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aD ent-colonel de iriloy julie 2007 /semnat/ Politic NOTA INFORMATIVA nr.3s0 gig jn nota data este indicat faptul ca prin teritoriul Moldovei ortare a cocainei pe ruta: Columbia-Odesa( U unitatea Europeana. ; . Canalul dat este format din urmatoarele persoane: i functioneaza uy in Canal craina)-Republiea | Motaye” Moldova- ici Stati(Nasu)- cetatean roman, organizeaza finan ibuirea substantelor narcotice- cocaina. Anterior a fost retinut de DEA in SUA eure a cu cocaina. Este responsabil pentru transportarea din Columbia in Ucraina a ntelor narcotice. Are legaturi de prietenie cu Gigi Becali.; tarea, procurarea. transportarea si Tviordohleb Eduard Veniamin, an este cetatean a ldovei, este responsabil impreund cu Vidis A. de transpor Idova si realizarea ei in Comunitatea Europeana. a La moment de catre ultimul a fost fondata IM .-Gegrup-verde” SRL, informatia ce se dispune vor fi transportate drogurile si efectuat ( oP Deasemenea Tviordohleb Eduard are atributie si la hotelul Lin apartine unui cetatean bulgar. care tot este implicat in taficul ilicit 12.07.07 BsPector Principal DA a DSO haior de politic /semnat/ } it Nota informativa, ru nr-350s/s, a fost intocmit la data de /\4 mai . maior de po Jon Beschieru . lector de Instructie 4 / QD [participarea Procurorului puratur re baDs.O.M.A1 Procuror, 3 de prevederile art7 all) tiva de investivati A autoriza ridicarea desciffarilor convorbirilor telefonice ¢ i MOLDTELECOM,, S.A. a descifrarilor convorbirilor Fe. locale, interurbane si intemationale a telefonului de la. Ide pe data de 01” 01.2008 pind la executarea E fectuarea ridicarii de incredintat colaboratorilor DA a DS - Incheierea este definitive axdata adoptarii. cs IG OP fix TELEMEDIA ( ve 0°02" 0,00 0,00 Bpgib6 OP fx TELEMEDIA ( git4 OP gsm MOLDCELL 1'09' o8 99.39 IPG Gold o'09 i pea ppige OP gsm ORANGE 13'27" 5 Re 29 OP fix STARNET 012" 3 . fea2 RUSIA MTT 106" 9,00 001" oo 0,00 fig RUSIA (MTT 7 P fix S’ 2 IQ OP fix STARNET ae ae '22' 0,00 17°40" Ardour Vif REPUB MINISTR ©0000 N UL CHIEF DIRECTOR, FTHE INTE RIA. 4 Z Address: tape TER ORG AWOR™ © 20 8: 1407 SOFIA 45 G NI ene Tel: +(369 2) 968 5288 “p a Blvd. ae rms 88 5902 E-mail: 7o@vr( ~|Head of the Office [Combating drug incomes’ | Copy Chisinau, Moldova to: antidrog@gov.md | | POLICE USE ONLY | 14951/03.07.2008 r. for i ind it had a Bulgarian registration plate CDCOC has presented you with the available information on ine entioned vehicle. From 04 7 the vehicle has been owned by a Zheneta jova ZHEKOVA, d.o.b. In the end of 2007 the following persons: [ANU Marcel, d.o.b. citizen of Romania, TRETIACENCO Valeri t citizen of USA and Moldova, and TVIORDOHLEB Eduard, d.ob citizen of Bulgaria and Romania, crossed the Bulgarian borders with that e. Intelligence from Section “Counter Organized Crime’-Varna depicts TITANU. and TVIORDOHLEB as members of international crime group of Bulgarians, o Romanians and Albanians involved in cocaine, heroine and amphetamine traffic. ‘The above meniioned two/persons have been living in Verne the last ten years. In the last years there has been no indication - vit B is a share holder in the company in criminal activities. TVIORDOHLE! fe Oak Sea Rotor ador Group” which owns the “Ambassador” Hotel in the n Sands” lesire din cont Schimbare parois Alutor MINISTERUL ADMINISTRATIE; 5, INTERNELOR Centrul National de Administra’ OF de Date Drivind Evidenta Persoanace’ Gata pretungire| Data anutre| 27 Apr 2007 (07 lan 2005 2 hun 2608 rat wn 200% [19 Sep 2001 Data in Wontiera] Data activ 13 Sep 2001] -

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