a specific

task or a bunch of tasks. They can be user-designed (specific to the
user’s needs) or readymade application software. Example: Power-
Point, Tally etc.

Utility Software: Like operating systems, it is a system software.

It helps maintain and protect the computer system. For example,
Anti-virus software is a utility software.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System


Language Processors: Software that interprets computer lan-

guage and translates it into machine language. It also checks for
errors in language syntax and fixes the problems.

System Software: This types of software control the hardware,

the reading of the data and other such internal functions.

Connectivity Software: The special software that facilitates the

connection between the computer system and the server. This al-
lows the computer to share information and communicate with each

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System


The people interacting with the computer system are also an ele-
ment of it.

We call this element the Liveware.

There are three types of people that interact with the system,
Programmers: Professionals who write the computer programs that
allow users to interact with the computer. They must have technical
knowledge of computers and computer languages.
System Analyst: They mainly design data processing systems, and
solve problems that arise in data processing
End-Users: Also known as operators, they are the people who in-
teract with the computer system.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System


These are a set of instructions, written in code, to instruct a com-

puter on how to perform a task, run a software, do calculations etc.

There are three types of procedures in a computer They are,

Hardware-Oriented Procedure: Instructs the hardware compo-

nents of the system, ensures they work smoothly

Software Oriented Procedure: Provides instructions to launch

and run software programs

Internal Procedures: Directs the flow of information and sequences

the data

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System


Data is essentially the raw facts and figures that we input in the

The data gets processed via the computer system and becomes in-
formation, which is processed and organized data.

Information can then be used for decision-making purposes.

The measurement of data is done in terms of “bytes”. One kilobyte

(KB) is approximately 1000 bytes, 1 megabyte (MB) is 1 million
bytes and finally, 1 gigabyte (GB) is approximately 1 billion bytes.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System


This is when the computers are linked to a network.

It facilitates sharing of information, files, and other facilities.

Computers can connect to a network via LAN cables, Bluetooth,

Wi-Fi, satellites etc.

The internet is the most obvious example of connectivity in a com-

puter system.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System

Question 2

A famous computerized accounting software, Tally, is which of

the following?

Operating System

Application Software

Utility Software

None of the above

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System

Question 2

A famous computerized accounting software, Tally, is which of

the following?

Operating System

Application Software

Utility Software

None of the above

Ans: The correct answer is Second One. It handles accounting, inven-

tory management, tax calculations and other such important functions.

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

Introduction To Computers Elements of a Computer System

Thank You!

Topic: Introduction to Computers By Rajib Debnath, Dept. of CSE, TU

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